Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 680: 1 shot

"Back to Shaobai, I put it here," Wu Wu raised her left hand and avoided Bai Yang's sight.

While talking, Wu Wu's token in his right hand was pressed against the wrist on his left wrist. Only two clicks appeared, and the tokens were locked tightly. If he didn't pay attention, he couldn't see that. The location actually has a token.

No matter how much Wu Wu's heart can't wait to see Bai Yang, she took the order of the leader, she must be able to answer questions.

Raising her eyebrows slightly, Bai Yang grabbed Wu Wu's left hand and looked carefully, turning a blind eye to her strong anger and keeping calm. She nodded for a moment and observed, "The design is also exquisite, what should you say about this armor?"

"This set of armor is called Blood Crystal Armor, the Fourth Grade Warframe. It is made by blood crystal steel in the teaching master, which is enough to withstand the attack of the warrior in the realm of warrior. At that time, as long as I pressed the organ, a light onyx leaf could pop up to cover the whole body. This is the reward I exchanged for teaching after performing many tasks after being promoted to the Grand Master. "Wu Wu bowed her head and answered.

"The folding technology was so delicately applied that it was seamless. I had the opportunity to ask Jingchen to play for eight hundred and eight hundred sets." Aspen who put down Wu Wu's arm nodded.

The blood lotus religion is indeed the force that dared to confront the Chen Dynasty, and even this armor can be built, but there is still a state of battle and leisure, and Poplar has to say powerfully.

Hearing the poplar's murmur, Wu Wu almost fell to the ground. This blood crystal armor, a casting master may not be able to create a set after spending a while. His master master repaired it, and executed many times of dying. Only one set of raw tasks was obtained, and he would have to start with one thousand and eight hundred sets as soon as he spoke. When is this Chinese cabbage?

Rao is Wu Lan's breezy expression on the edge. After hearing the poplar's words, she couldn't help but brow, but she said nothing.

At this time, footsteps sounded in the manor, led by an old man in a gray coat, and more than a dozen soldiers in black clothes appeared at the door. No one came first.

"The deacon of the 135th Beast Academy of Wanjutang greets the messenger's driving age. There are many neglects, and the sin should be dead!"

The voice was trembling. Bai Yang was really scared when he heard the words from the other party. This is the blood lotus religion. The weak and strong eat. The superiors have the right to kill the people below.

Wu Wu Wu Lan returned to Bai Yang and bowed her head slightly. There was no part of them here.

Looking at the old man who looked down and didn't dare to look directly at himself and others, Bai Yang didn't look at him, stepped on the manor and asked, "tell me about the situation here"

The ambiguous question was the hardest to answer, but the deacon couldn't help but turn around and keep up with the pace and said cautiously: "Back to the ambassador, the one and three beast homes mainly cultivate wolf species of beasts. 8,200 horses, most of them are in the pups and adult stages. The adult wolf breed is 5,334. Depending on the species, the combat power is between the warrior and the warrior. Among them, there are a total of one hundred and thirty wolf breeds. Thirteen ... "

While answering, the talking deacon kept sweating, and it was really too stressful.

He is the principal of this beast, and the martial arts realm is that originally, his words had absolute authority in this place, and his life was comfortable, but the next man came to report and said that someone came with a blood lotus token. He was scared of Ma Claw, the blood lotus token, and he could go anywhere in the teaching. Holding that token was comparable to all the masters. He actually ran to this place, and the pressure can be imagined.

"Wolf species? Nearly 30,000 wolves, but only bred more than 130 horses, are comparable to martial arts repairs?" Bai Yang asked curiously, the proportion seemed a bit small?

When questioning, Aspen surveyed this so-called one-three-five beast yard at will. This should be regarded as a breeding farm of the blood lotus religion, although the cultured creatures are quite different.

In this manor house, there are many cages made of steel. There are all kinds of wolves in the cages, but most of them are cubs. Some people are special breeding, and the **** flesh is thrown in. The wolf cubs compete for a bee. Fighting against each other.

In general, it looks no different from the farm in the poplar cognition.

However, the deacon shook his body after hearing the poplar's question. He thought that the poplar was dissatisfied with the breeding results. Once he was dissatisfied, he could be guilty of murder at any time.

Fearlessly replied immediately: "Back to the ambassador, his subordinates have done their best. The breeding of wolf species comparable to the martial arts situation is relatively difficult and the cycle is very long. Generally, a wolf costs one yuan to three yuan from its cub to adulthood, and Such a martial arts-like wolf needs at least five yuan. Among them, there are inevitably deaths, and there are fierce and difficult training to clear. Now we have more than a hundred horses we have tried our best, and we dare not have the slightest slackness. "

These remarks were frightened to answer, and the complaint in the next position was not right in itself. He was looking for an explanation for himself, and the explanation itself was a manifestation of self-confidence. The person above could always ask him for trouble.

But Bai Yang didn't understand the situation here at all, and listened to it. Then he shifted the topic and asked, "How many people in this beast of yours? How many wolf breeds can each marquee be worth?" how many?"

