Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 803: It turns out you are like this poplar

"But Master, that person rushed forward with what you called a car, although he was not murderous and was slowing down. According to your physique, you would be injured if you hit it!" The kitten rushed out to see Frowning aspen said.

After sweating, Aspen had to give the kitten a science popular science saying, "You ca n’t hit the cat, he hit the turn signal, which is the flashing yellow light, which proves that he wants to avoid it. We go forward, not maliciously to me "

After hearing Poplar's words, the kitten seemed to understand: "Is that so, Master, am I making a joke?"

"It's okay, cat, you just don't understand a lot of things. You've known it for a while," Bai Yang patted her hand and said.

After all, kittens do n’t belong to this world. Many common senses do n’t know normal. What Poplar can do is try to explain.

"Hey, buddy, the car is good, and have time to play together!"

At this moment, the car over there was already running in parallel with the poplars, and the other party also rolled down the window and gave a thumbs up, and immediately accelerated away.

Looking at the newest imported BMW sedan far away, Poplar shook his head and smiled, and he said, dude, you just walked around the gate of the gate, you know, you still play ...

The kitten was quiet on the side, and curiously looked at everything on both sides of the road that she had not seen.

Bugatti left the villa area unhurriedly. When passing by a square, the kitten pointed at the other side and asked, "Master, what are they doing? They are so strangely dressed."

Bai Yang glanced at it. It turned out that a group of middle and two teenagers were doing activities in cos, so they shrugged and replied, "They are playing, they are all guys who are full and have nothing to do."

"Oh, I think they are weak. Although they have weapons in their hands, I think they are better than paper ones," the kitten nodded and said solemnly.

The corners of his mouth twitched, and Aspen smiled bitterly: "It was originally paper-thin"

For the middle two boys with small arms and lower legs, can you give him a big sword made of metal?

Similar situations continued along the way. When we were about to reach our destination, the kitten **** secretly said to Poplar: "Master, we walked along the way and saw so many people, but I don't feel any one can fight, even if we see I am afraid that all of them are not their own opponents! "

Scratching his head, Poplar said intently: "Cat, my hometown is different from yours. The situation here is very special. Although there are few people who can fight, they have created a lot of powerful weapons. You have seen "

After hearing these words, the kitten nodded suddenly. The kittens, such as guns, planes and cannons, have all been seen and used, and no one has seen anyone anymore.

Qiguaibaguai, as soon as Bai Yang directly brought the kitten to the Oriental Pearl Tower, the iconic building of the magic capital. I thought that since all the kittens had come to the earth, how can I get her familiar with the city? The revolving restaurant is a good choice.

However, the poplars around the Oriental Pearl became sore. Why do you think that there is a car in every metropolis? There is no parking space ...

On this side of the earth is midsummer. The Oriental Pearl Tower is a famous tourist attraction with a lot of tourists, resulting in a shortage of parking spaces.

I walked around twice for a while, and then Poplar couldn't manage that much. I just found a roadside and stopped to finish it. Uncle Traffic Police wanted to post the ticket, and it was okay to drag it away, but it was estimated that I would let you get it back. I really didn't find it uncomfortable for you, I really couldn't find a place to park.

It ’s a magic city, an international metropolis. To be honest, the poplar Bugatti worth more than ten million is not very good. It did n’t cause a group of people to scream on the side of the road. On the contrary, the kittens getting off the car attracted attention.

The wooden method, even if the kitten wearing flat shoes is close to one meter eight, the long legs, the golden proportion of the body, the appearance, it is impossible to attract attention.

"Master, why does everyone around me look at me?" The kitten whispered beside Bai Yang with some restraint.

In the crowd of people watching, Poplar took the kitten's waist and said, "My cat is too beautiful, so this group of people will inevitably look at it more."

"But they look at me uncomfortably. Can I teach them?" The kitten asked.

Poplar was startled. If the kittens shot, they would not destroy one by one's physique, and quickly said, "It's all right, cats ignore them."

"Oh," the kitten nodded in step with Bai Yang, feeling a bit sorry for not being able to teach.

In the eyes of envy and jealousy all the way, Aspen and her kittens went to the revolving restaurant of the Oriental Pearl, and they sat down by the window. They didn't pay attention to the name of the restaurant. In short, the most expensive point, one That's right, it's not bad money anyway.

When the cat waited for the food, the kitten looked at the city outside the glass window and wondered, "Master, this is amazing, but such a tall building does n’t have a wooden support, and it does n’t have a matrix formation fluctuation. I do n’t know how to build it. "

"It was built with sand, cement, steel, etc." Bai Yang could only answer in this way.

