Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 823: Not yet time ...

It's a coincidence to avoid one time, it's luck to avoid two times, and it's acceptable to avoid three gnashing of teeth. But what does Zhen Guoping face when he encounters more than a dozen crises along the way?

Zhen Guoping's secretary, once an elite warrior, would not believe that one's luck is so bad. She would rather believe that a certain factor was interfering with her boss's luck.

Don't look at her calm face, but she is still nervous in the face of crisis after crisis. She is always ready to deal with unexpected situations. The most important thing is to protect Zhen Guoping in the back seat.

Zhen Guoping's face was calm, but her subconscious right hand showed that her heart was not so calm. The car was walking on the chaotic streets of the county town, and the crisis that was close at hand was passed, although it happened to pass, but the next time Can you have such good luck?

However, no matter how big the crisis is, she still needs to grit her teeth to reach her destination. She is the leader of Beilin County. If she retreats herself, how can she take it?


A gust of wind came, blowing a piece of colored steel tiles that did not know where to fly towards Zhen Guoping's car. The sharp edges seemed to tear the windshield. When the driver was scared, the colored steel tiles rolled over the car. flew away.

After swallowing saliva, the driver glanced at the reflector and shook his body. The piece of colored steel tile flew to the back and cut off a thick landscape tree. If it hit the car, the consequences would be disastrous!

Zhen Guoping's secretary couldn't be calm at all, luck was too good to be unreasonable!

Gently tapping her finger on the leg was a way of transmitting a signal secretly, and she asked if someone who followed her secretly resolved the crisis again and again.

But according to the feedback from her headset hidden in her ears, the people in the dark didn't do anything at all. It was because they were too lucky to take the risk.

The heads of the secretaries are a little bit shaky. This is unscientific. They have such good luck?

At the end of the road, the three people in the car finally reached their destination with different feelings. The area that Zhen Guoping was in charge of.

This is a scenic area by the sea. It can be a mess under the storm. Many man-made landscapes have been severely damaged. Trees are shaking in the storm. The sound of crackling and blowing is endless.

The driver parked the car in the leeward place of the Scenic Spot Management Office, and came down to open the door for Zhen Guoping and was almost unstable. He was blown away by the wind, and it was even more difficult to parachute.

Zhen Guoping braved the storm and got out of the car and quickly entered the building. The team was relieved.

The wind here is too strong, the rainstorm is flying horizontally, and the sound of waves crashing against the shore comes from a distance.

The management office of the scenic spot was very chaotic at this time, and hundreds of tourists crowded here, all kinds of sounds filled with humming and dizzy.

I contacted the management of the scenic spot in advance, and Zhen Guoping quickly met them. It was too late to say hello, Zhen Guoping asked for the first time: "How is the situation here?"

"The magistrate, the situation is very bad now. Suddenly suffered a storm. The tourists were trapped and could not be evacuated safely. The injured people could not get emergency treatment. Even more than three figures of tourists were missing." .

This is a natural disaster, and he can't help it, but if the casualties are too large, they will also bear the responsibility.

"I will contact the medical staff urgently to treat the wounded. As for the detained tourists, you should arrange to take them to a safe place. In addition, the armed police officers and soldiers are on their way. At that time, you will organize people to help you find the lost. Union tourists, in any case, to minimize injuries and deaths "Zhen Guoping said.

"Okay, in fact, the emergency rescue personnel in our scenic area have already been in action, but the effect is not great. The number of tourists brought back is less than ten digits, and more are scattered around to find the whereabouts of tourists." We are not inaction.

Boom ..., wow ...

Just then, a loud noise came downstairs from the five-story building, followed by a scream of tourists.

"It's not good. The waves came ashore and raged everywhere under the influence of the storm. The gate on the first floor was destroyed and the water was already near the hall." Someone came to report in a panic.

Zhen Guoping took a serious step forward and said in a deep voice: "Now I take over here, listen to me, arrange for people to go downstairs to place the tourists upstairs, don't put them in danger, and wait for instructions for further rescue."

The person who came to the report froze, then nodded and said that he turned away.

The tourists were evacuated to the upper floor, but it was not safe here. In the dignified atmosphere, the medical staff of the county hospital came in danger. The armed police officers and soldiers came to rescue the soldiers. Next, a series of rescue evacuation escorts the tourists to a safe place. busy.

Three hours later, tourists in the trapped area were picked up one after another. Zhen Guoping, who could be the county's leader, could not breathe a sigh of relief because dozens of tourists lost contact.

The armed police soldiers were urgently arranged to look for rescue tourists. In the end, Zhen Guoping still insisted on leading by example and taking a team to find them.

"Mr. Zhen, it's too dangerous outside, let the rescue work be passed on to other people, here you still need to preside over the big picture," an armed police soldier bitterly persuaded.

