Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 691: I'm here to do destruction

The 93rd Beast House of Manjutang, as a numbered beast house, is theoretically capable of cultivating a martial art monk strange beast comparable to that of a master, but the theory is only a theory, and the fact is that ten yuan has not been cultivated here. The master is strange, so Rao is still so many people are working towards that goal.

This animal house is not far from where Poplar lives. At this time, almost everyone in the animal house is paying attention to every move there.

The terrible battle scene stunned everyone in the beast. The people here are up to eight levels of martial arts. The battle between the Grand Master and Shinto Shinjuku is a world of destruction for them!

"It's too powerful, even if it's so far apart, just feeling the atmosphere that fills the world makes my soul tremble!"

"The battle is too fast. I can't see their movements at all. Can anyone tell me what kind of scene it is?"

"What the **** can I see clearly, the brilliant light stabs me into tears, no more, I will be blind when I look at it ..."

The people in the beastyard talked a lot, yearning and afraid of the battle scene over there, that kind of battle, they felt that even if they were involved in it, they would instantly become fragments!

Not at all they can participate ...

Lightning in the distance is like a dragon flying through the sky, every flash will eclipse everything, the destructive power trembles the world, people are trembling and scared, and it is clear that almost 90% of people do not see anything but do not want to miss anything. A touch of detail.

Bang ...

Another earth-shattering loud noise came, the earth trembled and the earth buzzed, and even caused all the buildings in the No. 93 Beast House to tremble.

Boom ..., there was a loud buzzing again.

Immediately afterwards, a building in the beast house collapsed in the sound of a rattling sound!

"Why do I have a bad hunch?" Someone swallowed.

"Okay ... seems like something's going to happen?" Someone hesitated, his body trembling subconsciously.

After a brief silence, I don't know who shouted: "No, the two strong men are fighting over us!"

The sound of this voice caused the entire beast house to fall into silence, and the atmosphere was oppressive and distressing, making people breathless.

"Run away ..."

An exclamation rang out over the beast yard, and the beast yard exploded. People were frightened to escape, and the raised beasts growled because of fear.

But the next moment, two figures from the sky came to the sky over the beast like a lightning. One of the gray-haired old men was full of gorgeous sun rising like a god. He punched out, and a shock of sky Changhong rushed towards the young man.

The other party was fleeing, but they were also resisting. An inexplicable thunder from the sky flashed over the Changhong that attacked him.


The terrible energy explosion, the devastating electric snake wandering, the smashing energy aftermath raged, and the beast house below was mostly affected.

In the horrible aftermath of the battle, the building was shattered, the cultivated beasts were torn, and those who did not have time to escape became fragments in exclamation and despair!

This is a disaster. A disaster that came to this beast house suddenly. Only the aftermath of the battle between two powerful men has made most of this beast house into ruins. The trained beasts and the blood lotus members in the beast house have been killed and injured. !!

The two fighting powerhouses hurried away, leaving a ruined beast house. You can see that the horrible lightning in the direction of their departure is still breaking through the sky and roaring, and the terrifying and shocking Changhong is still chasing the man in front. ...

"Chase it, chase it, the longer you chase it, the greater the damage!"

At this time, Bai Yang, who was "hunted", could be said to be happy with heart and liver tremors. Zhengchou couldn't find a proper reason to do something in the blood lotus teaching. The tiger-learned master actually helped him solve the problem automatically.

At this moment, Poplar was not in a hurry to kill the other party. He wanted to take the other party around the beast hall like a kite and use the aftermath of the battle to destroy more buildings and blood lotus religions. Each time the aftermath caused The destruction is the loss of the blood lotus!

Is there such a good thing that Poplar is not happy?

He was here to do destruction!

They fought all the way through, the thunder thundered through the sky, and the martial arts master's methods carried terrible destructiveness with each hit. The aftermath of the collision between the two was simply a natural disaster!


Lightning fell from the sky, a 100-meter-high mountain was covered by electric current, the mountain collapsed, and some precious medicine was planted on it, which became fly ash under this thunder.

Hum ...

The void seemed to explode, the dazzling rays of light shone on ten sides, the aftermath of energy raged, the beast yard below collapsed, the internal and external beasts were killed and wounded innumerable, and there were countless people sending out desperate and hastily roaring under the brilliant light.

Hu Lie ’s master is really crazy. The future is cut off because of his apprentice ’s death. He and Bai Yang are endless!

At this time, he didn't consider other things at all, and only wanted to kill Aspen.

As they fought all the way, the beast yard of the Manchu Hall collapsed one after another, and the hills that cultivated precious items collapsed. This devastating scene expanded rapidly and raged further and further.

Some beastyards were smashed by Hu Lie ’s master, while others were intentionally destroyed by poplars. In such a high-intensity battle, who can care about other people's lives?

