Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 498: Refining

I flew through the night and walked in the clouds. Although chic, it was boring for a long time. After all, aspens could not fly as well as planes. They crossed mountains and rivers. When they were about to reach their destination, it was already dawn the next day.

The fortifications to be built by Tong Baiyang are located in a remote mountainous area in Anshi, Qianzhou Province. The surrounding area is deserted, and the nearest village is 20-30 kilometers away.

The specific location of Aspen has not been yet, so I landed in Anshi and called Xiong Da to drive over to pick it up.

Xiong Da who received the call apparently hadn't got up yet, didn't expect Bai Yang would call him at this time, and asked blankly, "What does the boss have to command?"

"I'm in Anshi, come and pick me up," Bai Yang said.

Uncle Xiong replied, "So fast?"

"I came over"

"Oh, boss, wait a minute, I'm afraid it will take a few hours from here," Xiong said.

Hanging up the phone, Xiong Da was a little dazed. The boss was still in Modu when he called yesterday, and it was not so fast by plane. Most of the trips from Modu to Guizhou Province went to Gui City, and then transferred to An'an City at least to get down. one day……

He shook his head and didn't want these. Xiong Da drove off-road from the construction site to Anshi.

哪 Where did he know that flying by Poplar did not refer to flying.

Although Anshi City in Qianqian Province is called a city, it can't be compared with an international metropolis like Modu, but the city's waterfalls are world-famous and rich in tourism resources.

Waiting from morning to noon, he finally waited for Xiong Da, who was driven by Fengchen, and the two rushed to the construction site after eating something.

On the way, Xiong Da could n’t help but said, “Boss, you said that you do n’t need to go to that kind of mountain village if you build a leisure villa. The most exaggerated thing is that an entertainment place needs the foundation to be dozens of meters deep. This is outrageous. Up "

"Safety is the most important thing. I plan to make that place a leisure place for the membership system. In the future, all rich people will play, and no accidents will happen." Bai Yang flickered at will.

Except for Poplar, Wang Qingyu didn't know exactly what he was going to do. Now, in the name of tourism, after some superficial efforts are made, the really important part still needs to be responsible by himself.

"That's too exaggerated. If you use the boss's standards, you can resist the magnitude 18 earthquake." Xiong Da couldn't help muttering.

"Come on, tell me what's going on over there" Poplar shifted the topic.

"A project route has been completed to the construction site, all kinds of large-scale equipment have been put in place, the preliminary work has been completed, and the foundation has been excavated. Once the excavation is completed, a large amount of steel is required, so I will inform the boss you" Xiong Da He answered, he didn't know the truth, as long as he knew that there was meat to follow the boss.

"Well, that place is very important in the future. If you have someone you can contact, you will need a lot of security at that time." Bai Yang nodded, casually mentioning it.

"I will pay attention"

I chatted along the way, and soon left the city and entered the national highway. After being more than 100 kilometers away from the urban area, a newly-built engineering road appeared on the side of the national highway leading to the deep mountains.

Because of the poplar's willingness to throw money, the early stage work was done quickly. The project line was ten meters wide and was also paved with asphalt, which was better than the national highway.

The leaders of Zhao'an City are estimated to be able to wake up with a smile when they fall asleep. Such a large investment is here, ‘performance’.

As soon as Qi went down this road, Poplar saw a lot of large vehicles coming in and out, full of various building materials.

Meng Xiongda once again couldn't help but spit out: "With the boss, you spend money at no cost, it is estimated that the business can be repaired in six months."

I chatted all the way, eighteen bends on the mountain road. After more than two hours, the poplars had arrived in the mountains and mountains. The surrounding area was deserted. The Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau was humid and the mountains were filled with fog.

This is exactly what Poplar wants.

Near the construction site, at least 3,000 people were busy, various tower crane excavator **** cars roared, and the tranquility in the mountains was broken.

Far away, Poplar saw the erected slogan, ‘Safety First’

No one knows that the real big boss of the construction site, Poplar, is here and is busy with his own, but the people at the gate of the construction site clearly know Xiong Da, and when he entered the construction site, he brought two hard hats.

Aspen looked at it casually, and the progress was still very fast. The mountains were leveled out into an open area surrounded by mountains. The area of ​​500 meters long and wide marked with lime on the flat ground had been excavated. There must be at least three excavations there. Ten meters deep as the foundation.

What confuses those who contract this project is that the foundation will be cast in one piece at the time. God, this will not only prevent a twelve magnitude earthquake, but I am afraid that a nuclear bomb will not blow through.

However, just let him do whatever he wants.

"Boss, go and rest over there. An office building has been built. Although it is a bit rudimentary, but there is nothing missing. The boss should be over there." Look at Wang Qingyu's.

