Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 560: Do one thing

In the tent, the member of the blood lotus who had fallen off the black robe was a strong middle-aged man. He stood with a knife and stood still. His body was turned into a thumb-sized silver chain around the mountain. Breathing was difficult, and his face was flushed.

There is a black lotus pattern on his right chest, which is extremely strange.

In the blood lotus religion, formal members, women usually imprinted a red lotus pattern on the back, and men imprinted a black lotus pattern on the chest. I do n’t know if it has any specific meaning.

This tattoo-like pattern is imprinted on the body, even if the piece of meat is cut off, it will still appear on the re-grown skin, and the secret method cannot be removed.

At this time, the middle-aged man who was restrained was frightened, and he couldn't figure it out anyway. Here is the blood lotus camp, why would anyone run in to target himself.

Bai Yang was in a state of invisibility holding the Destroyed Gold, and he could not see it at all.

"Although the vigilance is good, but you are too weak after all, since you can't do it secretly, you can only come hard!" The poplar's voice came from the empty tent.

Looking at the horrified guy in front of him, his powerful thoughts condensed into one's mind, and the hypnotic wave evolved from the ecstasy sound constantly affected his head.

With Bai Yang's strong mental power, in a very fierce state, the other party's consciousness collapsed in minutes, his eyes became dull and confused, completely controlled by Bai Yang.

"Obviously blink three times ..., bite your tongue ..."

A little uneasy, after Poplar repeatedly determined that he was indeed under control, he released the chain, but still did not show his figure.

Keke ...

The opponent who was released from the chain immediately breathed a big mouth and coughed. He was strangled by the chain just now!

After the other person's asthma was well-balanced, Bai Yang asked, "What do you need to pay attention to when entering the camp of your blood lotus center?"

"It ’s not a member of our blood lotus religion. It ’s impossible to enter the big camp center. There is a large array of shrouds. Only the blood lotus logo can be identified and entered. If you rush in, you will be killed immediately by the large array. "The other party answered faithfully.

Horse egg, fortunately, I didn't rush over, otherwise I didn't know how to die. Aspen was afraid for a while, and then asked:

"Big array, what is it, you know?"

"I do n’t know. I just teach an inconspicuous person. I ca n’t know too much. I only know that the large array is the basis for confrontation with Qingmu County. Because of the large array, Qingmu County cannot directly attack our camp. Beheading can only be consumed with us "

Upon hearing the answer, Poplar frowned, which was difficult to do. The guy in front of him was just an inconspicuous guy in the blood lotus religion. He didn't know much, the situation was unknown, and he couldn't make targeted arrangements.

My heart flickered, and as soon as Poplar became fierce, no matter what kind of array you were in, since you couldn't break the array in a targeted manner, you simply crushed it with violence!

Hundreds of thousands of blood lotus will be sent to death tomorrow. Those who are all innocent, act tonight, find a way to give him a pot, so as not to stay in the blood lotus camp for a long time.

"So, do you have a mage in your blood lotus camp?" Bai Yang asked again.

"Yes, the formation is the one he laid."

"Can you lie to me? Can I lie to you?"

"It's difficult. The other person is a big man. I can't meet each other, let alone let the other person come to my humble place." The other person shook his head.

Frowning, the purpose of the poplars to come to the blood lotus camp is to give their main members an end, and another is to catch the master. He has already brow the main member, but it is difficult to catch the master.

As soon as his eyes turned, Poplar had a way to arrange for this person under his control: "In this way, you go to that array mage, no, you send someone to let the person sent to tell the other party that you got a strange Things, fingernail-sized metal fragments, can not be seen by the naked eye under normal circumstances, can only be seen in the water, say that you do not understand, let a knowledgeable counterpart come to help you identify, so that the other party will definitely Come!"

"it is good"

He is controlled by Bai Yang, and his actions are not directed by himself, but only as instructed.

Bai Yang described the characteristics of God of Destruction a little, and he did not believe that the array mage was not fooled!

The Array Master must be a Shinto monk. He must have heard of a fetish such as God of Death. There is such a thing that he urges himself to be greedy, and God of God is too precious. He cannot tell others that he has swallowed it alone. Psychology will definitely not tell others, so it is not easy to catch each other? After catching it, it will not cause any waves even for a short time!

Just do it.

Bai Yang hid aside, asked the other party to put on a black robe again, and found a close friend who asked him to ask the other party to find a mage.

Although the Blood Lotus Religion Camp can only be entered by the official members of the Blood Lotus Religion, there are important things to report that ordinary people can still let in. This is beyond doubt.

"I also have to prepare something, every Shinto monk has a lot of means to avoid capsizes in the gutter!"