"Breaking my future, you have to die, you must die!" Hu Lie's master pursued Bai Yang closely, almost roaring madly.

"Old thing, I don't die if you die, but I know you will die, and you want to kill me, there is a kind, I'm afraid you will lose me!" Bai Yang responded loudly, and he was very righteous and could run It must be fast.

Shinto monks can fly in the realm of real life. Aspen is now a real monk, and he has the will to support the physical flight. It is much faster than a fighter. The speed of the master's realm is not slow. Going away, leaving a mess after leaving.

The beast yard was destroyed one by one, and the dead and the strange beasts carefully cultivated by the 10,000 beasts perished tens of thousands.

In just two minutes, the area of ​​destruction caused by the two of them has spread to more than thirty beast houses, and almost all of them are in the top 100.

The dead and the strange beasts add up to immeasurable losses!

"Quickly start the battle, please report to the Lord of the Church, no, please report to the Lord of the Church, you can't go on like this, otherwise the whole beast hall is over!"

An exclamation sounded somewhere, ringing all around.

The next moment, the formations in the beast yards started, all kinds of light flashed in this area of ​​the beast hall, and at the same time countless people rushed around, spreading the news all around.

The formation method in the beast house is good, but that is just to prevent the abnormal situation of the corresponding strange beast. The beast houses after the tenth rank of the beast hall cannot cultivate the strange beasts in the master's realm. How could the formation of the law prevent the methods of the Grand Master and Shinto Shinjo?

Especially under the deliberate guidance of Poplar, starting the formation is useless, even because the formation of the formation makes the destruction more severe.

If it is only the aftermath of the battle that comes down and destroys at most one area, when the entire formation is destroyed in the aftermath of the battle, it is the entire beast yard!

Five minutes, counting from the beginning of the battle, it took only five minutes. The number of beastyards affected by the battle has reached one hundred, of which nearly half are the top one hundred beastyards.

In these five minutes of fighting, the loss of the dead and injured in the Beast Hall was inestimable.

"Hucang, what the **** are you doing!"

At this moment, there was a roar of extreme desperation from outside the Beast Hall.

In the roar, a huge figure came out of the sky. It was a black hawk with wings spreading more than 300 meters. Like a sky curtain, the breath on his body was extremely terrible, which was actually comparable to the master of martial arts!

It wasn't the black eagle that spoke, but a middle-aged man standing on the head of the black eagle.

At this time, the middle-aged man looked at the messy picture of Manjutang, his expression was twisted and his teeth gritted. My **** man went out to give you Manchutang to Hucang to take care of you, and you did this for me?

Master Hu Lie, who was chasing Bai Yang, was shocked when he heard the roar. He stopped to look at the direction of the voice and frowned, "Tang master!"

"Hucang, please explain to me, I just went out, why did it become like this? Also, what the **** are you **** crazy about, if you do n’t give me a perfect explanation for you Believe it or not, I'll kill you immediately! "The middle-aged man standing on the head of the Black Eagle yelled at Hu Lie's master.

It turned out that Hu Lie ’s master was called Hu Cang, and yes, although Hu Lie was his apprentice, he was raised by him from an early age. He had no name but only followed his surname.

The poplar's heart heard the conversation.

Hucang stopped chasing, he also stopped, more than 5,000 meters away from Hucang.

Looking at the person who screamed at Hu Cang's nose, Bai Yang said that this is the master of Manchutang. It really is a master master, and he is deeper and scarier than the old Hu Cang. At the same time, he still has a difference from the realm Beasts, no wonder they can become the masters of all the beasts.

From the sound, Bai Yang heard that this was the person who had talked to himself ~ www.readwn.com ~ but he didn't know why he would come back from outside now.

Hucang looked at Shenzhu of the Master of the Beasts and said, "Cultor, my apprentice Hulie was killed by his surname Bai. You also know the importance of Hulie to me, so I want to avenge my apprentice. Losing a square inch in anger has caused such a consequence, and all the losses, I will bear it after I kill this person to avenge the apprentice! "

After listening to Hu Cang's words, the master of Manjutangtang smiled angrily and said, "I am old, you **** show me what Manchutang has done to you. You take it all and you take it. What is it? Just how old can your old bones be? How do you take it!

"Teacher, it's useless to say more, I must avenge my apprentice today!" Hu Cang roared, and then rushed to Aspen again.

Bai Yang cheered inside, okay, okay, chase Lao Tzu, otherwise how to increase the loss of Manjutang?

"Hucang, who gave you the courage and courage to stop paying attention to me? If you want to rely on the old man to sell the old believe it or not, I will kill you now!" Roaring with anger, the terrible breath erupting like smoke and smoke, the world changed color ...

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