Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 489: Scary monster

In the valley, because there was no cover, the five of them were close together in Su Xishui. While being vigilant around the Mi Army, most of their attention hit the metal box that fell from the sky.

One side of the box opened, and a fierce and violent breath rushed towards the face, making people palpitated.

"Boss, I'm really finished this time," laughed No. 3 in the makeshift five-man squad.

Their expressions are calm, even in the face of this desperate situation, they can still calmly face them, their psychological qualities are extremely strong.

"When you are finished, you are finished. Even if you die, you have to kill ten times our enemies before you die." Su Xishui said coldly.

She glanced at the Mi Jun around her. Although at night, facing Su Xishui's gaze, Mi Jun felt a knife colder than her neck.

Even when facing hundreds of times their own enemies, with countless guns pointing at them, these super warriors, one by one, far surpass the imagination of ordinary people, still have the confidence to kill some of them together!

The powerful fighting force gave them unparalleled confidence.

On the second, looking at the box not far away, his eyes flickered and he sank: "That box is made entirely of special alloys, which is worth at least hundreds of millions. What do you say, what kind of thing is being held by this kind of thing?"

"I'm afraid it's the goal of our trip. Rice is studying the genetic monster based on that giant bear. No one knows exactly where it is. One of the subjects must be in front of us. Unfortunately, even if we see it, in this case, we It's impossible to pass back specific intelligence. "

Su Xishui shook his head. At this time, what they thought was still a task.

In the peaceful life of ordinary people, it is never possible to imagine how many people are fighting for them. They have forgotten their lives, devoted themselves to the peace of the country, and defended their mission with life.

In just a few words, heavy footsteps came from the metal box in front of the eyes.

The humming roar makes people chill, and the footsteps sound thick as if they are stepping on the human heart, especially the strange harsh sound of rubbing makes people feel hairy.

One or twenty gunships hovered in the sky, illuminated by high-power searchlights, and the valley was transparent.

When the horrible existence in that metal box really appeared in front of people, don't say Su Xishui them, even the thousands of soldiers around them took down the air for fear, and some people even subconsciously backed down and trembled.

"Fuck, what kind of monster is this? It's scary." Su Xishui stared at the front and gritted his mother.

"Miguo even made this kind of thing, it is simply irresponsible to the whole world. If it escapes and threatens the civilians, it will be a disaster!" No. 3 voice trembled.

In front of them, a terrible canine monster came out of the metal box. He was nearly three meters tall, one storey high, and over eight meters long, which was longer than a car.

From the appearance, this is basically an enlarged version of a fierce bulldog, without hair, dark skin, a muscle that almost explodes, with terrible dark claws, like steel pouring!

At the joints of the limbs of this canine monster, half-meter-long bone spurs all appeared, and looked terrifying and terrifying.

The most terrifying thing is that the head of this monster actually occupies one third of the entire body. The mouth opens and closes, revealing dense teeth!

The mouth opened was a well-deserved mouthful of blood, and it would be swallowed without chewing!

At this moment, the terrible canine monster walked towards Su Xishui step by step like a fierce beast, with drops of bitter mouth dripping from his mouth.

"Damn, care about you, kill!"

Facing that terrible monster, No. 2 roared to brave himself, and killed him with a special pistol in his hand.

Bang Bang!

The gunfire roared, the bullets whistled, and they hit the monster instantly.

What is scary is that the monster shook his head to avoid the key point. The bullet hit it, unable to penetrate its skin, and the bullet stuck to the skin, leaving no drop of blood!

The poplar eyes who watched all this secretly turned on. The more powerful this monster is, the more mature the genetic technology of Rice is!

To others on the earth, the enemy's powerful technology is a threat, but to Bai Yang, as long as he is willing, it is his own!

"This monster is just a thing that only exists in the movie for the people on the planet. Relatively speaking, this monster is also a monster of the other world. Too many, even the weakest beast can slap to death! "

Looking at the problem from different heights is not the same. For the Earth people, this monster is shocking, but it is also equivalent to a kitten for Bai Yang.

While whispering in his heart, Bai Yang waited for the development of the matter. Su Xishui was probably not as good as that monster. He was ready to save people.

"Ancient Rome had a kind of Colosseum. I do n’t know where you are from, what identity you are. You are very strong. I look forward to you giving me a Colosseum. Do n’t worry, you wo n’t die. Do n’t worry about it. The better you can kill that monster, the more powerful you are, the more satisfied I will be! "

At this moment, such a voice rang from a helicopter in the sky.

Bai Yang Nianli swept away, the speaker is not here at all, I am afraid that the voice is transmitted through information means, although the other party does not know where it is, but they must pay attention to every move here.

Su Xishui in the valley. They didn't care about the speaker. When the No. 2 shot was fired, they had already entered the battle of life and death.

The monster was hit by a bullet ten times violently, and when it roared, it rushed towards Su Xishui.

The ground trembled, and the bad wind blew across the face. Su Xishui and others were almost choking in the face of the culled monster.

"Flash away"

When the decision was made immediately, the five separated immediately, away from the monster at the fastest speed.

But the monster was too fast. They had tried to avoid it. Two people were still hit by the monster, their bones rattled, and they were obviously broken.

Rao is like this. The fighting qualities of the five people are quite terrible. Ignoring the injuries on my body with a strong willpower, I did not forget to fire back when I escaped.

