Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 800: wake

In fact, this matter has long been completely forgotten by Bai Yang. Although it is completely inconsistent with his character that is afraid of trouble, it is a fact. If it was not a kitten at the moment, he would not think about it.

I still remember that when I went to the depths of the Mi River Forest, Aspen took the kitten and others to picnic in the wild, and then a young man in a purple dress jumped out, and forgotten what the astonishment of Aspen was. It became gray. As for the death of that guy, Bai Yang was too lazy to think about it. He was not the one who caused the trouble, it must have been offended by the other party.

So it is not a good habit to forget or ignore something that you do n’t think is important. Look, here is the trouble.

Then the kitten added a sentence: "When the young master went to the palace to accept the inheritance no longer, the members of the Ziyige who went to the cold and hot spring still wanted to be detrimental to us who stayed on the ground, and then I took someone to fire their station with artillery. Moving to the ground, they have killed more than a thousand people! "

"I remembered, okay, this beam is big, no wonder the other party ca n’t take care of what I have done this time, and I have to jump out and target me. I seriously suspect that the member of the Purple Clothes Club that we killed off has her direct line. Relatives ... "Bai Yang said helplessly.

"Then we ..." The kitten looked at Bai Yang and waited for his idea.

"Don't care about right and wrong, those are meaningless. Since they are inevitable, especially since they dare to hit their ideas on you, don't even want to live!" Bai Yang said.

As Bai Yang whispered with the kitten, it became more and more vigorous.

I saw that the middle-aged man in black wearing a long sword was probably pursuing Ziyu and looked at Bai Yang with a cold voice: "Without strength, you shouldn't come to such a dangerous place, even if there is Bai Shaojiu in the end It ’s hard to escape. Why do n’t you make a contribution to us before you die? Go, to attract the attention of the corpse soldiers. Did you go there by yourself or do we help you? ”

That's what it said, but the other side was extremely vigilant about Poplar, and his hand was already on the hilt of the sword. Obviously, he was very nervous. He didn't know how much psychological pressure he was facing when he said such a word. It is really a kind of magical creature that is not harmful to people. In order to get Ziyu, take a closer look at the middle-aged person and take the initiative to come out against the poplar.

Instead of paying attention to the other's provocative words, Bai Yang observing the reactions of others around him in secret.

Except for Ziyu, who jumped out to do something on their side, the others looked in silence, the ghost knew what they were thinking.

Paying particular attention to the official side of the Chen Dynasty, Bai Yang found that Yu Cangsong was whispering to communicate with other people. He glanced at it from time to time, as if he was persuading others, but five other people, except Yu Cangsong, stood idly by. Silent.

In this situation, Bai Yang seriously guessed that Ziyu's words worked, and he would threaten the Chen Dynasty with his imperial dragon spirit. Otherwise, the people of the Chen Dynasty cannot rely on their relationship with Chen Yongfa.

People in this world see loyalty more often than life, and they are focused on their country. At this time, it is already a good situation.

Of course, the poplars do not rule out that they will fall into ruins. It is estimated that they are watching, and no one knows what will happen in the end. The human heart is a very complicated thing ...

Focusing on people's reactions, Poplar finally set his gaze on the middle-aged man in black who called the kitten to die, "How do you want to die?"

He can see that the other party is a warrior in a grand master's realm. It is not important what his name is. He dares to target the kitten anyway. In the eyes of Bai Yang, he is already dead!

In the face of Poplar's eyes, the other side was covered with cold, but still sneered, "Isn't I right? Bai Shao has a strong respect for his strength. You also want to go to the kingdom of the Shenwu dynasty to see it?" Woman, I think Bai Shao won't take it to heart, why don't you contribute to us to explore the way? "

No longer interested in talking to this person, Bai Yang looked to Ziyu and asked, "Who are you from the Ziyi Pavilion? Right, who was the young man who was playing in Mihelin?"

Upon hearing Bai Yang's words, Ziyu's eyes flashed a vicious light and said: "This seat is the owner of the Ziyige Pavilion. The youth you named Hua is exactly my beloved son. He died in your hands and the news came back. My husband was furious, Bai Shao, all this is thanks to you! "

These relationships are completely unknown to Poplar, and he is too lazy to recall. At that time, the guy did not say that he was the son of Ziyu. Anyway, he understood that her son died in his own hands, and her husband died because of this. There is such a hate that Aspen understands.

In fact, compare your heart with your heart. If you stand on the side of Ziyu, it is estimated that the enemy's grave grass is all tall. However, the positions of both sides cannot be good now. It is estimated that only one party can be completely killed.

