Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 629: No matter what

One sued world book suddenly appeared on the major web sites around the world, with pictures and texts, evidenced by video, **** facts can not be fake.

In a networked society, personal encounters with celebrities can arouse the attention of all the people, not to mention such a major event. This report was published in a crazy reprint once the world book appeared. In just 10 minutes, the world ’s page views exceeded 10 million Care about the virus spread to all corners.

Numerous comments and abusive grievances abound, attracting public attention.

A group of rich people have been hijacked. Many people who have a hatred for wealth are very happy, but they also falsely rebuked the two guilty concubines on the Internet. In fact, they all wished they were all dead.

The occurrence of such a serious incident naturally attracted the attention of high-level officials from all countries for the first time.

A group of terrorists have blatantly provoked the whole world, this is trying to die!

Immediate measures were taken, and all countries held news conferences to appease the people, saying some grand words.

The hostages must be rescued, please rest assured ...

No country at this time is mentally disabled to say that the band of robbers must be killed. After all, the hostages are still in the hands of others. Does n’t that mean that the hostage ’s life is ignored? No one dares to say that. Can't afford responsibility.

There are too many rich people on cruise ships. If all of them are hung up, it will definitely cause world economic turmoil, let alone other negative effects.

For this incident, you must be careful and careful!

After the continuous fermentation on the Internet, most foreign media have reported that it has caused a worldwide uproar. Although the pictures broadcast are mosaic, the **** facts are still cold.

Foreign countries are chaotic, but China is calm at home.

Do you treat hair? Because few people know this at all!

The Huaxia official noticed this incident for the first time, and the power of the big crab **** was terrible, and the incident was isolated from ordinary people the first time.

How can such a situation be announced to the public and cause panic if the situation of domestic peacekeeping is to be maintained?

So, domestically, apart from the emergency discussions with high-level national officials, what should ordinary people do? They do n’t know, but they do n’t know that the whole world is full of excitement.

In a conference room in the Southwest China Sea, a group of bosses met urgently to discuss countermeasures against the hijacking.

"The incident on the Internet has been blocked for the first time, and there has been no widespread panic. For this, the Cyber ​​Security Bureau has done a good job," the opening boss, wearing a Zhongshan suit, said.

"We still have some omissions in this regard. Some people already know it, but we have blocked the transmission channel and will not attract wide attention." The head of the Cyber ​​Security Bureau stood up modestly.

The big boss waved for him to sit down, looked at Qiu Guorong at the ninth place and asked, "Now you talk about the specific situation."

Qiu Guorong nodded and stood up, looked at the documents in his hand and said, "After the incident was born, we immediately started investigating. We got the list of tourists on the boat as soon as possible. As for our Chinese people, there were 9,640 people in total. Three people, after all, sailed from China Huaxia. They have the largest number of people. Among them, there are more than 30 people with a net worth of more than 10 billion, more than 200 people with a net worth of more than 1 billion, and the remaining net worth is not less than 10 million ... "

Speaking of this, Qiu Guorong pushed his glasses, with a strange expression.

"What's wrong?" The big boss asked curiously.

Glancing at the person who was sitting again, Qiu Guorong coughed and said, "There is a special person on that cruise ship ... well, it's special ..."

Looking at each other, the big boss understood for a second and asked, "You mean, that little guy is on the boat?"

"Yes, Bai Yang is on the boat. He is engaged to Qingyu, the granddaughter of Lao Wang's family. We all know that this is going out to cultivate feelings. It happened to be on that boat that caught up ..." Qiu Guorong said silently.

What kind of luck is that robbers?

Hearing the poplars on the boat, the big brothers who were originally worried because nearly Wanhuaxia people were in danger were relieved.

He asked Qiu Guorong to sit down, and the big boss knocked on the table, coughing and said, "I express some opinions. Please help the staff. First, the robber's request is definitely impossible to satisfy them. Fortunately, gold said that the nuclear bomb How can such things be given to them? My attitude is never compromised. Second, the hostages must be rescued. My Huaxia people, no matter where they are, the country is unconditionally responsible for their security. Third, the robbers. You must not let it go, you must bring it to justice! "

"Three points are my opinion, followed by the solution ..."

Having said that, the big boss said with a strange expression: "With the kid on board, the operability is great, and the safety is still guaranteed. I will contact him in person to cooperate with our actions. I think he should not refuse this point One more thing, how about contacting other countries that are in dire straits to find a way to carry out a joint rescue operation? We must maximize our interests. "

A bunch of big brothers smiled and kept silent together.

