Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 482: shock the world

In recent years, passenger aircraft accidents have frequently occurred, each of which has attracted worldwide attention, and even an airliner accident caused a major loss to an airline.

Inside Tm Airlines, there was anxiety and anxiety in everyone's face with a solemn expression.

The flight number tm-222 has been out of contact for half an hour. This is an extremely serious situation. For so long, 80% of the flights represent an accident on the way.

The airline's Miguo headquarters urgently contacted Huaxia to exchange information. The passenger plane has taken off for nearly ten hours. It stands to reason that it will soon arrive in Miguo, but where did we go now?

The plane didn't know where to go and disappeared. How to explain to the families of the passengers waiting to pick up at San Francisco Airport?

"It stands to reason that the passenger plane should arrive soon, but we cannot contact you now!"

"Confirmation has taken off and Huaxia has responded"

"But where have you been now?"

"Contact the aerospace department, be sure to find out the situation as soon as possible"

Inside Tm Airlines, a high-level emergency meeting took place in a serious mood to discuss this matter. However, discussions and discussions could not be made, and it was useless to contact a passenger plane.

In connection with passenger plane accidents in recent years, the airline requested the National Security Agency of the State of China to discuss with Huaxia the dispatch of fast-moving aviation tools to investigate what happened along the route.

In the process, a world-shattering event is brewing.

Twitter and Facebook are international in nature. Every day there are a large number of posts uploaded for the entertainment and communication of the majority of netizens. Many major events will also be announced on it.

A newly registered account can't attract people's attention at all, and the uploaded stickers instantly sink to the sea.

However, there are too many netizens on the Internet. Even the information in the corner will always be seen. When a person stumbles upon a post named 'Dadong 瀛 Dominate the World', it is displayed by the title. Domineering was shocked.

The content is a video, and the cover is a person wearing a military uniform, click in with curiosity.

When seeing the specific content inside, the people watching this post were instantly shocked, scalp tingling and shaking.

Hold the grass, this **** is going to be a big deal.

The first person to leave a message below said Dongdong you **** is not a person, Ambe went to **** and other swear words, and then forwarded it without hesitation, and also used social software to notify others of the need to watch this video.

When people clicked into this post and watched the video, all the scalp was numb and chilled, which is a big deal for his mother!

Repost first, then comment, and almost everyone who sees is angry, cursing with the most vicious language.

Actually, bombing a passenger plane with missiles and shooting video uploads to the Internet, God, is Liang Jingru's courage to you?

No matter who it is, anyone who sees it will comment on it, and repost it as soon as possible.

In just ten minutes, this video reposted more than 100,000 times, almost every click was accompanied by a comment, and the speed spread like a plague across the network, with a geometric multiple.

In half an hour, this video has more than five million reposts and tens of millions of clicks. In just half an hour, it has made headlines on major social networking sites!

The world was in an uproar, and the scalp was numb and cold.

What is Dongying trying to do? Blatantly provoking and insulting Rice and the Prime Minister of the United States without saying, but bombarding civilians with missile bombers, do you really think you are the king of the world? Even the king of the world dared not do so.

"Condemn, strongly condemn"

"You have to give a statement. This is to declare war on the world and destroy humanity!"

"Dongshou must stand up and give an explanation at the first time, or else he will start the war!"

Netizens are so noisy that the scope is so wide that it covers almost any country or region with an Internet connection.

The appearance of this video was more fierce than his mother's comet hit the earth, and it shocked too many people.

This is an era of informationization. The media on the Internet will immediately transmit this information to the corners that every network can involve in a pop-up window.

Then, almost everyone in the world knew, and the television media responded.

"Here is the CNN TV station, and now I am urgently to insert a thing that shocks all human beings ..."

"Audience friends, there is something shocking that I have to tell you here ..."

"News room, here is an emergency for you ..."

Various media and networks stopped any other programs as soon as possible, brought the incident to the screen, and relayed it to people all over the world.

In just three hours, that video was known by most people around the world.

Anger, shock, and fear filled every heart.

Many workers stopped their jobs, rushed out of the workplace angrily, and marched on the streets ...

Around the world, more and more people are taking to the streets and rushing to government departments. They need to express their opinions, and they must pay the price.

This is too inhumane, and it ’s difficult to deal with it. He bombarded the passenger plane with missiles and uploaded it to the video to announce it to the public. This is trampling humanity. This is declaring war against the world. This is against humanity!

