Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 729: The real flicker

Shao Rong took one to twenty pounds of loose liquor and some other food from the cave. Some people here brought some stone tables and benches. On the edge of the dungeon, the poplars and the leaders of the five forces began to eat. Chatting.

At the beginning, it was all about things that were not in the South and the North, and the poplars were not in a hurry, to see when these people could hold them.

During the chat, Bai Yang secretly observed the bosses of the five forces. They are indeed the characters who can call the wind and the rain in the dungeon. Even if they eat food and wine that the dungeon should not have, they still don't change their face.

So Dong Laxi did not enter the subject for nearly half an hour. Bai Yang was not in a hurry, but the five of them couldn't help it.

Among them, Changkong Mountain sighed with a glass of inferior white wine. "Without hiding white, I haven't drunk nearly ten yuan. Although this wine is not a good wine, it also makes me intoxicated and even reluctant. Swallowing makes Bai Shao laugh. "

After hearing this, Aspen's heart moved.

Having said that, the loose liquor they drank at this time was not just good wine, and there were a few yuan per pound on the earth side to entertain these big brothers ... Poplar was not embarrassed at all.

Some drinks are good, do you still want to sip?

"Several of them are good people. These inferior wines should not be able to get rid of them, but I have nothing better, and please don't blame them." Bai Yang shook his head and laughed.

Now that you are going to fight haha, I will talk to you blindly, see who has consumed who!

"If you want to say this wine, it belongs to Chen Dynasty Dynasty Palace's fine wine" Xi Xuechun ". I had the pleasure to drink it once, and it is hard to forget," Tie Kuang said with a look of memory on the side.

"Although Zixuechun is good, it is too rare. If I say, the peach blossom of Taoshan County should not have a taste." Evergreen shook his head and said, gently sips inferior white wine, as if he was in Taoshan County. general.

After eating a peanut, Bai Yang sighed, "I'm afraid I won't drink peach blossoms in the future."

"Why is this?" Xiongba asked curiously.

After looking at them one by one, all of them were puzzled, Bai Yang guessed that they might not have been here for a short time, and they didn't know what was going on outside.

So he said, "Not long ago, there was a big change in Taoshan County. That peach blossom prince took the world's worst action. He sent a lot of pits to kill all the creatures in Taoshan County and gave birth to a strange peach. Although the final success was achieved, the entire Taoshan County has also become a dead place.

"Is there such a thing? How did Taohua Zhenjun make such a furious thing, hurting tens of millions of people, and how is it different from a group of evil demon monsters of the blood lotus religion!" Baiyun frowned.

"Knowing people knowing their faces and being unconscious, I once had a good talk with Taohua Zhenjun, but I never expected him to do such a thing!" Tsing Yi sighed.

"This incident happened not long ago. Even though I was in the vein of this closed news, but only those who have come in recently can know the beginning and the end," Bai Yang laughed, not saying that he had ended the great achievements of Taohua Zhenjun.

Then there was a little chat, and I don't know if these people have been talking for too long in the veins, one by one, they have become talkative.

Poplar is not in a hurry, you will accompany me if you want to pull me.

Gossiping goes to gossiping, but Bai Yang still learns the past of some of these people from the gossip.

That Changkong Mountain came to this vein for at least ten yuan. Using the time on the earth's side for almost thirty years, he should have been the head of a sectarian door. Somehow he was destroyed by the blood lotus, and some people under the door were Caught here and became a slave.

Among them, Iron Mania did not come here long, and in just a few months, he was a general of the Chen Dynasty and was arrested here with his army.

There is also Xiongba, who has been here for a few years. He used to be a gang boss with a small scale. He was also killed by the blood lotus and thrown all the gang members into the mine.

Tsing Yi is a knight who walks the world, and somehow offended the blood lotus and was arrested here. As for Bai Yun, in her words, he was once an elder named Tian Yinzong. He was arrested here for several years. .

In short, none of the five people is simple, and they came here to become a party overlord by their own means.

Bai Yang's own situation did not reveal too much. Picking up can say that the five of them had the impression of Bai Yang that they had lost the great achievements of the two halls of Xuelianjiao not long ago, and the fog around the clouds was unclear.

