Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 857: Jade Seal Fragment

Under the gloomy sky, two beautiful women, one large and one small, walked forward in emptiness, just the two masters and apprentices of the Canghai King.

The road to the National Capital Ruins Center of the Shenwu Dynasty is not easy. I might run out of a monster somewhere. Fortunately, the two masters and apprentices became strong, and they were shocked all the way, but they could still run. Of course, they It's almost time to run.

Thousands of miles away from the sea of ​​blood, they stopped and stood on a hill watching the staring eyes ahead.

Dozens of miles in front of them are endless ruins, broken mountains and earth, collapsed palace buildings, and scattered corpses and bones. Everything in front of them is full of historical vicissitudes.

The remnants of the sacred kingdom of Emperor Shenwu in history have really arrived. This is a huge area that stretches for thousands of miles!

"It is indeed a former dynasty. There are no city walls and arch guards in the capital." Jiang Lin stared at the area and flashed her eyes. Through the ruins, her eyes penetrated the time to see the bustling scene of the capital city of Shenwu Dynasty in history.

The Cang Haiwang said, "For this country, the capital city does not need the protection of the wall. If the enemy has already come here, either the birth or the forget, the wall has lost its meaning!"

In this regard, Jiang Lin was deeply convinced that the capital city was the heart of a country. If the enemies hit the heart, this country is not far from being destroyed.

When you come here, anyone watching the picture here will inevitably have such sighs.

Gaze around the ruins in front, and after a few glances, the sight of Canghai King was fixed in a certain direction, taking a breath of air.

In front of them, two thousand miles away, and above the earth, a huge and extremely large palm print lay on the earth.

How big is that palm print? You can't see the end at a glance, and the diameter is three thousand miles. A finger is just a huge canyon.

"It is rumored that the collapse of the Shenwu dynasty in the past was caused by a big man, and the other party destroyed only one dynasty!" Shen Canghai said.

She is not unaware that the collapse of the Shenwu dynasty was caused by Princess Tianxin of the Tianyuan Empire, but the peerless power of Princess Tianxin is still alive so far, and she dare not mention her name.

Looking at the huge palm print, Jiang Lin was stunned. She really couldn't think of any kind of power to leave such a terrible trace, and even if the palm print has experienced endless time, there is still a kind of destruction that trembles the soul. Sexuality!


When shocked by the palmprint, the King of the Sea felt something, and looked away. Jiang Lin, following the eyes of his master, saw this scene.

It was a ruin that had collapsed for an unknown number of years. It used to be a huge island suspended in the sky, and traces of the building can be seen faintly, but now it has collapsed to the ground.

But that's not the point, the point is that the floating ruin island on Hengchen's ground is performing a fierce assassination!

In all directions, one martial arts Shinto monk charged at this ruined island. Those who cultivated for the last time were martial arts masters or Shinto real people, numbering up to thousands!

The opponents who slaughtered with these people were some powerful living dead. They themselves have been buried in the long river of history, but the special environment of this place has kept their bodies, and they have become monsters who know nothing but kill.

Unlike the corpse soldiers on the periphery, the bodies of these living dead remain relatively intact, and some even think that it is a living person without even looking at the eyes.

Around the collapsed island, thousands of people want to rush to the top of the mountain, but every time they are repelled by the living dead, the sword is rushing to the sky, the sword is full of energy, and real fire and ice are raging on this world.

His eyes flickered, and Jiang Lin, who was watching from a distance, saw the purpose of the charge from the human side.

It was a piece of crystal on the top of the floating island. It was a kilometer high, white and scattered with soft and bright light, like a broken piece of bright moon falling on the ground.

The most striking thing is that, outside of the huge piece of crystals, a huge golden dragon coils around. The dragon looks down at the world so high, the majestic atmosphere makes people appalling!

"That's ..." Seeing the situation over there, Jiang Lin was breathing hard.

The Canghai King said in a deep voice: "It was the fragments of the jade seals of the town of the former Emperor Wu of the Emperor Wu Dynasty, which contained the emperor of the Emperor Wu of the Emperor Wu Dynasty. "

"It was just a fragment of the jade seal of the kingdom of the town of the Emperor Wu of the past. The imperial dragon spirit contained in it is not weaker than the sum of the national transport of a modern dynasty. It is not a disappearance in the long river of the world. It is impossible to imagine the heyday of the past. How powerful the national movement of the sacred dynasty is! "Jiang Lin shook.

"One emperor and three emperors have the power to swallow the world, otherwise it would not be possible to provoke him ..." said the king of the sea.