Mind flickered, Aspen suddenly found that as a Shinto monk from the wild road, he had the means to kill the Shinto monk, but did not have a method to effectively control the Shinto monk, which was embarrassing.

"Shinto monks are also humans. Since I do n’t have the same means that Shinto monks use to control people, then I can only use the method on the earth side. If the other party really wants to know the gods, then there is no way, and a fire is done! Decided"

The blood lotus camp is so big that even it takes a while for the array mage to get the news. During this time, Poplar disappeared in this world and ran a trip to the earth to prepare something.

See if you miss!

Things are ready, the other party has not yet come, and Poplar waits quietly.

A member of the Blood Lotus who was controlled by Bai Yang and he did n’t even ask his name. The people sent to him passed through the barriers and came to the center of the big camp. He told the caretaker to have something to report to the Master. He kept silent, even if he was forced to ask himself.

It's a matter of the big man in the array. The guards dare not neglect and take him personally.

After finding the array mage, the people sent will reveal a little information of the **** of destruction ...

Well, Bai Yang still underestimated the preciousness of such things as goddess gold. In order to keep secret, the array master not only killed the people he sent, but even the guards who followed him!

In the blood lotus religion, there is no reason to kill a few people in a high position.

After the two were killed, the array mage hurriedly left the center camp and went to the place where Bai Yang was.

From the center, no one dared to stop, and soon the other party appeared outside the tent.

If the eyes under his black robe flashed, he opened his eyes to look at the tent, and his heart jumped fiercely!

Sure enough, it is extinct gold!

From the perspective of his smart eyes, a twisted black mist appeared in the tent. It was small, but it could obstruct his vision. Even the smart eyes could not see the specific situation inside.

In such a situation, Goddess Gold must be undoubted. Only Goddess Gold can have such an effect. There is no restraint on the means of Shinto monks!

His heart was hot, and he couldn't wait to open the curtain of the tent. At a glance, he saw the man in the black robe controlled by Bai Yang, and said in a deep voice, "What about it? Here, I can help you study it"

Although he had seen the wave of waves sent out by the God of Destruction under the state of wisdom eyes, it was necessary to pretend.

"Sir, I put it on the table, and it is strange to say that the thing can't be seen by the naked eye, it has to be placed in the water," said the man in the black robe controlled by Bai Yang, walking towards the table.

"I don't need to show you the way, I'll go and see for myself," said the array mage.

Destroyed gold, what a fetish, can it be touched by others?

Bai Yang was standing on the table with the Fragment of Destroyer Gold, and the fluctuations not only made him invisible, but also prevented the Shinto monks from observing himself. He watched step by step towards his array master, and a smile appeared on his face.

As soon as the other party was close to the table, Aspen immediately put the goddess of gold into the space bag!

This thing in your hand affects your mind, you can only put it away first.

When the **** of extinction disappeared, and the poplar's figure was exposed, the array mage's footsteps came over for a moment.

Then ... then there is no more.

Aspen grinned at him, dozens of syringes appeared around his hands, sharp needles flashed cold under the light of fire.

Uh ...

The syringe flew across, covering the other side, and the first time it stuck, the transparent liquid inside pushed the other side's body as soon as possible.

Tongtong, the other fell to the street.

"A powerful sedative, one is enough to let an elephant sleep. Although you are a Shinto monk, but your body is not much better than ordinary people, how can you resist it? Just in case, I have prepared for you Dozens, see if you don't kneel! "

Aspen jumped off the table and kicked the array mage who knocked down the street and poked.

Dozens of syringes with sedatives were stuck on the neck, face, and body of the other, and they were horrified by the horrific medicine. The other party rushed to the street without a word.

In order to steal these things, UU reading books www.uukanshu.com Bai Yang also made a special trip to the big hospital. How easy am I ...

Thoughts were radiated, wisdom eyes opened, and Bai Yang carefully observed for ten minutes, but he didn't see this guy woke up with awakening, so it was certain that the sedatives even paralyzed the other party's consciousness and fell asleep.

Very good, what is needed is this effect!

Opening the other person's black robe hood, this so-called array master is a skinny old man. At this moment, he closed his eyes and fell into a coma, his breathing was as if he was asleep.

"Such a big measurement, don't die, otherwise I'm going to find another array mage."

Muttering in his mouth, Aspen asked the guy on the side to find the rope and tied the other side seriously, and tossed him aside, in a short time he didn't want to wake up.

"This guy can lay down a large array that makes Aoki County jealous. It still has some ability to think about it. It should be fine to let the satellite float in the sky. The first purpose of arresting the array master has been achieved. Then the next purpose is to teach the blood lotus. The main members are good! "

Sitting in the position of ‘general’, Poplar leaned on Erlang ’s legs and touched his chin to plan the next operation ...

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