Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 656: Decisive

In the rocky wasteland, more than two hundred people gathered, and the atmosphere suddenly became silent.

However, this atmosphere is not depressed at all, but makes people look forward to it.

Almost all of the people present, except Poplar and a group of scientists, came from the military. Whoever fists big can get more respect from others, so things like learning are never less.

Looks like there is going to be a fierce competition right now?

They are all a bunch of **** youths, and they are still military elites. Of course, the competition will not be as soft as on the stage. Every shot is a one-hit killing battle. Think about the next fight, and I really look forward to it.

"That being the case, then make a gesture?" Su Xishui asked Laike with a smile.

She smiled very sweetly, but in her eyes there was a kind of cat-and-mouse-like drama. Except for the non-human Poplar, she felt that she was not afraid of anyone on earth!

The competition with Lake, of course, is not the competition of Su Xishui. This place brings together the elites of various countries, mixed fish and dragons, and aside from the factors of poplars, they are small in number. .

With a wave of his hand, Rick motioned for the people around him to spread a little, watching Su Xishui's crooked neck, his bones clicking, and he was also laughing while watching Su Xishui.

The smile was full of confidence, as if the tiger was showing his fangs in the face of the sheep's provocation and then slowly enjoying it.

"Hua Xia is an ancient and mysterious country. There are too many things to learn. As a former soldier, I especially yearn for the so-called Kung Fu in Hua Xia's legend. Although some kung fu appeared on your network some time ago, what real Kung Fu does not exist, I don't agree with this. At least I have seen a few old Huaxia boxers. They are very powerful, but they were defeated by me. This makes me a little disappointed. I have also learned boxing in many countries in the world. Way, so far, the people who have dealt with me, I have n’t met anyone who can beat me. Since you are going to challenge me, I hope you do n’t let me down, it ’s best to surprise me. ”Rick looked at Su Xishui Talking with a smile on his face.

"If you are not so garbage, there should be surprises," Su Xishui said, looking at the other side.

Immediately afterwards, the two sides looked at each other five meters away.

Not far away, Aspen didn't know when he ran up a stone and sat up. A wine bottle was set around him. A pack of peanuts was torn apart. He took out a shell and chewed in his mouth. With a guilty conscience, you beat.

Su Xishui and Rake froze for half a minute. Looking at Su Xishui's extremely calm expression, Rake frowned gradually and asked, "Why don't you do it?"

"Then why don't you do it?" Su Xishui asked.

"I'm afraid I would bully a woman if someone joked first."

"Is that so? I'm afraid I won't have a chance to stand up!"

The conversation between the two was simple and both showed strong self-confidence, but this tit-for-tat utterance suddenly made the atmosphere tense.

There were no twinkling sparks splashing, and there were no strange pictures of wind and clouds, so the two did not have any sign of action.

Rick rushed out suddenly. Like a gentleman, he suddenly turned into a lion and tiger beast. He punched at Su Xishui with a simple punch, and was very aggressive, and his voice broke through the air.

At the same time, Su Xishui also moved, and her graceful posture was as fast as a cheetah. As she rushed out, her slender right leg suddenly kicked out, and the leather boots inlaid with steel plates cut through the air and screamed.


A muffled noise suddenly blew up, and everyone except the poplar popped subconsciously.

The sound of fist and foot collision sounds like stuffy drums. How much strength can make such a sound?

When the two sides touched each other, Rick stepped back three meters, his fist was sore, his arm was numb, and then Su Xishui's eyes calmed down, without the relaxed attitude he had before.

Su Xishui also receded three meters away, and with a punch from Rick, a backflip was pulled to open the distance, and he stood still and looked down at Rick's eyes slightly.

Although it was only a simple contact, both sides realized that the other was not easy, and they had previously neglected the enemy!

Although Su Xishui was only a woman, she was very strong from a young age. When she met her friends, she ran and later joined the army. She even went on a leap and entered the ranks of China ’s top special forces in just a few years. Although she is good, she is also limited, and she is still not top.

After encountering Aspen, she took Baiguo Brew to strengthen her physique, received Liu Qingshan's martial arts training, and experienced various kinds of fierce fights. She learned the secrets and secrets of Assassin's Assassination, which was given to her in the rice country Bai Yang secretly gave her a little milk essence. These experiences made her personal force almost reach the peak of ordinary people.

