Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 1294: destination

Shen Tu died, and the fortune in mid-middle came. Through the call of the mind and heart, Aspen learned that killing Shen Tu himself had obtained 23 million military achievements!

What concept of 23 million military achievements is equivalent to one person Shen Tu being equal to 23 million personal monks in the realm of kings!

Poplar's heart shook. Shen Tu must be a highly anticipated existence in his own race. He was highly hoped by all parties and killed him. In a sense, it was equivalent to cutting off some futures of the monkey family!

If a race wants to gain a foothold in the starry sky, the top strong must resist the pressure from all sides. The death of the strong and the lack of asylum in the lower levels is tantamount to weakening the space for the survival of this race and thus affecting the continuation of this ethnic civilization This is the flow of luck. With the passing of each other, this race is weak, the other races are strong, and the essence of luck looting is here!

Thoughts flickered, and Poplar looked down. Something fell in the place where Shen Tu died, but at the moment it appeared, it was annihilated by darkness. Only three leaves remained.

These three leaves are peculiar. The form of willow leaves is like jade. Two of them are completely golden, and the third half is golden.

As soon as his eyes lighted, Aspen recognized that this should be what Shen Tu used to collect luck.

"He should have more than these three leaves that collect luck, but it shouldn't look long before he stepped on the emperor level. It should have been consumed. Unfortunately, if it is left to me, it is good, but the items that collect luck are actually Without being annihilated by darkness, it seems that such things as luck are beyond the scope of the great wilderness that creates the wasteland ... "

To his own heart, Topol did not hesitate to put these three leaves together. He foresaw that he would need a lot of luck to wash his life to promote the sage mirror, which was preparing for promotion.

Shen Tu was dead. The desert slave didn't even take a closer look, didn't even pay attention to the poplar, took the sickle of the evil spirit to the darkness, and the poplar immediately greeted Yaya to follow.

Wearing the red ball equipment out of the wasteland equipment, the advantage is that the poplar can move freely without being affected by the wasteland, but after all, the poplar is not a desert slave in the wasteland. After obstructing his sight, he can only follow the desert slave.

"Where the **** is this guy going?"

After following the desert slave for a while, Aspen never encountered any creatures, and couldn't help muttering.

The desolate slave did not seem to wander aimlessly, but went straight in a certain direction, as if something was calling him.

After traveling all the way for nearly three hours, under the condition that the speed was not slow, Aspen did not know how far he had come to the wasteland.

Just as Bai Yang wondered how long he would have to go, a figure suddenly appeared in the darkness.

Poplar looked subconsciously, twitching slightly at the corner of his mouth, because he saw ‘self’!

The person who appeared was exactly the same as Bai Yang, stepping on a black boat under his feet, and the darkness around him could not affect him.

The other party saw the picture of Bai Yang Ya Ya and the desert slave together, and for a moment, turned and disappeared into the darkness instantly.

After blinking, Bai Yang scolded at the place where the guy disappeared. The guy was absolutely forced to disguise himself, and Bai Yang dare to be 100% sure that he was the unruly old man!

Count on you running fast, otherwise I won't kill you!

Bai Yang hummed in his heart, tangled, and knocked on his sap in disguise as him in the deserted city. I didn't expect that guy was disguising himself, and I didn't know how many pots he had carried him!

Pretending to be a desert slave, he didn't recognize me. There will always be a time to meet again, and when that happens, hum ...

The old guy disguised as a poplar appeared and disappeared so quickly that the desert slaves in front didn't respond, and the poplar's sight was blocked, and he could not go after him, but continued to follow the desert slaves aimlessly.

The wasteland is too big. Although there are many creatures from various ethnic groups entering the wasteland in the deserted city, but more than 90% of them died at first, and someone must fall in succession afterwards. The remaining scattered parties are not easy to encounter. Especially under the premise of not being able to see through the darkness, it is not even possible to look around with mental force, which is impossible.

After advancing for another half an hour, Aspen actually met his companion. Of course, it was not Aspen's companion, but the desert slave in the wasteland.

A whole three desert slaves came out of the darkness and met them unexpectedly.

The three desert slaves did not respond to the existence of Poplar and Yaya, took a brief look, and then went forward together, not knowing where to go.

When encountering these three desolate slaves, Bai Yangxin all mentioned his throat and eyes, for fear that the other party would recognize him and be attacked, fortunately the other party did not react.

Following the four desert slaves, the poplar's mind was immediately alive, hunting the desert slaves, although they could not use the things that fell on them, but they could get the merit from heaven. This is a good thing for the merit Jinlian to improve , How could Aspen not be attentive?

Quietly falling to the back, Poplar's eyes looked around the three desert slaves in front of him, looking for the target to start with.

