Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 840: Judge

A world-renowned conference is over. The impact of this conference is far-reaching, and it is relevant to anyone in the world.

The existence of the Dojo announced the rise of a whole new force, a force that no country in the world can ignore, although it just appeared, but it scared the world.

Fortunately, the dojo will not actively interfere with the exhibitions of the world. This is the most important point for all countries.

Almost few people who grew up in a science and technology society are idiots. I can think that after this day, with the existence of the dojo, the whole world will gradually change dramatically.

Aspen successfully gained control over a 200-kilometer-diameter area centered on Mont Blanc, the highest peak in the Alps. This is beyond doubt, no matter which country the place once belonged to, it had to be bitten.

"The gods are alive, ancient myths are not fabricated, the existence of Mr. Bai Yang, the Lord of the Dojo, has confirmed this!"

"A new era is coming, and science and cultivation system will coexist in the world. Which way can we go further in the end?"

"The Lord of the Dojo, Mr. Bai Yang, said that the current behavior of the" faith factions "was not approved by him. The rally of" faith factions "in various places was suppressed by many countries and declared that it was illegal!"

"There are tens of millions of people gathered around the Dojo, waiting for the test to begin. Countless people look forward to receiving the Secret Technique of the Master of the Dojo, in good order, without any accidents ..."

The Internet, television, newspapers, and radio have been completely dominated by poplar-related matters since this time, and the world is talking about it.

Many of them have degraded fears and panics, but in the wave of enthusiastic discussions around the world, they can't turn up any waves, and the fact is that the presence of poplar only indicates that another new era is coming, and people ’s lives have undergone great changes ... ...

Because the test points laid out in the beginning were damaged during the nuclear explosion, Bai Yang returned to the dojo for a new round of arrangement after the meeting.

It is still a test of mentality and perseverance.

After the arrangement was completed, Bai Yang stood on the dojo and looked at the Quartet. "The beginning of the test, anyone who can come to the top of Mont Blanc will have the opportunity to get my secret mystery! The danger is inevitable, and I want to get mystery. I hope that you can think clearly. In the process, it is forbidden to kill each other and test the crowd. In a similar situation, I ca n’t escape my eyes. Once I am eternal, I am disqualified for inheritance! Finally, I would like to reiterate once again that people over 30 years of age have a bad heart Good people, please leave on your own, lest you be disappointed! "

These words came out, and all directions moved in an instant.

The people gathered around Mont Blanc immediately acted. Although the heart was hot, no one dared not listen to Poplar's warning and went in an orderly direction towards Mont Blanc.

There are 10,000 boundless people, how mighty is the gathering of tens of millions?

Bai Yang clearly stipulates that people over 30 years of age are not eligible for inheritance techniques, but there is no shortage of people who touch the fish in the muddy water. Who, you are all white and sure to be less than 30 years old?

To this kind of people who want to touch the fish in the muddy waters is just laughing, they can't even do it near Mont Blanc!

As long as you step into the 100-kilometer range of Mont Blanc, everyone is under the control of Aspen. Imperfect artificial intelligence has invaded the world network. Aspen controls everyone's information. Whenever you are old, the camera placed in the dark will When it recognizes it, the system prompts Poplar. All Poplar does is use a little hypnosis to give them a hint and go home.

So it caused the huge crowd on the way to Mont Blanc, a small number of people shook their heads somehow and walked back ...

Everyone has both kindness and darkness in their hearts. The difference is just the difference in strength.

When the rest are moving on, the real first test comes.

Originally, when people were heading towards Mont Blanc, they were in another environment. Some people were in the cold winter, some were in the downtown, some were in the village, and some were in the factory.

At this time, they also had an inexplicable identity. People in the cold winter months became beggars, people in the downtown area became ordinary office workers, but their positions were different. People in the village became farmers and people in the factory. Become a worker ...

Changes in the environment and changes in identity are accompanied by various problems.

The beggar is extremely hungry, cold and hungry. How will he choose to face this situation? Is it stealing, begging or begging for survival? So what happens when he finally gets what he can eat and meets other people who need help?

Does the office worker complain or endure the unhappiness of life? Facing the difficulties of the boss is forbearance or revenge? Facing unfair treatment, or is it willing to degenerate?

