Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 491: X one

In the conference room, Aspen was sitting on a piece of leather sand, holding a tablet computer in his hand, his fingers quickly swiped across the screen, and the countless graphic information on it scrolled like a swipe, which he copied into his mind.

After coming to this experimental base for three hours, after controlling a brain of this base, Poplar got the complete genetic technology data of this base and stored it in his tablet computer.

The amount of information was too great. He watched it for three hours without seeing even one percent of all the information.

Gene technology, which is a vast science, involves countless biochemical physics knowledge. Some people can't peep into the threshold throughout their lives. Even the poplar's head wants to master so much information in a short time.

Fortunately, he doesn't need to master so much professional knowledge at all. It only needs to master the correct gene extraction, culture and fusion technology process.

He didn't go to research and create this technology, but just to learn to copy. It was countless times easier.

But even so, many of the professional terms, the use of equipment, and the meaning of the process can be understood by him. Fortunately, there are several professional doctors on the side. If you don't understand, you can get the answer directly.

Rubbing his eyebrows, Aspen put down the tablet and asked Dr. Mosiri on the side: "How far have you studied about that giant bear gene?"

There are too many specific materials to read in a short time, so he decided to stay behind to see them and ask them about their progress.

Dr. Mosiri, who is not trimmed at this time, does not look like a lunatic scientist at all. He was hypnotically controlled by poplar and reverently replied: "We have mature technology to extract the genes required by the giant bear, which is the growth of giant bear muscle density. Genes, as we all know, muscle cells have high density and strength, and the muscle tissue that they form has powerful power ... "

Poplar's brain hurts, interrupting the torrential Mosiri, "You tell me the point directly."

Listening to what he said in detail, Bai Yang estimated that he couldn't finish talking for three days and three nights.

"Simply put, we extracted the giant bear gene and created a genetic agent named x1 agent. This gene agent can be combined with biological functions to create powerful organisms in a short period of time," Mosiri said shortly.

This is too important. Aspen is speechless, can you not be so sincere.

"What about the defect? ​​Although you made this genetic medicine, there doesn't seem to be a complete experiment, right?" Bai Yang frowned.

"The disadvantage is that this genetic agent is too violent. After injection into the biological body, it will promote the crazy growth and optimization of cells in the biological body in a short time. This process of optimization of growth and division is uncontrollable. Experiments with animals and humans. These organisms The body can't withstand that violent cell division and growth optimization, which leads to gene collapse, and there are no complete successful experimental bodies so far. "

"We used 1,500 human subjects as experimental subjects. Of these, 1,300 had a genetic breakdown that turned into a pile of blood mist within one minute of the injection of the genetic agent. The other two hundred people had not survived for three minutes. In addition, We use animals for experiments. Most of the more than 1,000 various animals have their genes collapsed into blood mist in a short period of time. The subject closest to the successful purpose lived less than a week. The last subject was mysterious and spontaneous before long. Collapse, speculation may be a defect after the genetic agent caused it to mutate ... "

"That is to say, you have successfully extracted the giant bear's genes, which can be combined with biological organisms to promote biological evolution, but currently known biological organisms cannot withstand the optimization of that intensity, right?" Bai Yang concluded.

"Yes" Mossie answered briefly now.

"So have you figured out why this is happening?" Bai Yang asked.

The gene medicine was extracted but it could not be used. This is a major defect and it is still a failure.

"There are two reasons for speculation. First, the medicine is incomplete, and it is not possible to integrate and evolve the biological organism gently. Among them, there are major technical flaws that we have not yet overcome. Second, the biological organism is not strong enough to withstand this genetic medicine. The violent transformation of humans is compared with the experimental results of humans and animals, perhaps because the x1 agent is extracted from the giant bear, which is more suitable for animals, and the genes of animals may be stronger than humans. "

After listening to Mosili's answer, Bai Yang still felt a kind of cloud and mist. After all, he was unprofessional about these things.

Nevertheless, Bai Yang listened, and he still had some ideas in his mind. He could experiment later, and then asked, "If there is no successful case, will it be the problem of the measurement of the injection?"

"No, once the genetic agent enters the biological body, and combines with the gene, it is an evolutionary mutation from the micro level, and it has nothing to do with measurement." Mosiri shook his head.

Nodded, Bai Yang asked again: "I'm afraid you haven't been doing genetic research for a day or two. Didn't you make a similar genetic medicine before you obtained the bear corpse?"