A little silent, Jiang Lin asked: "Master, what shall we do next? Do we want to participate in the competition?"

After watching for a moment, the King of the Seas said, "All the people who are participating in the battle now are people below the true master of martial arts. There are a few secret people in the king's realm who lurk and do not shoot. In some aspects, you are more mature than me. Participate in the fight, Liner, you take the idea "

Say that you have no apprentice mature, the sea king has no embarrassment.

Jiang Lin wanted to say that you still know, but didn't say so, but thought about it: "Since it is an ownerless thing, you must fight for it when you encounter it!"

"Liner, have you decided? If you have decided, go for it. Take advantage of the strong man at my level now that I haven't shot it. It's not bad to see all the people in Tianjiao. I will put you in the back."

Jiang Lin watched her master stop talking and kept watching.

Being embarrassed, the King of the Seas waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, I won't leave you running regardless of the road. Do you think I'm the dead fat man of King Duobao?"

"Then I went to the master" Jiang Lin nodded, and then the figure flew across the air in the direction of the killing, dancing wildly, eyes cold, the cold sword already in his hand.

After Jiang Lin left, the King of the Sea looked to the parties and felt it carefully. There were three familiar flavors, namely the long-separated King Duo Lu Lu and Wang Panshan. After all, the former site of the kingdom of the sacred warrior kingdom said no. Big is not small, it is easy for people at their level to meet.

But in addition to those three, the sea king also felt three strange breaths.

"The closer you get to the center, the more powerful" muttered the King of the Sea.

In each dynasty, there are people who are strong and powerful. The number is different, but among the four dynasties adjacent to this world, there are no more than eight strong in this level. This must be counted as a Shinto master, a strange beast. No.

Jiang Lin's battle with the sword did not cause much waves. The fact is that people from all directions joined from time to time.

"Destroy these monsters first, and eventually compete for treasures!"

Every newcomer will be reminded so loudly, and it is certainly impossible for the newcomer to anger the humans at this time.

Just after Jiang Lin joined the battle group, a ghostly figure came at her.

It was a woman with pale skin and blue, and her long gorgeous dress turned into rags. Her pale eyes without eyes showed that she was a living dead. Beauty is naturally unable to talk about beauty.

She was too fast, no energy flashed on her body, she was purely ghostly, holding a rusty spike and pointed directly at Jiang Lin's heart.

"Is this the palace girl who once lived in the martial arts dynasty? Or is it just the master of martial arts who once lived here? Even if I don't know how many years I have died, this body alone is no less than the master of martial arts."

Jiang Lin said to herself, without hesitation, a cold sword rising in her hand, a icy pale sword flashed.

Jian Mang didn't tear the living dead woman, but made her body freeze instantly and fell to the ground and shattered into pieces.

There were killings all around, Jiang Lin's joining was not inconspicuous. There were only one or two hundred people cultivated by a master like her, and her performance was indeed not outstanding.

The human side is killing the living dead, and the living dead side is also killing the human. The front line is deadlocked at the foot of the mountain and cannot be taken closer. There are countless broken bones, bloodstains, and the ground collapse. The battle has not been known for how long.

In fact, everyone involved in the fight knows that their current fighting may not be of much significance, because they are stronger and have not yet waited and see. They are at best just like a cannon fodder.

But what about that? Since coming here, I have never thought about regrets, what if I had the luck to get that piece? Who can tell this thing clearly?

I don't know how long such a fierce killing will take.

It was in this atmosphere that a distant cold air was coming from far away.

This breath is too cold and cold to make people's bones cold. It is pure murderousness, a terrible breath only for the slaughter of billions of souls.

Feeling that breath, all the people who were killing took a moment to take a look. Not only that, Wang Qiang, who was dormant on all sides, couldn't help but look at it.

What kind of person or monster can have such terrible killing intention?

Then people saw that a woman in the distant sky walked step by step, and every step she took was a few kilometers away.

This woman is dressed in black and black ~ www.readwn.com ~ Holding a black sword, her eyes have no white eyes, and her eyes seem to see the cold, deep black holes that are going to devour everything.

Her black robe, black head, black sword, and black eyeballs were rising in darkness, walking between the heavens and the earth like a killer out of hell.

When she came to the fighting group, she was expressionless, her footsteps never stopped, and she went to the mountain step by step.

"Hey, who are you? Help kill these living dead quickly, there is a gap over there to help plug it!" Someone said as she arrived.

However, it was the woman in black who raised her hand and gave a sword at random, and the speaker was torn in half by a black swordman. The body fell into ice and was frozen by pure murder ... ...

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