Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 758: Discontinued!

The floating battleship hovered by the walls of Hulu Valley, because the poplar left early and there was no one to dominate. The people on the battleship were a little overwhelmed. What to do next?

"Yeah ..."

The blood babies glanced at the warship for a few moments, and then the tender voice disappeared.

Feng Kun was startled again. He dared to swear with all the senses that his master had cultivated. Yaya really disappeared out of thin air. Just as she came out of thin air, she should not be too frightened. .

Immediately afterwards, the red ball flying around was fluttering away, and the little silver wolf was purring and chasing, the short leg jumped, and blinked hundreds of meters away ...

The place where Bai Shao lives is a bit ... terrible, what kind of monsters are they?

Feng Kun muttered, and then subconsciously looked at Shan Qiulin, who was standing in the distance.

Shan Qiulin had a linen, black cloth with blindfolds, and still held a wooden sword with a worm eye on it, which was basically a long sword cut by rotten wood.

This is not the point. The point is that Shan Qiulin is standing on Bai Xue at this time, but he is so big that he has no weight. He just stood there. The snow surface did n’t even sink. Qiulin's entire body has only a few snow flakes!

How terrible is this control over our own strength and the surrounding environment? Especially when Shan Qiulin didn't show a trace of real vitality!

Monsters, all monsters!

Feng Kun was a little confused at the moment, but only felt that the water in this valley was very deep.

However, Shan Qiulin was just standing there, and he couldn't help them. The atmosphere was awkward ...

In this way for almost three minutes, there was a sound of footsteps from the city wall. Feng Kun looked up, looking like a towering macho, with a cold and snowy armor, and a long knife hanging around his waist.

There are more than a dozen people behind this macho, and all of them are as strong as bulls.

From these people, Feng Kun couldn't feel how powerful their energy fluctuations were, but these people gave them an extremely sturdy and wild atmosphere, like the awakened beast.

The macho came to the wall, looked at Feng Kun and others and asked, "What are you doing?"

Aspen came back and said nothing with the kitten before leaving with the kitten, so the people in the valley did not know what rhythm this floating warship was.

For this reason, the Yaya Silver Wolf all came around in a circle. Shan Qiulin appeared not far away, and the artillery with a diameter of several hundred millimeters on the hill further afield had not been informed by Feng Kun and others Aimed here ...

"We came back with Bai Shao, and my name is Feng Kun." Feng Kun immediately said, no matter what, I will probably be colleagues in the future.

Later, Shao Rong, Luo Yan, and others said a little embarrassingly that they followed Bai Shao to come here, but Bai Shao left, so that we were at a loss.

"Come with the young master?" The macho on the wall scratched his head and repeated the question.

"Right, right" Feng Kunma nodded.

However, at this time, a man in a black robe came out and said to the macho on the wall: "I am a soldier of the dynasty. This time I was ordered to send Bai Shao back. Now I have been delivered and I need to go back to my life."

"Dynastic soldiers? Then they said they were back with the young master. What's the situation, tell me clearly first" The strong man on the city wall circled.

Feng Kunxin said that this buddy, your brain circuit is a bit delayed, and he explained: "We are more than a hundred people who came back with Bai Shao, they are Chen Dynasty soldiers."

"Oh, aren't you co-authors?" Said the macho on the wall.

It ’s okay to call your brother. After all, Feng Kun feels tired, so he asks, “I do n’t know how to call this brother? What shall we do next?”

The macho on the wall continued to scratch his head and thought for a while, "I'm Hu Zi, a big captain here, and then you guys, it's time to go back to life and return to life, and the others will follow me."

This is embarrassing. The soldiers of the Chen Dynasty said, "Brother, will you die if you ask us to go in for a glass of water?"

Of course, they didn't dare to show it. Bai Yang didn't dare to offend, so they let Feng Kun and others go down, and the warship took off with a whistle.

Almost all the people in the valley are mountain people coming out of the Mi River Forest. The life style is relatively closed, a bit of xenophobia is inevitable, and the tiger's nerves are so thick that they never thought of entertaining others.

Now I watched the floating warship go away and groaned under the chin and said that the ship would fly. When is the master going to build a ship for us?

Feng Kun looked up at the sky, and he said that co-authoring this macho would be a special bun, never seen the world? I hold back, I don't laugh.

Until the warship completely disappeared in the sky, Hu Zi retracted his gaze and looked at Feng Kun. They said, "Come with me. I will arrange a place for you before the master orders. Remember to stop running around the valley. If the master is not happy, Everyone is upset. Big guys are easily upset if they are upset, okay? "

"Understand, we are waiting for Bai Shao to arrange," Feng Kun said depressed.

Poplar did not arrange them, their status here is a bit awkward ...

Shan Qiulin did not know when he had left, Feng Kun specially looked at the place where Shan Qiulin had been before. There was no trace on the snow. As soon as his pupils shrank, he knew that the blind man was an unbelievable master!

