Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 450: Dad, are we taking revenge ...

"The captain is dead!"

"Come on, report to your lord, there are enemies to commit."

"Archer, archer? Where has he died ..."

Aspen popped over the shouting leader on the city wall, and the top suddenly became messy, shouting and screaming one after another.

There were ichthyosaurs on the city wall. At this time, there were about a hundred people, and more people followed.

Those people, including soldiers in iron armor, and arresters in robes, looked messy.

"Who is coming to wanton! And you, what kind of system is messed up, and the usual training is thrown on the dog?"

A roar rang in the town, the next moment a strong man about two meters tall appeared on the wall, his muscles almost exploded, holding a large metal axe on the table top, like a barbarian.

"This person is called Yuan Yuan. He was originally a captain of the dynasty's army in Deyang Town. The warrior was repaired on the sixth floor. Now it seems that he is also controlled by the blood lotus."

The Xuelian religion claimed to control everything in Deyang Town, apparently it has already controlled all armed forces in Deyang Town, and those that cannot be controlled, such as the Forbidden City Hall, have been removed.

"Master, do you want to kill him?" Zhao Shi asked beside Poplar.

At this point Zhao Shi was holding a bazooka in his hand, and he was eager to give the other a shot.

"Uncle Lan, what do you think?" Bai Yang asked Lan Qingfeng for his opinion.

This time they came to avenge the way to eradicate the blood lotus demon, but not to attack the city. The garrison in Deyang town was arrested quickly, they were all controlled by the blood lotus. Kill as little as possible.

Of course, if you encounter resistance, it is another matter.

Lan Qingfeng's expression changed, and he finally gritted his teeth: "Bai Shao, I haven't been stunned by hatred. They are innocent and involuntary. It would be good if they could destroy the blood lotus under the premise of being young and innocent. "

Understood, Poplar nodded, and muttered to Zhao Shi beside him.

Zhao Shi understood it, and then yelled at Yuan Yuan who was on the wall over there: "Yuan Yuan is right? Now I have to come back anxiously, and quickly open the door to surrender and fight for leniency, resist the dead end!"

"Well, the guy from where is not talking, be careful that Grandpa's axe doesn't have eyes" "Yuan Yuan on the wall took a sip, what a messy slogan?"

Seeing them in the crowd below, Lan Qingfeng said with a sudden eyebrows: "It turned out to be Brother Lan and Niu Xiong. I am very sympathetic to your experience. I want to come here to rescue the soldiers, but it ’s no use. Give up. And, I urge you to either go too far or surrender, don't make mistakes. "

"Master, he won't surrender, or should he give him a shot?" Zhao Shi ignored Yuan and turned to ask Bai Yang.

After sending a woolen, Poplar rolled his eyes, touched his chin for a moment, and uttered a silent ring finger, "No need to be so troublesome."

Then he reached out and pointed a finger at the city wall. In the sight of a group of people, all the people above were lying, including the six-layer Xiu Yuan who was repaired by the warrior.

On the wall, no matter how fast the army was arrested, the eyelids rolled to the ground, and the weapons in their hands were ringing.

There wasn't even a samurai above, and it was so troublesome where to use it, the poplar's idea covered all the past.

"This ..." Niulanshan stared with a pair of eyes and a **** expression on his face.

what's the situation?

"Zhao Shi, let the brothers rush over, occupy the wall, only allowed in and out," Bai Yang said, pointing to the other side.

Is this war? probably……

But the style of painting is a bit wrong. Shouldn't it be a real sword and a gunfire? It's embarrassing for us to be so easy ...

His face twitched, and Zhao Shi shouted at him, "Brothers, you're working"

Resistance has been lost over there. Although some people continued to rush to the city wall in the follow-up, one was counted as one, lying down when they came up!

Five hundred fully-armed mountain people rushed over, facing the closed gate of Deyang Town, and the rocket launcher blasted a one-meter-thick wooden gate into fragments. The gate left fifty guards, and the others went directly to the wall to occupy On this side.

"Uncle Lan Bobo Niu Bobo, don't take it lightly, wait until I get the other three directions," said the poplar, and they told Lan Qingfeng.

Then, under their tangled gaze, Bai Yang asked Niu Jian to carry him around the city wall in less than ten minutes. The walls in all four directions of Deyang Town were under the control of the Hulu Valley armed men!

It didn't cost a single soldier or even a knife, and Deyang Town was captured ...

Hey, is this a house?

Everything went smoothly. When Qing Yang came back, Lan Qingfeng couldn't help asking: "Shao Bai, the situation is not right. With such a big thing, the blood lotus in the city is indifferent?"

"They are scared, and they are probably preparing to run," Bai Yang squinted slightly.

"Ah?" Niulanshan didn't understand.

By the way, Bai Yang explained: "Simply speaking, Xuelianism sent people to kill me more than once, and they were all masters, but they were all killed by me. Now they saw me coming in and counseling. simple"

Lan Qingfeng They opened their mouths and were speechless, so there was such a thing?

"What then? Bai Shao, but I can't let them run away." Niulanshan was anxious.

The sea of ​​blood is in deep hatred. How can the enemy run away?

