Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 820: It's time to do something

I didn't expect Bai Yang to ask this question, but Dorn still replied: "You can say that, in fact, the elders in the family proposed to build this space base in large part because they wanted to continue Gao Zu's life. The fact is really effective. From Starting 50 years ago, Gao Zu lived in space most of the time, but Gao Zu is too old for the last ten years, so he should not be bumpy, so he always lives on it. "

It is unbelievable that aspens living in space can continue their lives. It is estimated that the people under the Rose family have developed a special technology based on the vacuum environment to enable life to continue.

Looking at the immature old man over there, Bai Yang fell into silence.

Honestly, continuation of the life of the other party is very simple for him, there are dozens of ways to achieve the purpose of continuation of the life of the other party, the simplest way is a piece of Yanshoudan, this kind of things in his space ring a lot, All from the blood lotus of the other world.

Now the problem that Poplar has to face is to help or not help.

Seeing Bai Yang's silence, everyone in the Rose family watched him silent, even holding his breath subconsciously, but imagine how nervous they were.

Wang Qingyu looked at her husband. She was very curious about what answers could be said from Bai Yang's mouth. She had seen her husband's ability. She didn't think it was strange that her husband could do anything except to have children.

Bai Yang's long silence made Dorn unable to sit still, and he said bluntly, "Mr. Bai, please help as much as you can. It can be said that without Gao Zu, there is no Ross family today. Gao Zu runs around for our family. For most of his life, even the development plan of our family within the next 50 years was prepared by his old man. Such an old man should not conclude his life here. Those of us who are younger, try to make him live as much as possible. Longer, to be filial, this is our greatest wish, and we are willing to pay any price for this. "

It can be heard that Donne's words are sincere. Hope that the old man's longevity may be the wish of all people in the world. It is difficult for Poplar to understand that people like the Rose family have such a heart, shouldn't it be indifferent?

There is an old man in the so-called home who has a treasure. The old man who created the glory of the Ross family by himself. If he lives for decades, how far will he lead the Ross family?

Perhaps the filial piety of the juniors of the Ross family is there, I am afraid that it is more for the development of the family that they have spared no effort. The old man can make the Ross family develop into such a behemoth today. I can imagine how shocking it is!

"Pay any price?" Bai Yang looked up at Dawn and raised an eyebrow, as if to say that I would continue my life for him, would you give me your Rose family?

As if he understood the meaning of Poplar, Dorn gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, if we can restore Gao Zu to youth and extend his life for decades, we are willing to pay everything!"

As soon as this sentence came out, Aspen was also surprised by Donne's courage, but after thinking about it, it became clear that as long as the old man kept living, by his means, even if the Ross family lost everything? I'm afraid it won't take many more years for the Ross family to be more glorious or even better than ever!

Thinking about this, Bai Yang looked calmly over there: "He's too old, to say something disrespectful, his body has decayed, it can be said that life is annihilated, it is difficult, difficult, difficult to extend life!"

That is to say, in fact, it is just a hand for Poplar, but many things are like this, and things that are too easy to get will not be cherished. If you let the old man's life continue by yourself, I am afraid that the Ross family will give birth. Such a mentality leads them to have less important ideas in their hearts.

Dawn didn't know the consideration in Bai Yang's heart. After hearing this sentence, he was surprised and said, "Mr. Bai means, do you have a way to continue my Gaozu's life?"

What Poplar said was hard, hard, very hard, not impossible.

Don was surprised, and several other members of the Ross family were shocked. Looking at Aspen's eyes was like looking at God and continuing the life that should have ended. Isn't this a method that God only has?

Without answering, Bai Yang is still thinking about whether to help or not. He is not thinking of going against the sky and treating himself badly. Who can say whether he is doomed or not?

I helped the other party to extend their lives. That was his destiny. What happened afterwards was his own destiny. It cannot be confused.

Now Poplar is thinking about what kind of changes the earth would bring if the old man's life is continued. After all, the old man represents the Ross family, and this family can dominate the fate of countless people, It is even an exaggeration to say that it can also shape the future of the world!

Standing up for herself, Aspen came to the window of the room and looked at the cosmic starry sky.

