Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 425: died?

A towering tree grows on the edge of a cliff, with a diameter of 100 meters. It is extremely vigorous. It has a silvery body and a split skin like dragon scales. There are mysterious textures looming. The top of the space touched the mist rising above. ⒉3

The roots of the big tree are intertwined with giant pythons, penetrate the rock mass, and hang down below the cliff.

On this big tree, there is an associated vine, about ten meters thick, coiled around the tree like a dragon.

The evil thing is that the skin of this vine is like dragon scales. If it had not had small branches and withered leaves, I really thought it was a dragon body entangled in the tree!

The tallest recorded tree on the earth is less than two hundred meters. One can imagine how big the two plants are.

"Key point? The key point is the fruit of that weird old vine knot, maybe that's what you call vitality," said Bai Yang, looking at it with burning eyes.

The leaves of the trees and old vines have all fallen out, withered and died, bare, and as fragile as anything else in this space.

However, in the space where everything seems extremely fragile, the old vine wrapped around the tree actually bears fruit. I want to know with my **** that the fruit is extraordinary, especially if the fruit looks alive. under.

At a height of more than 2,000 meters above the ground, a stalk of fruit hanging from the end of the old vine is too eye-catching. Although it is only one foot long, it has a vitality that makes people want to pay attention to it. Nope.

"Fruit? What kind of fruit?" Shan Qiulin asked curiously. The blind man was not good at this point and could not see it.

Others stared at the fruit with burning eyes, shortness of breath, and nervousness, especially the three people of Gu Qifeng, Yufei, Feng, and Hutu, whose eyes were almost green.

After glancing at the others, Aspen squinted and said, "A yellow gourd hanging from a tree two kilometers high!"

That yellow-skinned gourd looks very ordinary, hanging quietly, but such a living gourd actually appears in this deadly world, can it be ordinary?

But the poplar ’s heart is a bit weird. The dead space, the strange trees, the old vines of the evil gate are all very large, but they only grow a foot-long yellow leather gourd. In comparison, there is an inexplicable sense of joy?

It's normal for you to grow to the size of the house.

Wouldn't a child pop up in the broken gourd? Shouted: Hey, the goblin let my grandpa ...

Withdrawing the messy thoughts, Bai Yang looked forward, and he would get that gourd anyway.

"That gourd is different from the other items in this space. It must be extraordinary with faint vitality," Yu Feifeng said, taking a deep breath.

As a character from a big family, there are still some insights. I am afraid that gourd is an amazing baby.

"You said, this space becomes the fragile state now, will it be caused by this gourd absorbing all the essence? If this is the case, this gourd will be extraordinary," said Gucci Peak with a trembling voice, his throat undulating , Swallowing.

The tiger was on the side, pointing at him with a bazooka, "Don't pay attention, everything here is my young master"

"Well, what we saw together, why did you say it was your master?" Gucci Peak said silently.

"Hum, this space was found by my young master. You just came to look at it. There are no doors to move here." No matter how many tigers, Hu Zi decided that the things inside were all poplars.

Here is Hu Tu Gu Qi Feng Yu Fei Feng three are outsiders, and after listening to the words of Hu Zi, they are quite speechless, especially when they see that all the poplars bring their weapons to the three of them without any trace, they are so depressed that they think Hematemesis.

Hu Tu opened his mouth to say what he wanted to say, and finally shut up, looking at Bai Yang who was looking around and couldn't help but ask: "Brother Bai, what are you looking for?"

Aspen looked around, didn't look at the gourds on the tree, and even opened her eyes and mind to look around, her face was strange.

Hearing Hu Tu's words, he tangled with his chin and said: "Usually at this time, there should be several people secretly jumping out and shouting that hahaha, the thing is mine, you are all dead, I am looking for those people ..."

What is it? Gucci Peak looked at each other. When there was a good thing, a group of people ran out to grab it?

Well, it can only be said that Aspen was brainwashed by a similar bridge over the earth.

"A yellow-gourd gourd with vitality? Old Bai, go and get a look" Shan Qiulin pointed at the broken wood and pointed at the essence.

"Yes, Brother Bai, take a look at it, rest assured, we will never grab it. After all, we can't beat you, either, or should I do it for you?" Gu Qifeng felt presence on the side.

"Master, I'll get it for you, I should go up," the kitten said, uneasy to others, in case they robbed the gourd and ran off.

"No hurry, that gourd is the most special in this space. It might be dangerous if you look at it." Bai Yang looked around and said.

The more he approached the critical moment, the more cautious he was, and many guys who saw good things and ate dogs died.

They are located on the edge of a cliff, a short distance from the big tree, and there is a wall several meters high in front. There is a door hole on the wall, which can directly reach the big tree.

Hmm, maybe the big tree used to be shade ...

