Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 813: giant

The initial intention is reached, and the next question is the details, but the remaining things do not need to be operated by the helm person. It is just a matter of throwing it to the team below. In the end, the two parties only need to look at the result and sign it.

After talking about the matter, Qiu Guorong could no longer ignore the existence of Poplar, nodded at Wang Qingyu, and walked to the corner to pop the mobile phone.

"Uncle Qiu wait a minute, just half a minute!"

Before Qiu Guorong walked over and talked, Aspen said without raising his head, a pair of eyes stared at the screen of the mobile phone, his fingers quickly operated.

Qiu Guorong was speechless and didn't bother him. By the way, he looked at the screen of Bai Yang's phone and almost rolled his eyes.

I saw on the screen of Bai Yang ’s mobile phone that he was using Akko, the nurse ’s skin, to kill in the canyon. One person had been pushed from the bottom to the other ’s crystal. It was still easy to face the enemy three people under the crystal. He was slaughtering Akyra with Akko.

The poplar who slaughtered Ahn'Qiraj aimed at the next target Emperor, and then there was Cheng Cheng biting gold, both of whom had blood, and the poplar was completely sure to kill the two who pushed the crystal to win.

However, it turned out that Bai Yang wanted to smash his mobile phone. He had slaughtered Donghuang and Cheng bit gold, but the screen reminded them that they lost ...

"Mad, pig teammates, the four pairs can't hold the crystal, what do you want? Isn't this pitting people, do you want to use the imperfect artificial intelligence system to find out the position of teammates and follow the signal to find their past beatings? A meal? "

Putting down the mobile phone, Poplar's heart groaned. One way was that the operation was as fierce as a tiger, losing to teammates 250 ...

Standing up, put away the depressed mood, Bai Yang looked at Qiu Guorong and smiled, "Uncle Qiu, we have met again"

"It's okay during this time? If you're okay, go to the capital and call me. I'll take you to eat food that you can't usually eat," Qiu Guorong shook hands with Bai Yang.

"I'll go when I have time, but I won't bother you with Uncle Qiu Lili," Bai Yang laughed.

"Your boy, too, I am too old to play with your young people, but the boy in my family is about the same age as you, and you have time to get close," Qiu Guorong patted Bai Yang on the shoulder.

"OK, no problem"

"Okay, I'll wait until I have something else, so I won't bother you two, there's something to call me."

Qiu Guorong left with Bai Yanghan, he is really serious, he must report the result of this intention, many things that have not achieved the original purpose must be adjusted according to the result.

So Bai Yang said that he was right at all times.

When Qiu Guorong and Bai Yang were talking, Wang Qingyu stood beside him with a smile on his face and didn't bother. When Qiu Guorong left, she asked, "Husband, what do you think of my result just now?"

Touching his head, Bai Yang shook his head and said, "I do n’t know what's going on in the business field, so I wo n’t comment. Wife, you ’re in charge, but if someone dares to bully you by improper means, and you ca n’t handle it, tell me , I did n’t even know his father knew him! "

"Where is her husband saying so bad ... It's twelve o'clock now, has her husband eaten yet?" Wang Qingyu smiled.

Bai Yangxin said that the people who can compete with you in the country are more or less aware that they don't dare to mess up with their own things, and the foreign husbands can help you get it.

To help solve these problems in secret, Bai Yang does not intend to tell Wang Qingyu, not to pay silently, and his wife's carefreeness and pressure are more important than anything else.

Pai Pao said, "It's okay not to say, I'm really hungry. Does your wife have any food recommendations?"

"My husband followed me," Wang Qingyu said, blinking and buying a key.

Then leave, Poplar is curious what Wang Qingyu is doing.

After sending the two secretaries, she did not take Bai Yang to find food, but took a special elevator to the top floor of the office building.

The top floor and the top floor are all luxuriously decorated residences. When Pope came here, I probably understood that her daughter-in-law had to make things for herself.

"Poor husband is hungry, wait a minute, it will be all right soon," said Wang Qingyu, who poured a glass of water to Bai Yang after the apartment, to coax the child, then went to the kitchen.

"Need help?" Bai Yang asked behind him.

Wang Qingyu, wearing an apron, said in the kitchen: "No, all the ingredients are ready. Every morning someone will bring in fresh ingredients and it will be very fast."

Bai Yang heard this for a moment, and probably guessed that Wang Qingyu was expecting herself every day and then making things for herself, or else she was so busy preparing fresh ingredients every day.

At the door of the kitchen, Bai Yang looked back at the door frame and looked at Wang Qingyu as busy as a hard-working bee. From time to time, he smiled and the picture was very warm.

Who would have imagined that the poplar who shivered on the earth and the rising star of the business world, Wang Qingyu, would talk endlessly for how much salt to cook?

