Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 1298: Long Ao, who killed himself

A ray of white light fell across the sky into the desert slave group, pointing directly at the place where the poplar was.

Long Ao was sold in front of me, followed by this ray of white light. In addition, the level of poplar itself is lower than that of desert slaves. It is basically the lice on the monk's head.


Standing in the desert slave group, Poplar instantly became a high-profile presence, which is second, and the most important thing is that Poplar was caught in an unprecedented crisis!

"Long Ao, Lao Tzu will kill you sooner or later!" Bai Yang's heart resentful, gritted teeth are not enough to describe his mood at this time.

The old driver also has a rollover. He has always been overshadowed by others, but now it is on his own.

Before the encounter, even if Long Ao vowed that someone had mixed up with the desert slave community, Bai Yang still had a hint of luck in his heart. Although he felt that Long Ao was targeting himself, what if it wasn't?

没 I haven't run away for a while now. The strong men of all races are not blind. Will they not see through their identities?

In fact, when Long Ao said that someone was in the desert slave community, Poplar knew that the big deal was bad, but he didn't dare to move. The surrounding desert slaves didn't move, and God knew what kind of end would be if he had a little change.

此时 However, at this time, Bai Yang was thinking about whether he should take measures? What happens to the desert slaves when you move? What's the point of staying on without you moving?

"I want you to die!"

In the distance, a cold sound of bones sounded in the place where the humans gathered. The baby looked at Long Ao with a frost on his face, and his eyes flashed in his eyes. A golden bow and crossbow appeared in his hand, and he raised nine hands and shot 9 at Long Ao. Golden crossbow.

Each crossbow is Jiupin. Although it is a disposable consumable, its power is more terrible than ordinary Jiupin weapons. The crossbow cuts through the void, such as a meteor flying away, flying towards Long Ao with a breath that penetrates everything.

In the face of such a situation, Long Ao, who had been so scheming for a long time, did not understand why Princess Tianxin had such a big reaction.

As the golden crossbow arrived, he reacted and immediately resisted. His long gun traced the mysterious trajectory of the road, and Ding Dingding's voice was not allowed to lift the nine crossbow arrows.

Boom boom boom ...

Nine crossbows fell into the distance, like a star exploding, terror swept through waves, and the entire space was buzzing.

"Her Royal Highness Princess, what do you mean? Do you want to violate the agreement between my dragon and the Tianyuan Empire?" After picking up the crossbow, Long Ao had a lingering heart, and looked at the baby with an ugly deep voice.

"I want you to die, you must die, General Luo, kill me!" The baby did not care about this, and left such a sentence with a frost on his face, instead of paying attention to Long Ao, turned and looked at Bai Yang with a worried look. Where it is.

知道 She knows that it is almost impossible to kill Long Ao. After all, Long Ao's strength is there, so she no longer wastes that strength, and instructs Luo Gang around her.

When he got the baby's order, Luo Gang hesitated. He was in a dilemma. He didn't know if he should execute this command. His heart was tangled. He looked at Yu Huayun subconsciously and expected the other party to give him a hint.

Wu Yuhuayun gave no hint. He was still struggling with the sudden disruption of the plan at the moment. Besides, he didn't know much about the princess, so he shouldn't know it.

Luo Gang was helpless. The princess' order could not be disobeyed, but she could only bravely kill Long Ao. Taking into account that the power of the Dragon tribe was not small, it was a great help to the Tianyuan Empire. Pretend to look good.

"General Luo, you ..." In the face of Luo Gang's fierce and overbearing knife, Long Ao's face changed suddenly.

Luo Gang looked indifferent, chopped off with a sword, looked as hard as he could, but actually put too much water, and secretly sent a message to Long Ao, "His Royal Highness, please be considerate of me as a subordinate. The princess loses her temper I ca n’t help but pretend. I ca n’t help myself. ”


Xiao Longao's face was ugly, how did things turn into this? Offended the princess Tianxin for no reason. The trouble behind is not small, and although Luo Gang is only pretending to look at the present, at the level of Luo Gang, it is not casual. Long Ao must go all out and have no time to pay attention. What's wrong with Poplar?

Luo Luogang and Long Ao fought fiercely, Yu Bo surging, as if two stars collided, although the two intentionally avoided the various races, but inevitably spread to everywhere.

However, the various ethnic groups did not take it seriously. This point did not affect them at all. Instead, they looked at the excitement with interest.

All the ethnic groups are laughing, and the human civilization is really scattered, but before this happens, they will go into chaos first.

"General Luo, what are you going to do before you stop?" Long Ao resisted passively and asked silently.

除非 "Unless the princess revokes the order, or you pretend to be seriously injured and dying, I will take you to the princess?" Luo Gang responded.

Long Ao's heart is numb, will Princess Tianxin revoke the order? It's impossible to see her like that. Another one, pretending to be hurt by you and trying to hide Princess Tianxin is delusional, unless she was seriously injured and dying, but she still has a life in front of Princess Tianxin?

This special, let's fight on.