Huzi took Feng Kun and others down the city wall and went to the open space in the valley and headed to his side residence.

On the way, Hu Zi found Feng Kun glancing at himself from time to time, so he asked, "What are you doing?"

Feng Kun stunned and said with an awkward smile: "My brother-in-law seems to have only the practice of martial arts, but his atmosphere is very arrogant, and he was curious for a while"

Indeed, the real yuan fluctuations on Tiger's body are only in the realm of martial arts, but Feng Kun feels that Tiger's breath makes him a little elusive, and he will inevitably take a closer look.

Tiger's eyes lighted up and asked Feng Kun: "What are you doing, buddy?"

"I am a master of martial arts on the eighth level. It is only a matter of time to break through the great master," Feng Kun laughed.

When saying this sentence, he raised his chin subconsciously a bit. The eight-layer master of martial arts experienced the sufferings of the blood lotus religion mine and his mind was tempered. He can completely become a master of the grand master. This does have his proud capital.

"Master of martial arts? Master, come and come and do one while you are free, it ’s strangely cold, just warm up" Hu Zi was excited, immediately threw the sword to a distance, and rushed towards Feng Kun.

It is said that they were only a group of mountain people, and later learned some skills with Poplar, especially the Thunder Secret, claiming to be able to challenge them, but now they have not had many opportunities to fight, especially since Poplar is not in this time. They have been in the valley, but there is no fart, and they haven't done much since they were promoted to martial arts. Now he can be regarded as an opportunity.

"Well, do a fight?" Feng Kun looked expressionless.

"Yes, hurry up, Master Budo, I haven't seen it yet, let me try your means," Huzi said with interest.

He is pure-minded and wants to experiment with his own skills, so there is not so much messy thought at all.

However, Feng Kun is different. What he thinks now is that he is waiting for someone new, and then Bai Yang's original staff will give them a bit of power!

‘Hum, a warrior tried to dismount me? It ’s a good dew point, do n’t let people here look down on us ’

Feng Kun thought this way and nodded and smiled at Hu Zi: "Okay, the people under Shao Bai must be capable and open their eyes."

Shao Rong, Luo Yan, and other more than one hundred mine slaves looked at each other. Why did this work well? Say don't you be so casual, okay ...

"Master Budo, for the first time facing such a master, a little excited, so what, I'm here?" Hu Zi watched Feng Kun rubbing his hands, a titanium alloy armor crackling.

"Please" Feng Kun laughed.

The people around him slipped away to give way.

"I'm here. Pick me up!"

After the people flashed away, the tiger shouted over there.

When I saw him, his breath changed, and there was a crackling sound in his body, and the current flickered in and out of his body. The current in the crackling sound was like a python swimming around the tiger, which made him look like a thunder god.

Huzi they cultivated the Lightning Secret, and now the true character of Huzi in the martial arts realm is thunder and lightning, which has devastating power.

Faced with the tiger in this state, Feng Kun changed his face immediately.

Hum, he was buzzing around him, his breath was thin, and snowflakes exploded in all directions.

The next moment, the tiger entangled in thunder and lightning rushed and punched Feng Kun with a cracking current.


With a loud noise, the suffocation of Feng Kun ’s realm was shattered, and the whole person was spitted by a tiger's punch, especially the current still flashing from time to time. Www.readwn.com ~ The body was paralyzed.

After being beaten by a tiger, he flew out for dozens of meters and lay on the snow. Feng Kun looked up at the sky with a blank expression. Who am I? Where did I just happened?

The tiger over there stole the real thunder and scratched his head, embarrassed to say, "This is the Grand Master? Um, all blame me, I didn't control my strength ..."

Alas, Feng Kun spit out blood again, brother, my name is your brother, can you not hit people like this?

My grand master was defeated by a martial arts master with no punch, and his face was lost ...

Someone over there helped Feng Kun upright, and Huzi was embarrassed to ask, "Dude, are you okay?"

Feng Kun gritted his teeth and showed a uglier smile than crying, "I'm fine, brother, you are terrific ... There are countless people under Shao Bai, are there as many powerful people as you are?"

"Oh, you mean cultivation, we have six thousand brothers here, and now there are more than 300 warriors. The others are basically warriors. I ’m lazy and I do n’t practice much. To impact the Grand Master, go up when you have time. Brother Zhu Shi, they are already Masters. There are more than a hundred of them. Others are trying to catch up with them. They always laugh at me. Can't beat his men, depressed ... "Hu Zi said with a grin.

The secret to the thunder is just because you need to take in the power of thunder when you are getting started, so no one in the world can practice it, and once you are trained, you will enter the country quickly, plus the gourd valley has something like dragon yuan, one by one, it ’s about to get up to speed. .

However, Feng Kun almost fainted when he heard Hu Zi's words. This valley is all monsters, and there are 6,000 tiger-like people. Doesn't it mean that each one has the ability to kill himself with a punch?

Monsters, Shao Bai are all monsters, how can this live?枉 I feel like I have one of the best skills here ...

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