This kind of non-nutritive gossip lasted for an hour, and the straight-headed iron man was uncomfortable and couldn't help but looked at Bai Yang and said, "Shao Bai, I heard you have an agreement with the leader of the blood lotus religion?"

"Agree?" Topol repeated for a moment, not understanding.

"I heard people say that Bai Shao and the leader of the blood lotus religion Jing Chen agreed, after two sessions he will take you away from this vein?" Tsing Yi took a sip of wine and blinked.

Poplar said rudely, "That's what happened."

After looking at all of you, he really didn't understand the meaning of these people. It seems that they are very interested in this agreement between themselves and Jing Chen?

A few people looked at each other without any trace, and Tie Kuang looked at Bai Yang and took a deep breath, saying, "Shao Bai, let me be straight. We were trapped here. There was no hope of going out, but Bai Shao's arrival was for us to see. At the beginning of the dawn, I don't know if it's Bai Shao and Jing Chen's agreed time, can you take me away when you leave? "

After hearing this, they raised their eyebrows. It turned out that they had the idea. No wonder they would come to find themselves.

The words have already been said, and it is no longer necessary for several people to fight haha. Before waiting for Bai Yang to speak, the tyrant looked at Bai Yang seriously and said, "If Bai Shao can take us away, I will definitely remember these kindness and send some , There will be no hesitation in the wind and the rain. "

"Please also ask Shao Bai for help. When I am trapped here, I really don't want to be so embarrassed in the future. If I can leave, these great graces are like regenerating parents," Tsing Yi said, earnestly.

After all, the other three expressed their positions one after another. After all, they were all overlord figures. If Poplar could take them away, they would be gracious, but they did not want Feng Kun's willingness to be a younger brother.

Understanding their purpose, Bai Yang groaned for a while, but did not promise anything. After thinking about it, he said, "The time has come to agree with Jing Chen. If it can help you get out of trouble, I won't be half hesitant, but you also know that I ca n’t promise anything about it, I can only do my best "

After hearing this, a few people smiled at each other. Of course, they understood the difficulties of Poplar. Even if Poplar had the intention to help them leave, how could they be caught here, which one did not share the hatred with Xuelianism? Can the blood lotus make them leave like this?

In the atmosphere of silence, Bai Yun, looking at the disposable glass in his hand, pointed out: "Bai Shao, this wine ... is not the product of the mine, right? I heard that these things are from Bai Shao not long ago. Bring in outside ... "

As soon as this sentence came out, Bai Yang didn't feel much, but Feng Kun behind him changed his face. Bai Yang could bring things in. He also learned from the crazy dog ​​woman's mouth not long ago that he knew to come to Bai Yang nonstop. How do other people know?

In this way, he was not stupid and thought the people under his hands had spies for the first time!

Immediately he smiled bitterly, these big guys really are not easy people, I am afraid that the entire dungeon is full of their eyeliner!

What can he do, he is also desperate.

After listening to Bai Yun's words, Bai Yang nodded thoughtfully: "Yes, this wine I brought in not long ago"

Baiyun looked at the white poplar and said with a serious face: "There is an unknown seal in this vein. The martial arts cannot be used. All means of the Shinto monk have been reduced to furnishings. Even the space class instruments have lost their effectiveness, except for the blood lotus. No one who teaches can come and go here freely ... "

Bai Yang understood what she meant, and thought about it and said, "My situation is very complicated. This wine is indeed brought in from the outside. Do you want to ask me if I have the ability to enter and exit the veins freely? How can I say this? Yes, but the cost of entering and exiting each time is very high. It ’s okay to bring in and out ordinary things, but when it comes to living things, it is impossible! Even if I go in and out myself, I have to be careful. You are watching me all the time. Once you are found, you can guess the consequences? "

No way, it is true that Aspen can freely enter and exit the veins, but the place where he enters and exits is the earth and here. He cannot say clearly about this kind of thing, but in the face of these people, he can't spit out some dry goods, so he can only lie. Already.

Lying and lying, Bai Yang also laid a foreshadowing, waiting for them to be hooked.

Iron mad there listened to the words of Bai Yang, and his eyes burned and asked: "How seriously is it that Bai Shao said he can freely enter and exit the veins?"

"This is true, there is nothing to hide, but the price is too high, and it is impossible to bring in and out with living creatures," Bai Yang shook his head.

