Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 792: Shocked

After hearing Jiang Nan's complete explanation, Bai Yang's mind was completely puzzled. No wonder that Jingchen tried his best to obtain the imperial dragon spirit of his own body to open up the dynasty. It turned out that there was such a great benefit. Good things that money can't buy.

Then Jiang Nan said, "The king of fruit will increase his life by two thousand yuan to extend his life to three thousand yuan, and the life limit of the emperor realm is 3,000 yuan. If he obtains the emperor's heaven and earth fruit position, the life limit will be It can be extended to 5,000 yuan, and the rest rate is soared five times. It can also use the power of millions of people to fight against the enemy within the country. The same is true for the strong emperor. The life of the emperor was only 5,000 yuan. Once the emperor's position is obtained, the life span is extended to 10,000 yuan. , Commonly known as Wanshou, the practice speed has soared tenfold, and with the strength of all peoples in the country, it is invincible! So ah, let ’s go down and say that in a dynasty, there cannot be a strong person in the realm of kings, why are these people kings? People dare not challenge the emperor? It is because the existence of the heaven and earth fruit position that they are not opponents at all, so the Lord of the Chao Dynasty repressed one party to speak out and follow the world, and said that the Chen Dynasty was so chaotic today. That ’s because today King Chen is not a strong man, and he is comparable to a strong man with the strength of his fruit, so some people stand up. Although Chen Yongfa came back to sit in the town, he was not The monarch of the Chen Dynasty can not rely on the power of all peoples and can only be tired of coping with it. The dynasty is the same, the dynasty is the same, let alone the empire. If you look at the Yuan Empire that day, why is there no one who dares to make trouble? There are a lot of strong people, because the Tianyuan Empire is too powerful, occupying nearly half of the territory of Tianyuan Star, and the population is countless. Only the Emperor Tianyuan has gained the status of Tiandi. As long as he is alive, he will suppress all eternity. Whoever dares to defeat him can turn it over. Destroy it, that is the true invincibility of the world! "

Jiang Nan's remarks are long, but they are clear enough, and fully explain the importance of the fruit position in the heavens and the earth. The fruit position does not increase the combat power, but the benefits brought by the fruit position are more important than the power of any exercises!

The same is the strong person in the king's realm. One has a fruit position and one has no fruit position. Once they are confronted, those who have no fruit position in the dynasty of the other person will only be hanged. This is only a strength benefit. The most important thing is It's Shouyuan. Who doesn't want to live longer?

The Emperor of Heaven, the endless life, ten thousand years, 30,000 years on the earth, how many historical dynasties have to witness?

"The fruit position is so important. No wonder everyone wants to become the leader of the Yun Dynasty, but Brother Jiang Nan, is there any other way to obtain the fruit position besides developing the Yun Dynasty and inheritance?" Bai Yang asked curiously.

"Of course, there are two ways besides opening up the Yun Dynasty, one is the origin and the other is the seal," Jiang Nan laughed.

"Oh? I want to hear the details," Bai Yang thoughtfully.

"In fact, they are all similar. Let ’s talk about their origins. A child of Wang Guowei was born with a dummy Wang Guobit, which means that everyone has the opportunity to become the leader of the Yun Dynasty. Of course, such a dummy Wang Guo The increase of the practice rate by only 50% does not increase Shou Yuan's strength, nor is it possible to use the power of all peoples. This is why the descendants of the royal family fought fiercely for the throne. One more seal, that is, to obtain the seal status as an official in the DPRK. This is a bit complicated. At present, no matter whether it is a dynasty or an empire, the official system uses the classification of one to nine grades. For the dynasty, the lowest grade official is equivalent to the guard and the like. After being formally appointed, he can also be the master of the Yun Dynasty. If the blessing is blessed, the speed of practice increases by 50%, and the rate of two practices is 10%. Up to Jiupin can obtain 45% of the practice speed. If the strength is sufficient, it can be king, and the practice speed can be increased to 50%. The increase cannot be superimposed. Regardless of whether it is a member of the royal family or not, unless you seal the throne, you can increase the speed of practice by up to 50%. This is true of dynasties and empires, but only The level of the family is not the same as the speed of practice after being sealed, so this has led many monarchs in small countries to have official positions in Shangguo, and the monarchs themselves have fruit in their bodies. It can be superimposed on the premise that it can only be an upper kingdom. The monarch of the dynasty can obtain the official position in the dynasty. If the monarch of the same country goes to another country to become an official, oh ... his position is not guaranteed! Explain in detail.

After listening to Bai Yang, it turned out that this is the case. It is easy to say plainly. If an ordinary person wins the throne seal in the Tianyuan Empire, the practice speed will increase five times, which is equivalent to the lord of a dynasty.

In a word, I learned that the emperor's family can be learned by selling arts and crafts!

This Jiang Nan was once the grandson of the Shenwu dynasty. I am afraid that at least he was the king. His practice speed is 2.5 times faster than ordinary people. In addition to his own resources and talents, it is not too much to reach two hundred yuan in the realm of the emperor. Against the sky.

However, after understanding this, the old doubts disappeared, but the new doubts in Bai Yang's heart reappeared, and asked suddenly: "Brother Jiang Nan, that's not right, the warriors opened up the dynasty to gain endless benefits, so what about the Shinto monks? "

No, your warrior is the king of the king and the emperor of the emperor, then our shinto monk is playing a bitch.

