Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 667: It's over.

Countries all over the world send people to the island, whether they go up or out, they have lost a lot of manpower, and about 20% of the total can survive.

Unlike those countries that lost a lot of manpower, Huaxia's side lost little with the help of Poplar.

"How did you do that?"

The assault boat traversed in the turbulent vortex waters. Su Xishui looked at Bai Yang with a complex look. The large island disappeared alive in the eyes of the world, and his inner awareness of Bai Yang refreshed again.

"It's not difficult," Bai Yang smiled, but didn't say anything. Do you understand when I discuss the matrix with you?

"Because of the steles you made?" Su Xishui asked again, thinking of this.

Turn around and look at the place where the island originally existed. What you can see with your naked eyes is that the place is a vortex of dangerous sea, without the shadow of the island.

Without answering Su Xishui's question, Poplar seemed to be talking to himself: "I'm afraid that countless people are going to be sore"

People do n’t know if the egg hurts. Su Xishui does n’t know. At this moment, she only feels lactic acid. Can you explain to me that it is satisfying curiosity?

She was struggling to die, but Bai Yang didn't say she couldn't help it. Looking at the Huaxia people around, she asked: "After they leave, will they forget everything that happened on the island like people in other countries?"

"Of course, that island should not exist in this world," Bai Yang nodded surely.

"What about me? Will you forget it?"

"Do you want to forget or not?"

"When I didn't ask ... Bai Yang, if you can, don't tamper with my memory?"

"I never tamper with the memory of familiar people. Actually, it is not just familiar people. Now it is not unnecessary. Even the enemy, I will not do this ..."

Such a chat, for people in other countries, the sea of ​​chaos like nature is chaotic, but this group of people in Huaxia spent it safely.

They have just left the dangerous sea area, except for the poplar and Suxi water, everyone is bewildered, aren't we going to the island, but facing outwards, the direction is wrong.

Look again, the crowds are surrounded by armed helicopters, and even the warships of your own country are around. What is going on?

Standing on the assault boat, Bai Yang looked up and dropped a rope from above. Qiu Guorong, who looked extremely tired, came down first, watching the intact Bai Yang with a long sigh of relief and saying, "It's okay, just return in peace!"

"It made Uncle Qiu worry, but he actually blamed me and should say hello," Bai Yang said, scratching his head awkwardly.

I ca n’t communicate with the outside world for a few days on the island, but I can imagine how worried the outside world is. For others, the poplar in the dangerous sea area can easily fly through, but he forgot about it.

"These are not important. It's fine if people are all right." He patted Bai's shoulder and Qiu Guorong took out the intercom and instructed: "Bring everyone back safely!"

After hearing this, Bai Yang knew that the people leaving the island would be controlled, and then a series of cross-examinations. Originally, he wanted to tell Qiu Guorong that there was no need to do this, but he had n’t had time to export. Qiu Guorong's eyes were so straight as he closed his eyes. Fall down.

A soldier held him for the first time, and at a glance, he fell asleep.

Qiu Guorong trembled for a few days without closing his eyes. He was too tired and exhausted. When he saw the poplars returned safely, he couldn't help falling asleep immediately when he was relaxed.

Naturally, there are rules of his own operation in the system. Although Qiu Guorong fell asleep, there will be no chaos. Everything is being executed in accordance with his final order.

Inexplicably moved, Bai Yang helped Qiu Guorong personally, got on a helicopter and returned to the aircraft carrier. He didn't wake him up and waited quietly. Although things on the island were over to him, he didn't leave. Some things have to be explained. .

In the process of waiting, Bai Yang received more than ten consecutive calls, parents, fiancee, father-in-law and mother-in-law, they may know what to order, but did not ask anything, but just talked about hanging up.

Except for the loved ones, the big bosses personally called to congratulate Bai Yang. Bai Yang was okay. The big boss has restored the calm tone in the past. It is not suitable to talk about confidential matters on the phone. Qiu Guorong is here and will handle the follow-up problems.

This wait is more than ten hours.

During this time, other countries in this area did not leave. Instead of leaving, they increased their manpower. Aspen observed it. They tried to find the trace of the island in various ways, but they all failed. For the ending.

Although the guardian array is not a clever array in the other world, it still plays a great role as a guardian of the sect. The ordinary Shinto monks in the real world don't want to easily break, let alone the earth. People who understand Shinto means.

The disappearance of the island and the people who have forgotten all the memories. These are the mysteries shrouded in the hearts of those who know the truth. No matter what method is used, there is no answer. I can imagine how much it hurts.

After Qiu Guorong woke up, he spent more than an hour dealing with things after he fell asleep, and finally took the time to meet with Bai Yang alone.