"Why bother, your son died in the first place, only to blame you for failing to teach it well, you see, you are so beautiful, there are no lack of suitors around you, it ’s amazing to regenerate a puppet, and this time you stand out and break your life." Shook his head.

"Poplar, there is the King of Wu guarding you outside, but now he has no time to sit in the army in Yunzhou, I want to see what means you can survive in my hands!" Ziyu gritted his teeth.

Understood, the other party has always wanted to find revenge for himself, so why not swear at Chen Yongfa outside, so forbearance until now, the conscious opportunity came.

"I heard that Bai Shao had been at the blood lotus headquarters and the blood lotus leader of the king's realm. I think it is nonsense. Then the king of war did n’t know what soup you had filled and it would kill Jingchen The credit is put on you to make a name for you, and this time I will kill you, it is still the truth of the world, "sneered the other person beside Ziyi.

At first, no one believes that the fall of the blood lotus is caused by poplar. After all, there is no one to see it. The blood lotus is so huge. It is a thousand years of confrontation with the Chen Dynasty. How old is your poplar?

It is simply that Chen Yongfa extinguished the blood lotus religion and put credit on the poplar's head ...

At this moment, Poplar smiled inexplicably, and gave a thumbs up to Ziyu, saying: "Great, originally I was not babble. I could try my best not to make a noise, but you silently and silently exerted mysteries to affect my mentality. Fortunately, I have two points. Ability, otherwise you will succeed, can you tell me what method you use to influence my mentality? "

At this moment, Poplar reacted, and rushed to work with his usual style. He said that he didn't feel right after saying so many words, then the only explanation was that Ziyu was doing small moves in secret!

"Did you find it? Then I tell you, today you died under the Zixia Gong in my Ziyi Pavilion!" Ziyu stared coldly.

As she spoke, the purple light burst into the sky on her body, forming a purple cloud underneath this gloomy sky. The purple cloud was very beautiful, and at first glance it made people want to indulge in the beautiful picture.

This is simply a weird trick with deceiving hearts!

The figure of Ziyu has disappeared, the clouds are rising, and the red light in the interior is thin, as if the red sun falling from the mountain rises again from the top of the mountain and wants to burn the world.

"Kill, I can't believe that you can't kill you, the swaying poplar, by the strength of my four!"

The other three shot after the jade, and four martial arts masters launched a slaying method that swept across the sky. The sword was rushing into the sky, the sky was red, the punches were like mountains, and the air was beaten into crystals. Aspen swept through.

"Zixia Gong? Yue Buqiu's dead tj will not save you!"

Poplar growled and said something no one understood.

Because the opponent was actually targeting the kitten, he was completely irritated, and his shot was the best method.

Rumble ...

Heaven and earth trembled, horrific thunders flashed, the devastating power of Gangzhiyang was raging in the void, and the 10,000-meter square turned into a thunder pond and drowned Ziyu and others!

The current of terror traveled, the ground shuddered and shattered, and the mountains turned into flying ash, terrifying and the horror of thunder, the other masters of the martial arts, Shinto Shinjo, stayed away for the first time.

"how come!"

"Aspen you dare!"

"Is the rumor true? He can really go head-to-head with the power of the King of Kings?"

One by one the sounds of horror sounded in the thunder ocean ~ www.readwn.com ~ but were annihilated in the thunderous roar of thunder.

The Thunder continued to rag for a full three minutes, even if Bai Yang knew that the four people were killed by the Thunder immediately.

Three minutes later, Poplar withdrew the Thunder, and the four of them had no residue left.

The surrounding earth was blasted by Thunder to blast a large pit with a diameter of tens of thousands of meters, and the kitten stood in a blank space, Yang Leng yelled, "If you do n’t have the means, can you live well? There are a lot of people who have died in my hands, such as the leaders of the Blood Lotus Church, and you dare to do something to me? Especially you dare to let my cat go to death, who will not die? "

This remark seems that what Poplar said to the dead Ziyu and others is actually admonishing those around you to put away your careful thoughts.

To kill these four people, Aspen is not only thinking of suffering afterwards and venting anger, but also tells the people around him not to think that this place is barren and wants to think of me!

What about the master of martial arts, there is also a difference between the strength of the master and the four masters. I am afraid that these four people are not as powerful as the master of blood lotus teaching Wanshoutang, and deserve to hit the muzzle.

After understanding the meaning of Bai Yang, the others around did not dare to have other thoughts, at least on the surface, it was mainly frightened by the means of destroying the four martial arts masters as soon as Bai Yang shot.


Just then, a terrifying buzz came from afar, the earth was shaking, and the whole world was twisting.

All cold, Aspen felt a desperate breath, turned around and saw the million corpses in the barracks ten kilometers away actually moved ...

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