Big bosses are big bosses, looking for opportunities in a crisis to find benefits. This incident may not only be a bad thing, but also a great thing that is good for China! The premise is white cooperation ...

"Our Ministry of Foreign Affairs immediately started to contact other countries and strive to maximize the benefits!"

"Our Ministry of Defense troops are on standby!"

"Our elite warrior at the ninth position is always ready to storm the ship!"


All sides expressed their opinions, the tone was relaxed and natural, and the little guy was on the boat, steady!

"Oh, don't take it lightly, after all, it's about the lives and deaths of 10,000 people, comrades, this is not an exercise, a slight omission will be unthinkable!" The boss said in a deep voice.

That's the way to say it, but the expression is very easy to see.

Everyone knows well that the poplar's ability to make the East and the West turn upside down, a boat of robbers won it in minutes ...

After the meeting, all parties took action, especially the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, contacted other countries, reached a consensus within a short time, and rescued the abducted people together!

On the high seas, in cruise ships, the robbers have controlled the up and down of the ship, saying that killing one person kills one person in a minute. No kidding, global live broadcast.

In addition to the blocked Huaxia ...

The true brain of the robber is definitely no longer on this ship. I do n’t know where and the high-level dealings of various countries. There are a lot of conditions. If you want to tow, we will tow. Anyway, you will be dead every minute. Can't live.

After the robbers on the ship controlled everyone, the step-by-step killing was waiting for orders from above.

But things often have accidents. On the top of the cruise ship, more than a hundred people went up, but they didn't come down. They sent people to see, I rely on, the brothers strangled to death?

This is ok, no matter who it is, you are dead!

One hundred people can't do it. Send three hundred people to it. Be sure to find out the truth and bring thousands of people who killed our brother!

In the room, the fox was in no mood to talk with Aspen, holding ak at all times in fear and trembling, watching Aspen tangled, "Bai Shao, they have died so many people, they will certainly not let go, so many people, even There are beaches and the like, and we're finished like this! "

"How many times do I have to say that I'm here and be stable. They don't come to provoke me. That is their right choice. Otherwise, how many will die!" Bai Yang said silently, and said eight hundred times, you actually Don't believe me!

How can this make the fox believe? Although he has experienced all the bullets, but the manpower is poor. You can kill ten hundred brothers by yourself, but there are thousands of people. You are not a human, and bragging is also good.

Uh ...

There was a dull footstep outside.

The fox shuddered and stood up and said, "It's over, they've found it, what can I do? Just jump into the sea, no, it's too high ..."

Facing the current crisis, this fox, who is called the wind and rain on the Internet, has messed up. His professional field is the Internet. The force value is not high. If he encounters Xiongda them, it would be a good word ...

"Anna, Ann, it's okay, just to die, just panic," said Bai Yang with a lip, raised Gatlin, and hurled against the wall ...

The bullets poured, shattering the walls, and a group of bandits with hoods fell down in the corridor outside.

With Gatling, it's so unreasonable ...

Listening to a scream outside, the fox stared blankly at Bai Yang, brother, did you see how anyone got there?

Is it difficult for Aspen to see people outside?

While blasting outside with Gatling, Aspen heard his cell phone ringing, holding Gatling suddenly with one hand, and reached out the phone with one hand and said to the fox, "I'll take a call"

The fox is aggressive, uncle, that's Gatling, and you bang with one hand?

Of course, Poplar doesn't have that power, he just holds it in his hand, but in fact, he wants to control Gatling, and he can drove a ton of weight, and Gatlin drizzles.

As soon as I saw the number, Poplar froze, big boss?

As soon as you think about it, Aspen will know what is going on. This incident is definitely of concern to the whole world. The country knows that it is certain that it came to the ship.

I don't want to worry about it, I'm afraid ...

Shrugging, Bai Yang answered the phone and laughed, "Boss, what's the matter with me?"

In front of the fox ~ www.readwn.com ~ Bai Yang can't directly call the position opposite, it would be bad to scare the fox buddy otherwise.

"Poplar, are you on the boat? Well, what's your voice over there?" The big boss asked over there.

"It's okay, I'm playing," Bai Yang said easily.

The big boss hasn't seen any battle, and after a little pondering, he knows that Bai Yang has worked with the robbers. Knowing Bai Yang's ability, he didn't worry about him and directly stated his purpose: "Xiao Bai, now, the country Need your help ... "

"Boss please," Bai Yang agreed without asking.

Anyway, I am a Huaxia person and the big boss has spoken. For many people, this is glory. As long as they can do it, there is no reason to refuse ...

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