In the sound of the banging gun, a particle bomb hit the monster, but it could not cause substantial damage to it. The muscle was like a steel plate, and the bullet hit it and embedded in the skin.

boom! The monster shot at it with a bullet, and the ground shook.

It doesn't look huge, but it moves very fast. After landing, it flew out again, and flew straight away to escape the No. 4 which was more than ten meters away.

No. 4 is a sturdy man with a height of 1.99 meters. He almost stopped beating his heart in the face of the monster's smashing, and immediately rolled away to the side.

Bang, behind him, a tall stone was smashed by the monster with a slap!

"Be careful!"

Su Xishui reminded not far away, but it was still over.

No. 4 had just escaped the monster's paw and had not stood still. A cold wind came from behind him, and he did not dare to turn back and continue to rush forward.

Uh ...

With a pain on his back, he was scratched by a monster with his claws, his special combat suit was torn open, two half-foot-long wounds were dripping with blood, and a person was instigated by the claws to fly out for more than ten meters. The lap stopped.

If he was a tenth of a second slower before, I am afraid it will be torn into pieces by the monster's paw!

It is not difficult for these five people to fight with one hundred in the case of bare hands. Give them weapons and open up the distance. Any terrain can single out a company, but in front of this monster, they look too weak.

This is not a level duel at all, this monster should not exist in this world at all.

The combination of the alien giant bear's genes and the fierce hound, genetic mutation, has created this terrible monster in a short time. Without the experience of dealing with this monster, they have to bear the fear and horror in their hearts. Su Xishui and them all at once You are in an extremely dangerous situation.

"Hit his eyes," No. 2 reminded loudly.

The bullet cannot penetrate its muscles and cause substantial damage, only the eyes of the attacking monster are weak.

But this monster is too fast, rushing left and right, Rao is Su Xishui. Their military quality is beyond ordinary imagination and they can't aim the monster's eyes at such a fast speed.

Bang ~!

During the fierce and intense battle, Su Xishui was rubbed a little by one leg of the monster, and was hit and flew out more than ten meters on the spot.

When people are in the air, Su Xishui's face is pale, and he is suffering from severe pressure. His body is unbelievably twisted in the air. After landing, his toes are a little on the rocks, and he moves away quickly.

The bang, the monster chased after the victory, but it fluttered, biting a piece of rock with a sip, and spit it out with a click.

Aspen has been watching their fight all the time. Once there is danger to his life, he will immediately kill the monster to save people.

"It's no wonder that this chick can become the captain. It was estimated that the Cheats of the Shadows from outside had played a big role." Seeing Su Xishui's avoidance action, Poplar's eyes brightened.

With a smile on his lips, Bai Yang found that even in Su Xishui, they were still communicating in secret under such a dangerous situation, apparently planning something.

Sure enough, when they distanced themselves from the monster, the five people rushed towards the edge of the valley without hesitation, trying to rush to the top of the valley to bring the monster to the surrounding Mi Jun.

However, the other party seemed to have expected it, and dumped the bullet to intercept it as soon as possible.

Faced with a bullet that was cheating like a rain in front of them, they could only stop, the monster chased it, and they could only fall into dangerous battle again.

On several occasions, they were blocked by Mi Jun bullets and were unable to rush into the valley.

Kakaka ...

The sound of an empty gun came, and their bullets were gone!

Throughout the fighting process, Su Xishui has always been in the downwind, and is always hovering on the edge of life and death. Shaking his head, Poplar compares his heart. Although Su Xishui is already a super soldier on the side of the earth, he still ca n’t be outside Person ratio.

This monster, on the other side of the world, is the same as five people, even if they saw Zhao Shi for the first time, they can kill them. There is a big difference in physical fitness between the two worlds, and one, Su Xishui They have no experience with such monsters at all, after all, the villagers of the other world have been fighting and fighting monsters all year round.

Of course, Su Xishui did not have a powerful weapon in their hands at this time. If they had a Bartley in their hands, they would keep this monster in the street every minute!

"They don't have any bullets. They will kill ten dead at close range, and it's over." Bai Yang shook his head secretly.

The monster dog was about to pounce on Su Xishui, who was shot a few meters away, and suddenly his body stiffened. At the next moment, a crimson flame sprayed out from the monster's mouth and nose.

"What's going on? This monster can still spit fire? The legendary Warcraft?" Su Xishui was horrified.

Not to mention them, even the surrounding Mi Jun also have such an idea, and the big brothers in the base watching this situation through the video are also blank. The data shows that the monster has no such ability, is it a secondary mutation?

The fact is that they all thought too much. The monster's nose and nose spit fire. In one second, the body cracked in many places, and flames spewed from the inside.

The heat wave was rolling, and within three seconds, the monster became a fly ash and disappeared.

The flames disappeared, the monsters disappeared, and the valley fell into a brief silence, and no one understood what was going on.

"Catch them with an anesthetic bomb ~ www.readwn.com ~ Keep the scene and wait for scientific researchers to investigate the specific situation"

In the atmosphere of silence, the voice of the command above came from the helicopter again.

"Not good, kill!"

Su Xishui's mind was frozen, without the threat of monsters, they rushed towards the valley without hesitation.

Desperately, even if it is dead, you must pull a bunch of backs. You and others must not fall into the hands of the Mi Jun.


Suddenly, things like tear gas in all directions sprayed with powerful anesthetics and threw them over them ...

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