Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 563: Sea of ​​blood

At night, the fire took advantage of the wind, and the blood lotus camp quickly expanded into a sea of ​​boundless fire, and the flames of light burst into the sky.

The fire was too fierce. Despite the large number of blood lotus camps, the fire was too late.

The screams and roars were intertwined, the personnel rushed around, their heads and minds were overwhelming, and they were too chaotic.

The most important thing is that, in the direction of Qingmu County opposite, he was chaos in the blood lotus camp, sending an army to kill him. The army trembled like a torrent, the earth shivered, and the sound of shouting killed the sky.

In the dark night farther, the endless flames of light illuminate, and there are countless torches, like Wang Yang, more people do not know where to kill them, and attacked the blood lotus camp!

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!"

"Abandon the fire for the time being and prepare for battle!"

"Call over, call over, what to do ..."

A roar sounded everywhere in the camp of blood lotus religion, but it had little effect. Here it turned into a sea of ​​fire, all messed up. Although blood lotus religion tried to organize manpower, the effect was greatly reduced.


The army from Qingmu County rushed over a distance of over ten kilometers and came outside the blood lotus camp. The tall wooden fence was smashed and smashed, and the army swarmed into the blood lotus camp to kill.

The Xuelianjiao hurriedly fired back, defeated one after another, and died one by one.

The army in Qingmu County was like a bamboo shooter, and it had not been effectively resisted for more than ten miles when it entered the camp of blood lotus religion.

"Don't panic, the brigades, squadrons, squadrons, organize your manpower, stabilize the situation, the army in Qingmu County, less than ten times as much as I wait, the backhand can be destroyed!"

"Kill me, pick up your sword!"

With a shout and yelling, it wasn't until the army of Qingmu County broke into the camp that it was twenty miles away that the blood lotus religion organized a little resistance.

After all, there are too many people here, and you have a firm foothold. The tactics of the sea of ​​people are like a solid city wall that blocks the impact of the army of Qingmu County.

Under the chain reaction, the army of Qingmu County went alone, and once it was surrounded by the blood lotus side, it was dangerous.

"The county has no urgency, and the reinforcements have arrived." Mo Yuanchi calmly looked at the situation where he tried to kill Xuelian.

Exhaling a long breath, the county nodded and said nothing.

Outside the lotus camp, there are countless torches in all directions, like a sea of ​​fire. It is an armed force that does not know where it is coming from. There are so many people that it is boundless. It is much more than the people in the lotus camp. !!

They rushed into the blood lotus camp, except for the army in Qingmu County, they killed when they saw someone. In this way, the advantage of the blood lotus religion that it was difficult to move back is gone again!

These militants who suddenly joined the battle are as diverse as the cannon fodder from the blood lotus organization. They are assembled by thousands or tens of thousands of people, each fighting.

Although they do not have the excellent equipment of the regular army, nor the order of the regular army, they can win in a large number of people, and they are fierce one by one, which is equivalent to the blood lotus killing a fan!

The blood lotus religion camp, the flames rushed to the sky, shouting to kill Zhentian, killing everywhere, blood flowing, residual value flying with arms broken, and instantly turned into purgatory on earth!

"Once the cannon fodder camp of blood lotus religion is resolved, blood lotus religion in Qingmu County will not be a concern!"

On the city wall, the Supreme Master said, taking a deep breath.

Mo Yuanchi's expression was dignified, and Shen Sheng said, "Strange, in this case, why is there no movement in the blood lotus center camp?"

The county respected his eyes ...

Indeed, the blood lotus camp was in chaos and slaughter, but the center camp did not seem to see it, there was no movement at all, and even a decent master was not dispatched, it was really weird.

The poplar hiding in the dark and setting fire to the ground, suddenly facing the blood lotus religion camp that suddenly plunged into melee, is also a look of surprise.

I just want to set fire, you guys are doing it?

"Well, the county magistrate in Qingmu County is not a fool, knowing that he took the opportunity to rush over, but where did the at least one million armed men who joined later come from? How can it be seen that they are all bandits?"

Aspen scratched his head and muttered.

Those who joined later did not have an effective organization, but they were fierce one by one, their faces were bleak, they rushed into the camp and slaughtered, without any fear of softness, they did not look like good people ...

"Whatever happened to him, he was caught off guard that the blood lotus taught millions of cannon fodder is probably disabled"

Shrugging his shoulders, Bai Yang aimed his eyes at the center of the Blood Lotus Camp. Like Mo Yuanchi, he was very puzzled. For Mao's side, the center didn't move?


Although I think so, my heart is so messed up anyway. Bai Yang doesn't mind taking the opportunity to touch the camp to give him a pot of pots.

As soon as he thought about it, Aspen popped into the center of the Blood Lotus Religion Camp for the first time.

But before he approached, he stopped moving forward, his mind was frozen, and an unparalleled horror rose to the center of the Blood Lotus Camp.

