Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 409: Fortune

"You're wrong. This sentence comes from the Buddhist scriptures. It says," I have experienced pain before I understand the suffering of sentient beings. I have been attached. .

"Really?" Bai Yang shrugged, and she was indeed a young literary girl, and she could tell the source of any word.

Looking at Bai Yang, Wang Qingyu thoughtfully and laughed: "Do you have a mind?"

"How could someone like me who is so heartless and heartless have something to worry about?" Bai Yang said haha, not to mention the stubble.

This girl is too smart. That's it. I can guess a lot of irrelevant words. The key is that it's pretty accurate. This can't be done ...

"Can you talk to me? After all, I will be your wife in the future" Wang Qingyu drank his tea and bowed his head slightly, seemingly casually, but quite serious.

"It's not clear for a while and a half, I'll say it later" Bai Yang really didn't want to say this.

My heart was slightly lost, but Wang Qingyu did not show it. Fortunately, the waiter served the food in time to resolve the embarrassment between the two.

Because this private restaurant serves very few people, the speed of the above dishes is fast, it is endless, and it is like an assembly line.

The dishes are mainly Sichuan, fresh, fragrant, hemp, and spicy. It smells appetizing when you smell it.

Aspens are blooming in large chunks. He is really hungry and sweats a lot, but he hasn't left Wang Qingyu alone, and he always gives her food to try his best.

"Huh?" As soon as he was eating, Poplar suddenly frowned and looked up, looking around in doubt.

Wang Qingyu noticed his strangeness, stopped his chopsticks and asked, "What's wrong?"

Frowning around, Aspen shook his head and said, "Nothing."

My heart was puzzled, but Wang Qingyu didn't ask, nodded and continued to eat. Her movements were elegant, picturesque, and she ate very slowly, which was in stark contrast to Bai Yang's hearty eating.

A slow and humorous picture of eating Hesse, and it seems to be quite harmonious, is also amazing.

The reason why he was puzzled was because at that moment, the poplar's heart burst out, and he had a weird feeling, but he couldn't make it clear, and he couldn't figure out where that feeling came from.

Since he became Yin God, there will always be some inexplicable feelings in his heart, and Poplar also knows that after the evolution of his soul, he has a deep sense of many things in nature.

According to his understanding, the Shinto monk of the other world reached a certain point, and one of the thoughts could know the fate of the destiny, which was simply an unknown prophet, and it was a burdock.

Of course, his realm is still too far away, but there is only a subconscious induction, not even his whim.

He was full of wine and full of rice, and Poplar didn't understand where the feeling came from. After observing, Wang Qing didn't have any changes. It was strange.

At this moment, Wang Qing was in another private room. There were six people in it. There was a yellow man besides him. The rest were crooked nuts. Three whites and a black man. They were not 'just introduced their identity'. Bai Yang heard that he didn't understand their identity.

However, the topics that the guys talked about were drag racing and gambling. Bai Yang was not interested in this and ignored it.

"Are you ready to eat? Let's go to the movie next?" Bai Yang said, putting down his chopsticks and looking at the opposite Wang Qingyu.

Putting down the chopsticks and wiping his mouth gracefully, Wang Qingyu nodded to indicate that he was full.

"Don't be polite with me, full is full or full, I will not laugh at you," Bai Yang grinned.

"I eat very little," Wang Qingyu said silently.

"Eat less is better to feed me. I wonder, why do you grow so much when you eat so little ..." The poplar rushed out and glanced at Wang Qingyu's chest.

"Hmm ..." Wang Qingyu's face flushed, and he took a sip of poplar. Who was this?

"My wife-in-law looked at me for a moment," Bai Yang muttered, and then asked the waiter to pay.

Although there is not much to eat, but it ’s expensive, it ’s a dozen dishes, and you have n’t drunk yet.

"It's too profitable to engage in catering, especially in such high places, it's simply stealing money," Bai Yang lamented after paying by credit card.

"It's still quite small. This restaurant has a kind of wine called Cao Huan Dan. It will cost 300,000 a bottle. Many people come here. It is normal to spend more than one million. It is normal to be here. Not bad money, "Wang Qingyu laughed.

Aspen has a strange face. Is the co-author Cao Huan Dan now very high on the Chinese side?

"Let's go" Bai Yang stood up and stretched out his hand to Wang Qingyu.

Naturally, Wang Qingyu handed his Bai Nennen's palm to Poplar's hand, and the two left the box in hand.

Wang Qingyu's hands were very tender and slippery, soft and boneless. They were like marshmallows in his hands, and Poplar squeezed them subconsciously.

At one glance, Bai Qing didn't say anything. Fortunately, Bai Yang didn't do anything extraordinary. When thinking of the words that her mother explained before going out, she would not know how to deal with it if she made excessive demands.

