Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 887: The beginning of chaos

The lottery was issued in the wolf dynasty, but it is only a means for Poplar to accumulate original capital!

He never expected a small lottery to engage in the wolf dynasty. Two coins can buy a number. Everyone can participate. It is harmless and can win a big prize. Few people will really own their own family. All are pressed on it. After the heat has passed, it will become as popular as the earth. It is impossible to let the wolf dynasty hurt its bones.

However, things like lottery are good at accumulating capital. Even though everyone has very little investment, how many people are there in the borderless territory of the wolf dynasty? With a population of 100 billion units, don't need too much. One-fifth of the people participating in the lottery will be a tremendous wealth!

The contribution of ordinary people is of course insignificant, but some 'smart people' in this world think that they have seen business opportunities and invested money crazy to buy numbers in anticipation of winning.

Of course, again, this kind of 'smart person' only occupies a minority, I am afraid that not one of the 100 people who participate in lottery activities!

But this ca n’t stand the large population base. As long as there is such a “smart person”, it will be a fat sheep for Poplar. In the end, such a person will lose out!

Lottery, on the bright side, is the so-called fairness and justice. Where can there be such good things in the world? Behind the scenes, all the poplars can be said to come up with which number they want, and whoever wants to win will win!

luck? nonexistent……

The lottery has issued eight periods in the wolf dynasty. The first three periods were in a loss state. The fourth period started flat and the fifth began to make money.

Due to the investment of a large amount of human, material and financial resources in the early stage for the promotion of the play, the beginning of the sixth period, almost all the people involved, the money of various lottery betting stations is almost pouring into the pockets of poplars!

Especially in the latest eighth period, people were spurred by those who won before, and they bet wildly. After incomplete statistics, Poplar was shocked by this terrible wealth.

"So far, the initial investment has been fully earned back. In addition to the cost, the wealth obtained is more than 100,000 times the investment. The money spent to hire the staff of the wolf dynasty is less than one thousandth of this wealth. First, because the accounts are under their own control, the official government of the wolf dynasty can flicker at will and give up to one-thousandth of the tax. Those officials are secretly happy ... "

To himself, Bai Yang glanced at the wealth data that was roughly calculated on the tablet computer, and it was purely profitable data. Rao was shocked by his mentality.

Thirty eight trillion!

That's right, Bai Yang produced lottery tickets in the wolf dynasty, just eight issues, and after crazy propaganda, as of now, he has made 38 trillion coins purely. What is this concept? It is a number that ordinary people in the world cannot imagine.

There are too many people in this world. Even if it is just a wolf dynasty, one fifth of the people involved in the lottery have contributed so much wealth to Bai Yang!

Of course, more than 90 percent of this wealth was contributed by the major tyrants of the wolf dynasty.

This is not surprising. At first, the Xue family in Qingmu County of the Chen Dynasty was just a big family in the county seat. Its wealth was hundreds of billions of dollars. How many people did the Canglang Dynasty participate in the lottery? It is not surprising that we can gather such a huge wealth.

How much is 38 trillion yuan? Many, many are unimaginable, but Poplar is clear that this huge wealth is not as great as it is imagined. Most of the Gein coins are only circulated in the hands of ordinary people and people who have been lowered. This world's real hard currency It is Yuanshi, even if it is only one product, the value of Yuanshi is more than one million yuan. In this way, the thirty-eight trillion yuan is actually not a lot of money. It may not be as good as the top family wealth of a dynasty. .

This is not surprising. If it is cultivated to reach the position of the Grand Master or even higher, if there are some means to completely control a boulder ore vein, how can wealth compare?

"Thirty-eight trillion is not enough. I am afraid that the number of additional lottery tickets will be almost the same. This number can be doubled. In this way, the money can be used to collapse the wolf dynasty. However, considering the lottery's crazy accumulation of wealth, Speed, there are no fools in this world, I'm afraid it will soon attract the official attention of the wolf dynasty, the king is supreme, he said that he ca n’t resist, and will issue two more issues. If the wealth is enough, it will be closed. Time to be greedy so as not to undermine the overall plan ... "

Quickly weighed in his heart, Bai Yang knew that it was time to close up. It is impossible for a country to let this money-collecting machine be out of control. The wolf dynasty would have action, but Bai Yang would not let him do it.

Once he revoked the lottery business, even if the wolf dynasty knew that the specific operation could not be implemented, because they did not have the earth's technology equipment, if it was forcibly issued, huh, then there will be a good show, I am afraid that only the fake people can Let the wolf dynasty cry.

