Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 787: Cycle by cycle

In the face of such a wicked thing, if you don't understand it, the poplars will sleep and eat.

Although the kitten is afraid, she will follow wherever Poplar goes. Yaya and Red Ball are carefree and do not know what they are afraid of. Of course, they have to keep up.

The kittens Yaya and Red Ball absolutely listened to the words of Poplar, and if they were in danger, it would be impossible to take them to run around the earth with no problem.

As for An Jiu, Bai Yang didn't ask him. After all, I didn't know what he would encounter here, and it was reasonable for the other party not to follow.

Watching the poplars leaving with their kittens, An Jiu struggled, and finally gritted his teeth and stomped his feet.

An Jiu is a Shinto monk, but he is too weak in physicality than ordinary people. However, under the blessing of the amulet, his speed is comparable to that of the warrior. This is the means of the Shinto monk to transform and decay. For magic.

A hundred miles away, even if An Jiu was blessed with magical signs, when he saw Bai Yang again, he found that Bai Yang did not set foot on the village, but stood on a hill in the distance to watch.

When they came to the poplars, An Jiu took a careful look, and found that the poplars didn't have the slightest dissatisfied expression, so they were slightly relieved. It was hard to meet a big man if he hated the other party.

Standing at the top of the mountain a few kilometers away from the village, Bai Yang Nianli extended to observe and did not take the risk alone.

In his observation, the village was operating normally, what should people do, and those people are really flesh and blood and not something ‘unclean’.

There are ninety-three people in the village, one more and one more. Children play, adults work, and life is simple and normal.

But the more poplars like this, the more they feel wicked. Yesterday the people in the entire village were dead, and Poplar buried them in person. It is impossible for science to explain such things.

As soon as he thought about it, Bai Yang nianli swept to the place where the villagers were buried yesterday, and he was totally cold.

The ninety-three tombs he had built last night had disappeared at this time. Not only did the tombs disappear, but everything at the tombs had returned to their original state.

Fearing that he had misremembered the place, Aspen observed the other places, but still the same, the grave disappeared and everything returned to its original state.


In this case, Bai Yang didn't know how to express his feelings except for his thriller. It was too evil and weird.

"Master, let's go, this place is too evil," the kitten whispered.

Behind him, An Jiu looked at Bai Yang's back. Uncle Bai Shaobai, let's go. I don't dare to stay in this place for a moment ...

Shaking his head, Poplar said: "Look again, there is no danger yet"

Then I continued to observe that there was nothing unusual in the village. What should people do? Children play, men work, women cook and do laundry. It is a normal day.

This view of Poplar is half a day in this world, and nothing special happened.

However, this makes people incomprehensible. The villagers were resurrected from death, but there were no abnormalities. If there were no surveillance video backups, Bai Yang would have thought that the first day was an illusion.

In the end, Bai Yang decided to set foot in the village again to see the situation, and turned to An Jiu and said, "Do n’t keep up, I do n’t know what you will encounter next, and I ca n’t guarantee your safety. There is no need to take risks.

An Jiu's eyes flickered quickly and said: "Shao Bai, I am more or less useful. We often encounter strange things in the tomb-grabbing industry. After the initial thrill of the village situation, it is not unacceptable. Let me Keep up, I ’ll just follow and do n’t bother Bai Shao. Life and death are in the sky. If I die here, it ’s doomed. ”

An Jiu also made a lot of determination when he said these words. Although Bai Yang said he could not guarantee his safety, but after his brief contact with Bai Yang, he knew that if he encountered danger, Bai Yang should not ignore it, provided that Under the premise of being able to help.

This is an opportunity to pay for poplars. If you miss a good opportunity, the price will double ... Um ... Anyway, there is no shop after this village.

Nodding his head, Aspen took the kitten forward and threw down a sentence saying, "Just think for yourself"

Soon they and his party came to the village. The children watched carefully. The adults were alert for the first time. They managed their children to watch Bai Yang and others dare not come forward.

Brows frowned slightly and then there was relaxation. Poplar seemed to find something. It happened to be an acquaintance, who was the first middle-aged person who came to the village to talk yesterday.

Towards the other side, Bai Yang stopped kindly and said, "This elder brother, I want to ask you something."

While talking, Bai Yang secretly observed every change of the other party, even if the heartbeat frequency was not missed.

The middle-aged man looked at Bai Yang with a daunting question and asked, "This noble man, I don't know what you have ordered?"

