Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 838: World-renowned conference

In just a few days, the world can be described as shocked.

First, there were peaks in the Alps that bloomed against the common sense, and then there were magical changes in the mountains. People have not yet reacted to this magical event. Aspen announced in front of people all over the world to open a dojo to preach, and then the war that shocked the world Appeared……

Millions of people were killed in this battle, but the people gathered there were violently expelled from all countries. Ninety-nine percent of the dead were soldiers from various countries.

There are many deaths, but it is far from the point of letting a certain country hurt. After all, the millions of soldiers are from various countries. The multi-party gathered to form a coalition of more than two million people. If so many troops are dispatched by each country alone, it can be declared directly ...

The loss of the army is still within the acceptance range of those countries that target poplar, but the trouble that comes with it is disturbing.

First of all, the public opinion and panic caused by this incident, the country needs to explain to the people, the people are afraid and will not look for Aspen, but can only find the country.

Secondly, banks innocently urged debts, and major companies released signals to terminate cooperation. This was terrible. No doubt for these countries, the situation was even worse.

It is undeniable that after this incident, there will be a big reshuffle of the senior management of various countries!

I want to say that the biggest winner of this incident is undoubtedly Huaxia. There was no involvement from beginning to end, and the loss was almost zero. Of course, this is not absolute, because other aspects of influence caused by this incident still exist.

The Pacific Fleet in many countries has been sunk, the world structure has been reshuffled, and Huaxia, which has almost no loss at this time, is strange if it does not know how to deploy quickly.

After the Pacific Fleet of other great powers sank, could the vast ocean still let Huaxia gallop?

Undoubtedly, because of this incident, Huaxia has become the world's number one power. This is a matter of course!

This can also be regarded as some compensation given by the poplar to the domestic side ...

When the whole world didn't know where to go next, Huaxia stood up and acted as peacemaker, and wanted to unite multi-level high-level officials to have a formal discussion with Bai Yang.

At this time, in the face of invincible poplar, what can these countries do besides compromise? Continue playing? Stop it, I'm afraid the earth will really enter the end of the world.

Lead by Huaxia and discuss with Aspen. The time is set to be three days later. At the place, the United Nations Headquarters Building, the high-level nations of the world will gather to discuss the next direction of the world.

In fact, the so-called negotiation of the world is well known to all countries, but it is only to re-divide the interests of the world. Of course, the existence of Bai Yang is the key. How to get along with him and what he is going to do must be explained clearly. In the beginning, the fog was swirling around and I said that I would open up a dojo.

For three days, it is enough for countries around the world to temporarily suppress various panics and the formulation of aftercare.

However, a problem that the whole world is talking about at this time is that many countries have launched this offensive against Poplar. Who will be responsible for so many people who have died? Who is responsible for the environmental factors of the destruction after the nuclear explosion?

In response, Bai Yang made his own voice again, he was willing to be responsible for the environmental damage caused by the nuclear explosion!

Plutonium is simply responsible for the environmental problems in the nuclear explosion area. After all, its dojo is there, and nuclear radiation is full of deadness and barrenness, which must be dealt with.

As for other war losses, that is the matter of each country.

Nuclear radiation is undoubtedly one of the most difficult problems in the entire world, because the existence of radiation cannot survive, even if there are occasionally living creatures that adapt to this environment, various lesions can occur. At present, there is no set of effective methods in the world. The only way to deal with it is isolation.

However, nuclear radiation is not a difficult problem for poplars. Radiation is just a way of energy, and it is also negative energy.

Originally, Poplar wanted to absorb and refine the nuclear radiation by himself. He did not have any difficulty doing it in the realm of Heavenly Master, but the blood baby Yaya went out for a while and there was no problem. The radiation energy was absorbed by her. Clean.

In the face of this situation, Poplar stunned for a moment, before she realized that Yaya itself is a collection of negative and dark energy, which is a poison for a living being. Radiation is a nutrient to her ...

Since the radiation problem is solved, the others are simpler.

The dust on the sky was swept away by him. In the deserted area after the nuclear explosion, Aspen collected a lot of plant seeds and spread it, and then extracted the raw stones to nourish it. In just one day, the area ravaged by the nuclear explosion turned into a green mountain again. Green water, and the environment is better than before!

Plutonium is just a change in geology. Aspen cannot be restored to its original state, but after all, it has easily solved various hidden dangers after the nuclear explosion.

When you are stronger than others, the other party will be jealous. When you are stronger, the other party will be afraid. When the other party's heart is weak, he will choose to surrender. When you are strong enough to need someone to look up, the other party ’s heart will breed. Worship mentality.

