Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 493: You are still a kid

This is a typical American-style family building with two-story small buildings and small courtyards with gardens in front and back. In China, this is a villa, but this small building is a spliced ​​structure and the cost is not high.

In the early spring season, the plants in this small courtyard have been exposed to tender shoots, and the small courtyard seems very peaceful.

Under the night, there was light transmitted through the windows of the small building, and the cups collided, apparently during dinner. Bai Yang Nianli saw that there were at least a dozen people around the table in the building. The family was very big. The term fertility ...

Before entering the room, Aspen's eyes lit up, because his mental ability had been observed. In the living room of the family was placed a small wooden box of the same kind that Hillett sent him. The regular diamond-shaped black stones, if not unexpected, should be the meteorite fragments left by Hillette.

At the time, Hilette said in the letter that these meteorites were professionally determined and did not have much value. Obviously the family knew this. They did not take it too seriously. The box containing the meteorite fragments was placed in the closet. Already gray.

"Although it can be taken away without notice, and it is estimated that the family will remember the stubble after a long time, but if it is not necessary, theft is still fine, after all, they are just civilians."

Thinking about it, Bai Yang put on a smile and stood in front of the door, reaching out and knocking on the door.

The door rang, and the inside was clearly quiet, and then there was a murmur similar to who would visit, and then someone came to the door and opened it.

A blonde girl appeared in front of Bai Yang after the door opened. The first impression was a typical Mi-style rebellious girl with earrings and dazzling sequins dazzling under the lights.

Seeing Bai Yang, the yellow-skinned handsome oriental guy, at the door, the other party was clearly surprised, and then he was kindly curious and asked, "Who are you? Can I help you?"

She speaks English, and Poplar understands it. The information obtained from Charlie shows that this girl should be the grandson of Hillette. At sixteen, she seems to have had three boyfriends.

Keke, I can only say that Charlie's private detective's method is too clever.

"Hi, my little sister, hello, I am Mr. Hillett's former friend. Can I go in and talk to your adult?" Bai Yang laughed.

The girl blinked, shrugged her shoulders and tilted her head to make a welcome move.

"Hi, guys, look, here is an Oriental man who also said that he was a friend of the great-grandfather's life," the girl said after entering the house.

"Excuse me, please forgive me" After entering the room, Bai Yang laughed in front of a circle of sight.

An old man with a big nose at the table looked at Bai Yang and said, "We are having a meal. Can you wait a moment?"

"OK" Aspen nodded and sat down in the living room under the lead of the girl.

Rice is no better than in the country. When people meet for dinner, they will kindly ask you to eat together. The practice is to say what you want to eat. You do n’t say how I know the lifestyle ...

The arrival of Bai Yang apparently made the family curious. After a while, they ended the dinner. The old man, the oldest son of Hilight in the information, personally came to receive Bai Yang, and the other members looked curiously.

"Young people from the East have kept you waiting for a long time. I heard my father said during his lifetime that there was an East man who had lost his heart and became a friend. I never thought you were so young." The old man looked at Bai Yang and was friendly. Smiled, and handed a cigarette.

Aspen took it politely, but did not order it. It seems that there is a law in the rice country saying that they cannot smoke in front of minors. I don't know if there is such a law in this state.

No wonder the other party is not strange about himself, it turned out that Hillett had said himself before his death.

Not wanting to delay too much time here, Bai Yang said directly: "Thank you for the compliment. I took the liberty to come, but I was actually interested in the meteorite fragments left by Mr. Hillett during his lifetime. I do n’t know if he told you. I also sent me a meteorite fragment before I died. I like it very much. I learned that he still gave some of his loved ones, so I found you and wanted to get meteorite fragments from you in a way you are satisfied with. How about it? "

"Meteorite fragments? Oh ... Sorry, I forgot to mention you. My father did hand me a piece of meteorite fragments during his lifetime, but I didn't care." The old man was obviously a bit old and had a bad memory. .

"Wow, cool, I came here thousands of miles to find meteorite fragments? Did my great-grandfather leave meteorite fragments? Why don't I know?" The girl who opened the door to Bai Yang whispered in surprise.

At this moment, a middle-aged man with glasses opened his mouth. He examined Bai Yang and asked, "Sorry, take the liberty to interrupt, how can you prove that you are my grandfather's friend? How did you find us?"

Aspen had been prepared, and pretending to take out Hillett's letter from his pocket and handed it to the other party, "I think this should prove my identity."