A thought in meditation suddenly appeared in his mind. If the old man survived, it might promote a lot of things, wouldn't it be very interesting?

Then ... help!

At this moment, Bai Yang had a decision in his mind, but he was shocked. Does this count as a thought that will affect the fate of countless souls?

Throwing these weird thoughts out of his mind, Bai Yang looked to Dorn and said, "I will pay a lot of money for him to continue his life, but it is a price you can't understand!"

Of course, these words are flickering, but how much do people believe that continuation of life is so good? So he hurriedly stated, "As long as we can do it, on behalf of the Ross family, I will meet any of your requirements!"

"Not so serious" Bai Yang waved his hand, and then said, "If you can trust me, remove everyone, don't have monitoring or anything, let me be alone with your Gaozu, and I will find a way to continue him s life"

A few people of the Rose family were stunned, and aspen would not let people watch while continuing their lives? What can I do in case of an accident?

As for whether the Ross family wanted to master the means of continuing life through the actions of poplars, only God knew.

It was a difficult choice to keep Bai Yang and the old man alone.

"When I helped him to extend his life, I didn't want to be seen, not afraid to be disturbed, but simply didn't want to be seen," Bai Yang said bluntly.

Doug swallowed his mouth and asked: "So Mr. Bai, how confident are you that you can succeed? How long can Gao Zu live after success?"

"There is only a 50% chance of success. What I call 50% is not the literal meaning you understand. I only have two meanings, success and unsuccess, so it is 50%. I can only say how long he lives, but it should not exceed ten years. After all, he is too old. Maybe you can find another way after ten years. Maybe "Bai Yang laughed.

What Bai Yang said is the fact that ordinary people have a limit on life span, and even life extension can only be within this limit. They want to break the limit unless they have evolved on the path of life.

Of course, there is no absolute in everything. Some people can live for hundreds of years without reason.

The poplar's words entangled the people of the Rose family. If they did not watch, they would be able to see their luck. In the end, even if they successfully extended their life span, they would be less than ten years ...

"Just do what Mr. Bai said!"

At this moment, a sentence rang out in the hall, someone came through a speaker hidden in the corner.

Hearing this sentence, the people of the Ross family all looked at the old man's side. The words were not what he said, but what he wanted to express, but only passed on by the people around him.

"Okay, Mr. Bai, please." Dorn took a deep breath.

Poplar nodded and said, "Well, it's not too late, let's start now and let everyone leave."

"Isn't Mr. Bai going to prepare first?" Doug yelled, and it was a bit unreliable that Bai Yang was so casual.

Shrug, Poplar doesn't speak ~ www.readwn.com ~ means you take care of it yourself.

"Do as Mr. Bai said," Dorn gritted.

Now I can only choose to believe in aspen, I can only pray that aspen can succeed, and if the unsuccessful cause the old man to die ...

All the relevant personnel were evacuated within five minutes, and only Bai Yang Wang Qingyu and the old man in the bed remained.

"Husband, is it really okay?" Wang Qingyu asked curiously after the staff left.

"It's very simple, actually," Bai Yang laughed, and then glanced around.

After all, the space base was built by the Ross family, and the monitoring methods are endless. Although the other party promised, they still tried to watch.

I didn't care if the other party didn't make the order. These people couldn't help Bai Yang, took out the mobile phone to operate, any monitoring in this space failed!

After the poplar was not assured, he swept his mind and found some hidden separate recording equipment to directly destroy it.

In the end, Bai Yang took Wang Qingyu to the old man in the glass isolation room, and arranged a small hidden matrix method to disappear, completely eliminating the possibility of surveillance.

The old man was in a state of fading, and his spirit was haggard, but Bai Yang was completely fainted.

"It's hard to imagine that such a dying old man has created the glory of the Rose family in one hand," Sighs, as if standing by the bed.

Wang Qingyu said respectfully, "He is an old man worthy of respect."

Looking at the old man in a coma, Poplar was inexplicably indifferent.

People are old. People in the Rose family are trying to help this old man to continue his life. So, should he do something for the people around him?

Indeed, the people around me are very young now, but one day they will be old, do they not realize it until they are old? In the meantime, if something happens, wouldn't it be regretful?

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