It was a breath of horror that originated from life instincts. It filled nine days and ten places, and once it appeared, even the battlefield where millions of people were killing fell into a short silence!

"No, this is a conspiracy. No wonder there is no movement in the Xuelianjiao Camp!" Looking at the direction of the Xuelianjiao camp, Mo Yuanchi's face turned wild.

"How can this be ..." The county magistrate looked pale.

At the center of the blood lotus camp, there is a 100-meter-diameter pool under the 100-meter-high flagpole, and the flagpole is set up in the pool.

At the edge of the pond, the square kilometer is empty, and no buildings exist.

On this circular open space, countless blood-red symbols interweave lines, making people dizzy.

Those symbolic lines, like drawn by blood, exude awe-inspiring red light, captivating.

Obviously, that's an evil formation!

At the center of the formation method, the 100-meter-diameter pool is a blood pool, a blood pool surging with blood. It is hard to imagine how much blood is required to fill such a huge pool!

At this time, the array around the pool flashed a strange red light, and the blood and water of the pool swelled with a shocking wave frequency. With each shock, a large amount of blood and water leaked out of the ground around the pool and merged into the blood pool.

If there is an expert here, you can see at a glance that the large array around the pool has gathered the blood of the battle on the battlefield into the pool in a strange way!

Judging from the traces of the formation method, this is no longer a matter of a day or two.

In other words, when the blood lotus religion organized millions of cannon fodder to hit Qingmu County, this large array had already been laid!

The blood lotus religion cannon fodder and the army of Aoki Prefecture slaughtered. Blood penetrated the ground and was dragged into the blood pool by the formation method. Everything was a conspiracy. The blood lotus religion did not care about the death of the cannon fodder. Qingmu County Army, their role has also been secretly reflected!

At this time, around the monster formation, hundreds of blood lotus religion black robes gathered, among them martial arts monks in the realm of warriors and warriors, one by one showing a strong **** atmosphere.

Some of them, though not exuberant, exude a terrifying feeling, such people are Shinto monks!

Among these black robes, four people are the most special, and they are closest to the formation.

Two of them, like a sleeping beast, are the strongest in the Grand Master's realm, and the other two, although ordinary, are more frightening than the strong ones in the Grand Master's realm. They are Shinto A real monk!

Originally, there were three masters in the blood lotus religion in Qingmu County, and one was previously killed by aspen ...

Four people gathered, one of the Shinto real people sneered and said, "It really was going to perish in Qingmu County. Originally, a large array was set up. I just want to go step by step. Let the blood of millions of people die silently and gradually gather to complete the large group. Someone Come here to make trouble, a decisive battle breaks out in advance, countless people die every moment, blood gathers, and the big battle has been completed! "

"So what are you waiting for? Start a large array and destroy the formation method of Qingmu County in one fell swoop. Once the formation method is broken, Qingmu County is the thing in my blood lotus religion!" Another Shinto real man chuckled.

The first Shinto real man nodded and said, "It's time, right, what about the Master?"

"I don't know where to go," someone answered.

"The formation method has been completed. Regardless of it, we start the large formation and destroy the formation method of Qingmu County in one fell swoop. You, scattered around, to prevent someone from coming to destroy the formation method." Another Shinto really spoke.


The rest, including the answer of the two great masters.

Ready. Two Shinto real people stared at each other and stepped into the formation. Under the eyes of everyone, they jumped into the blood pool and disappeared.

The next moment, the array around the blood pool trembled, the magical red light pervaded, the blood glow rose, intertwined into a transparent blood lotus with a diameter of thousands covering the array.

At the center of the lotus is the tumbling blood pool.

The lotus blooms, it is strange, rotate slowly, and block the formation.

If you want to destroy the formation, you must first defeat the defenders outside, then break the lotus guardian, and finally enter the blood pool to deal with the two formation host to destroy the formation!

Boom boom!

After the two Shinto monks jumped into the blood pool, the lotus bloomed, and the blood pool turned like a boiling water.

The tumbling blood waves continued to rise, rushing out of the ground, constantly rising, and finally turned into a blood column with a diameter of 100 meters soaring into the sky!

The blood column is soaring to the sky ~ www.readwn.com ~ You can see it from afar, the blood column is dreadful, and the sound of tumbling sound is like a tsunami.

"Blood sea, get up!"

A dark roar spread from the blood column all over the place.


The top of the blood column that almost rushed into the sky burst into a blast, turned into a rolling wave of blood, expanded endlessly, swept the sky, and rushed towards Qingmu County.

A sea of ​​blood appeared above the sky!

The source of the sea of ​​blood is the pillar of blood rising from the center of the blood lotus religion camp.

Rumble ...

The blood waves swept the sky and roared towards Qingmu County like Tianwei.

"God, what is that?"

In the blood lotus camp, the two sides who killed each other subconsciously stopped their actions.

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