Well, now that the original capital is available, the lottery cannot be issued for a long time. It is time to plan next. Thinking of this, Bai Yang contacted Lan Shuang and started to arrange ...

Eight lottery tickets were issued in the wolf dynasty, which brought 38 trillion yuan of wealth to the poplar. In the ninth period, the number doubled, and in the tenth period, the number doubled again!

Because the world ’s day is twice as long as the earth ’s, the lottery issued by Bai Yang is one issue per day, so it has only passed the time of this world ’s semi-conference since the implementation of his Great Crash Plan. Let him gather a tremendous wealth!

As Bai Yang guessed, there are no fools in the world. After a little understanding of the speed of the lottery crazy money collection, the wolf dynasty has moved.

The capital of the wolf dynasty, the king city is a huge island floating above the sky, and the royal palace is built on it. The chapel where the wolf king held the pilgrimage meeting is also here.

On this day, when Chaoyang first rose, the Chaolang Dynasty convened again.

On the throne of Kowloon, the majestic Wolf King sits, looking down at the officials like a **** above.

"Early to play early without incident to retreat," a **** with a sharp voice stood and said under the Wolf King.

If it is normal, such a sentence will soon be dismissed. After all, it is not a matter of the fate of the dynasty. The wolf king generally does not ask. The fact is that even if he presides over the confession here, he is actually not a real person. That's it.

And today, after the eunuch's voice fell, the Minister of Finance of the Wolf Kingdom stood up and said, "There is something to play!"

"Say," the wolf king spat a word.

"Sir, during this time, a shop called 'Dynasty South Welfare Lottery' appeared in my wolf dynasty. It covered every town in the dynasty with incomplete statistics. This lottery shop's wealth gathered every day is amazing. The business is legally registered and taxed. Please ask your Majesty the Minister of Finance for where to go next.

The Wolf King seems to have known about this thing for a long time, and his expression remains unchanged, and he directly orders: "Order the Ministry of Finance to supervise the matter, meet the owner of this shop, seal the top three members, and the other party should dedicate the shop to the dynasty. Right? The dynasty did not give the people power, but it was difficult to be kind. Give it a 10% share. "

"The Minister complied with the purpose," the Minister of Finance bowed his head.

But he knows how much money some lotteries make, and if he manages it himself, can he get one? This kind of thing is self-evident, as long as it is not too much.

"Is there anything else for you Aiqing?" The Wolf King asked.

In fact, the main thing at this congress was to talk about lottery tickets. After the talk, it was all right. No one answered, and the eunuch's figure of the ebb wolf king disappeared.

This is the case for the country with the supremacy of kingship. In a word, the good things are sure to be offered to the country voluntarily, aren't they?

It is too easy for a country to deal with a businessman, no matter how rich you are.

However, this time the wolf dynasty wanted to control the lottery but something unexpected happened.

After the court order was issued, the lottery betting station no longer issued lottery tickets overnight, and under the supervision of the Minister of Finance ~ www.readwn.com ~ there was no boss behind the lottery betting, let alone the boss, even No one responsible can be found.

How does this work? Can't explain to His Majesty, one word, check!

The national violent organs were activated, and people were arrested for interrogation. However, the people arrested were just employed people, not the boss. The other party's actions were very secretive, and they did not really show up from almost the beginning!

The Chancellor of the Exchequer couldn't sit still, faintly felt that the matter was big, and the inability to control the lottery not only failed to get a huge financial revenue, but also a sense of urgency that was no longer under control.

As a result, the Minister of Finance saw the wolf king report after a briefing.

After listening to it, the Wolf King said with a cold face: "Check it out for me, you can only find me the master behind the scenes for ten days, and the states and provinces fully cooperate."

"Subordinates obey," the Minister of Finance said with a slight sigh of relief, and the king did not blame him, but he was fine.

Looking at the finance minister who was kneeling below, but not leaving, but the expression of stop expression, the wolf king Shen Shen: "What else?"

"Your Majesty, lottery betting disappeared overnight. Many people who participated in the betting before lost their blood. Many riots have already occurred in many places, especially those big households who have exhausted their wealth and want to be big. However, Now that the lottery betting has disappeared, they can't find anyone, and they have begun to publicly clamor for the government to give an explanation. After all, the lottery betting was filed by the dynasty's government.

"Passing my will, all the officials responsible for filing lottery bets were arrested and interrogated by me. As for the troublemakers, please appease them until the dynasty finds the ambassador behind the scenes and give them an explanation. Go on," the wolf king said coldly. .

After the finance minister left, the stare of the wolf king narrowed, he had smelled the conspiracy ...

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