龙 In the pain of Long Ao's eggs, he moved, his body shook, and his head bowed incredibly.

At this moment, Luo Gang's knife arrived. He did not expect that Long Ao would not resist it suddenly.

Long sword slashed on Long Ao's shoulder, almost splitting his half body down.

"Really? Do you want to fight this way?" Luo Gang froze, thinking that Long Ao agreed to his proposal and pretended to be injured.

However, this is not the case. Long Ao bowed his head, not because he agreed with Luo Gang's proposal, but because he felt a heartache and felt like he was dying!

I saw the position of Long Ao's heart at this time. A wooden sword penetrated his heart, and there was golden blood on the top.

"I said, you are looking for death!"

Shan Longao heard behind him Qiulin's voice without any mood swings!

Qi Dan Qiulin said that Long Ao counted Bai Yang. He said that Long Ao was looking for death, so when Long Ao and Luo Gang fought, he shot without hesitation, and a sword penetrated Long Ao's heart.

Uh ...!

The sound of the words dropped, Shan Qiulin raised his arm and penetrated the wooden sword of Long Ao's body upwards, trying to tear it in half.

Ang ~!

Xiaolong proudly issued a roar and roar of the dragon. At the critical moment, Jin Xia soared into his body, and instantly turned into a body. A golden dragon reaching nearly 100,000 miles, a huge body almost filled the universe!

In front of his huge body, Shan Qiulin's wooden sword is hardly even a toothpick, and naturally he can't tear it in half. Not only that, but it was too late for Dan Qiulin to be transformed into the body of Long Ao. Zhenfei.


Holding a wooden sword, Shan Qiulin stands in the void, coldly spit out a killing word, a wave of the wooden sword, an invisible stalk of heaven and earth appeared, and it was cut off with the breath that cut everything.

Uh ...

Jiu Longao's huge body was instantly cut into two pieces by Shan Qiulin's sword. The dragon body, which was as strong as a **** iron, could not withstand Shan Qiulin's swordsmanship. The golden dragon's blood was raging like a sea!

Sudden changes have stunned all races. Are you really doing it?

His body was cut into two parts by Shan Qiulin, especially in the case of the heart being crushed by the sword gas, Long Ao knew that he had a bigger load.

In my current state, if there is still a chance to survive in other places, but where is this place? This is a real deserted city. Not only are there strong men of all races, but also tens of thousands of desert slaves, how can they let themselves go?

傲 Long Ao, with only half his body, gawked and said, "Since so, don't blame me!"

The words of the crickets fell, and half of the dragon body rushed towards the desert slave group regardless.

The purpose is self-evident, he is not up to himself, he wants to pull everyone back!

"No, stop him!"

"This guy is crazy, kill him ..."

The faces of all parties became angry and roared, Long Ao, this guy can't actually frame everyone, it's too particular.

However, despite the rapid response from all parties, it was still late.

Long Ao's incomplete body rushed to the desert slave group, and took all his efforts to take a photo with his claws. The dragon claws covered the sky, covering almost half of the desert slaves. Not only that, he spit out a golden golden dragon ball in his mouth, facing the other half The desert slave fell.

As a result, all parties found in horror that tens of thousands of desert slaves were 'alive', originally standing indifferent!

Buzz buzz ...!

After dozens of wicked sword-shaped swordsman swordsmanship soared into the sky, Long Ao was hanged into pieces instantly in front of this force. When the blood rain was in the air, Long Ao's body was eroded by evil air and turned into flying ash.

The generation of dragons, Tianjiao and Longao, actually fell like this ...

However, this is not the point. The point is that the terrible desert slave army actually launched an attack on the surrounding races!

This is the beginning of a world war!

It ’s all fast and slow, and it ’s just happening in a few breaths ~ www.readwn.com ~ The poplars in the desert slave group stared blankly, Long Ao's white light came to point out himself At that time, the desert slaves around were not moving and remained motionless. He didn't fart himself. Instead, he made troubles on his own side and caused the desert slaves to hang himself ...

"What's so special, haven't you provoked Song Changge's pits, and 咋 has killed yourself? Is it because your brother Long Hao's bad luck has infected you?"

Astonishment stunned while poplar groaned.

Desolate slaves attacked the surrounding races, and Poplar was wearing desert equipment that appeared in red balls, but was ignored by the desolate army.

Blinked, Bai Yang's heart jumped, turned slightly, and looked in the direction of the ancient well with endless vitality. Did he take the fountain of life in his hand while he was in chaos?

Despite this idea, Bai Yang was hesitant to look at the remnants of the Dahuang Taoist by the side of the ancient well. Compared to that, the desert slaves were drizzle at all. The key to getting the fountain of life was the Dahuangdao by the side of the ancient well. Lord's thoughts!

杀 "Kill, the fountain of life is ahead!"

"Hmm, the fountain of life is mine, whoever dares to fight with me will kill anyone!"

As Bai Yang hesitated, dozens of figures broke through the desert slave army, or sneered or roared away towards the fountain of life ...

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