Dare to look up at Bai Yang, the deacon bowed his head and replied, "Back to the ambassador, we have 3,200 beasts in the beast house. The wolf breeds that are comparable to martial arts soldiers for one yuan range from 30 to 50. According to the teaching rules , Our beast yard is qualified for one yuan of ten farts. There are more than ten beast yards that cultivate wolf species similar to ours, and the other is to cultivate other strange beasts. There are 3,000 yards in the beast hall where strange beasts are cultivated. Many, numbered beyond five hundred is actually feeding food to the other beasts with a number of five hundred or more, and less than five hundred is dedicated to the cultivation of strange beasts. Numbers from five hundred to two hundred can only breed samurai at most. Strange beasts, numbered two hundred to one hundred that can cultivate martial arts-like beasts, one hundred to ten can cultivate strange beasts that are comparable to masters, and only the top ten numbered beast yards can cultivate different masters that are comparable to masters beast"

After hearing these words, Poplar secretly shocked that the Beast Church of the Blood Lotus religion truly deserves the name of all beasts. With so many courtyards, all kinds of beasts are endless.

But having said that, although there are many yards specializing in the breeding of strange beasts, the more powerful the strange beasts will be, the longer it takes to grow up. I am afraid that a strange beast in the state of a great master can produce one for ten yuan.

After asking a few more questions, Aspen learned about the situation in Wanshouyuan. The cultivated alien beasts are not just as simple as feeding them and growing up. Among them, the alien beast's character must be domesticated so that they can be wild and cultivated at the same time. Its loyalty and even training in fighting skills.

In addition, Wanjutang is not only a breeding base. His fighting side is the mainstream. The combined combat skills of alien beasts and humans are their own systems, which is not worse than other tangkou specializing in martial arts.

While listening to the deacon of the Beast Academy, Poplar turned around in the beast courtyard and saw all kinds of wolves, red wolves, black wolves, gray wolves, golden wolves, blood wolves ...

Some wolves have no scales but have scales. Some wolves are full of bone spurs, which are the same as those of the biochemical crisis. They have large and small body sizes, such as houses, and small palms. Are you small?

After a lap, Bai Yang came to the director of the beast's house, and said to the deacon of the beast's house, "Go and bring me a wolf that is comparable to that of a warrior, just grow the scales."

Although he didn't know what Poplar wanted to do, the deacon didn't dare to violate it. They came with blood lotus tokens, and even if they burned the beast house with a fire, he had to help find a torch.

It was ordered to go down for less than a minute and someone brought a wolf that Aspen wanted.

This is a wolf trained by a martial arts martial artist. It is five meters high and nearly thirteen meters in length. It is covered with palm-sized black scales. It was specially cultivated. The body is wild and can be seen here. After being obedient, I lie down and do not dare to pretend.

Standing up, Bai Yang turned around the black-scale wolf, and even slapped it a few times with his hand. The wolf did not dare to let Bai Yang Shiwei move.

In a circle of unknown people, a poplar tube appeared in the hands of Poplar, which was inconceivable with air conditioning. The needle tube was a purple liquid.

Backhand, Poplar pierced the needle tube along the gap between the scales on the neck of the black scale wolf and pushed the liquid in the needle tube into its body.

From start to finish, the black wolf wobbled and didn't dare move.

Packing up the empty needle tube, Bai Yang walked back and sat down casually, observing the changes of the black scale wolf carefully.

The purple liquid that he injected into the black scale wolf was a gene medicine, that is, the black bear gene medicine obtained from the rice country on the other side of the earth, and it was given to Hua Xia. He left most of it, and it came in handy Already.

This kind of gene medicine is not yet perfect. After being injected into animals, it will basically cause gene collapse. Aspen is curious, what changes will happen to this kind of gene medicine when injected into other animals!

In any case, the animals of the other world are stronger than the earth, and the vitality does not know whether they can withstand the transformation of genetic medicine.

People around Bai Yang just looked at it, and no one asked and stopped.

The black scale wolf was still docile at the beginning after the poplar was injected with genetic medicine, but gradually, the black scale wolf's body began to tremble slightly, his eyes began to turn red, and a sob was made in his throat ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ seems painful and exciting.

Everyone around this change was watching. The deacon of the Beast House opened his eyes wide. It was unknown, so Wu Wu and Wu Lan looked at each other and stood next to Bai Yang subconsciously.

Although it is not known what happened to the black-scale wolf, the situation seems to be bad. They are sent to serve Poplar, and they are responsible for his safety first.


Waiting time is not long, less than a minute, the original docile black scale wolf suddenly made a loud roar!

"No, the black-scale wolf is crazy. Who is responsible for cultivating it? The character has not been tuned up, and has disturbed the ambassador? Do you want to live?" The deacon snarled for the first time when he saw this situation.

No way, for the sake of his own life, he had to clarify the relationship.

"Bai Shao Cao" Although Wu Wu couldn't wait to see Bai Yang in her heart, she stood in front of Bai Yang for the first time to perform her task.

However, Bai Yang reached out and patted her ass, saying, "Go away, don't stop me from going into science ..."

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