Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 631: Talent

Thanks to the large size of the cruise ship, there is actually a standard indoor football field on it. Of course, there are not as many regular football fields as the surrounding stands. 3. fastest

At this time, more than 10,000 people gathered on the football field, no matter what your status and status, hold me crouching next to each other honestly, hundreds of armed men with guns around to patrol, whoever dares to head up will bang his head!

What, you are rich and scared? Hold on, the people around can't stand the taste? Deserve it ...

"How is this happening? Why is this happening? Isn't this the largest, most luxurious and safest cruise ship in the world? Why is there such a serious hijacking ..."

Among the crowd, Jin Yuanhao crouched on the ground squatting, and kept asking himself in his heart, regretful at the beginning, I came to the cruise ship with my head drawn.

His bodyguards have been killed by armed men because of the resistance. No bodyguards were around. As the young master with pride and respect, Jin Yuanhao was super insecure under the threat of the ruthless hijackers around him.

There was a beautiful girl next to him, but at this time she couldn't see it, her tears had been put on her makeup, her body was shaking, she was scared, and such a beauty is disgusting.

Keeping remorse in his heart, Jin Yuanhao quietly observed the surroundings, and he was brought here, so the two people who made himself uncomfortable could not be an exception?

He hoped to see the figure of Bai Yang, but unfortunately the result was disappointing.

'That person is not weak, it should have been killed in the process of resistance', Jin Yuanhao said in his heart, feeling that the possibility of aspen being killed is very high. The only pity is that Bai Yang ’s beautiful daughter-in-law does not know what happened. What a pity to die ...

"For more than an hour, no request has been made by any country, and no one has promised to make time for it. It is very helpless, so we can only try to put pressure on them and kill one person a minute. Who will be one? "

At this time, the broadcast around the football field sounded a cold voice with drama, speaking English, and all of the abducted are not simple, highly educated, and almost a universal language in the world.

Hearing this sentence, more than 10,000 people at the scene shuddered, don't be me.

The picture of killing one person in one minute is not only broadcasted globally, but also played on the big screen, they can also see it.

"Who will be the next? There are more than 10,000 people here, no, plus other places, tens of thousands, and the odds of clicking tens of thousands of sub-professions, who will become the next victim?" Jin Yuanhao mind Whispering, although he is afraid, he is also a little bit gloated. He has seen the prosperity of the world, let alone such a **** experience.

Armed personnel entered the crowd. More than a dozen people drove the crowd violently. People were beaten to death and dared not resist.

Dozens of people had not resisted before, and wanted to take care of themselves, but the result was miserable. Not only dozens of people were killed by random guns, but more than 100 people around them also became funerary items!

The arrival of armed men means that some people will die, everyone who is passing by will be trembling, scared to scream and cry, incontinence, which is normal.

In the face of life threats, the rich are actually similar to ordinary people.

"You, follow us or are we taken away?" An armed man stood in front of Jin Yuanhao, pointing his cold muzzle in his hand.

With a fixed expression, Jin Yuanhao was still guessing who would be the next unlucky ghost. He never thought he would be himself.

"Me?" He repeated blankly.

Not too lazy to talk nonsense, two powerful armed men from Kong Wu came up, set up Jin Yuanhao and left.

"Wait, I don't want to die yet, please let me go, you see, there are so many people around, why is it me? I'll give you money to let me go. How about one hundred million dollars? One billion ..."

The guy was scared, his body was shaking, his crotch was wet, and he also collapsed when facing the threat of death.

However, no matter what he said, the armed men simply didn't listen and took him away.

Soon after, the picture was played on the big screen. Jin Yuanhao, Master, a particle bomb has not turned his brain into a rotten watermelon ...

"That guy deserves it"

"Just spend money on your life. What do you call so many people around? Want us to die? Huh, you ca n’t die 10,000 times."

Jin Yuanhao just hung up like this. He died and was cursed by others, who made his own mouth owe.

The killing scenes are being played every minute. Jin Yuanhao is just one of them. Why do so many people choose him?

Is it really just "luck"?

On the top of the cruise ship, a popped smile arose from the corner of Poplar's mouth, and then disappeared. He was very revengeful, hum!

The phone rang and the big boss called.

"Poplar, the airborne troops will arrive over the cruise ship in half an hour. You are ready to cope with it. You must not go wrong. The whole world is paying attention. Once you make a mistake, it will not only threaten the lives of tens of thousands of people, but also matter. The big boss on the phone dignified.

"Rest assured that there will not be any problems, our people can say that they just walked a cutscene" Bai Yang smiled confidently.

