Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 674: Endless loop

The performance of the little wolf first made the guard's expression on the side stagnation and then a happy moment, which can make the little wolf instantly regain his spirit. There is only one possibility, the master is back!

"Hurry up and report!"

The first person who responded said to his companion that his subconsciousness was straight.

The footsteps went away, and a guard rushed to the valley to report the situation.

Soon, the sullen valley once came alive. Although everything was still there, the atmosphere was completely different.

A few kilometers away from the valley, Bai Yang flew into the sky with Shan Qiulin, and the little wolf rushed out like a phantom on the ground. He jumped hundreds of meters high not far below the Bai Yang, and his throat made a humming sound.

Aspen raised her eyebrows slightly, and saw that the little wolf was about to run out of strength, and he simply surrounded him with his mind. He touched the little wolf's head and fell to the wall soon.

After landing, the little wolf happily happily at the feet of Bai Yang, stroking his trousers, and was extremely happy.

"The little wolf has become smaller? But the breath is more powerful" Bai Yang looked at the little wolf and was surprised, confirming in his heart that the little wolf has completely set foot on the beast of the level of human martial arts master.

"Hmm ..."

The red ball on Poplar's shoulder made a sound. It seemed that he saw a guy contending for his favor. He didn't do it on the spot and flew to the little wolf to stare. The little claws were very angry.

The little wolf glanced at Poplar, crooked his head and looked at the red ball in front of him, thinking that it was the food that Poplar had brought to him, and immediately opened his mouth to bite in order to swallow the red ball.


The red ball stared, very angry, and the fiery red soft hair exploded. In the astonished eyes of the poplar, the red flame rose from the body, the temperature was high, and the void around the flame was distorted.

To be honest, Aspen has been getting the red ball for so long but he doesn't know it still has this hand.

At this point it rose up into flames, but it was too small, and it looked like a big fireball in football.

The silver wolf is not afraid, and the silver light on his body rises brightly, still biting the past fiercely.


The red ball seemed to be afraid of the silver wolf, his eyes were wide, and he was aggrieved and angry and flew away. He put away the flame and fell on the shoulder of the poplar and pointed at the sound of the silver wolf howling at the bottom. Boss I was bullied and you avenged me.

"Well, don't make trouble. In the future, you are partners. Do you want to know each other?" Bai Yang patted the red ball and the little wolf smiled.

The silver wolf looked a little puzzled at the poplar, as if to say that the meat ball was not for me.

The red ball Mengmeng eyes widened, looking at the white poplar, and the silver wolf. They were puzzled, and the sound of gurgling in their mouth did not know what it meant.

Shaking his head, he saw that the two guys were no longer facing each other, and Aspen was about to go inside the valley.

But at this moment, the silver wolf shuddered, his body was close to the throat of Bai Yang's trousers, and he was clearly afraid. However, when the silver wolf became like this, the red ball on the shoulder of Bai Yang was eyes. Lighted up, the sound of crickets in his mouth was so happy, and then he flew out.

"Yeah ..."

The next moment, there was a childish exclamation not far away, and at the same time the surrounding wind was making people feel cold.

Looking up, Bai Yang saw a speechless scene.

I saw the direction in which the red ball flew out, and the blood baby Yaya holding the tablet was flying in this direction, but when she saw the red ball, she seemed to see something terrible, and looked away in horror. .

The red ball followed his eyes, and his little paw waved an expression he wanted to eat.

"... What's going on? Yaya, who isn't afraid, is actually scared of the red ball?" Bai Yang was stunned, puzzled.

This is not over yet. The red ball over there is chasing Yaya. The silver wolf beside Bai Yang quietly looked at Bai Yang, and then rushed out to chase the red ball. His mouth opened and he wanted to swallow it.


The red ball is afraid of the silver wolf, the silver wolf is afraid of the yaya, the yaya is afraid of the red ball, these three guys together are an endless loop, the figures flicker everywhere in the valley, the blood baby is screaming, the red ball is so cute Sound, the low whisper of the silver wolf.

Scratching his head, Aspen didn't understand, then shouted silently: "Give me all, stop for a while!"

Hearing his voice, the three little guys stopped moving, looked at each other, and then came all the way to Poplar.

Looking at the three little guys, Bai Yang first pointed at the silver wolf and said, "You are not allowed to bully the red ball, it cannot eat", then pointed at the red ball and said, "You cannot bully ya, she cannot eat too", and finally Aspen pointed at Yaya and said, "Don't scare the silver wolf, it's afraid of you!"

In the end, Bai Yang concluded: "Three of you will be partners in the future. Do you want to know whether you love each other? It is better not to see such things as love and kill!"

"Hmm ..."

"Yeah ..."

"Woohoo ..."

仨 The little ones responded by voice, and they didn't know if they understood Bai Yang's meaning.

