Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 556: Smoke is bad

Ten people stepped on the high platform and stood in line in front of the members of the blood lotus shrouded in black robes.

Bai Yang paid special attention to the other nine people. All of them looked solemnly and respectfully. Even though they all survived from the blood of the corpse mountains, they were powerful enough to face the blood lotus member in front of them. Stomp and please!

"Understand, this blood lotus member judges from the breath, but it is just a warrior who cultivated in the samurai realm. The reason why they are so respectful and even envy is because these nine people are the warriors born by Noroko, and No martial arts and teachers! "

"And this member of the blood lotus religion, he represents the blood lotus religion, which represents the great forces that can work against the entire dynasty. In front of him, even if he is a higher level than him, he is a short head!"

"It's as if the poor black uncle in Africa is longing for the status of a developed country on the earth ..."

Mind flickered, Aspen quickly thought of a lot.

The man in the black robe stood in front of the crowd, as if he was about to be one head taller than the crowd. As soon as he waved his hand, ten people rushed up under the high platform, put down ten one-meter-long wooden boxes and quickly left.

Looking at the ten wooden boxes in front of them, except for the poplars, everyone was so excited that they immediately held the wooden box in their arms as a daughter-in-law.

At this time, the man in black robe said: "These ten wooden boxes, each of you will receive one. Inside the wooden box, there is a big captain's identity token, ten squadron captain's identity token, and a hundred little captain's identity. The token and the identity token of a thousand ordinary soldiers. In addition to the identity token, there are also a thousand strong bones. This is a reward for ordinary soldiers, because these people have been released from the cannon fodder status as long as they do not die. Every "will" has such a reward "

"Second, there are a hundred Yangxue Dan, which is a reward for the captain. It can nourish the blood and strengthen the bones and muscles, so that the warrior has a greater chance to become a warrior. There are ten Yangqi Dans. The blood Dan is ten times stronger. It is a benefit for the captain, and a strong one is a benefit for the captain. I will not talk about the effect. "

"Finally, there are three sets of exercises. One is called the blood-killer knife method, which is a benefit for the captain, the other is a drip knife, which is a benefit for the captain, and the other is a blood knife, which is for ordinary people. The welfare of the soldiers, these are the ones that you are responsible for distributing to the people under you. "

"Besides, after you go down, you have to use the status of the captain and go to the logistics office to collect the corresponding supplies, because none of the people present are cannon fodder, everyone can get a set of armored blades. Remember, you, as the captain, It is necessary to supervise the following people to practice the corresponding swordsmanship, because these three swordsmanships can form an army formation when they are skilled. The power is infinite. The more soldiers who form a large formation, the greater the power. "

"Well, finally, according to the map in the box, you take your own people to find the corresponding accommodation, settle down, count the names of the people below, and hand them to me. The place where I live is in the center of you. It ’s very recognizable. Remember, the identity token is not to be lost. It must be worn in a prominent place in the camp. Otherwise, do n’t blame me for not reminding you. ”

The other party crackled a lot, and turned around without leaving a chance for questions.

Alas, no wonder everyone wants to climb up. Seeing that, just after occupying a high position, the right came, not to mention the other. Mastering these boxes is tantamount to grasping the people below and seeing who is upset and depriving you of what you should You can't find the welfare of crying.

With a murmur in her heart, Bai Yang saw the expression of the other nine people who were almost excited, and secretly said that you were excited with a woolen yarn, and this bit of fun should be given to me.

The most precious elixir? Pull it down, I'm so tempted to eat fried beans, as for the martial arts cheats? I use it for furry purposes. How many large boxes in the house are left with ashes ...

The so-called full man does not know that the hungry man is hungry. This is probably the case. Aspen, who lacks nothing, does not understand the meaning of the contents of the box for these nine people.

"Gongfa has all the elixir. This is the advantage of being attached to the great forces. I spent 13 yuan and practiced to the third level of the samurai with a set of superficial skills. No, seeing joining the blood lotus religion, these things that I used to break through my head were easily available! "Zhong Yue sighed with a complex look.

"Blood-killing knife method, I have heard that it is extremely poisonous and better than my practiced knife method, and I am practicing the knife method myself, but I don't have to adapt to the use of weapons" .

Each one was very excited, and finally his mother found an organized expression.

Secretly despising a bunch of soiled buns, Bai Yang coughed and said, "What, brother, do business, distribute things, and then find a place to live, collect supplies, things are not over yet"

"Cough, guys, speak by one step," Zhong Yue stabbed and coughed at the crowd, blinking.

A smile appeared on his face, and Lu Yuxi laughed, "Brother Zhong, but it doesn't matter."

What kind of moth do you want? Everyone ’s expression is so weird but I do n’t understand it? Aspen is unknown.