"Sand and cement? I know sand, what is cement?" The kitten was puzzled.

Opened his mouth, Poplar did n’t know how to explain it. Whoever was okay to study this, he could only say, "Forget it, I ’ll teach you how to surf the Internet next time, and then you can search for it yourself. Anything you dare to do can search for"

"Oh," the kitten was very obedient and did not continue to ask, and then found that Poplar was looking around, curiously asked: "What is the young master looking for?"

Touching his chin, Bai Yang thoughtfully said: "Usually, with a cat like you, a big beautiful woman, there should be some dog blood bridges in such places. I'm looking for someone to talk to, but I found one. No such thing happened at all. "

"That usually happens?" The kitten quirked.

"So I'm wondering, this is unscientific and doesn't fit the web essay ..." Bai Yang shook his head and said.

The waiting time is not long, the dishes ordered one after another, Red Ball is not interested in exquisite dishes at all, holding a block of Yuan Shi Kaka, Yaya did not look at it, staring at the tablet on the bb bench Cartoon eyes did not blink.

"You cat, what kind of steak is this? It's expensive, and it's still fake, but it shouldn't taste bad," said Bai Yang after the steak came up, and taught her how to use a knife and fork.

His outspoken words embarrassed the waiter brother next to him. Brother, do n’t you tell me that this is fake Kobe beef, that people are forbidden to export you to let us get real goods.

The kitten tentatively ate a steak, and his face changed slightly, saying, "Master, this meat is poisonous!"

"What?" Aspen didn't respond for a moment.

The kitten's voice could not be lowered, and at this moment Aspen felt the surroundings became quiet all of a sudden.

Not paying attention to this, the kitten continued to say, "Master, although this meat is delicious, it is not good for your body if you eat it. If I take it for a long time, I am afraid that my vitality will go backwards!"

There was a sound of downdrafts around.

Wow, co-authoring your restaurant not only buys fake meat, but it is also harmful to the body!

As a result, some people are not calm, patted the table and shouted ‘waiter, call your boss out! ’

The meal couldn't be eaten. Aspen sighed, holding Yaya and stood up to signal the kitten to go with her, and quickly walked to the bar to pay for the person. As for how the restaurant explained to the guests that the aspen would be ignored, only the heart said Sorry.

Back to the parking place, okay, as expected by Poplar, a traffic policeman was taking pictures or even calling a trailer. He quickly went up and said a good word and admitted the ticket. The traffic police brother is probably seeing that the drive by Baiyang is a little expensive and it will be downhill. Get off the donkey and leave.

The poplar on the car said to the kitten: "Cat, you are now close to the Grand Master in the realm of the Grand Master. The food on our side has no trace of essence, which is no different from poison for you. I am I ’m negligent, but fortunately, I still have some food in my space bag. Let ’s go back and make it. ”

"Master, am I in trouble for you?" The kitten cried.

"Nothing ~ www.readwn.com ~ It's just a difference in the world view of values, cat, you have to remember that any trouble in this world is not trouble for the young master, don't care about others' eyes, of course, we Don't bully people, it's boring, "Bai Yang laughed.

"Oh," the kitten nodded.

In this unfamiliar world, she was indifferent to everything, she didn't understand anything, and was curious about everything, but she was afraid of causing trouble to Bai Yang, so she always seemed cautious.

"It's almost time, let's get your ID first, and then go home to eat," said Bai Yang, starting his car.

When Bai Yang took the kitten to pick up the temporary ID card, in the surveillance computer room of the Modu Traffic Police Corps, Su Xishui in a camouflage costume looked bored at the monitoring screen, but at a moment she looked stunned.

After blinking, she quickly pulled a keyboard to crack the operation, and finally she stared at the monitoring screen and gritted her teeth: "Wow, good you Poplar, all the engaged people actually raised Primary Three outside, if not for me The task happened to discover that I didn't know that you were such a poplar. The man really didn't have a good thing. He ate in the bowl and looked at the pot, thinking about the ground! "

His eyes flickered, and then Su Xishui ignored everything. Pay attention to the monitoring screen, and then took out a tablet and entered the traffic management system.

"Hey sister, where are you going? Found the target?" Asked a soldier who was on a mission with her.

"Without you, I'm a little personal," Su Xishui said with gritted teeth.

The questioner froze and said quickly: "Private affairs? But Big Sister's head, now is the time to perform the task!"

"Your uncle, my wife can't go out and breathe. I stared at the monitor for a few days and I'm almost short-sighted!" Suddenly he left such a sentence. Su Xishui has run away ...

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