Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 121: got the wrong person……

"I went to see"

Wu Lanshuang said with a long sword in his hand and walking towards the bubbly pool dozens of meters away.

The water broke, and a man in iron armor stood up.

咳 "Ahem ... don't kill me, I'm the third head of Hongyan Mountain, I surrender ..."

The other side raised his hands and gasped while coughing again, his face flushed, apparently unable to hold back in the water.

"Get down early and talk"

Aspen said slightly back.

Tong Lanshuang nodded, the sword came out of the sheath, and quickly approached.

Obviously, this three-headed man is also a bad-mouthed guy. His raised hands quickly pulled out two short spears from the back, and his arm trembled. One of the short spears cut through the air and gave a harsh shriek and flew to Lanshuang, and he took it With another short spear rushed to another time to escape.

"Brother Beware"

几个 Several people in the Lan family including Lan Xin reminded at the same time.


Hu Lanshuang snorted coldly, his footsteps kept flashing, a gleam of cold light flashed, the sword stabbed, and the short spear was in the middle.

Uh ...

In the splattering cremation, the short spear flying towards him was smashed, and Lan Shuang's face changed slightly. Unexpectedly, the short spear thrown by the other side was so powerful that he was shocked to take two steps back.

"Where to go!"

The yak-jian roared loudly, and the long stick in his hand slammed in the direction of the escape route of the three masters. At the same time, he rushed to the past quickly.

"Can't be quiet? Why do these people like to have a voice when they do?"

Aspen rubbed his ears and said nothing.


Yak Jian smashed a long stick into the stone ground for more than two feet, and the stone debris was flying, which just blocked the escape route of the three masters. He had no choice but to turn.

Wu Lanshuang's figure appeared on the side of San Dian's house, and the sharp sword in his hand pierced his heart like lightning.

Twenty-three master's face changed greatly, Lan Shuang's sword was too fast, abandoned all fancy moves, there was no room for manoeuvre, and it was a ruthless move to ignore the defense and kill the opponent!

"Don't worry about me when I die"!

I couldn't escape, Sanjia roared and smashed his short spear into Lan Shuang's head.

扑哧 ......

Wu Lanshuang appeared spookily behind Sanjia, and his wrist trembled gently, throwing the blood above the sword out of the cold channel:

"We have the same realm, but you are much slower than me"!

Uh ...

The head of the house fell to the ground with a crack on his chest, a crack in his chest, the blood poured out like a fountain, his strength quickly passed, and his fingers reached out to Lan Shuang, but what he wanted to say was inexplicable because of the blood in his mouth. I sighed.

"You can't slow down, I haven't worked with people in the same realm for a long time"

牛 Niu Jian rushed over at this moment, looked at the third master who fell to the ground, scratched his head and looked at Lan Shuang silently.

"Nosy, you want to test, I am always here to accompany"

Lan Shuang said with a lip, and the sword returned to the white poplar's sheath,

"I won't fight you, you dare not approach me, I can't fight you, it's boring and tight"

Yak Jian pulled out his long stick to resist the pace of Lan Shuang on his shoulder and said in a sigh of breath ...

"Lan Shuang's" comparison "pretends I give full marks ..."

Bai Yang murmured in his heart, but he did not expect that he actually practiced some ideas at the beginning. Although Bai Yang did not understand martial arts, he would analyze it.

"When did Big Brother become so powerful? It is also a six-blooded warrior, but what three masters were killed by Big Brother with one sword!"

Lanfei said very surprised.

"And the big brother is not using any sword tricks, but just a simple straight piercing, but why is it so ... terrible"?

Wu Lanqing was also puzzled.

"Two brothers and four brothers, do you think that your brother is very dangerous? If you can't kill the enemy, you will be in a very dangerous situation."

Wu Lanxin frowned.

Look, this is not explained ...

"You guys are really here to watch and play, right? Don't say these are useless, hurry up and search around to see if there are any missing fish, but be careful"

Tong Baiyang interrupted them silently. Is it time to discuss these?

Xi Lanxin Lan Qing Lan Fei's three brothers and sisters didn't even have a rebuttal. They looked at each other and went to search for the fish that leaked the net.

Huh? What's wrong, so obedient?

Aspen stunned.


At this moment, a distant piece of stone ground broke open, and a gunman figure rushed out in the gravel blast, and a roar rang through the entire Red Rock Mountain.

"The surname is Bai, you destroy my Hongyan Mountain Foundation, I killed you"!

In the roar of roar, the gunman's shadow was flashing towards ... towards the other side of Fengli ...

"Protect the young master ..."

"Protect the young master ..."

Dozens of sounds sounded at the same time, which were said by Lan Shuang Niu Jian and their subordinates brought by Feng Li.

"It should be the blood of the escaped surname before. This is awful ... Sando and Axia at my side are all ready for you. What does it mean to rush to Fengli?"

Aspen's heart was super stunned.

For a moment, the poplar had been protected by several brothers and sisters of the Lanjia Niujia.

此时 They also looked at each other at a loss.

You said you want to kill my young master, why are you rushing to young Feng San?

The blood that has no human shape is too fast, fierce as a tiger, holding a spear and rushing to Fengli, it is like a tiger entering the flock, and the person who protects Fengli is quickly killed by a shot and close to Feng ceremony!

"His ... the nine **** warriors are like the original Che Hong"!

Lan Shuang took a sip of air-conditioned sinking channel.

"But why did he rush to Fengsan Shao"?

Yak Jian scratched his head in puzzlement.

"Say you ca n’t open his eyes without seeing him? Apparently, you're wrong."

Aspen said silently.

He said that he could admit that he was meowing? Was your throat deliberately scaring Lao Tzu?

额 "Um, Master, do we want to help in the past? It seems that the other person's hearing and vision have been seriously affected by Master ’s du medicine ~ www.readwn.com ~ The strength is greatly reduced, and it should be able to kill."

Wu Lanshuang asked Bai Yang.

"Help, be sure to help, don't let him make any accidents"

Tong Baiyang said sternly, bit the word help a lot, and deliberately did not say Feng Li's name.

None of the presents was a real stupid person. Wen Xianyin knew his intentions, looked at each other, and left half to protect the poplar. The others rushed to Fengli's side.

"No rush, let's save you"

"The gangsters are crazy, even dare to run out and do it!"

Hey, although you understand what I mean and want to test the details of Feng Li, it ca n’t be so obvious. But run faster. If you ca n’t get out of work, it ’s better than your ‘slow walk’.

A bunch of acting skills are worse than the first-year students who entered the School of Film and Television. Don't mention that speechless ...

Feng Li and Bai Yang brought 50 guards when they left Deyang Town, and more than 50 collars were sent behind them. In order to protect Feng Li, hundreds of people rushed to the end of the blood without fear of death. Most of them have been slaughtered, but the rest are still rushing to the blood.

Strangling will not retreat!

画面 This picture surprised Bai Yang again and was puzzled by the loyalty of the people here!

For the Lord, I do n’t even need my own life. On the other side of the earth, people do n’t want to die for themselves. This kind of loyalty loyalty here ca n’t be understood by Poplar for a while. On the other side of the earth, if the casualties are so large The rest of the bodyguards ran away early ...

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