"Well, that's good. In view of the relationship between tens of thousands of people and distance, other countries have not made any arrangements to attack. We are the first to take the initiative here. In order to demonstrate our strength in China, ten minutes later, we will take part in this joint operation. Live broadcasts in other countries are not open to the public. You should know how powerful Xiao Yang is! "The big boss warned again.

"Understand, rest assured." Bai Yang packed the tickets again, knowing that the big boss was inwardly worried.

Hitting other people's faces and growing their own power, how could Huaxia not seize this opportunity?

"I would like to reveal to you some more that the multinational alliance has taken place, and the army has already gone to the scene of the incident, especially some big countries, which have their own Pacific Fleet, so it won't take long for them to reach the area around two to five hours. You must control the cruise ship before they arrive! "The big boss told Bai Yang.

In fact, it's gloating. If Bai Yang's disaster is true, then no matter what idea they have, they will have the heart to die.

A disaster that even the cruise ship can't protect, what is the use of some warships and carrier submarines?

Hearing this, Bai Yang was worried: "Will we be in control of the situation, will it be mistaken for Huaxia to plan this incident? If that is the case, it will be a big deal."

"Rest assured, absolutely not, our actions will tell them in advance, and it is a live broadcast, how can it frame us in the eyes of the public?" The boss said easily.

Well, what else can Aspen say?

Hang up and wait for the airborne troops to arrive.

The fox next to him calmed down a little bit now. He didn't know what the hijackers were thinking. So many people did not send someone up again. It is estimated that it was not wise for Bai Yang to send them to death anyway. .

"Can you give me a computer?" Putting ak aside, the fox looked at Bai Yang and said.

Nodding at the edge, Bai Yang said, "It's not a computer there. What do you want?"

Shrugging, the fox didn't answer, came to the computer in a few steps, started, it is still good, the configuration is good, and then started crackling operation.

Bai Yang looked curiously. For the Internet, he was limited to surfing the Internet and playing games. As for what invaded the virus code, he didn't know.

When I saw the fox operating the computer, incomprehensible windows appeared on the screen, and the data flow scrolled like a screen, and a file appeared on the screen shortly after.

A quick glance at the file, the fox grinned, "Bai Shao, it's a big deal. Many countries sent warships and aircraft carriers for this incident. Why don't people who don't know think that a world war has happened?"

"Grass, that's okay? How do you know?" Bai Yang tangled and asked, if it wasn't for the big boss that he didn't know, the fox tapped on the keyboard a few times to know?

"This is not difficult. I hacked into a group of servers. It is now established by joint operations of multiple countries. Because of the short time and many loopholes, I was easily invaded." Fox said with great confidence.

It's not difficult to hold grass talents? I do n’t understand how to look at it ...

Tangled in his heart, Bai Yang replied: "The reason why so many nations are so fanatical is because these robbers are too arrogant. They killed one person and threatened the whole world without saying a nuclear bomb. What do they want to do? Do n’t kill them all The faces of the nations of the world will be lost. This is causing public outrage. One more thing. Nowadays, terrorist attacks are becoming more frequent and arrogant. This large-scale operation is not so much about saving this cruise ship as it is on Demonstrate the determination of countries to fight terrorist attacks, show their attitudes, and never tolerate them. In the end, they are comparing each other, showing national strength and the like. The ships are rich. Once a country successfully rescues a cruise ship, hey, that influence can be called Terror, the benefits are great. Who will miss this opportunity? "

"It turns out that there are so many things. Sure enough, we are just civilians and we can only be civilians. It is too one-sided to think about things, and only consider personal gains and losses. If you go to the government, you won't be suffocated," said the expression on the face of the fox.

Bai Yang is not okay ~ www.readwn.com ~ If it is not because there are too many things to consider as a superior, he would have ruled the king long ago. Why should I go to trouble if I live leisurely? Tired of counting every minute.

A little time passed, the plane taking off from Huaxia was close to the cruise ship, and the airborne troops above were ready to storm.

At the same time, on the platform of multi-country joint exchange, live broadcast of Huaxia's preparation to storm the cruise ship has started.

"Every country that wants to come has learned the details of the cruise ship through its own channels, and to safeguard peace, we also have an obligation to China. This time, we must kill the terrorists who hijack the cruise ship at the same time, while saving the hostages, but also let those lawless terrorists Knowing how ridiculous their actions are, we have made a detailed deployment with a success rate of 90%. Let ’s take a look at the moment of victory together. ”Huaxia diplomats said when the live broadcast started. Through the network to the display in front of multi-level executives ...

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