"I don't know what it takes to get in and out of Bai Shao?" Chang Kong Shan asked thoughtfully.

"Yuanshi!" Bai Yang said in a deep voice.

"Yuan Shi?"

Several people looked at each other, and Tsing Yi looked at Aspen repeatedly.

"Yes, Yuan Shi. Every time I go in and out, I will consume a large amount of Yuan Shi. I don't hide it. You may think that I can get out of the control of the blood lotus religion, right? Actually, the blood lotus religion is still in me There was a restraint on my body, even though I could go in and out, but I couldn't leave the mine for a long time, if time passed, I would be in danger of life, "Bai Yang said helplessly.

In fact, he is trying his best to flicker, there is no way, he can freely travel to and from the earth and the real situation here is impossible to say.

"Ha ha ha, Yuan Shi's words, trivial, this place is a vein of Yuan Shi, how much Bai Shao wants, I don't know how many Yuan Shi Bai Shao needs to take people out of here?" Hahaha laughed with a gaze. poplar.

Obviously he didn't believe Bai Yang's flicker. He felt that Bai Yang's departure would certainly lead people to leave.

Shaking his head, Bai Yang said, "Boss Xiong, I really can't take people away, not just people, I can't take any creature with life in and out."

"Okay," Xiongba sighed, and he didn't know whether he believed Bai Yang's words or not.

Looking at them, Bai Yang said, "I understand that you want to be free, and I also want to help, but there is nothing I can do for now. For now, there are only two ways for you to leave!"

"Which two ways?" Chang Kong Shan asked with a heart.

Putting **** up and bending down again, Bai Yang looked at them and said, "The first is when the time agreed with Jing Chen is up, then I beg Jing Jing to let you go, but you also know that this is not realistic at all , Jing Chen won't let you go. Even at that time, I'm afraid I've reached the end of my life, so there is only a second way! "

The crowd was silent, and the people who were thrown here were almost endless with the blood lotus religion. They understood Bai Yang, and I am afraid that the time agreed with him and Jing Chen was really the end of life.

In the silence, Bai Yun looked at Bai Yang and asked, "The second way that Bai Shao said is ...?"

"The second way is to save myself," Poplar blinked.

"What a self-help method?" Chang Kong Shan asked.

Looking at them, Bai Yang laughed and said, "We can't deny that we are underground? Everyone was thrown here, lost all their cultivation, and took everything away. It was almost impossible to escape from the sky However, as long as I can pay a lot of Yuanshi, I can get some tools from the outside, so that I can dig through the ground from the bottom up to escape the sky. What do you think? "

"No, no, this is not possible." After listening to Bai Yang's words, the male domineer shook his head.

"Why not?" Poplar asked, frowning.

Changkong Mountain took the stubble and replied, "No one has thought of digging through the surface, even someone in the ore vein has done so for a long time. After years of digging with a shovel to dig through and leave, it can be tens of thousands of meters upward. What was dug up was not the outside world after leaving, but the seal formation of the blood lotus religion. I am afraid that even the strongest in the realm of the King of Kings should not be broken! "

"Someone dug up ~ www.readwn.com ~ almost digging through the ground, but they dug into the blood lotus teachings?" Bai Yang asked with a stare in his eyes.

"Yes, even the hole is still there. If Bai Shao doesn't believe we can take you to see it," Tiekang affirmed.

As soon as his heart moved, Aspen didn't doubt the authenticity of the situation, he thought about it, did it mean that if he broke that formation, he would hope to escape from heaven?

However, it is difficult to find out how far the blood lotus teaching is located from outside. If it has not yet reached the surface, it may not work once the blood lotus teaching is disturbed. .

But this is always a hope. Bai Yang didn't want to give up, so he looked at the crowd and said, "Everyone, if I have a large amount of Yuanshi, I can get a powerful weapon from the outside, and maybe I can break the blood lotus teachings. It's just that there are too many Yuanshi to pay! "

Of course, this poplar's sentence is an excuse for Huyou. The mine vein has been sealed and repaired, but he can get the powerful weapon over the earth, the missile nuclear bomb, the atomic hydrogen bomb, and he will not believe that the blood lotus seal will not be opened!

But he wo n’t take it out easily, and he takes the opportunity to fudge Yuanshi.

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