More and more angry people, filled with anger, went to the streets to express their indignation and shock.

When Tm Airlines got the news, it was shocked. The passenger plane lost contact, and was actually shot down by Dongying with a missile. There is a video to prove it.

"Contact the National Security Agency immediately and notify the White House to report to the President that Dong Yan is declaring war on our country!" The major shareholder of the airline was furious and took someone to the White House in person.

In fact, before people reacted, the top leaders of various countries learned the news at the first time, and every authority was shocked and then angry.

Faced with such a thing, we must show an attitude, otherwise the whole world will be upset.

Meet urgently, then call the media for a press conference!

"I am a Black House spokesman. First of all, I expressed shock and anger in the face of the bombing of the passenger plane by Dongying, and conveyed congressional opinions. While expressing strong condemnation, we will immediately start investigating this matter. Let Dongsun give a statement, if Dongsun's attitude is not enough to calm people's anger, even if war starts ...! "

"I am the official spokesman for Australia. First of all, I expressed shock and anger and strong condemnation for what Dong Yan has done, and once again express my condolences to the bereaved families. Finally, we will pay close attention to this matter and would like to work with the world to let Dong Yan give A saying ... "

"Here is the Polar Bear Empire press conference ..."

"I'm here to convey the Queen's opinion ..."

"I'm a UN spokesman ..."

Almost the first time, all countries in the world came forward to speak, angry, shocked, what Dong Yan did is too terrible, this is a blatant provocation to all humanity.

The State of U.S. sent troops to the east, along with the coordinates announced in the video.

Huaxia was not idle. The public opinion on the Internet fueled the situation and beat the water dog. At the same time, it also discussed with other countries urgently and sent troops ...

The whole world is paying attention to this matter, waiting for the follow-up results. If the world is not satisfied, the anger of the people is terrible.

A few hours later, the submarine located at the crash site was found, the people above were arrested, and a global live broadcast trial, Bai Yang had controlled them and asked what to say.

"We were ordered by the Prime Minister to lurk here to attack passenger planes, just to demonstrate to the United States, to show the power of my Dadongbang ..."

The world is uproar!

When the whole world was shocked, the entire country of Dongying was almost in panic. People were shocked at the same time that the government actually did such things, and they were also afraid. What would happen next?

Facing the anger of the world, where can we go from here?

"Why is this? Why is this?" Ambe paled and shivered, and asked herself over and over again, apparently secretive enough, why did she become like this?

"Master, what's next?" The others looked at him and asked, everyone was shaking.

Facing the anger of the world, who is not afraid?

A spirit, Amber reacted and growled loudly: "Hurry up, hold a press conference immediately!"

If you don't stand up and say something at this time, it's really over.

Dong Yan's press conference was ready for more than ten minutes. When Ambe himself was ready to say something, a lot of rotten eggs and rotten leaves smashed at him.

"Distressed, step down, step down for me"

"You are not a human. You actually do such a thing that humans and gods are angry ..."

The security personnel immediately stopped the angry people. Ambe shuddered at the camera and said, "This is a scam, this is a conspiracy. I have never issued such an order. Someone intentionally caused the incident ... "

You ca n’t admit it, you ca n’t admit it.

"So what do you say in the face of hard evidence video?" A reporter asked.

"That was false, this was murder ... Now, what I want to say is that all this is a conspiracy, which is intended to provoke war. Next, I will actively cooperate with the whole world to investigate this framed incident, and it will definitely come out. Behind the scenes ... "

After hurriedly ending the press conference, Amber had to make arrangements for the next situation. One could not handle it well, and the consequences were unimaginable.

When the whole world was shocked and angry about this matter ~ www.readwn.com ~ Aspen crossed the ocean and brought the little boy Dongdong to a hidden naval base in Dongliao.

"In the end, it does n’t matter what I do, but the blood debts must be paid for in blood. Most of the airliners are Chinese citizens. Death one will cost you hundreds of times!" Facing this already rioting base, Bai Yang looked away. Han said.

Murder is inevitable, otherwise anger cannot be quelled, but there are many ways to kill, especially in this critical period, we must grasp the rhythm.

This group of Dongzhao peoples are not humans at all. Killing them with their own hands, the poplars feel that they will dirty their hands.

Therefore, under the effect of the Hidden Charm, he entered the base directly ...


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