After this mother-in-law had a headache again, Bai Yang was speechless. After soothing the three little guys, he looked at the surrounding guards and said, "You have worked hard this time."

"Master, we don't have a hard time. Compared to the days when we could not be safe, life is now too easy," said the guard embarrassed.

They used to be just mountain people in the forest of the lost river, because the poplars came out of the mountains. The poplars not only let them read and literate, but also gave them cheats for martial arts. For them, this is simply good luck. Immediately die without complaint.

On the side, Shan Qiulin timely said, "Since I'm back, I'll go back to my residence first."

Having said that, Shan Qiulin moved away, quickly heading towards the deep valley.

When Shan Qiulin was gone, a rushing figure rushed from the valley, and a young master shouted with excitement and choked, and then Ruyan returned to the aspen's embrace as if he had come home.

"The cat is good, don't cry, I'm back, good" Bai Yang kissed the kitten Lihua's little face with rain.

"Master, I didn't cry, I'm just so happy, I ... Master, I miss you so much" The kitten buried his head in the poplar's chest and choked.

"I know, let's go, let's talk about it again." She patted the kitten's shoulder, and Poplar sprang up with the Yaya Red Ball Coyote and flew towards the valley.

In the fifth room, Jingchen, who had been quietly reading a book, heard the movement outside, put down the book and rushed to the door and asked, "What happened?"

"Back to my son, my young master is back," the girl said in surprise.

The girl didn't know what she was pleasantly surprised by. It stands to reason that it doesn't make much difference for them to come back or not, but they are inexplicably relaxed.

After getting a response, Jing Chen smiled and said, "It seems that I came at the right time. Your young master came back as soon as I came."

"Perhaps this is better to come early than it is to be a coincidence. The son please be patient. It is estimated that the younger master will invite the son to go over it soon," replied the girl at the entrance.

When talking, the two girls at the door looked at each other without any traces. This man came back from the front foot to the young master, was it really just a coincidence?

But no matter what, the young master is back, he can't turn up any spray!

Back in her own courtyard, Aspen and the kitten talked for a while, and finally stabilized her mood.

Looking at the kitten with red eyes in her arms, Bai Yang felt very distressed. This is an endless debt. She gave everything to herself. It seems that there is only her own in life, but she can't stay with her all the time. Beside her ...

"I'm not a good person, and I have two concerns in my life ..." Bai Yang sighed in his heart. Fate, in many cases, no matter how strong he was, he couldn't decide for himself.

"Come on, cat, Master brought you a present, I'll wear it for you."

Gently lifted the kitten, a pearl necklace appeared in the poplar's hands. A total of 108 longan-sized white pearls were connected in series. Among them, there were two pearl large pearls, which were luxurious and luxurious, and in the middle of the two large purple pearls. It's an egg-sized heart-shaped diamond ...

Well, this pearl and diamond necklace is made by Bai Yang himself. There is no art cell, but the necklace he has made is worthy of the pearl but it is vulgar.

No matter how many kittens, after Bai Yang personally brought her a necklace, she stroked the necklace and said, "It's so beautiful, thank you, Master."

"Well, it's really pretty," Bai Yang smiled, looking at the necklace around the kitten's neck.

The egg-shaped heart-shaped diamond under the necklace is just above the kitten's bulging chest, and I don't know what Bai Yang said is beautiful.

His cheeks turned red slightly, and the kitten leaned on Bai Yang and whispered, "Do you want it now?"

Even in the daytime, the kitten who delivered the body and mind to Aspen will not refuse any request from him.

With a dry cough, Bai Yang said: "Let's explore the beauty of this necklace again in the evening. Now, cat, tell me what happened to me during this time."

"Well ~ www.readwn.com ~ Master, nothing happened in the valley during your absence. The ink painting brought by the master went out early and returned all day long. He said that he wanted to arrange the matrix to protect the valley. There is no result yet. Some time ago, another group of blood lotus people prepared to attack and occupy Deyang Town. When there was almost a fall, Tang Xu, the defender, found us. I asked Brother Zhao Shi for their opinions. I agreed to send someone to help in the past, and sent five hundred people to destroy the blood lotus ... "The kitten whispered to Bai Yang about this time.

Since the last time, any transfer of more than a hundred people is no longer self-assertive. That is very taboo. Knowing the same result, she must first ask Zhao Shi for their opinions before making a decision.

"The cat is doing a good job. The blood lotus teaches the demon to not tolerate it. If this happens again, he will send someone to suppress it directly." Bai Yang nodded and laughed, and did not express any opinion on the movement of the armed forces.

When he came back before, although he only glanced at it, he found that most of the valley guards had already stepped into the samurai realm. People are simply bullies.

"Yes, Master, there is a reader in the fifth room outside who wants to visit you," said Kitty, thinking of this stubble and looking up ...

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