The other party quickly browsed the letter to confirm the authenticity, and handed Bai Yang an apology: "Sorry, you know, there are many bad people now, please understand my suspicion"

"It doesn't matter, it should be. You are fine. Only with such a cautious attitude can you protect the safety of your family," Bai Yang said in a closed letter.

"Well, now that I have confirmed that you are a father's friend and want the piece of meteorite, then I will give it to you. After all, it is useless to keep it, but after all, it is a relic left by his father before his death, please You keep it safe "The old man looked at Bai Yang with a smile, then turned to look at the middle-aged man and said," Go and get the meteorite fragments, I remember it was placed in the closet "

A little hesitant, the middle-aged man got up and left, and soon brought the box containing the meteorite fragments to Bai Yang.

My heart was slightly stunned, and Aspen did not expect to get a meteorite fragment so smoothly, but this is a good thing, isn't it?

"I think I should pay a certain amount of money for this, otherwise I will feel ashamed," hesitating slightly, Bai Yang looked at them and said.

The old man shook his head and said, "You are my father's friend. Meteorite fragments have no effect in our hands, so I will give them to you. If I ask for compensation for this, I will not be able to face my father after death, so please Do n’t mention compensation ”

I have to say that many people in foreign countries are very direct and say what they think, unlike some people in the country, they have a heart in their mouth.

Nodding, Poplar stopped mentioning the reward and looked at the old man and asked, "I am an astronomy enthusiast and I really love these meteorite fragments. So, can I ask, how many meteorite fragments did Mr. Hillett have in his lifetime? Who are they given to? I think all of them have gathered, maybe it will be helpful for astronomical research. "

"Wow, astronomical research, cool, can I see the results of your research?" The girl's eyes brightened.

"If you go to my country, I'll be happy to show you around." Bai Yang opened his mouth openly.

The old man laughed on the side: "In fact, my father left six meteorite fragments during his lifetime, one of which was given to you, and five were given to our four sisters and another brother, the father you helped to find The child of the first love, but to be honest, I have n’t contacted them for a long time, and I do n’t know how they deal with the meteorite fragments. ”

"Thanks, this information is enough," Bai Yang said with relief.

The target was narrowed down to the other four people all at once, their information poplars were in their hands, and it was too easy to find.

"I'm glad to help you. You could help your father without paying back. Now I can help you. Father will be happy if he knows in heaven," the old man laughed.

The so-called melons, melons, peas, and beans are an unintentional act of Poplar. Although the deceased has died, the living person remembers that this is probably the case for good people.

Although Bai Yang doesn't think he is a good person, he can do things freely and be happy.

"Then I won't bother you. If you can go to my country, I will invite you to eat Chinese food," Bai Yang stood up and said, ready to leave.

"Then I won't give it away, please forgive me for the inconvenience of getting old ..."

Packing up the box containing the meteorite fragments, Bai Yang left. The girl who opened the door sent him to the door. Standing at the door, the girl looked at Bai Yang and winked. "Hey, handsome guy from the East, I think you are very pleasing to the eye, if not If you mind, how about a multinational relationship? "

Hold the grass, do you want to be so direct, and you are just a kid!

Aspen was speechless and almost didn't fall. She shrugged and looked at her and said, "If you change your dress style a little, I think I shouldn't mind when you're two years old."

"Oh, that's a pity" the girl closed her shoulders with a shrug.

See, this is the way of speaking in the country. It is direct and efficient. If you do n’t do it, you will be pulled down. Who has the time to grind with you ...

I took the meteorite fragment box in my hand, and Poplar turned it into the space bag, and prepared to find the other several pieces and study them together. After all, if there is any surprise, as always, there will be a big movement. The immediate environment is clearly unsuitable.

Riding unattended, he rose to the sky and headed for the next goal.

Hillett's other four children ~ www.readwn.com ~ Three of them lived around Los Angeles, and the other went to New York. In the next two days, Aspen rolled to many places, and finally all the other meteorite fragments Get it.

Except for the first meteorite fragment, the other four have some twists and turns. Hillett's second daughter felt that it was a relic of his father's life. He had no choice but to hypnotize it. The third son was a gambler. In the case of Hilight, Bai Yang smashed 300,000 US dollars into his hands. The four daughters were mixed, and they wanted to kidnap Bai Yang to take back other meteorite fragments and extorted Bai Yang by the way. Instead, he was learned by Bai Yang. Meteorite fragments ...

In the end, the son that Hillett's first love gave him was actually a scientist, and he was also studying the meteorite, but Mao had not studied it.

After getting all the meteorite fragments, Poplar had to sigh, he was also a father, but he did his best to produce talents ...

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