Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 641: Dinghai 4

Condensing the Fa and stepping into the realm of Shinto monk Zhenjun, it is possible for Poplar to solve the disaster on the earth right now.

At this time, he didn't have time to practice some kind of Fa Xianggong for years. If he wanted to set foot in that realm, he had to take shortcuts.

Right now, what could be more convenient and faster than the fusion of the true spirit and the emperor dragon spirit?

Emperor Longqi has no consciousness, there is no such thing as the need to erase consciousness, and it is convenient to be close to poplar.

There is no such thing as a dragon on earth, but Eastern and Western cultures portray it as one of the most powerful creatures.

In the alien world, the dragon is a real creature. Although Poplar has never seen it, from the rumors heard, this creature is really terrible and almost invincible!

Emperor Longqi, he is not a creature, and in many cases can only be regarded as a symbol. The gift of heaven and earth can also be said to be born of heaven and earth.

After having Emperor Dragon Qi, there were two times when Emperor Dragon Qi made instinctual protective gestures and killed two powerful enemies for Poplar, showing its power.

If the average person possesses the emperor's dragon spirit, it can only be furnishings, and at most there are some good lucks that are aided by fierce and noble people.

But in the hands of Shinto monks, the emperor dragon spirit can concretely turn it into power, whether it is refined with other materials into a magic weapon, or using special secret methods to urge formation, or even shape it. The emperor dragon spirit condenses into the Fa phase ...

Either way, it has great power!

Honestly, Poplar had never thought of combining the emperor dragon spirit with his true spirit.

When he was still in the realm of yin and god, he was afraid of Tianwei and was afraid to be promoted. The fact is that he was right. After all, he had seen the power of Tianlei.

Where is the thought, the earth has encountered a disaster, and he wants to do his best to help calm down, and can only upgrade to cultivation. Somehow, the peak of the real world can impact the real monarch level.

At this time, I feel that my own strength is not enough to solve the disaster. It happens that I still have the emperor dragon spirit here ...

"Perhaps, God has his own will ...?"

Knowing the sea space, Aspen looked at the unconsciously roaming Emperor Dragon and whispered to himself.

There was not much time for Tang to tangle, at this time he had to act, watching the emperor's dragon spirit, recalling watching the content of condensing the Fa in countless times of Zhenyang concept.

Although he has seen these content countless times, he has to review it again now. It is the first time he has no experience ...

In the idea of ​​Zhenyang concept, in fact, the condensed phase that was condensed from the promotion of the real monarch level is a scorching sun. It takes years to absorb the true fire of the sun for cultivation, and finally forms a celestial phase. Once displayed, the true spirit turns into a scorching sun. Department, can be called burning the sky to cook the sea!

Of course, it would take too much time, and Poplar didn't even think about going to practice. It would be better to have something else at that time.

In addition to this practiced Falun Gong, Zhen Yangguan's thought also recorded this condensed Falun Gong.

This method is simple and actually simple, and difficult to say.

In simple words, find a suitable living soul, erase consciousness, and merge with your own true spirit, regardless of each other, usually appear in human form. Under no way, you can incarnate ...

The difficulty is, of course, to find a suitable so-called life soul, without the help of elders, most people can't find it, and it is almost the same.

The emperor's dragon spirit is strong enough, even the true king of the ghost king can be torn apart with one claw, how strong is it? And there is no consciousness, it can be directly integrated, this is simply for the poplar!

"So ..."

Looking at the emperor's dragon spirit, Bai Yang wanted to say something, but realized that everything was just useless and shrugged.

Knowing the space in the sea is his world. With a single move of mind, his true spirit is infinitely high, and he instantly turns into a giant giant. At this time, look at the three-kilometer-long imperial dragon's energy. In fact, it is just a small point.

Reaching out, grabbing the peregrine emperor's dragon spirit, Bai Yang said apologetically.

Immediately, a white vortex appeared in his palm, and the vortex had an unrivaled will to obliterate and surrounded the Emperor Dragon.


In the white vortex, the emperor dragon qi issued a high-pitched dragon yin, which was not clear whether he was excited or angry. In short, there was no resistance. In the white vortex, the emperor dragon qi was worn out into a golden light. !!

Then, opening her mouth, Aspen swallowed the golden light in one go!

After swallowing the golden light, the poplar's body turned into a normal size, and his eyes were closed cross-legged immediately.

The next moment, starting from his abdomen, a golden light burst, flooding his entire body, and the entire space of the sea, as if a round of golden sun appeared, everything became golden and bright.

The golden light swallowed by the poplar turned into pure golden energy, starting from the abdomen and spreading toward his limbs and bones, extremely fast.

Maybe in the blink of an eye, or for a long time, the entire body of Bai Yang turned golden, as if poured by gold.

