Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 455: Sure enough to open

There are many types of Fuyu. There are auxiliary classes that specifically improve the human body's capabilities, there are attack classes that can be converted into different types of attack methods, there are therapeutic classes that deal with various diseases and injuries, and there are seals. Some targeted seals exist. ...

There are so many different types of runes, and there are countless separate rune types according to the type of effect. Even a professional rune master who has been engaged in drawing runes for thousands of years cannot master all the ways of rune descriptions!

After absorbing the basic knowledge of Fuyu from the inherited jade pendant, Bai Yang learned that from one to nine grades of Fuyu, there are more than 3,800 common auxiliary items, more attacking types, more than 14,000, and relatively few treatments. One point, but there are more than 3,200 types, with the least number of seals, but there are also more than 1,000 types ...

According to different types, the higher the grade, the fewer the number. At the level of nine grades, each type has only two digits or less. Of course, at that point, the effect is counterproductive.

These are just common, some uncommon, such as someone who created it himself, unique to some sects, and have been eliminated in history. The ghosts know how many.

I recalled the basic introduction of Fu Yi. Poplar was big for a while, although this is only a branch of the formation method. If you continue to study it, there will be no end to the endless years.

"Why do you think so much? Now let ’s try it with a kind of amulet and see if I can draw it. In case I am a genius of amulet, for this sub-professional I am a novice Xiaobai, it is the simplest. Up "

He rubbed his eyebrows, and he decided that he didn't want to.

The information he received before was only the most basic introduction, and did not involve professional drawing symbols.

Then his consciousness was once again silent and went to the inheritance of Yu Pei to select the real runes. The introduction of the array of runes in the inheritance space turned into countless books and piled up into mountains, which is a veritable mountain of books.

杨 Bai Yang, who has received several transmissions, knows that the most faint indication of books in space is that the lower the level, the more basic it is.

There are too many books, even if he does not deliberately look for them, he finds dozens of the most basic runes of carvings in a short while.

"Scarred Rune, Strong Armor Rune, Breeze Rune, Water Rune, Burning Rune ... According to the introduction of the" Preliminary Explanation of Rune Rune ", these more than ten rune runes are the simplest and most introductory rune rune in a pint rune. Street-style, most suitable for entry-level apprenticeships "

He consciously looked at these cheats as Bai Yang muttered in his heart, and he was not sure which one to learn first.

Adhering to the body can speed people's speed twice. Jian Jia Run can make human skin lower than ordinary swords. Breeze Run can blow a cool breeze. Water diversion can create a dry place. Water polo, lighter is equivalent to a lighter ...

In short, the effect of each type of rune is different.

"Since it is an experiment, I will choose a random one, Jian Jiafu, it's up to you." I chose Jian Jiafu as an experimental subject at random. Aspen consciously touched the book, all kinds of Jian Jiafu were imprinted on him. Mind.

Fufu is not called Fufu with a pen and ghost, and the knowledge involved is very professional. According to different uses and grades of Fufu, different materials are required. Of course, some materials are interlinked.

After reading "Early Interpretation of Fuyu", Bai Yang knows that the carrier required for a product of Fuyu, that is, amulet, is in fact mostly universal, but this amulet is not ordinary paper, but consists of dozens of materials Manufactured by special processing technology, there are people in this world who specialize in this, so it is very easy to buy. In this underground space, a lot of this type of rune paper is piled up. It was purchased by Poplar Wang Erji for a large price in the county seat.

Of course, there are people who specialize in making rune paper. Of course, there are people who specialize in characterizing rune ‘ink’. The material is not valuable, and the value is the finished rune, because few people can.

The inheritance of Fuyun in Jianyun's Shinto heritage is very complete. Most of the Fuyu secrets below the sixth grade are included, and it even includes the production process of most of the rune papers of each grade and the formula of 'ink' required to depict the runes. .

"In the future, both Fuzhi and‘ ink ’will need to be produced by themselves. If you keep buying, the amount will be too much. Of course, it ’s still early, let ’s talk about mass production first.”

The rune paper is ready-made, and it has been cut out. The standard size of the public is one foot long and the width is wide. ‘Ink’ is also configured. Just draw it directly.

Painting inks use pen, ink and paper 而且, and these tools are professional. They are different from ordinary writing pens and paper 砚. For example, pens, nibs are special animal hair processed by secret methods, and pens are special materials ...

These professional knowledge ca n’t be finished in three days and three nights. Bai Yang just knows it. If you have money, you can buy it directly!

"Jiangjia Run is only the most basic rune. It must take thirty breaths to form a stroke before the ink is dry in about one minute. The lines between the strokes can't make a slight mistake, and the wrong one will be a waste."

边 By the table, Aspen was ready for everything. In my mind, I recalled Jian Jiafu's painting method again. It was very simple and difficult.

