Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 558: Routine

After the ten squadron captains faintly left, the tent calmed down, a section of thick ash tree burned, and the fire flickered.

Ash tree is a special product of the other world. No matter how old the tree is, it can only grow to a thick wrist. It is easy to ignite and smoke-free. It is a commonly used lighting tool.

Aspen has once compared that this kind of ash tree burns slightly faster than the candles on the earth side. Once it burns, it will not emit black smoke, but it will have a slight fragrance.

"What is your look!"

Ling Yang's eyes were covered with hair, and Bai Yang asked nothing.

"Oh, Bai ... Sister Lu Yuxi that Brother Song said just now ..." Ling Jiao cried embarrassedly.

Yangtian sighed, Bai Yang felt that in addition to pretending to be Ling Jiao, the rest of his life estimated that the girl was his favorite hobby!

A very good young man who was alive was actually distorted by himself ...

"Hey, you just asked me what you plan to do next? I'm ready ..." Bai Yang shifted the topic and felt that this promising young man couldn't get off the wrong track and shift the topic.

"That's your business. Who cares, let's talk about the story of sister Lu Yuxi." Ling Jiao didn't buy it and corrected the topic.

"Sleeping, there is still something tomorrow, who has the time to discuss the girl's affairs with you" Bai Yang turned his face.

"No, you can't sleep if you don't make it clear!" Ling Jiao was anxious, and quickly stepped forward and raised Bai Yang with one hand and said, there is a big posture that you don't make clear.

Aspen was speechless and wiped away. In the face of the turbulent youth, you can't use a girl to beat him, or the whole person will be bad!

With a sigh, he motioned for the other party to let himself down. Aspen spoke seriously: "I don't think you should be too attached to your sister, it's not good for you."

"I do n’t know if a hungry man is hungry. You do n’t lack a girl, of course," Ling Jiao stared.

It ’s also Ha. I thought that when I did n’t have a girlfriend or a girl, it ’s not a big hobby in life.

For a moment of silence, Bai Yang looked at Ling Jiao positively and said, "You are only curious about girls now, and you are not involved in feelings. Although the blade of the world is sharp, only love words are the most killing. If you like a girl in the future, you Knowing what is pain, that kind of sadness, even if you have the strength of the world

When he said these words, Bai Yang thought of Shan Qiulin, a good young man, who was almost alive because of his emotions.

"Don't talk to me about the mess. You tell me about Lu Yuxi's sister first. How can you get her out of bed?" Ling Jiao said impatiently.

Bai Yang wants to scold his mother. The teenager doesn't know how to feel sad. I'm telling you Jinyu's good words. Don't listen, right, there will be times when you are bitter!

"You want to make that sister Lu Yuxi, right? Simple, just follow my instructions, or you can hold her without shame or fret for a few days!" Bai Yang rolled his eyes.

"Hurry up and say, how to do it? By the way, what does bubble mean?" Ling Jiao stared.

Lao Tzu ...

"Don't worry. Before picking up girls, we have to analyze what kind of person the target is before we can plan the corresponding routine." Bai Yang said unhurriedly.

"Routine?" Ling Jiao didn't understand again.

"The routine is to set up a set, and eventually the other party obediently gets into your set!"

"Oh, go on"

"First of all, that girl Lu Yuxi is a warrior from Ye Luzi. When she saw her early life, she was not very happy, and she used to see the dead and blood of the corpse, her mind was firm, and it was not so easy to be moved. , That is to die of fire and fire ... "

Bai Yang said more and more outrageous, Ling Jiao quickly interrupted and asked: "What should I do?"

In fact, you only need to defeat her strongly, nibble him, kiss her, and touch her. In the end, she can only obey and obey, but I will not tell you the most direct and effective way.

With a dry cough, Bai Yang said: "Tomorrow she will definitely go to the 'General' to hand over the roster. When you follow me, the first step is to impress her. When she thinks of a man, the first thing you think of is you. This is the first step. Once this step is done, it will be OK to follow the steps. The routine is to let the other party step by step into the set you set. "

Regarding the incomprehensible English Lingjiao popped out by Poplar, he asked impatiently, "Specifically? Should I show some strength to impress the other party?"

"Vulgar" Bai Yang first despised, and then laughed: "Hey, you do, after seeing her tomorrow, you say nothing and do nothing ... girl, no matter how hard-hearted you are, you just have to be like this I did it and left a deep impression on her. Then I will make arrangements after listening to it. Remember everything I said? Remember not to mess it up, otherwise I ca n’t help you. "

"It's that simple? Is it really possible?" Ling Jiao was a little unbelieving.

"Follow what I said, it's true that I'm going to sleep, I'm here to do business here, and teach you to pick up girls just by the way." Bai Yang turned over to bed.

"Is that okay? Oh, shy ..." Ling Jiao grinned restlessly, and wanted to ask Bai Yang to share his mood, but Bai Yang was already asleep.