Zhen Guoping suddenly nodded and said, "Yeah, you must pay attention to safety, safety is the most important thing!"

The others breathed a sigh of relief, and then started to get busy.

The reason why she no longer insists on leading the team personally is because Zhen Guoping considers her physical fitness. If she goes out, she won't be able to do much to help her, and I have to let the armed police fighters protect herself.


A loud noise came and the window of this room was smashed by a beach ball that did not know where it came from. Glass fragments and heavy rain rushed in and raged in the room.

"Be careful!" Secretary Zhen Guoping said in a voice.

Then she pulled Zhen Guoping behind her with unusual movements. I don't know when a tea tray appeared in my hand, and the glass fragments were swept away by a banging sound.

"Xiao Liu, you're injured, what about the doctor?" Zhen Guoping, who was protected by the secretary, had nothing to say, and said immediately when she saw blood on his secretary's shoulder.

Although the secretary blocked the glass shards for Zhen Guoping, he tied a piece of sharp glass with a length of 10 cm with his shoulders.

Xiao Liu used to be an elite warrior, but she is not a Superman. She has too many pieces of glass and flies irregularly. It is inevitable that she will be injured.

"Boss, I'm fine. This room can't be stayed. Let's go to the room without windows." The secretary said painfully, escorting Zhen Guoping to leave the room.

But at this moment, a large shadow covered the building outside the window, a crackling noise came, and the building trembled.

Hearing the movement, Xiao Liu turned around and looked at it, suddenly stunned.

The sound of 噗嗤 噗嗤 sounded in this room ...!

A large tree with a leafy diameter of more than 1.5 meters and a height of tens of meters on the side of this building was blown down by the storm and smashed into the building, and the broken branches penetrated into the building like sharp swords.

"not good!"

The person who secretly protected Zhen Guoping was shocked and frightened, and rushed to her place one by one.

In the room where Zhen Guoping was located, the situation was very bad at this time. Several bifurcated branches came in, and the person in charge of the scenic spot accompanied by a branch pierced his neck and died on the spot!

"Boss, boss" Zhen Guoping's secretary screamed pale at this moment, unable to care about her belly pierced by a branch.

The branches of the big tree pierced into the building. A branch with a thick arm had two branches or two branches, one penetrated the secretary's belly, and one penetrated under her armpit and pierced Zhen Guoping's body!

The tree branch pierced from behind Zhen Guoping, penetrated the body and protruded from the front, and the position was just the heart!

When the body was fixed, Zhen Guo bowed his head slightly, and saw a branch with sharp burrs, blood ticking on it, and a piece of bright red meat hanging on it!

"The goddess of luck can't patronize someone all the time, but am I dying? I haven't had time to see my family start a business, and I haven't had time to stand high to protect my family ..."

At this moment, such thoughts echoed in Zhen Guoping's head, and his head was dizzy.

Bang Bang!

Three people in camouflage came into the room and they were frightened when they saw the situation.

"To save people, you must ensure Ms. Zhen's safety anyway!" One of them looked terrified and almost roared ~ www.readwn.com ~ Zhen Guoping's heart was pierced by a tree branch, don't worry, if in any case ... , How to explain to that person? Once he gets out of control ... dare not think about it.

It is important to save people at this time.

"Captain, Ms. Zhen Guoping's heart was pierced. She needs to cut off a branch to take her away for transfer and treatment, and it must be fast and urgent!"

"Then cut the branch"

"But if you cut a branch, it will easily cause the branch to shift and cause secondary damage!"

"Then grab the branch for me and treat myself as a robot. I am cutting the branch now. If the branch moves during the cutting, I will kill you!"

The captain's face was full of blue muscles and gritted teeth.


A warrior stepped forward, his eyes fixed, grabbing the branches with both hands, his arm muscles bulging, as if the same statue was motionless.

The captain made a decision immediately, a black dagger was swiped across, and the branches were easily cut off. This process took only a few seconds, and Zhen Guoping's body was rescued. Finally, he turned around and walked away.

Must be taken to the hospital for treatment immediately, if something goes wrong ...!

After Zhen Guoping was taken away, someone came to rescue Secretary Xiao Liu. Her injured position was in the abdomen, and the situation was much better than Zhen Guoping.

A dark commercial vehicle was galloping in the storm, and the chair was violently removed. Four iron soldiers looked at a tree branch running through the heart of Zhen Guoping. They were helpless, but they also had some first-aid techniques, but at this time they were afraid to move a bit.

"Hurry up, hurry up, you **** give me stability," said the captain of Zhen Guoping, who was secretly protecting, with a low growl.

Instead he looked at Zhen Guoping and sighed in his heart that good luck would not always be accompanied by someone.

This matter must be reported immediately!

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