It's simple. It's a one-shot molding. Some lines need to overlap, and some places need to turn. In short, it's almost a hundred twists. However, the difficulty is that this thing can't make a mistake and the hand shakes a little. Or the line is thicker somewhere and it's a waste.

"It's useless to think, let's get started. I was killed in the high school with thousands of soldiers and horses. I was afraid that you would have a draw!"

Spread a piece of rune paper with a bright matte surface on the table, with a "frosted" surface. Pressing it with paperweight, he started with a whole-body white rune pen.

Jian Jiafu's ink is ready. It is a dark brown seemingly thick but 'clear' liquid with a faint earthy smell. According to Jian Jiafu's introduction, this ink consists of dozens of materials It comes from the blood of some animals and the sap of plants and other messes.

In short, at this time in Bai Yang's view, some fortune tellers on the earth holding a writing brush and stained with cinnabar painting symbols are simply deceiving ghosts. Seeing that, this is called professionalism.

Penetrating the white nib into the ink, it can be seen by the naked eye that the original whole-body white rune pen absorbs the ink from the nib, and from the bottom to the top, the whole rune pen becomes the same color as the ink.

Is a bit magical, this rune pen is just like the sea.

也是 "Also, a stroke is needed when drawing a rune, and the curved lines are extended to be afraid of not less than 100 meters, and it is awkward to break the ink halfway."

He thought about it, and Bai Yang lifted his pen and landed gently on the paper.

吧唧 ...

"I'll go, will this cost a rune?" Bai Yang was dumbfounded on the spot.

When writing down the pen, it was a little faster, and a dark plump of ink appeared on the rune paper. Then I couldn't do it ...

I didn't believe in evil, he thought of controlling another piece of rune paper to fly and continued.

The second time, he wrote the pen lighter and slower, but he flicked his wrist and did not draw five centimeters in one stroke. In one of the places, the line was twice as thick, and it took another time ...

Here again, the third time, he drew no ink ...

Fourth time, overtime has not been completed ...

Strictly speaking, Bai Yang is not a very patient person. After several consecutive failures, he has to sigh that he has no talent to become a teacher at all. He can't do it alone.

Throwing the rune pen, he sighed: "A normal rune is not suitable for me. It is estimated that I can draw a complete rune after a few months of research, but I have so much time to do something else that is not good? Sure enough, I still want to open what"

Abandoned the intention to draw a rune manually by himself. Aspen's mind was moved, the rune pen thrown away flew up, a piece of rune paper was tiled, the rune pen was stained with ink, and the pen started to draw a rune.

As for the force control strokes and strokes, the poplar can observe any changes in detail, which is more convenient than using hands.

The ink-stained rune pen travels upstream of the rune paper, and the complicated line stripe road is rapidly formed. After one minute, the rune pen leaves the rune paper, and the last stroke is connected with the pen drop to form a complete circuit, which appears on the rune paper. A pattern completely lined up like an armor!

The motif is very abstract, but it means so much.

When the last stroke was completed, the pattern completely drawn by special ink seemed to have a faint earthy yellow light, and then it was very magical. The ink that had just been painted quickly penetrated into the rune paper, and it dried up all at once. Even the naked eye does not seem to be painted, as if those lines are natural textures that grow on the rune paper!

"It's really amazing. When the special ink is used to draw a pattern on the rune paper made of special materials according to the sequence, it has such an effect. Is this a chemical reaction or a physical reaction?"

As soon as Poplar couldn't understand these things, he knew that the rune paper was painted.

I still have to open it ...

He picked up the rune paper and shook it a little, and Bai Yang was very satisfied. This was the first rune paper he drew. Although UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com was painted.

"After deep understanding, I learned that there are three basic ways to use runes. The first is a formula. The formula should be a special syllable that vibrates the air to form a special wave that activates the rune. The second is a special one in the warrior's body. Energy, vitality, true energy, etc. form specific wave activation note paper. The third kind is the spiritual power of the Shinto monk. It can also be said as spiritual fluctuation. All three methods can activate the rune to show what it should be. The effect comes, oh, the voice-activated physical and electronic passwords? "

Recalling the use of runes, Poplar's mind is quite weird.

"Although it is very memorable, I still have to experiment with your effect"

To myself, the poplar spit out more than 20 weird syllables in just three seconds. If these syllables were taken apart, they were words of the Chen Dynasty, but the combination made them incomprehensible, so As if saying "red carp and green carp" in Chinese a hundred times quickly, it makes people's tongue turn.

When Bai Yang said the voice-activated password ... Oh no, after the formula, the rune paper trembled, and a turquoise ray of light fell on him. When the ray disappeared, there was a slight turquoise ray on the surface of Aspen's body. You can't see it without paying attention.

划 I scratched my body with an ordinary fruit knife prepared in advance, and it was impossible to scratch the wound, as if I was wearing a strong armor ...

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