What will happen to farmers in the face of unsatisfactory crop growth? How to choose in the face of drought or heavy rain? How about meeting someone in need at this time?

As a worker, do you work hard or cut corners?

And so on and so on. Everyone who goes to Mont Blanc must experience it. Under the interference of the Sipin Formation, they forget that they are on the way to seek heredity. In the face of these problems, they will Show your truest thoughts.

And this is the key to the poplar's test of these human minds.

Beggars choose theft or robbery when they are hungry and cold. Office workers just endure the injustice of living. Farmers simply wait for rescue or do not help others. Workers have to pass the corner. In all cases, Poplar was eliminated.

He doesn't need pure bad people, nor sneak sneakers, nor do people with dark hearts. What he wants is someone who can do things but still have a bottom line in his heart!

Of course, the specific criteria are only in Bai Yang's mind. Maybe someone will be eliminated if he doesn't grow well ...

There is no place for such things.

It ’s just that the level of torture is at the level of the mind. I am afraid that more than 90% of the people will be eliminated. The remaining people will have a harder test of perseverance. The level is waiting for them. Will pass four digits!

Bai Yang's idea is that the first batch of people who taught occult techniques tried to keep the number within four digits as much as possible, depending on the situation.

The test takes at least three days. During this time, Poplar didn't just wait idle. Since the appearance of the dojo will definitely change the future direction of the world, he needs to plan ahead for certain things.

Dialing the phone to contact the fox, Bai Yang asked, "How is your transfer over there?"

"Boss, everything here has been clearly handed over to the boss, and now the boss is the master of the base," the fox replied to the video, looking forward to what he was expecting.

Nodded, Bai Yang said, "Very well, now you inform Xiong Da, you put down the matter at hand, choose a hundred reliable people to come to the Dojo side, come directly by helicopter, I will get you to the Dojo , Remember, I only need one hundred people, and I must be under thirty "

"Boss, I see, do you have any other orders?" Fox added with a heartbeat.

"For the time being, come here first," Bai Yang said after hanging up.

Less than a day later, the fox and the bear came and they came, accompanied by a group of powerful young men, and the old wolf was unexpectedly among them.

They were sent to the dojo silently and silently, watching them as poppy, and one year ago, they were still trying to get a pistol, but now ...

Standing in front of Bai Yang, the foxes were all excited and swaying, and their boss was standing in front of them. This is like a god!

No one spoke, they knew that their next destiny would be completely changed!

Abandoning the happy consciousness, Bai Yang looked at them and said, "In the future world, a group of humans will gradually emerge. Such people control powerful powers. Once they lose control, they will cause disasters, and power needs to be restrained. One hundred people, the future mission is to restrict the existence of such people. When one day they rely on their powerful strength to act in a wrong way, don't have the slightest kind of mercy and directly remove me. I want to train people who lead the progress of the times , Don't want to train a group of demons! "

"Boss, we understand what you mean, but with the development of the times, the so-called cultivation secrets of the boss will surely spread. There are so many people all over the world and there are no shortage of geniuses. How can we restrain such people? We don't have enough power? "The Fox owl asked this question.

"Since I have made you a binding force, of course I will give you the corresponding power. If one day you cannot restrain the existence of some people, then there will be me, and if there is an unbelievable existence that even I cannot cope with , Huh ~ www.readwn.com ~ I am happy to see it happen, which proves that the world I want has appeared, but I do n’t know how long it will be ... ”

Speaking of this, Poplar shook his head and said, "Okay, you remember, in the future, you will be judges, who will judge those who have powerful powers for wrongdoing. Now I will teach you a secret cultivation practice, called the Secret of Thunder, Successful cultivation, invincible in the same order! And I will also give you the elixir to help you grow up in the shortest time! "

Speaking of this, as soon as Poplar's heart moved, the powerful soul power penetrated into the minds of each of the one hundred people, and imprinted on them the thunder secrets suitable for the cultivation of the earth's human body after the deduction of the congenital Taiji chart.

At the same time, Aspen has planted a command of absolute loyalty in their hearts, preventing the possibility of uncontrolled possibilities in the future.

As long as they are always better than them, they cannot escape their control!

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