In this sentence, Bai Yang has determined that this villager doesn't remember himself at all. From the reactions of him and others, Bai Yang probably guessed, and I am afraid that the situation where he has been here to communicate with some of them is not true existing!

Although there is such a speculation, Aspen still needs to confirm, so he pointed to the direction of the dead mountain range in the distance and said, "I want to ask you about that direction."

"I don't know, I don't know, I don't know anything ..."

The answer is the same as yesterday, and the tone and spirit are the same. After speaking this sentence, the other party will leave immediately as yesterday!

Huh, quietly exhaling, the guess in Aspen's heart has confirmed most of it, but it still needs to be confirmed.

Then he came to the old man's house the day before, and there was still only the old man alone.

Yesterday Poplar also gave him Long Yuan, but looking at each other now, he is about to die like the first encounter, and he is demented and doesn't know Poplar!

Everything is back to the original point, no, it should be said that it was back to before I came here!

"Old man, is the family alone?"

"Dead, all dead ..."

"The old man is home. Do you know where it is?"

"That's an unknown place, that's an unknown place, let's go, let's go ..."

The same question as the previous day, the same answer was obtained. When Bai Yang continued the next thing as yesterday, the result was not bad ...

Then Poplar chose to leave the village and returned to the distant hill to watch this direction silent.

"Master, did you find anything?" The kitten asked when he came here.

Nodded and shook his head, Bai Yang said, "There is some speculation, but proof is still needed."

"How to prove?" The kitten wondered.

"Wait" Bai Yang's answer was just one word.

The previous scenes An Jiu followed all the way, but as he said, he never said a word as a background board from beginning to end.

At this moment he was also curious about what Poplar had found, but he did not squeak, and after waiting he would get the answer he wanted.

As time passed, Aspen looked at the direction of the village from time to time and looked at the sky.

The sun in the sky traveled from mid-air to the west, and then went down. Just like yesterday, when the sun went down, the sky became gloomy, and that feeling reappeared.

Taking a deep breath, Aspen knew that the most critical moment had come.

Immediately, under his intensive observation, some 93 people in the whole village stopped moving, all died strangely, without any signs and for no reason!

All this happened under his observation, everything was so inexplicable, but weird and inexplicable, it made people stand upright!


Faced with this situation, both the kitten and An Jiu were trembling with horror in their faces, which was too evil.

After the shock, after thinking about it, Bai Yang set foot in the village again, and then buried the villagers, but not in the same place as yesterday.

And then wait ...

One night passed quietly in an upright atmosphere. When the first rays of sunlight appeared on the day, the grave he buried buried strangely disappeared, the villagers lived again, and the new day began again!

No, it is not a new day, but the villagers are repeating the same experience!

It took the next three days to confirm this.

Every day, the villagers die strangely shortly after the sun sets, and the resurrection reappears the next day. In the process, Poplar has changed some things in the village, but everything will be the same after the second day!

Here is really repeating the day, the trajectories of the villagers, every step they take, every word they say is exactly the same, they do this every day ~ www.readwn.com ~ but they do n’t know it, even Bai Yang will go to communicate with the villagers every day, but they don't remember Bai Yang the next day.

Still on the top of the mountain, the kitten looked at the village and reached out and covered his mouth with tears in his eyes and sobbed with tears: "Master, the villagers are so pitiful, they have been repeating the same day, this situation I do n’t know how long it has been, I do n’t know How long will it take, Master, will we help them? Will they be too pitiful to help them out? "

Tightening the kitten, Aspen said bitterly: "Cat, I'm trying to help them, but I don't know how to do it for the time being, seeing them repeat the same day and again and again, the ignorance looks sad, good, I I'm thinking of a way, there must be a reason, and if I observe more, I will find that I will let them go. "

"Um," the kitten nodded, looking sad toward the village.

The grass and poplars in that village are clear, and even where each step of the villagers go, when and what they say, poplars are very clear, but why they repeat the same day after day without any clue.

What is the saddest thing in the world? It's not how unfair destiny is, how sad life is, but when you repeat the same day all the way to forever without knowing it!

"It is said that life has reincarnation, death is restarted, and people have no memory when they are born. What happens after death? Will everyone's life start and end in fact, like those villagers in non-stop reincarnation? Well, taking the self as the center, we can see the history and enjoy the future. In fact, it is only reincarnation. After all, we have not experienced it in the past and the future. We have only seen the lives of others from our own perspective It ’s not something you experience ... "

With the poplars, An Jiu, who witnessed the strange incident, mumbled to himself ...

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