While Wang Qingyu wasn't paying attention, Aspen sent a text message to the kitten, saying that she had something to delay so that she could treat her well.

As soon as the official and the Ross family went to Kyushu Science and Technology, Bai Yang came over the first time, without bringing kittens, after all, they were not ready to meet them.

Looking at the busy Wang Qingyu, Bai Yang scratched his head, he suddenly realized that he had all appeared, so where would he go to sleep tonight? Um, in other words who sleeps with?

Gu can get this, can't come that ... ah ...

"Husband, ready, let's eat"

When Poplar did not think of a perfect solution, Wang Qingyu came over and said.

"OK, eat"

Put down the tangled things first, and then let's talk ...

Five dishes and one soup, boiled fish fillet, pan-fried steak, salted shrimp, stir-fried meat with bamboo shoots, stir-fried spinach and a seaweed egg soup are placed on the table.

The vegetarian dishes are paired and the dishes are bright. At first glance, it is very appetizing. It seems that Wang Qingyu has done a lot of hard work in cooking.

"My husband tastes unsuitable, right, what should I drink?"

The two sat opposite each other, and Wang Qingyu clipped poplar with chopsticks and poached fish fillet.

"Don't drink anything. I'll go to see the Rose family with you later. It's rude to drink, um, delicious."

Talking, Poplar gave a thumbs up while eating boiled fish fillets.

Hearing the poplar's compliment, Wang Qingyu's eyes became happy and crescent-shaped, so he took bamboo shoots and stir-fried meat to Bai Yang expecting: "My husband taste this, eat more delicious"

Honestly, of course, Wang Qingyu's craftsmanship is not comparable to that of a chef, and she has the ability to open a small restaurant, but for a woman like her, it is commendable to have such craftsmanship, and it is a lot better than the top ingredients. Taste, in a nutshell, Aspen ate a round meal, most of it went into his stomach. Wang Qingyu had a small amount of food and ate only a little.

After eating and cleaning the battlefield, Wang Qingyu did it himself, as if they were living together.

After that, the two snuggled and chatted on the soft sofa.

Talking about the Ross family, Wang Qingyu adjusted the posture of leaning against Bai Yanghuai and asked: "Husband, do you know about the Ross family? I just vaguely know that this family is very mysterious and powerful, involving specific but It's a blank, I don't know what purpose they came here this time, I'm afraid I'm too tired to deal with it when I'm not ready at all "

"I know some of this family. If we only say that the wealth held by his family is at least 80 trillion US dollars, there is only a lot more. Well-deserved giants, their influence is even more horrible. Take the so-called world In terms of the Fortune 500, most of them have a vague shadow of his family. In addition, many small and medium-sized countries have the official control of his family. It is conceivable how big it is. In this case, as long as the Rose family is willing, Uncle President Trump can easily be kicked from that position. This is the case in capitalist countries, and rich people are uncles. "

Bai Yang happy to tell Wang Qingyu about the situation of the Rose family, but also made her a little impression.

Hearing this, Wang Qingyu exhaled softly and said, "This family is terrible. It has been handed down for hundreds of years and has extended its hands to every aspect, and it is deeply ingrained ~ www.readwn.com ~ don't say a single person. The superpowers will cause themselves huge troubles if they want to move, and they may not be successful. "

"Anyway, there is a limit to how strong his family is. I'll be there when I meet with Little Rose. Don't be under pressure. Right, I have a copy of the Rose family here. Maybe not very detailed, but my wife, you. It should have a clear concept after reading it "

While talking about the operation of Bai Yang's mobile phone, he passed the information he knew about the Ross family to Wang Qingyu.

Perhaps because of the next contact with this behemoth, Wang Qingyu seriously began to browse the information, and the more he saw the more shocked he became.

If this information is not detailed in the poplar's mouth, I don't know how many people are going to be stunned if it is published. Perhaps many high-level countries in the world know that this family exists, but the information they have is absolutely not as good as this one. One minute in detail!

The money and influence of this family will not be said. Few people in the world know how terrible an armed force this family has!

100,000 people!

The Ross family secretly controlled a 100,000-strong armed force that belonged to his own family and was not a part of his influence.

This armed force is equipped with the most advanced military equipment in the world at present, and its individual combat capabilities are extremely strong. It is scattered and scattered in many hidden places in the world. It is deeply hidden and usually does not show the mountains or the water. If it breaks out, then It is estimated to be a torrent of terror!

"This is a well-deserved Big Mac, and this is the powerful heritage of the world's undisputed first family!"

After a quick look, Wang Qingyu shook.

"First family ..." Bai Yang shrugged with a smile.

Wang Qingyu froze, watching Bai Yang blinked and smiled ...

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