Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 569: Retreat

"Giggle ..."

There was a baby's laughter resounding in the heavens and the earth. Instead of giving people a sense of joy in new life, they heard the sound of hair and bones getting cold.

The sound is not loud, but it can be transmitted to everyone's ears, as if echoing in the ears, it sounds from the bottom of my heart, covering the ears can not stop the sound from appearing in my mind.

The scarlet baby of the evil gate shuttled among millions of people outside Qingmu County. Wherever he passed, the surrounding people fell down piece by piece, and the weird qi died.

Every dead person was pale and with a torso, shaped like a dead body, terrifying.

The blood baby's speed was so incredible that it was still here for a moment, and it appeared at a great distance in the next second, as if it would be teleported and the figure was erratic.


The crowd outside the city had managed to restore a little order. At this time, everyone was frightened, screaming and fleeing in horror. The blood baby was too weird.

Millions of people fled, the picture was shocking, but it caused a stampede. Many people were not killed by the wicked baby, but instead were trampled to death on the ground.

"No matter what you do, kill!"

Some people did not believe in evil, and saw the blood babies appear not far away, boldly launching an attack.

However, the baby just glanced at each other, and the person who wanted to kill him froze. His body quickly dried up and died strangely. Whether it was a warrior warrior or a warrior warrior, anyone who wanted to shoot a blood baby has not yet encountered The other party died, and the monster was extremely strange.

Gradually no one dared to do anything to him, only to run with all his strength!

"What the **** is that?" On the wall of Qingmu County, Bai Yang looked hairy outside, and Rao was the one who had seen too many strange things. At this time, he couldn't remain calm. impulse.

No one can answer this question of Poplar. Like him, no one knows what the **** is that.

"Giggle ..."

Outside the city, the babies of the evil gate resounded, his figure fluttered, and the crowd died wherever he went.

People fled in a panic, the army of Qingmu County quickly returned to the county town, and the rest disappeared in the night.

In half an hour, outside Qingmu County, the millions of people who had been in chaos disappeared completely, but there were countless dead and strange bodies left on the ground. At a glance, at least 100,000, let alone fight before Dead people!

People have run away, but the blood baby has not disappeared, and the voice is still echoing.

Perhaps because there was no one outside the city, his figure flickered a few times and he actually flew towards Qingmu County.

"What to do? The master has never taught me how to deal with such evil things" Ling Jiao said nervously, his hands holding the long sword were shaking.

In the face of the evil blood boy, Rao is always confident that Ling Jiao can do nothing.

"Giggle ..."

At this moment, the blood baby instantly appeared in the empty space hundreds of meters in front of them, and he was laughing, so infiltrating.

Bangbang ..., not far from them, more than a dozen soldiers wearing armors fell strangely to the ground, without exception, with a dry trunk and pale skin, shaped like frozen corpses.

"This wicked guy seems to have a weird ability to **** something out of the human body from space, which makes people inexplicable," said Bai Yang's teeth trembling.

Before he opened his eyes, he saw that the blood babies looked at him, and there was a white light flying out of him, which was sucked into him, and the human body quickly dried up with the white light.

This process is extremely short, almost instantaneous, and there is no time for reaction.

At the same time, Bai Yang also found that the more martial arts the person with the high strength, the more intense the white light on his body, and the blood infant, under careful observation, actually selected the person who specializes in the high strength to start!

"Suck something? What? Blood? Real Qi? Zhen Yuan, Jing Qi or Divine Soul? Or life? How did you know that? Baijiao was horrified and asked a series of questions.

"The ghost knows what he sucked," Bai Yang shook his head. As for how he knew it, this question refused to be answered.

At this moment, Mo Yuanchi on the side shuddered, his body was white and crystalline, and his breath was thin and thin, Shen said, "No, that blood baby is coming at us!"

All of a sudden, including poplars, everyone around them was covered with sweat and hair, the bones were cold, the scalp was numb, and the body seemed to be unable to move. The fear from the instinct of life enveloped the whole person.


A few meters away, a warrior realm, a soldier wearing armor, was so full of energy that he had no time to say such a word in horror, and he died in a trembling state!

Because of the short distance, Bai Yang could see it really. At present, a white light flew out from him, not real air, not blood, and not evil spirit. In short, he did n’t know what the thing was. After the white light was removed, he died instantly. !!

"Fuck, you can't stop the formation, you can't protect yourself, run fast with grass!" Ling Jiao screamed and turned to prepare to run.

However, he had just made a run, and his body was stiff, and his hair was exploded. He felt that his body was cold, and his soul was frozen.