"It's the last female slave who looks like a woman. Yaya, wait for you to let the black fish pop bubbles to imprison her. I will kill her again. I must make a quick decision. Don't startle others know? "Bai Yang said secretly to Yaya.

Yaya nodded to understand.

Several desert slaves did not even realize that they had a spy, and proceeded without any alert.

After walking for another three minutes, a few desert slaves seemed to have attracted attention because of something, and accelerated their pace and rushed in a certain direction.

Poplar secretly said a good opportunity, and immediately started to take action.

The black fish spit bubbles and imprisoned the target desert slave. Aspen flashed over, and the years passed with three swords, killing the desert slave. The whole process took less than a second, and it succeeded!

The desert slave died, leaving a dark whip on the ground, which turned into a dark mist and merged into the darkness.

Although Poplar's speed was fast enough, it still caught the attention of the first three desert slaves. They stopped and turned to look over.

Poplar and Yaya were quiet and pretending to be innocent without knowing anything.

The three desert slaves looked at it, found nothing strange, and then turned and moved on.

Slightly relieved, Aspen immediately ordered the red ball to swallow the long whip to keep up with the three desert slaves in front.

Otherwise, it is difficult to defend against the thief and the night defense. The fortresses were attacked from the inside. It is the correct posture to hunt them in the desert slave team.

Paying attention to Jinlian's merit for understanding the world of the sea, Aspen found that the merit gained after killing a desert slave made Jinlian grow a little bit more.

What makes Poplar strange is that until now he killed three desert slaves with his own hands, which led to three fuzzy figures appearing on the petals of the merit golden lotus. It was inexplicable. I do n’t know if it was a good thing or a bad thing. The three vague figures now show nothing special at all.

Setting aside these, Aspen followed the three desert slaves for a distance and stopped.

There must have been a battle here before, and the scale was not small. Although the darkness has wiped everything out, more than a dozen objects on the ground collecting luck and five desert slaves staying in place have explained everything.

The number of people who participated in the battle previously exceeded at least ten. How many dead strong poplars, Bai Yang, did not know, but at least four desert slaves died because there were four pieces of equipment falling from the desert.

Who are the four desert slaves, who dare to steal my merit!

Aspen's heart secretly said.

The two sides merged, because the battle had ended, and the desert slave itself did not have any communication, and then went together in a certain direction.

Bai Yang's team has grown. One of the previous four was killed by him, and another five were added. A total of eight went in a certain direction in the dark.

Quietly put away more than a dozen objects for collecting luck, and let the red ball swallow the desert slave equipment on the ground, and Poplar followed with Yaya.

It is good to follow the indigenous people in the wasteland like desert slaves. I can pick up things for free along the way. Good people, I will definitely repay you.

There are already nearly twenty air transport objects in hand, and two-thirds of them are filled with air transport. Poplar would like to immediately try to impact the realm of saints, but obviously the current conditions do not allow it and can only bear it.

Poplar's way of repaying desert slaves is to hang behind them, sneak attacking one from time to time, and when the desert slaves turn around, he pretends to be innocent again.

In less than ten minutes, the original eight desert slaves still had five left. The red ball swallowed three desert slave equipment. The poplar's merit Jinlian grew, but three more fuzzy ones were added to the golden lotus. Figure.

Just as Bai Yang was thinking about whether to continue, their team grew again, and they suddenly encountered more than a dozen desert slaves. The two sides met and there was no communication, but they moved forward together somewhere.

It seems that as we get closer to the destination, more and more desert slaves are encountered.

Although thinking in this way, Poplar didn't have any ambiguity. He raided one behind the team from time to time, and was very happy while at the same time. The merit Jinlian grew up with hunting wild slaves. Bai Yang could not wait for the end of this road. it is good.

After nearly 20 hours, Aspen did not remember how many wild slaves were killed. The merit Jinlian has grown to the late nine grades. The fuzzy figure above is 234, almost covered with a petal of Jinlian. .

He killed so much. The desert slave team not only did not decrease, but reached a full scale of more than 500. This is a terrible power. Wherever he passed by, he encountered an alien creature ~ www.readwn.com ~ Run face to face.

Of course, some did not run away, but Aspen didn't even have a chance to act, he was piled up by desert slaves.

No way, Poplar can only pick up things after the desert slaves pass.

At the end of the road, when Bai Yang expected to go on like this, he followed this group of desert slaves, and took another step forward, and then there was no longer a dark wasteland ahead.

"The fountain of life!"

Staring at the front, Bai Yang secretly said in his heart.

But seeing the environment ahead, Poplar took a sip of cold air and numbness ...

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