Bai Yang Nianli swept away and saw that Wang Qingyu in the office building seemed to be having a meeting with several foremen. Without disturbing, he shook his head and said, "I will solve the steel problem first"

I didn't understand, but I didn't ask anything.

With a little thought, Bai Yang felt that it was a bit scary to have millions of tons of steel out of nowhere, so he had to figure out a way to cover it, so he went to the construction site and drove away from the mountain alone, and found a town nearby. Came to the town // government // house to rent an abandoned elementary school in the suburbs in a private name.

Thanks to the family planning 'credits' of previous years, there are very few children today, and a large number of primary schools have been abandoned all over the country. This kind of place is easy to find.

I came to the elementary school, no one left or right, and Bai Yang shimmered into this world.

I went back to the Gourd Valley of the Otherworld. It was daylight and everything was fine. He didn't alarm anyone, he posted a concealment note to himself, and went to the destination.

As Bai Yang returned and left, only the blind Shan Qiulin and Yinlang felt in the valley, but they were not sure, and no one else knew.

A few minutes later, Aspen arrived at his destination and stood in the sky, looking at the mountain below, with a smile on his face.

"Hongyan Mountain, the nearby mountains are iron ore with a very high content, so it is a waste to put it here, I feel sorry for not using it!"

That's right, Bai Yang came to Hongyan Mountain again. He had paid attention to it at the beginning, but the father and son of the Fengshou family in Deyang Town wanted to pit him. Already.

Nowadays, the entire Chen dynasty is in chaos and chaos. Who can take care of this place, and in the case of him alone, I am afraid no one knows.

Falling on the ground, looking at the Red Rock Mountain ahead, a red flame appeared in the poplar's hand.

"The flame temperature of this power is extremely high, and even the Bloodweave Sword cannot be contacted for a long time, otherwise it will be burned out. It is simply not possible to burn these iron ore to make iron. At high temperatures, the impurities contained in iron ore are estimated to be burned clean and the best quality pure iron will be obtained! "

I thought in my mind that the crimson flame from Aspen's hands flew out and fell on the crimson open-air iron mine.

之 处 Where the flame touches the iron ore, the smoke rises instantly, the ore melts visible to the naked eye, and the hot red molten iron flows. Within a few seconds, a pit appears in the place where the flame landed.

Extinguish the flames and take it to the molten iron for cooling. Bai Yang Nianli controls the Bloodweave Sword to fly over, cuts a piece of cooled iron and takes it to the hands.

"As I suspected, the iron nuggets smelted by the power fire have almost no impurities. Although they have not been tested by professional instruments, they can be discerned by my naked eyes. The power fire is very powerful, and ironmaking has saved a lot of them. Complicated steps "

"Iron is not the same as steel. It is just an alloy. There are other elements in it. As far as foundation construction is concerned, this iron is enough. Anyway, it is impossible to build a building that is too high. If you are afraid of insufficient strength, then Making iron as large as a railroad track as a bone, and pouring concrete, the stability is probably better than the reinforcement! "

I wondered, and now it was time for Poplar to work.

I was not so troublesome, and I didn't need a blast furnace or anything. When I read about it, a 100-meter-high crimson mountain in front of me was surrounded by flames, and the surrounding temperature rose sharply. The vegetation was burning and the smoke was billowing.

The poplar's power fire not only surrounded the mountain from the outside, but also burned from the inside.

That mountain seemed to turn into a flame mountain, and various impurities burned into the sky.

You can see with your naked eyes that the 100-meter-high mountain top melts like white snow in the spring, and the red hot metal flows, forming a low-lying area on the edge of a hot metal river!

What is a million tons of iron? Www.readwn.com ~ If this piece of Hongyan Mountain is completely smelted, billions of tons of steel can be obtained!

Under the fire of Aspen's power, the 100-meter-high mountain melted in just five minutes, the impurities turned into thick smoke, and the molten iron, which was almost pure iron, formed a river flowing, and a kilometer-long low-lying edge The strip is full, forming a veritable lava lake.

It took only a few minutes for Aspen to smelt a whole mountain, but waiting for the molten iron to cool made him wait for half a day.

The idea was swept away. After the inside of the molten iron had cooled, the Bloodweave Sword flew out, inserted directly into that large iron goblet, pulled straight, tore a crack, and then the Bloodweave Sword flew up again, five centimeters away from the crack. The place was inserted again, and another crack appeared.

From the edge, the poplar controls the blood-sword sword and cuts the tofu, and cuts a piece of iron with a length of ten meters and a width of five centimeters.

So reciprocating, the efficiency is so fast.

After working around for a long time, Aspen received at least two million tons of iron bars and transported them to the abandoned elementary school on the other side of the earth.

"These iron bars are only used for face-saving projects. There is no need to troublesomely make them just to deal with them. I need to come back later ..."

I nearly moved a hill, and Poplar disappeared into the world, leaving the messy ground ...

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