Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 441: arrangement

The walls of the Hulu Valley are now guarded, and a hundred mountain people wearing titanium armor stand on top of them.

Do n’t think that they are just furnishings, wearing titanium armor, practicing the Thunder Secret, and having firearms on their bodies. Although it is only the bottom of a warrior, they can also be hard and rigid when they encounter a warrior.

Received the information that Aspen was coming back in advance, Lan Shuang and they were already waiting here.

After a long period of separation, their appearance has not changed much. As far as cultivation is concerned, everyone has improved more or less.

"Finally back," Lan Shuang said with relief.

When such a big thing happened in the Chen Dynasty, they could not fail to hear the wind. Although they did n’t know what had happened, they also knew that the next catastrophe would be a catastrophe. Can they survive this catastrophe? It depends on fate.

Poplar is undoubtedly the mainstay of his heart, and all the things he made are obvious to everyone.

"Come on, let's go down" Niu Jian said in a sigh of relief when the fleet coming back from Bai Yang and others approached.

The crowd nodded and leapt straight down from the 100-meter-high city wall, easily resisting the force of falling, and walking towards the poplar that was about to shore.

"I haven't seen you in a long time, are you okay?" The boat greeted from afar before the ship had landed.

Uh ...

The voice had just fallen, and a silver figure flashed beside Bai Yang, and they rushed towards the blue frost like lightning. The speed was too fast, and the violent wind that caught him was almost carried into the Bibo River.

"Don't kill the wolf cub," Bai Yang shouted as soon as he stood still.

Do not need to know, Silver Wolf went to Lanshuang to dry the shelf, this guy can even hurt the gorillas in the forest, now Lanshuang is not a child at all!

The speed of the silver wolf is too fast, and the poplar has not finished speaking. Lan Shuang over there does not even have a chance to react. The whole person has slammed out like a kite with a broken line, and his mouth is bleeding with horror.

In the face of today's Silver Wolf, he has no power to fight back!

Hearing the words of the poplar, the original fierce light in the eyes of the silver wolf flickered and acted again, rushing towards the blue frost that had not yet landed like a phantom.

Bang bang ...

Then Lan Shuang was so miserably abused that he couldn't land at all and was patted by Silver Wolf's paw.

Poplar grinned and felt sad for Lan Shuang. Then this guy had a hard time. When he killed the silver wolf's mother, the consequences came.

As long as the silver wolf does not kill the blue frost, the poplar will not stop it. He has another deep meaning. The blue frost in the silver wolf's constant slaughter is very good for his martial arts ...

"Brother ...!" Lan Xin screamed, anxious but unable to get in.

The silver wolves were too fast and shuttled like lightning, and they could only see the figures running fast.

"Oh my god, the young wolf cub is so big? What have you eaten during this time?" Niu Jian, a big cow and a big horse, scratched his head, his face shivering, and looked at the blue rime, who was constantly ravaged, in sympathy.

Dude, hold on, I'll get you some supplements to visit afterwards.

"Is that the wolf cub he raised? So terrible!" Cattle Hua exclaimed, his eyes widened.

Bai Yang came over and said with a sweat: "It's okay, the wolf cub will not kill him, but suffering is inevitable, don't worry too much."

"But ..." Lan Xin was anxious, her own brother, and she kept vomiting blood at this time, so she couldn't help worrying.

Shaking his head, Aspen glanced at Lan Shuang's direction and said, "Let's go in and talk again."

He didn't plan to manage Lanshuang anymore, he couldn't die anyway.

The party went in through the city wall with a tangled mood, leaving Lan Shuang being stunned by the silver wolf.

Entering the thick wall of the city, the interior is flat, the bluestone paved ground can't see the head at a glance, there are no buildings, and there are rivers flowing only on the sides near the mountain.

It was an artificially excavated river linking the Bibo River, 100 meters wide and at least 20 meters deep.

"Master, this is the lower half of the 'gourd'. Now the site is just cleared and paved with stone ground, and there is still time to build a building," Kitty explained next to Bai Yang.

When Aspen is no longer, the kitten is in charge of managing this side, and the situation here is very clear.

Building a gourd valley does not happen overnight, after all, the area is too large.

Taking a look at the open area, Poplar nodded and said, "This place doesn't need to build any buildings. It's just fine. The ground is wide enough for everyone to practice. Even if someone breaks into the outside wall later, you can also set up a closing door. Dogs, as long as they arrange their hands on the surrounding mountains and walls, they can only be slaughtered when they come in. "

"Well, according to the arrangement of the young master, there is a city wall in front of the" gourd waist ", which is not shorter than the outside and isolates the inside from the outside. Now the focus is on the inside," Kitty said, looking at the inside of the valley.

Aspen nodded, and the group quickly went deep into the valley.

A team of heavily armed mountain people patrolled along the way. When they saw Bai Yang, they kept saying hello.

Here, Poplar is the boss!

Passing through the wall of the "gourd waist", there is another scene inside. The gangsters arrested in Hongyan Mountain were busy under the command and carried stone and wood to build the building.