Bai Yang didn't speak, and looked at Qiu Guorong, who was tangled and stopped.

In the end, Qiu Guorong broke the silence and looked at Bai Yang tentatively asking: "Xiao Yang, the people on the island have forgotten everything there, do you also ...?"

When asking this sentence, Qiu Guorong looked at Bai Yang with a complex look, hoping to get the answer he wanted.

No one remembers everything on the island, but only hopes in Aspen. If anyone can remember, this person will only be Aspen.

"I remember everything above, and even the people who left can forget what happened on the island is also my hand and foot," Bai Yang nodded bluntly.

Hearing Bai Yang's answer, Qiu Guorong was shocked and made tens of thousands of people forget a memory. This means ... terrible!

Taking a deep breath, Qiu Guorong was shocked in his heart. He asked tentatively: "So, Xiao Yang, do you know why the island disappeared? Isn't the island actually non-existent, just like one of the guesses?"

With a smile interrupting Qiu Guorong, Bai Yang shook his head and said, "Uncle Qiu, there is no need to go around the corner like this, let me be honest, the island is real, and his disappearance is also done by me. I hope this answer will unlock your heart. Doubt, I am also a Chinese, and I do n’t feel it necessary to conceal what I did for my country. ”

Qiu Guorong felt that his heart was a little bad, and the disappearance of the island was actually a poplar's handwriting, which was too shocking.

When his heart moved, Qiu Guorong stared at Bai Yang with a burning look and asked, "That is to say, the island still exists, but you can't see it anymore ...?"

At a glance, I knew what Qiu Guorong was thinking. Bai Yang shook his head and said, "Uncle Qiu, that island should not exist in this world. I understand how the motherland wants to hold it in its hands, but it cannot, that island. It cannot belong to any force of anyone, so I sealed it up, let it be as if it does not exist. "

Obviously, this answer by Poplar was not what Qiu Guorong wanted, and he was tangled and asked: "What is on the island? Why ca n’t it be owned by a certain country? If the motherland controls that island, it will be able to contain many regions of the world. "

This mood is understandable, but the island really should not exist. He knew that if no reason was given, the motherland and other countries would not give up, so he thought about it and said, "Uncle Qiu, on the island The situation is only known to me and Su Xishui. You can ask her other things, but what I want to say is that the island should not exist because there is a terrible creature on the island. Once released, the entire world I'm afraid it's going to be doomed to the end of the world. This is by no means alarmist, but the fact that you should never try to approach that island. A bad consequence can't be afforded by anyone or any country! "

Thinking of the terrible breeding ability of nematodes, Rao is also reluctant to cultivate in the realm of Bai Yang Shinto. Although he is not afraid, once the outside world appears, the whole world will be finished!

Although he didn't doubt Bai Yang's words at all, Qiu Guorong couldn't help but ask, "What kind of thing is that at all, is there something so scary about Xiao Yang?"

"Uncle Qiu, the terrible degree of that kind of creature, you can magnify the t virus that caused the 'biochemical crisis' by 10,000 times on that kind of creature, so you can think of why I sealed the island."

"I understand, I will report these things, and how to arrange the follow-up is not what I can control. In short, this time, China ’s losses have been reduced to the minimum in many countries, and you have contributed." Qiu Guorong did not ask, knowing what Bai Yang can say I have already said everything, and it does n’t help to ask what you do n’t want to say. Since Su Xishui remembers it, just follow her up.

After thinking for two seconds, Bai Yang looked at Qiu Guorong and said, "Uncle Qiu, the island cannot be controlled by the motherland ~ www.readwn.com ~ I am very guilty. In order to make up for the loss of this operation in the motherland, I decided to donate 10,000 tons of gold donation To the motherland! "

Qiu Guorong's eyes suddenly widened, and his voice trembled, "Ten thousand tons of gold?"

"Yeah, maybe the purity is not a thousand gold, but it ’s almost the same. I have nothing to do here. I ’ll leave later. You will arrange for someone to receive gold. I also hope that your motherland is rich and powerful. A little ... "

Then I chatted with Qiu Guorong again for a while, and the poplar that was all right here quietly left.

The disappearance of that island has become a mystery that has shrouded the hearts of most countries in the world. Every country has tried various ways to find the island and boarded it.

Maybe follow-up countries will continue to try, but only in vain.

The only China who knows the truth is not a fool. He has no pretense and tries to look for islands in the same manner as other countries. Perhaps there is also a plan to look for islands in earnest, but Bai Yang does not intend to ask questions.

If you want to try it, try it, and that's all there is to it ...

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