From beginning to end, there were no dog blood incidents.

When leaving the private room, Bai Yang said that the guys were not doing anything and didn't know what was bad, but they didn't care.

After sitting on r8, Poplar subconsciously glanced back at this restaurant, and suddenly his eyes glared, to understand where the inexplicable feeling came from before.

"What happened?" Wang Qingyu asked with concern when he saw that Bai Yang's face wasn't right.

Frowning slightly, Aspen looked at the restaurant behind him and said, "Something is going on here!"

"What happened? What happened?" Wang Qingyu suddenly didn't understand.

Aspen shook his head and said nothing.

At this moment, he opened his eyes and looked at this restaurant again. The black gas surging above it became richer and thicker. The face of that black gas made people feel scared.

Carefully recalling the information in the true explanation of Guanqi, Bai Yang learned that those black gases that are not visible to the naked eye are disaster gases, and where such things often appear, it proves that disaster will occur!

"Is this disaster about to happen? But it's strange," Bai Yang said to himself.

I scanned the entire restaurant, but I didn't find the source of the disaster, there were no terrorists, and there was nothing dangerous, but why is there a disaster in this place?

He was puzzled.

Another thing he was puzzled about was that the throbbing feeling in the heart when he and Wang Qingyu were eating was instinctively feeling that something was going on in this place, but why did it take so long until I left?

Soon the poplar understood the key points!

Dragon Air Bodyguard!

"Yes, it should be like this. Disasters would have erupted in this place early in the morning, but I have a dragon gas guard, and when I am fierce, with my own suppression there, I have delayed the time of the disaster!"

To understand this, Aspen was shocked.

Many people say that when the power of the king is shaken, some people will accept the request and accept the younger brother. At this time, it is not a lie to him. The kind of life is strange, and the body has a protective body that can affect it others!

People with strange lives are in bad circumstances, some people voluntarily sell their lives, and even go out to pick up treasures. Many examples in Chinese history can explain why many people with low backgrounds can finally land on the treasure. That's because they are freaky and have good fortune.

In the history, weren't Zhu Yuanzhang and Liu Xuande, who were they at first? Beggar, who sells sandals, but what?

This is the magical fate, which cannot be explained.

I thought a lot in my heart, and Bai Yang's hands were not idle. He immediately drove the car away from the restaurant several hundred meters away and said to Wang Qingyu, "You stay here."

Seeing Bai Yang getting off, Wang Qingyu asked, "Where are you going?"

"Something is going over there, no matter what, since I have encountered it, I have to remind the people inside," Bai Yang replied, got out of the car and ran to the restaurant quickly.

Although he is not a good person, he knows that something will happen, but he does not remind those innocent people that he still cannot do such things.

However, Aspen is still late.

When he brought Wang Qingyu to a safe place, perhaps because he left and lost the repression of his unique personality, the disaster over the restaurant suddenly erupted to the extreme.

The dark calamity permeated, and the dark clouds overwhelmed the city, making him frightened.


A loud noise came from the restaurant, and the next moment the fire broke out!

Boom boom ... Then, a series of explosions sounded in the restaurant, and soon the entire restaurant was flooded with flames.

"This ..." Bai Yang stopped. It was too sudden. He didn't want to save anyone, and could only watch the place drowned by the flames.

His mind was unable to control those flames, he couldn't save people, and he didn't learn any rain spells.

Through mental observation, Poplar found that the source of the disaster was actually caused by the gas tank explosion in the restaurant.

The source comes from the gas tank. He could not think that the gas tank would explode. More than ten gas tanks exploded in a row. The power was quite horrible.

When Bai Yang looked at the **** over there, Wang Qingyu also got out of the car and stood next to Bai Yang with a pale expression: "It's terrible. Fortunately, we leave in time, otherwise we can't imagine ...

Speaking of this ~ www.readwn.com ~ Wang Qingyu's expression was stiff, looking at Bai Yang's face was incredible.

"Don't look at me like this. The matter here has nothing to do with me." Bai Yang understood the meaning in her eyes and said nothing.

"Then how did you know?" Wang Qingyu asked.

Earlier, Poplar said that something would happen there. Anyone would doubt it.

"I said I would count you as a believer?" Bai Yang's egg hurt.

With a look on his face, Wang Qingyu nodded suddenly, "I believe!"

She thought of the magical methods of poplar, wouldn't that be a strange thing?

The gas tank of the restaurant stopped and exploded, surrounded by flames and billowing smoke. When Poplar was about to let Wang Qingyu get on the train, he went to see if he could save people, and his expression became quite strange again.

Over there, screams came and went, and many people ran out in horror ...

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