These gangsters no longer need to put on chains. No mountain people under Bai Yang are enough to hang any of them. Who dares to run?

The fact is that the bandits have no intention of leaving at all, and even have a sense of home here. Although they work very hard every day, but they are full, and there is no danger, the ghost wants to go to the bandit's life that is not precarious. .

In this 'upper half of the gourd', various buildings are standing up, poplars are desperately smashing money, the building is beautifully constructed, and the layout is reasonable, looking pleasing to the eye, now it is processing details to transplant ornamental plants, etc. .

The edge of the valley is still surrounded by artificially excavated river channels, but here, four huge watermills with a height of 100 meters were erected on the river. Under the flow of the water, the waterwheel turned to bring the river to the mountainside, where there is structure The water tank is cleverly connected without destroying the overall structure. The water is introduced into the small river channel dug out on the mountainside, and then a waterwheel is set up on the river channel to directly introduce the water to the mountaintop pool. Then through clever guidance, it is beautiful. Waterfall.

In such a place, if you get to the earth, opening a resort can make a profit!

Aspen murmured in his heart, seeing the waterwheel on the river, he had his own thoughts.

If you install those waterwheels on a generator set ... well, reliable!

"Master, the buildings you see are basically incomplete right now, but the deepest courtyard for you to live in is the first to be repaired. The octagonal large yard has everything in it and the guards have been stationed. The master is in Deyang Town. The girl-in-law of the mansion has come to clean up and wait for the master to return, "said the kitten next to Bai Yang.

"Let's go and have a look first, yes, bring Zhao Shi too, and we'll have a meeting later," Bai Yang said with a wave of his hand.

The courtyard specially built for Aspen is located in the deepest part of the valley. It is even double the size of the original car house in Deyang Town. The carved beams and paintings are beautiful, and the maidservant is busy and patrolling.

When Aspen appeared with the kittens and others, they all greeted on their knees.

As a descendant, although you haven't seen you for a long time, if you don't even know your master, don't even think about confusing.

Not long after, Aspens they came to a living room with thousands of flats in the middle of the courtyard. Aspens sat on top and the kitten stood beside him. The four sisters, Bingqing Yujie, were a little behind. Be silent as an invisible man.

In front of it, Lan Shuang, Niu Jian, Lan Xin, Niu Hua Hua, Hu Zi, Zhu Zi, Zhao Shi gathered together.

After glancing at them, Bai Yang asked, "Yes, what about Chen Qingyun?"

"Master, the dynasty scientific examination will begin soon, and Chen Qingyun has already gone to the county seat to prepare for the examination," Lan Shuang replied.

I still have a deep impression of Chen Qingyun Bai Yang who was pursuing Qinghe, but now I'm going to take the test? Testing woolen yarn, the Chen Dynasty was messed up.

Not paying attention to this matter, Bai Yang looked at Zhao Shi and asked, "Brother Zhao, everything is fine these days?"

"Master, everything is fine, no accidents happened," Zhao Shi stood up and replied.

After looking at Lan Shuang and others, they stood up and said, "Master, now the dynasty of Chen is chaotic. We have to be prepared."

Bai Yang waved him to sit down and said, "It was because the Chao Dynasty was in chaos that I hurried back."

The others shut up and listened to the aspen arrangement.

After thinking about it, Bai Yang looked at Hu Zi and said, "Hu Zi, first take a hundred people and go to the county to find Wang Erji personally, and **** everything I want. If you encounter any trouble on the way, don't tell me. Is that right? "

"Master, I'll go right away" Hu Zi got up and answered, turned and left.

He followed Bai Yang to Mihe Forest, and this trip to the county seat was not too safe.

After Hu Zi left, Bai Yang said: "Then the next thing is the security of the valley. No matter how the outside world is chaotic, we must ensure stability here, so I plan to do so next."

The others still didn't speak, watching Bai Yang waiting for orders.

"First of all, out of the existing fighters, 3,000 people are assigned to take charge of the safety of this valley ~ www.readwn.com ~ others are on standby at any time! The 3,000 people selected are divided into various command points on the top of the mountain around Hulu Valley. Any wind and grass around me should be discovered in advance for the first time. "

"Second, all the weapons I obtained last time were brought out for me, erected at various points, and stood by at any time. Any enemies who came to attack directly bombed into slag!"

"Finally, everyone works hard, raises their vigilance, and is ready to fight at any time. At present, this can only be the case, and the follow-up construction is slowly taking place."

A poplar arrangement.

Here, I am afraid that the one with the highest force value will be Shan Qiulin and Silver Wolf. If it is a large-scale armed conflict, it may not be possible to rely on the people below, then those technologies that were originally obtained from the rice country and put in the valley Weapons come in handy.

I will not talk about various types of firearms. Weapons such as Vulcan artillery anti-aircraft machine gun rockets are enough to deal with anyone below the level of the warrior. After all, there are so many. Then there are car rocket anti-aircraft artillery tank fighters. Kill enemies in the Grand Master's realm.

When the number of these weapons reaches a certain level, as long as it is not a strong person who comes to the realm of the Grand Master, Bai Yang can ensure that the other party has no return!

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