If you look closely, there are dense golden dragon scales on the surface of his body. The body has not changed much, but the most subtle organizational structure is different because of the combination with the emperor dragon spirit.


When the entire poplar became a golden man full of dragon scales, a trembling dragon sounded in his mouth, his body jumped up, and the golden light was released. The whole person became a golden dragon, three kilometers long, with divine majesty.

Fa phase, this is the pop phase, the dragon phase!

The process was smooth and not so tortuous, everything just reached this step naturally.

Nine days of Longyou. After a few laps, the poplar's dragon-shaped appearance quickly shrank into a human-like appearance, and his body was no longer golden, but he only needed one thought to transform into a physical appearance.

"Powerful, unparalleled power. If I meet Taohua Zhenjun again, where do I still need the life-saving thing from Chen Yong, I can tear him with one paw!"

With a fist, Poplar said to himself, shocked by that power.

The combination of his own true spirit and the emperor's dragon spirit, some methods of the emperor's dragon spirit also naturally became the poplar's instinct.

It matters, and I don't know how long it has been.

When Zhen Ling closed her eyes and opened her eyes again, Bai Yang's consciousness appeared in the real world outside.

"Husband, are you okay ... right ..."

Seeing Bai Yang's eyes open, Wang Qingyu immediately asked with concern, but the first time she saw Bai Yang's eyes, she even subconsciously took a step back.

The poplar's eyes were too ... terrible, like a high-level shrine that made people worship and made people fear.

After blinking, Bai Yang smiled and shook her head, saying, "Daughter-in-law, I'm okay, so you worry"

"That's all right" Wang Qingyu said a little at a loss, Bai Yang is still that Bai Yang, the kind of frightening eyes had disappeared before, is it an illusion?

At this moment Su Xishui immediately opened his mouth and asked, "Poplar, is that all right?"

Standing up, Bai Yang squinted at the vast ocean and said, "If I was only half sure before, now, I'm 90% sure!"

"Really?" Su Xishui asked in surprise.

Without saying anything, Aspen looked at the vast sea with a smile on his face.

Kind, too kind, the sea water in the vast sea, the rain falling from the sky, is too kind, as if one with oneself, like a finger to the arm!

Bai Yang knows that this is because he has the added benefit of having the dragon form.

The dragon itself has the ability to manipulate the flow of water, that is instinct, as if born to feed milk ...

With a thought, the rainwater around him no longer fell freely, but gathered towards the poplar, like a cheerful elf, spinning around him.

This is not a power. Manipulating water flow does not need to consume the mental power of poplar. This is a talent!

A few meters in radius, all the rainwater gathered around Bai Yang's body and turned around him. It was amazing.

Before the true spirit of Bai Yang appeared outside, he could only do this step.

Su Xishui looked at the poplar, with some anxiety and some hesitation, you will give me a message then.

The realm of the yin and divine spirit is separated from the body, the real realm and the real spirit can walk in the world like ordinary people, and the real monarch realm can already affect the reality.

In one day, Aspen was promoted two levels in a row.

This kind of cultivation speed is too irritating if the colleagues in other worlds know not how many people want to cut him.

If anyone knows that the poplar has gone from an ordinary person to the present state, it only took less than one year to complete the road that others may not have completed for hundreds of years, and I don't know how to feel.

However, he was still confused.

The rain water scattered around, Bai Yang looked at Su Xishui and Wang Qingyu said, "You are here to stay, I will solve the current disaster problem first."

"That husband is careful," Wang Qingyu nodded.

Su Xishui looked with a smile on his face in surprise, and the lives and deaths of billions of people are now all tied to Poplar alone.

Nodded, Aspen sat down cross-legged again, thought for a moment, and felt uneasy. He took out several pieces of bodyguard gold light charms, and brought one for each of the three. The light body armor was safe.

"Wait for me," Bai Yang said at last, then closed his eyes completely.

Wang Qingyu does n’t understand Su Xishui. You are here because of poplar. Why do you want to wait for your return?

No explanation ~ www.readwn.com ~ After Bai Yang closed her eyes, a white light rose from the sky and disappeared into the sky.

It was his true spirit, chasing away the tsunami.

Although he can fly physically, he is relatively slow and slow.

Entering the real monarch realm, the speed of the true spirit is incredible, because the true spirit is not an entity, there is no air resistance, and it can't be overstated to describe it in a thousand miles.

After all, even in the realm, the true monarch level of cultivation is already considered a strong one. Does the king see the size of the Chen Dynasty, and the strong person in the realm of the king counts both hands over?

The real monarch realm is only one level lower than the real monarch realm.

Aspen's true spirit separated from the sky, and soon afterwards saw the tsunami rolling in the mountains.

Standing in the void and smiling, the poplar's golden light flashed into a three-kilometer-long golden dragon virtual shadow, and a dragon's groan rang through the world.

Tongtong, he incarnates into the sea ...

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