The evil blood boy put his eyes on him!

"Am I going to die?" Ling Jiao yelled.

Hum, in an instant, his body was rising with surging real energy, and his energy was permeated. The whole person was like a Saiyan who transformed in an attempt to resist the **** baby's strange means in this way.

However, it was useless. In the astonishment of Bai Yang's eyes, Hui Yan saw that Ling Jiao had a white light flickering and was about to leave the body.

If nothing else happens, that white light will leave the body and he will die instantly!

Facing this situation, Bai Yang is also desperate, save him? Don't make fun, at this moment, the poplar itself is in the sight of the blood baby!

Suddenly, the poplar's thinking seemed to be frozen, and even the thought of flashing back to the earth and running away could not appear in my mind.

"Mom sells batches, this is a pill." Bai Yang was frightened, how could Xuelianjiao come up with such a thing?

"Giggle ... yeah ..."

Outside the city, the blood babies in the void were still laughing, and they laughed very badly, but in an instant he exclaimed, and the next moment, his figure appeared thousands of kilometers away, looking at the poplar's sight Obviously frightened.

Bang bang ...

The feeling of fear disappeared in an instant. Bai Yang Lingjiao Mo Yuanchi and others were all taken away and fell to the ground, breathing heavily, and a feeling of the rest of his life appeared in his heart.

"not dead?"

"what happened?"

Ling Jiao and Mo Yuanchi both made sounds at the first moment, with doubts in terror.

"I don't know." Bai Yang shook his head, his eyes flickered, and then looking at the blood baby in the distance, the look of fear in his eyes had disappeared a lot.

At the moment when I felt like I was going to die, the sound of a dragon chant sounded deep in the poplar's mind.

It was also after that dragon yin that the blood infant screamed away, and Bai Yang and others escaped from the fate of death.

Emperor Dragon Qi!

Bai Yang first thought of that thing, and it turned into a golden dragon, entangled in the sea of ​​knowledge. Before that, the emperor dragon roared loudly, and then the blood infant was shocked.

"Giggle ..."

The blood baby, who was thousands of miles away, smiled evil again at this time, and appeared in front of Bai Yang several meters in a blink of an eye. The ghost knew that he had come this way!

Uh ...

As soon as he appeared, the temperature around him seemed to drop by hundreds of degrees. The people around him couldn't move, his teeth were fighting.

In the horrified eyes of everyone, the blood babies of the evil gate laughed at the poplar, and the sound of giggling sounded horrifying.


No one else could hear it, but Poplar could hear it. There was a sound of dragon yin in his mind again, faintly angry.

The next moment, if someone opened his eyes, he could see that a thousand-meter-long golden dragon phantom rushed out of his head, coiled around the poplar, glaring at the blood baby, and took a paw.

Although it was just a very faint golden dragon, it was still sacred and overbearing, with a majestic atmosphere.


The blood infant screamed and disappeared instantly. The voice was still reverberating between heaven and earth, but his figure disappeared without a trace.


The golden shadow of the golden dragon around Bai Yang issued an angry roar, wandering around in the void, and turned into golden light and disappeared into the sea of ​​knowledge.

All this, but only happened in the blink of an eye, the people around them just felt cold, and then the feeling disappeared, and even the blood baby appeared to disappear.

"If it wasn't for the Emperor Dragon's body protection, it would have been planted this time," Bai Yang trembled to himself.

However, a serious question is, where did the blood boy of the evil gate go?

One minute, two minutes, ten minutes ...

After half an hour, the blood babies didn't appear again, as if they had never appeared, everything seemed to be an illusion.

"Is this gone?" Ling Jiao asked in horror ~ www.readwn.com ~ and looked around, looking like a bow-scaring bird.

"I don't know, should I run away?" Bai Yang shook his head.

He also looked around at all times, and was sure that the blood baby had not been killed by Emperor Longqi, and he did not know whether it had run away or hidden.

The emperor's dragon spirit can only be carried by people with special life styles. Its divine difference is no worse than merit and golden light.

The emperor, representing majesty, supreme, deterrence, possesses the emperor's dragon air body protection, the demon retreats, and turns into an auspicious event when he is killed.

Of course, in order to achieve that effect, you need to be strong enough to protect your body.

Obviously, the dragon spirit on Bai Yang was not strong enough to kill the blood babies, or the blood babies were only born shortly and were not strong enough.

In short, Bai Yang can understand what it means to die. He is only one line away from his death. In the face of a blood baby, he cannot even rise to the idea of ​​running. For the first time, he feels that fate cannot be controlled by himself ...

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