"Master, I'm going to explore the road," Hu Zi said with interest, and took more than ten people carefully to the other side.

Soon they passed through the door and heard a voice saying, "Master, there is no danger here. There is a small mound under the big tree, two broken mirrors and some paper, nothing special."

Poplar said with a wave of his hand, "Let's go and see."

In the past, he was still wondering, would the yellow-skinned gourd just fall off and then split and run out of a gourd baby? Yellow-skinned gourd, maybe it ’s King Kong gourd ...

The fact is that Poplar thought too much. From the doorway of the wall to the other side, his neck was almost broken, and the top of the tree was not seen. The gourd did not fall, but he saw the things Hu Zi said.

The big tree stands on the edge of the cliff, and the old vine grows and hoveres around the root of the big tree. The things that Huzi said are still a long way from the big tree.

Seeing those things, however, Poplar stopped subconsciously, his eyes stared, and his face saw a ghost.

"What happened to the young master?" Lin Binger couldn't help asking Bai Yang's strange behavior.

The four sisters were scattered around the poplars with swords. When the kittens were there, they had a low sense of existence.

The kitten was next to Aspen, and after seeing those things, he looked at it, and looked at Aspen weirdly.

"I'm going, are those things so here? Is that mound ..." Bai Yang murmured as he looked ahead.

The two broken mirrors mentioned by Hu Zi are on the edge of the mound. They should have been intact. They were split from the middle. There is a stack of paper on the side with the words on it. Both the broken mirror and the paper have a history. , Don't pay attention and look similar to what they saw before.

However, the poplar and the kitten realized that this was not the thing they saw in the Xuejia treasure house in Qingmu County!

When he was in Butterfly Valley, Chen Yongfa's old man turned into a ball of light and disappeared. The half mirror and letters he took away actually appeared here?

"Is there anything wrong? Do you want to go all over again?" Shan Qiulin, who could not see, urged.

Everyone looked at Bai Yang and ignored him, after all, Bai Yang's behavior was too weird.

Ignoring them, Aspen looked at the mound in front of Can Jing and the letter. It was not high, only one meter, and was made of dust and leaves.

Nianli penetrated into it, and Bai Yang looked at the ghost again.

Hold the grass, Chen Yongfa's old man is really here!

In the mound, isn't it Chen Yongfa's old man? He sat quietly with his eyes closed, without breathing, as if asleep.

However, the image of Chen Yongfa that Bai Yang saw at this time was not as old as that seen in Qingmu County. At this time, he was at most forty years old. He was a handsome middle-aged handsome man.

Recall carefully, isn't that the image on the wall portrait of the Zhonggu family in Qingmu County?

"No sound, no waves on your body, dead?" Bai Yang muttered, wondering if he should pass.

"What nerves do you have?" Yu Feifeng frowned, wondering why Bai Yang, an unreliable guy, stopped at this time.

Although I saw the residual mirror and paper, I didn't care, there were so many things in the building outside.

Ignoring her, Bai Yang Nianli controlled a stone to fly over and smashed on the mound. Chen Yongfa inside remained motionless.

Then he simply moved away from the dust and leaves outside him, and the whole person appeared in their eyes.

"A dead man? How did you find out, Brother Bai?" Gucci Peak stared.

"We have seen too many bones before, both humans and animals, but all are just bones. Only this corpse is intact. If you don't pay attention, you think it is a living person. Before this life, it must be extremely powerful. If you die, you do not know For many years, the body is not rotten, "Hu Tushen said.

Looking at the yellow-gourd gourd on the extremely tall tree, and looking at the mirror letter on the ground, and then looking at Chen Yongfa's body, Bai Yang scratched his head, a little hesitant.

Thinking of the words when Chen Yongfa disappeared, he pointed to the direction of Mi He Lin and told Bai Yang that the two would meet in that direction.

I came and you died?

How can you be dead ~ www.readwn.com ~ Is there any follow-up method of the Thunder Secret? If you die, I won't be busy ...

Seeing that Chen Yongfa didn't respond, Bai Yang tried to walk over, one step at a time, and finally came to him two meters away. Others followed, and did not understand why Bai Yang was so afraid of this dead man.

Hundreds of years ago, the old man seemed to be able to ask the king, and asked if you were afraid!

"This half of the mirror was the one in Xue Jiabao's treasury. How did the old man bring it?" Bent over and picked up one of the remaining mirrors and murmured in the mouth of Bai Yang, turning it over and over again. His mind can still see his fingerprints on it ...

"Master, be careful!" The four sisters Bingqing Yujie exclaimed, blocking Bai Yang.

"What's wrong ... err ..." Aspen looked up, feeling sweaty and chilly.

Just in front of him, Chen Yongfa, who had died before, did not know when he opened his eyes ...

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