"Brothers of Poplar don't have to wonder. In fact, Shinto monks can also get fruit, but they are not the same as martial arts. Martial arts open up the dynasty of war, but Shinto monks open up the dojo. After doing some deeds, you will be admitted by Heaven to obtain the Heavenly Master Fruit. The Heavenly Master Fruit is equivalent to the King of God Fruit. It has a lifespan of 3,000 yuan and doubles the speed of practice. However, you cannot rely on the power of the people. Faith, the more the power of faith, the more blessings you get when you fight against the enemy. This is like the king of man. Although you can use the power of the people, but if your own virtue is not good, some people will not have enough power to use it. So, ah, the people of the heavenly fruit position collect good faith, and the people of the king fruit position are motivated and must not be lazy. Above the heavenly fruit position is the true **** position, and you need to open the Tao to achieve the true **** position, and then go to The sage is in the same position as the Emperor of Heaven. It is just like today ’s Emperor Yuan. When there is no saint in the world, there is another point. After all, there is a conflict between Shinto and martial arts. Do you see how many dojos are in the country? They are all oppressed by the royal family. Dojos need to survive, either in the royal family or in the wild mountains. This is also the only way to avoid conflicts. I practice martial arts. Familiar, you need to explore it yourself. There is only so much I can say. ”Jiang Nan crackled and explained a lot to Bai Yang.

After listening to Bai Yang's silence, the path of Shinto monks is a bit difficult. The realm of heavenly masters can be described as a watershed. In that realm, if you want to be more powerful than others, you must open up a dojo. ... beep the dog ...

I do n’t know if it ’s okay. Now that I know it, I ca n’t ignore it. After all, Bai Yang is close to the realm of Heavenly Master.

Perhaps because of the tangles in Bai Yang ’s heart, Jiang Nan laughed and said, “Brother Bai Yang does n’t need to be concerned. It ’s not overnight to open up a dojo like establishing a country. Many people work hard from birth and have n’t succeeded until they die. And how difficult it is to know, whether it is a Shinto monk who opened up a dojo or an emperor who opened up the Yun Dynasty, how many billions of beings can there be in the world? "

She smiled awkwardly, and as soon as she thought about it, I guess I thought so much, not to mention others, that he opened up a dojo in the Chen Dynasty to make people believe in themselves? When the borderless territory has to be busy, it is better to wash and sleep ...

Breathing out, Aspen is relaxed, and the future will come to the future. I do n’t know how long to practice now, even how much Shinto has not been studied professionally.

As soon as his heart moved, Bai Yang asked, "Brother Jiang Nan, Emperor Wudao, is the Shinto sage already the limit of practice?"

Slightly dumb, Jiang Nan looked at Bai Yang with a smile and said, "If you ask others this question, I don't think many of them can answer it, but I happen to know that Emperor Wudao and Shinto sage are not the limit of practice, but it is almost the same. Speaking of the saints of the emperor, many people will never practice the realm of the true emperor or even the king of the heavens, but if they are above the saint of the emperor, that is beyond the existence of the world. The emperor is the supreme and the saint is the Tao. As for how to reach such a point, it is unknown. From ancient times to the present, few people have reached such a state, not to mention the other, only the Tianyuan Empire Tianyuan Emperor, ten times the speed of practice, occupying nearly half of the world's resources, thousands of years I have n’t been supreme in the past. You can imagine how difficult it is, that ’s what really breaks life and detaches from the world. ”

"Few people have reached that point since ancient times? In other words, someone has reached it? Brother Jiang Nan knows who has reached that level in history?" Bai Yang asked curiously.

"The kind of existence is too far away, and thousands of thousands of thousands of years may not be able to produce a kind of people who have the same latitude and longitude. To say a person with a name and a surname, I have only heard of two, one is Budo Supreme Taihao, the other is Shinto Lord Leng Palace! "Jiang Nan thought for a while.

"Tai Hao? Leng Gong? Where are they now ...?" Bai Yang asked blinkingly, there was no wave in his heart, after all, that kind of worldly existence was too far away.

Jiang Nan shook his head and said, "I don't know, Taihao Supreme 30,000 yuan escaped from Heavenly Emperor. However, after detachment, he traveled around Xinghai and disappeared. He once established a Haotian Empire and died after he disappeared. History ~ www.readwn.com ~ As for the cold Taoist master, the Taoist master reached 20,000 yuan earlier than Taihao Supreme, but it has disappeared into history long ago. Characters may have existed similarly a long time ago, but they are no longer elegant "

"In this way, it seems that the phrase" Endless practice "is not wrong at all. I wonder if there is a stronger existence after the martial art Supreme Shinto." Bai Yang laughed, both Supreme and Taoist have an unimaginable existence, more The poplar can't really speculate with his current cognition.

"I don't know, maybe there is, after all, the Xinghai is endless, who knows how many secrets are buried deep in that starry sky? Compared with the stars, even the life of the Emperor seems too short" Jiang Nan chuckled, and he thought What, looking at the sky, said: "Brother Bai Yang, although Taihao Supreme and Lenggong Taoist disappeared in history, they have been sheltering this world!"

"How to say?" Bai Yang asked puzzled.

Pointing at the scorching sun on the sky, Jiang Nan took a deep breath and said, "Brother, look at the scorching sun. In fact, it is a weapon that Taihao Supreme left and sheltered the heaven and earth. It is rumored that an extraterrestrial power arrived here 30,000 yuan ago , Almost destroyed the world, even the sun on the original dome exploded. Later Tai Hao took the supreme shot, killing the extraterrestrial strongman, leaving himself beyond the nine grades of the **** soldier 'Burning Sky' to suppress the sky and guard the heaven and earth. Bringing light, and the Cold Palace Taoist, it is rumored that tens of thousands of years ago, this world was also in dire straits. She left her artifact into March to protect the world, but before the Cold Palace Taoist Supreme Master, why was 30,000 It's not known that in March during the dark days of BC, no extra-territorial powers were shot and killed! "

What is shock? This is called shock. Co-authoring the sun and moon on the sky of this world is not the stars at all, but the weapons left by super powers!

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