Before that, she once felt that her skills could not find a few people who could compete with herself in the world, but she did not expect to encounter a rival here!

On the premise of bringing together more than 10,000 elites from various countries on this island, this Lake can still be one of seven policy makers. How can it be said that there is no way?

What he told Su Xishui before is the truth. So far, the people he has worked with have never met anyone who can beat him. At this moment, Su Xishui is comparable to him as a woman. Don't surprise him?

"It's interesting, I'm going to be serious!" Rick whispered, his breath changed, as if the fierce beast was angry, and more fiercely killed him.

"But that's it!" Su Xi snorted coldly, and rushed towards the other side.

The two kept colliding with each other within a small range, each time making a sour throbbing sound, coupled with the extremely fast speed, the sounds made people feel stuffy.

Each of their actions is very aggressive, pointing directly at each other's deadly vital points. The high-intensity battles made the skin of the two people hot and sweaty. The simple and direct fight to the extreme did not see the eyes of the people around them. Blink.

It's too thrilling. If the other party's action can't be stopped, it will be dead!

There is no extra action, every action is to kill each other. The so-called ‘martial arts’ on the stage may be killed in front of them.

Aspen watched with interest from not far away. He drank peanuts while drinking, with great interest. Although Aspen did not systematically understand the fighting techniques on the earth side, he still saw the doorway with his eyes. of.

Between the two fighting, there is the fierceness of Muay Thai, the Chinese kung fu is very strange, the military combat skills are at the core ...

The two are almost the leaders of the Bo family, and the fighting skills of various genres in the world come in handy. You come and fight with us.

However, looking at it, Bai Yang began to yawn. Although the fight between them was exciting, it was boring after a long time. Where is the light from the other side of the other side flashing to death?

"When are you Su, Miss, I'm going to fall asleep" I really can't stand it, Bai Yang said boredly beside him.

In such a tense atmosphere, everyone was paying attention to the fight between the two. Poplar spoke. Don't think about how much attention it took. One by one, watching Poplar's face convulsed, where the brain disability came from. I don't know if there is a little distraction in this battle Is it fatal?

But the accident happened just like that.

Of course, the so-called accident is the accident of others, and Poplar is not surprised at all.

After the fierce fighting, Su Xishui's eyes narrowed after hearing Poplar's words, and his arm was kicked by Rick's foot. The figure suddenly flickered and appeared behind Rick with an incredible action. The hand knife ran across Rick's neck.


Su Xishui's palm seemed to be a blade, and Rick's neck was torn open, and his neck became bloody.

Rake's eyes changed, and he flew back and wanted to pull away.

However, Su Xishui follows the shadow, the figure is erratic, his hands are almost hitting the afterimage, and Rick's voice runs across Rick's body. Her palm is like a blade, drawing a **** wound in Rick's life and death.

Eventually, she hit Elk with an elbow, and Lek's body flew directly against a rock, spraying blood.

Stepping on Lake's neck, Su Xi looked at him coldly and said, "I'm very interested in the so-called decision maker identity. What do you want to give me? Listen to me, I won't kill you!"

The so-called Wealth Alliance has been established, and in the premise of a fixed framework, the identity of futurecomers can only be used in this crude way.

Rake was covered in blood, but he was smiling at Su Xishui, and he snorted with blood, "You are so unexpected to me, but you are going to die!"

Out of the dead words, a short knife appeared in his hand, and he did not hesitate to chop at Su Xishui's thigh.

Obviously already at an absolute disadvantage ~ www.readwn.com ~ But he still chooses to do it, and it is extremely extreme.

The army fights, either you or I live. No matter what the process is, the people who survive will be able to live with a smile.

Click ...

Without any hesitation, Su Xishui pressed hard under his feet, and Rake's neck broke, and the arm he had just waved with his short knife fell down.

Killing Rake, Su Xishui looked at the armed men in the silly eyes around him and said, "Do you decide to listen to me or do you want to die? I guarantee that if you resist, everyone will die!"

Uh ...

The remaining forty elite fighters of Huaxia have been waiting for a long time, and the guns in their hands raised the target of those armed men without hesitation.

They were significantly smaller than each other and were surrounded, but the situation seemed to be reversed.

Rick died suddenly, and in the eyes of those around him, Rick died almost invincible, and the group of dragons didn't react for a moment ...

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