Unsettling is very complicated.

When the poplar showed its invincible power, it was a means of changing the world. Millions of people died in one battle. Almost 80% of people in the world not only did not blame him, but took it for granted. Should n’t the gods desecrate it?

The loss still exists, and then this consequence has been imposed on various countries. It is only when you try to provoke the gods to cause such a loss!

In the past three days, various rallies broke out all over the world, talking about the country, and more about the existence of poplar.

This discussion is crazy, sacred, and fanatical.

According to research, in this technological society, at least six of ten people actually believe that there is a **** in their hearts. This phenomenon is weird, but it is a fact.

People believe in the supremacy of science and technology, but their hearts are occupied by faith. In this regard, the scientists conducting this survey can only say that people need to be trusted to survive in this world.

Suwa originally entrusted various gods in his heart. When Bai Yang showed miracle-like means, various **** images were almost replaced by him!

This has led to the almost endless power of faith in the Quartet.

In the Taoist temple, the 99-meter-high golden body statue of Aspen is blessed with the power of mad faith to bloom in sacred light, like the legendary Buddha's golden body.

Through the power of faith, aspen can hear people's voices regardless of the barriers of time and space. People either dimly pray or sincerely pray in the aspen's mind clearly, all beings are clear in their chests.

"There are more than 300 million people who have changed my belief form into my image. This is just the beginning, but this is not enough ... far from enough!"

Sighing in the eyes of the golden statue of Bai Yang.

I am afraid that people in the entire world on earth believe in themselves, and the power of the congregation they bring together will not allow Heaven to fall to the rank of Heavenly Master!

After all, the people who really have the heavenly master position in the other world are comparable to the existence of a lord of a dynasty, and at least they must have the belief of 100 billion people!

In the past three days, the world was turbulent, and the topic of discussion was inseparable from poplar.

Immediately after, tens of millions of people from around the world gathered in the altar of the poplar dojo with a pilgrimage.

At this time, countries no longer stop, but instead help to maintain public order and appease the people.

The change of attitude is only due to the powerful power of Aspen!

As many people as possible, it is easy to breed all kinds of chaos. However, after Bai Yang said that he wants everyone to get along well, people who came with a pilgrimage mentality as the highest purpose. At this time, whoever dares to do something bad, do n’t Countries do not need to ask aspen, they will be overwhelmed by people full of enthusiasm.

Standing on the dojo, Aspen looks at the surrounding world, and this heartless and uninhabited place will surely become the center of the entire world in the future!

"Please wait patiently. After all the meeting, I hope you will get along well ..."

Twenty-three days are up, and after saying something to appease the people, Bai Yang went to the UN headquarters alone to attend the meeting!

高层 High-level nations have long waited.

When the poplar appeared over the UN building, the whole city sounded like a mountain tsunami.

"God is above, please allow the humble me to send you my most sincere greetings ..."

Tens of millions of people gathered in this city, and when the poplar's figure appeared, they all bowed down in sincere prayer.

The scene is extremely spectacular, and the tide-like crowd speaks such a sentence at the same time, no matter who's heart will be shocked.

"Please call me, I will go to the meeting, and the broadcast will be synchronized globally. I hope that the results will be satisfactory to everyone" Bai Yang said sadly and unhappy ~ www.readwn.com ~ After that, he flew into the conference room of the building.

"I wait for God to say ..."

Countless people said enthusiastically, took out their mobile phones and computers to wait for the global live conference.

At this moment, the whole world is paying attention. Almost ninety-nine people gather in front of computer television to witness this moment destined to be recorded in history.

白 When Bai Yang entered the conference room, high-level subordinates from various countries around the world stood up and greeted them, whether they were out of sincerity or not, they all applauded. People respected him and feared him, and his mood was complicated.

Poke him, this young man named Bai Yang, now he can control the world with every word and action!

"I'm coming"

In the face of representatives from all sides of the world, Poplar nodded sadly and unhappyly.

The parties sat down in a mood, and the meeting room fell into silence for a moment, and they didn't know how to speak.

This is the first real conversation between humans and God. Although Poplar is not yet God, the means he has shown are almost everyone on earth who has regarded him as God.

Finding his place to sit down, facing many eyes, Bai Yang took the initiative to say: "Everyone present here can almost represent the whole world. If you have any questions or ideas, I come from a peaceful mindset in the world. I hope that the final result of the meeting will be Make everyone happy ... "

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