Thinking of the fragrant and tender sister, Ling Jiao couldn't sleep ...

As soon as the next day dawned, Poplar was woken up by Ling Jiao who had not slept overnight, listening only to his urging: "Bai ... Song Xiong is getting up, it is dawn, we are going to the place where the general lives"

Sitting blankly on the bed, Bai Yang: "..."

Sure enough, you can't go to the adolescent rioters!

"Let's wash and eat first," Bai Yang sighed.

No one is unhappy to wait. You have to wash your face and brush your teeth. As for the food, no one has done it just after settling. There will be some cooked food in the poplar space bag.

After finally getting busy, Ling Jiao ran away while pulling Bai Yang, anxious.

"Busy hammer, I remember everything I told you last night?" Bai Yang said silently.

"Remember, I practiced all night. With the control of my body, little things," Ling Jiao answered.

Looking at Ling Jiao Yirong's appearance, he shook his head in secret, man, it's quite difficult, I still won't tell you ...

In the blood lotus camp, wherever you can say one thing, you can do one thing. Bai Yang first went to Meiye. They got a roster made overnight, and took the first squadron to the logistics office. Receive supplies.

Weapons, armors, grains, pots, pans, pots and pans, and then arranged a series of trivial tasks such as cooking, cleaning, patrolling, etc. Finally, they were instructed to practice me and practice the exercises.

In fact, there is no need to worry about poplars in cultivation. The other world is still martial arts.

After a busy day of work, Poplar had time to take Ling Jiao to the routine. Oh no, submit the roster.

When it came to the gorgeous tent where the blood lotus people lived, there were no accidents. The other nine captains were all there, holding the roster.

However, none of them have seen the person who teaches on blood lotus. Bai Yang Nianli glanced at him, the other party was still sleeping, and he was lazier than Lao Tzu ...

"See, sister Lu Yuxi is over there. I have already told you how to do this first step. If you ca n’t do it, it ’s up to you. If you ca n’t, you can only wait for us to finish things and go back and I will give you one. "I looked at the nine captains outside the tent, and Bai Yang whispered to Ling Jiao.

"I know, but I'm so nervous," Ling Jiao said, scratching his head.

Can you imagine a picture of a bull who dares to fight with the master and martial arts but is upset because he wants to chase a girl?

Anyway, Aspen is alive.

"I can only help you get here"

Patting his shoulder, Bai Yang smiled and walked over to greet him with a hand and greeted him, "How many brothers come early, eh? Brother Zhong Yue, have you repaired it?"

"Haha, Brother Song, I took my breath last night. The third layer of the samurai that I couldn't break through for a long time has loosened, but it hasn't really broken yet, but soon, haha," Zhong Yue said in a low voice, afraid to disturb the tent. Shangguan.

"Congratulations, concubine, please." Bai Yang came.

A group of them murmured and waited for Shangguan to meet. The girl Lu Yuxi in the crowd was okay at first, talking and laughing with everyone, but gradually felt uncomfortable.

With her samurai instinct, she certainly felt that someone was looking at her, but whenever she looked back along that feeling, she couldn't find out who was looking at her.


So she began to pay attention, and finally seized an opportunity to train the feeling to see who was looking at her eyes.

As a result, she saw Ling Jiao's panic-stricken eyes.

According to the routine arranged by Bai Yang, Ling Jiao must first leave a deep impression on the other party, but it cannot be expressed in words and other ways, but only with eyes and expressions.

Bai Yang told Ling Jiao that she only needed to secretly look at her in a shy and affectionate way, and must show the young man's longing for beautiful girls.

In fact, there is no need to deliberately, Ling Jiao performed.

Look at her secretly, look at her again, look at her again, look at her ...

Every time she looked at Ling Jiao, she blushed and heartbeat. She was so beautiful, she was so nice, white and soft ...

Finding out who is looking at himself secretly, Lu Yuxi wanted to get angry and chop people ~ www.readwn.com ~ You can see that pair of shy eyes, do not know why, not only not angry, but feel fun.

With her style of chopping a knife at every turn, who dares to look at her like that?

When she found that funny look, she glared at Lingjiao from time to time, each time making Lingjiao's eyes panic and overwhelmed, and she became more and more fun.

Eventually she began to wonder, why did this person look at me with that look? Do i know him Have you seen it before?

Keke, the sister's ability to associate is terrible, curiosity kills the cat is not a lie!

Bai Yang saw all this in his eyes, smirked in his heart, and felt so uncomfortable. This first step was a deep impression!

Others will be afraid of Lu Yuxi, Ling Jiao's ability to cut people off her ten streets, will they be afraid?

So where are the two people secretly playing the game of eye collision.

"Come in." After an hour like this, the upper officer in the tent put his feet on the shelf, and then he said this ...

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