"Do n’t worry, you ca n’t run. In fact, if you are not afraid that they will run, you do n’t need to bring so many people. I ’ll be enough. Now you are waiting here. I ’ll go and catch all the people who teach the lotus. Leave it to you, "Bai Yang said, looking at the vast town of Deyang.

"Brother Bai, Deyang Town is intricate and complex, and there are still hundreds of thousands of people living there. The blood lotus demon dreads Brother Bai, but if they hide, they want to find a needle in a haystack," Lan Xin frowned.

"This is simple," Bai Yang said with a confident smile.

For others, it is probably a needle in a haystack, but for Aspen, it is useless to hide in a mouse hole in the ground!

After the poplar's understanding of the blood lotus religion, all formal members have a unique logo on them. The black lotus pattern on the man's body and the blood lotus pattern on the woman's body are easy to handle. It ’s stamped so it ’s easy to tell!

Reaching for the mountain forest in the distance, he beckoned, and the huge silver wolf rushed over like a phantom.

Riding on the back of Silver Wolf, Bai Yang said, "Wait a minute, soon."

Speaking, Bai Yang reached forward and pointed forward, and the silver wolf rushed out like lightning. It was fast enough to run quickly. Bai Yang felt that it would take him a long time to walk around Deyang Town. Just find it out.

"Is that a strange beast?" Niulanshan trembled, looking at the distant Silver Wolf in horror.

After swallowing, Lan Qingfeng nodded stiffly: "Should it? Bai Shao actually has a strange animal ..."

Having said that, Lan Qingfeng looked at his daughter Lan Xin.

Lan Xin was speechless and understood the eyes of her dad, which meant that she hurriedly took off the poplar and stomped her feet. Lan Xin tangled: "Dad, we are vengeful."

"Oh yes, revenge, let's talk about revenge" Lan Qingfeng was a little embarrassed, nodded deeply, the business matters ...

Although it is a bit ridiculous, but it is also human nature. When Poplar comes forward, the revenge is estimated to be stable, but Jin Chancan's thigh is also to be hugged, especially after the disaster.

Girl, haven't you rolled the sheets with him yet? Lan Qingfeng sighed.

I don't know the thought in Lan Qingfeng's heart, otherwise Bai Yang may have left his hand and co-venge to help you get revenge. Are you planning to put me on your girl's bed? Where is this ...

Aspen riding a silver wolf galloping in Deyang Town, all the way past was a chicken flying dogs screaming and screaming, the huge silver wolf entered the city, and everyone who saw it was frightened.

Regardless of these poplars, the mind is fully open, scanning everyone in the area covered by the mind, never let it go underground.

Deyang Town is a small place. It is impossible for the Xuelian religion to send real masters. The members of the Xuelian religion here are a tragedy in front of the almost opened hanging poplars.

When the silver wolf ran past a private house, Aspen's eyes narrowed, and the chains on his wrists flew out to become the thickness of the wrist. One rushed into the private house and one was tied to the silver wolf's waist.

In the private house, three members of the Blood Lotus masquerading as civilians were lurking in fear.

"Blood Lady made her own claim, something bad was broken, and she brought the evil star over in advance."

"Damn, originally I wanted to calm down the county and county towns and then clean up him. At this moment, I was so anxious that I had no time to take care of us ..."


The window was broken and a silver chain rushed in. Before the three of them could react, the chain meandered and bound them. The next moment, the chain collapsed straight. The three of them were shocked. The body directly broke through the wall and flew out. I was dragged all the way to the ground, and I was hit by something along the way in a matter of seconds. He was smashed with blood ~ www.readwn.com ~ This is just the beginning. The silver wolf is flying in Deyang Town, the chain Burst into the buildings and even hidden underground entrances, bind the hidden blood lotus members, and drag a long trail behind.

One by one rubbing against the ground, the skin flesh is so miserable that there is no chance of sophistry.

To these blood lotus fellows, there is no reason to talk about human rights.

"Think it's okay to pretend to be a civilian? Your 'poke' on you has betrayed you, yes, I'm bullying you!"

As he passed, Aspen sneered.

The silver chain is fully extended for a length of seven kilometers, and it is not a problem to tie up all the members of the blood lotus religion in Deyang Town. Don't even try to break free, once you are **** and resist, you can't do it!

The silver wolf is strong enough to drag a string of blood lotus members across the city without any difficulty.

"Damn, how did that guy recognize them, and let those little **** flee? This evil star was brought in, even hiding in the ground was dragged out. No, I have to go first, thinking that someone would block the city. Can stop me? I'm a samurai! "

In a concealed attic, the blood lady looked at the silver wolf galloping in the distance, her figure flickered, and she ran directly in the opposite direction. She was going to break through the defense line.

Deyang Town is still out of control.

Don't count on the ethics of blood lotus people.

In that direction, the pillar led someone to guard, and when someone rushed, his eyes suddenly shouted, "Brothers are working, open fire ...!"

She was not lucky or unfortunate if she was not caught by Bai Yang ...

(I do n’t know, this chapter is written with an inexplicable sense of joy. Is the stone not strict enough? Khan one ...)

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