Looking at the crowd of people below, Zhong Yue whispered at Bai Yang and others: "Do you think, how much should the stuff inside be sent?"

I wipe it, Bai Yang seconds understand, co-authored this special began to blood soldiers? Are n’t you afraid of being killed if you delay the event of blood lotus?

After Zhong Yue inquired, Lu Yuxi took the lead in expressing her stance. He stretched out five slender fingers and said generously, "I think it will be almost 50% after I send it."

Bai Yang wants to roll her eyes, sister of heart, you are too cruel, you have to cut it in half before this thing is in hand? Sure enough, women are all femme fates.

However, this is the root of the rotten lotus, I like it!

"I think, 40%, no more. After all, why are we becoming captains, those guys, let them die," said a man with a knife.

More fierce than Lu Yuxi!

"Too little, right?" Zhong Yue frowned.

Lu Yuxi asked, "How much does Brother Zhong think it's appropriate to continue?"

"Three percent" Zhong Yue said with three fingers raised.


Poplar almost vomited blood, and co-authored with Zhong Yue said that he got too little, horse eggs, and really did not have a good thing!

"I don't think you can do this. After all, the people below will block us from the knife. It can't be too cold for their hearts." Bai Yang felt that he had to stand up and speak.

A few people suddenly looked at Bai Yang with displeased eyes, as if they were talking about the brother, are you going to sing anti-contrast?

Poplar looked at them with wide eyes and said, "As a captain, we have to provide benefits to our brothers. If you only let the people below get away from it, how can you build a career and make a career and get more benefits?"

"That's right, how much should it be issued by Yi Song brothers?" Zhong Yue looked at Bai Yang uneasily and asked.

Everyone becomes the captain at the same time. If the number of people below is not equal, the people under each person have opinions and it is easy to bomb the camp.

Looking at the crowd, Dayang Dayi said suddenly, "We can't do things that are chilling, so I suggest that if you let it go, what do you think?"

After a brief silence, a group of people stared at the dog.

They all felt that they were fierce enough, and did not expect that there was a more fierce one. However, this kind of person swallowed up 90% of the things, but said it in a righteous manner, making them all sigh.

It's so bad to smoke!

"Yeah, we can't let the people below chill too much, just follow the Song brother's suggestion," Zhong Yue coughed, a brother, you win the expression of my heart.

Lao Tzu has never seen such a shameless person. There is a mother who sells criticism in her heart ...

In this way, the ten captains had completed their discussions and headed for the box in front of them.

Look at each other with a smile, open them separately, put the most precious Zhuang Qi and blood-killing knife method inside, and then hang the captain's identity token.

Finally, he directed his relatives to come up and carry things, and went to the residence according to the map obtained from the box. The rest was personal.

Poplar looked at the captain's token. It was made of black metal, the size of a palm, and there was a blood-colored lotus relief on one side. The center of the lotus relief had the word 'Xia' and the other was the captain of the ninth team.

Xia should represent the man in the black robe, and the ninth team is equivalent to the ninth captain of the opponent.

Hanging the token at will, Bai Yang beckoned at Ling Jiao in the crowd, and let him carry the box to take people away. As for sending things? Settle down and talk ...

Bringing a thousand people who belonged to them to the corresponding camp, Bai Yang asked them to follow the combination of the squadron to find a tent to live in. They didn't have time to deal with you. The best way to bomb the camp.

As a captain, the welfare is good. There is a single tent, which is hundreds of square meters.

Aspen popped up to the reclining chair at random, pointed to the box that Ling Jiao put down and said, "Look at yourself, what do you need?"

When Ling Jiao opened it, she looked at it with a look of disgust.

"Blood-killer? Do n’t give it to me, do n’t give it to me. It ’s useless to me, everything else is rubbish."

"Cut, don't pull it down" Aspen poked his lips and didn't care.

Ling Jiao simply closed the box and sat on it and asked Bai Yang: "What are you going to do next?"

"Next ..."

Before the Bai Yang words were finished ~ www.readwn.com ~, he was interrupted by a voice from outside the tent.

"Captain Song, I'm Mei Ye and asked to meet"

After being interrupted, Aspen was very upset and yelled outside the door: "Meiye? Who are you?"

"Back to Captain, I'm the one who was injured by your strange weapon," the other party replied, and in the tent, Poplar heard the sound of his teeth gnashing his teeth.

"Oh, it's you, wait, I'm going to sleep" Bai Yang didn't want to talk to each other at all.

Who cares whether you live or die, I came to the Blood Lotus Church to do business, but not to really help them do things, wherever they want to die.

"But, the captain, except for me, the other nine squadron squadron captains are waiting here," Mei Ye said again with gritted teeth.

Horse eggs, this is not enough to see people outside ...

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