Moshili shook his head decisively: "No, in fact, many countries in the world have been engaged in genetic research many years ago. From crops to biology, all aspects have been involved, but the transformation of biological organisms can be said to have not extracted a complete and practical gene medicine. For all the reasons, the known biological gene activity is not enough, and the gene chain obtained by all means will lose its activity within a short period of time and thus have no value. "

In this respect, Bai Yang Zhuo will understand, the bear is from a different world, has strong vitality, and the gene activity is estimated to be higher than that of the earth ’s creatures. As for how high it is, I do n’t know. To the gene.

After asking a few key questions again, Poplar did not get the ideal answer. Although genetic technology has been studied in various countries on the planet for many years, there have been no major breakthroughs so far. Some are limited to technical difficulties and some are limited to materials. Without this giant bear at this scientific research base in Miguo, the gene technology would not have made such great progress.

Putting away the tablet, Poplar asked, "How many genetic medicines do you currently get?"

"We took more than 13,000 potions of that giant bear's body, and some of the bodies were kept in the refrigerator. More than 13,000 potions were taken. We have used 11,000 copies, and we still have two left. More than a thousand copies, and the remaining giant bear corpse should still be able to extract about five thousand points, "Moshili answered honestly.

"Give me a thousand copies and I will take them away. The rest of you will continue to study. Once there is a more mature breakthrough in the follow-up technology, notify me the first time. Then, for the thousand potions I took, you forget about this. "Erase from the data," Bai Yang commanded.

This sentence is not just for Mosiri, but for everyone present, controlling these people is equivalent to controlling the entire experimental base!

If he hadn't built his base in a mountainous area in China, he would like to move all the researchers and equipment at this base.

Soon after, some people sent ten silver boxes to the poplar. Each box was about one meter long and wide. A high-power battery was installed inside the box, which had a powerful refrigeration function.

Each box contains one hundred x1 type gene injections. Open the box and the air inside rises. The medicine in the injections appears reddish. Once injected into the biological body, the gene chain inside will be combined with the biological genes to carry out the rampage. Mutant division reproduction.

Unfortunately, today this lab is experimenting with thousands of organisms madly, and there is no successful case yet.

The only thing that was close to success was the monster dog that Su Xishui encountered, but that also had major flaws. Even if it was not burned to death by itself, the gene collapsed to death within ten hours at most.

The so-called gene breakdown is not as simple as death, but the whole body's gene chain is broken, and the whole body becomes a pile of tiny mud, with extremely terrible consequences.

"If this genetic agent is injected into an animal from a different world, I don't know if those animals can withstand the transformation of this gene." Bai Yang murmured after looking at a genetic agent.

It takes a long time to cultivate in another world. Poplar doesn't know if the earth's science and technology can take shortcuts, if it can ...!

Unfortunately, the earth's genetic technology is still incomplete, and it can even be said that it has just started, and it will take a long time to reach the point where a person is injected with a gene medicine.

This is just the biological genes. Aspen still has many ideas that he wants to practice one by one. What kind of sparks will eventually arise from the collision of fantasy civilization and scientific and technological civilization?

Unfortunately, the fantasy civilization is too high-end, and the scientific and technological civilization can even be said to have just started. The two sides are not equal, and many things cannot be achieved in a short time.

After receiving a thousand x1 giant bear gene medicines, Poplar left the experimental base.

He didn't kill anyone here, but he hypnotized them, used their financial resources and physics to break through various technologies, and finally the time was ripe for Aspen to pick peaches!

Moreover, Poplar also gave them orders. If there is a breakthrough in technology, hide it for me and don't give it to the rice country. If it can't be shirk, you can let it out a little.

To put it plainly, this experimental base is equivalent to Poplar's ~ www.readwn.com ~ When leaving, Poplar finally asked: "Apart from genetic research in your country, is there any secret research like alien technology?"

The fact is that Bai Yang has thought too much. Although Mi has a hairy alien technology, although they have once landed on the moon, the vast universe of ghosts knows that there are no aliens besides humans.

A black bear that was thrown to Miguo at first was like a seed planted, but it did not produce the ideal fruit. Aspen was a little dissatisfied, and it was better than nothing.

Wait, wait until you have built an experimental base in a mountainous area in the country. Then, you can take a trip around the world to take away outstanding scientists in various fields, and then research materials from the outside world ...

Until then, Aspen will not carry too much stuff to avoid making wedding dresses for others.

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