Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 889: fry!

Things are rare and precious, and this sentence will never be wrong.

Within the Wolf Kingdom, almost overnight, the material such as Yuan Lingsha became inexplicably scarce, and many businesses were rushing to buy it, and they could not enter or leave.

In this way, it is reasonable that the price of this material such as Yuan Lingsha has risen.

People usually do n’t pay attention to this kind of material. After all, it ’s too ordinary. It ’s like the salt that is usually eaten. Who is going to hoard a lot? It ’s not that I ’ve run out of it and bought another.

Although this material is very common, it is an indispensable thing in this world. It is needed for refining weapon armors, even for large-scale equipment such as array painting, because it can only be made by adding this material. To preach energy.

So this seemingly ordinary material is in great demand in this world.

It's not that there is no irreplaceable thing, just that this kind of thing is more cost-effective compared to it.

There is less material like Yuanlingsha on the market. On the first day, people did not feel like it. People who need this material have more or less inventory in their hands.

However, starting from the third day of the second day, when this material is not available on the market, the people who need this material suddenly find that they can't buy it at the place where they usually buy it.

How can this be done? My weapon shop is still waiting to be opened, so I went to find out where it was sold, but it ran away in many places, it was out of stock and was bought out!

There is a large market demand, and in the case of shortage, the price of Yuanlingsha has begun to rise without controversy, and it has soared all the way.

In just three days, the price of Yuanlingsha has tripled. However, the supply of Yuanlingsha in the market is still in short supply, and whenever it appears, it is robbed.

What if I ca n’t buy it? Buy 呗 at a high price.

The price of Yuanlingsha has risen several times, and the market is in short supply. This has made countless businesses see business opportunities, and they have gone to find ways to buy stocks. Interests.

As a result, when various merchants finally came back to purchase through various channels, Meizi was fantasizing about making a fortune ...

Oops, I went. Suddenly, Yuan Lingsha, which should have disappeared, suddenly appeared again, and countless shops hit the market with heavy selling.

Because of the shortage of Yuan Lingsha a few days ago, those who need this kind of material are afraid that they are gone, and they have snapped up, and store up a little before talking.

However, the market suddenly appeared too many too many people, and then it would definitely not be okay for people to buy it at three times the price, so the people who sold it began to cut prices.

It ’s okay to lower the price. Originally, it did n’t matter, but those who saw large-scale purchases of business opportunities were dumbfounded. When the price of Yuanlingsha rose, those who mastered the veins of Yuanlingsha were not fools. Following the price increase, they bought the price. Expensive, as a result, this price reduction has caused a group of merchants to lose money.

At first, people in stock still held the mindset of not losing money and still sold at three times the price, but no one bought it at all. Someone was selling at a reduced price. Who bought your expensive one?

This thing is not working in your hands. People who ca n’t follow the trend will lower the price. They lower the price. The price of Yuanlingsha on the market is still falling. Out of the original price.

Once the price rises and the price drops, in a few days, countless merchants of the wolf dynasty went bankrupt!

Just when the price of Yuanlingsha dropped to half of the original price, suddenly there were a large number of people buying on the market. How many people bought?

Those who were in stock were eager to get rid of their books and sold them. As a result, there was no material like Yuanlingsha on the market any time soon.

In this way, those who ca n’t buy can only buy by biting their teeth and raising the price, but they still ca n’t buy it.

So many people are dumbfounded, especially those who lose money and sell their hearts regretful. Why didn't I wait and see first?

In five days, Yuanlingsha was scarce on the market, and the price continued to grow crazy. It was fiercer than the previous time, and it went up ten times the original price all the way!

This is enough, so one by one, like the shark that smells bloody, they try to buy everything, ten times the price, it is really crazy.

As a result, when they finally managed to spend a lot of money to get the supply, the picture of Yuanlingsha's large-scale selling on the market appeared again.

At this time, the people intent have already reflected, this is someone behind the hype such as Yuan Lingsha.

But what if you see it? Small and medium-sized merchants have insufficient capital and can only follow the market in accordance with market fluctuations.

But those big forces are different. They have capital and energy to step in!

Can you still play like this? Spend a lot of money to buy one thing, and then a monopoly price increase dissipates and makes a lot of money!

Isn't Yuanlingsha flooding in the market? Then I will buy it all up, and the price will rise naturally. At that time, when I slowly sell it, I will make a lot of money. Is n’t it beautiful?

As a result, the great wolf dynasty and big families joined in, and they bought the Yuanlingsha on the market in madness.

After the market fluctuated twice, countless merchants purchased twice plus the original quantity on the market, far exceeding the market demand by dozens of times and hundreds of times, and the price was ten times the original Yuanlingsha, so when various major forces will bring the market When Shangyuan Lingsha snapped up, they spent nearly a hundred times the price!

Despite some distress, the leaders of the big forces still feel worth it. Now there is no Yuanlingsha on the market. Is it time for us to make money?

In this regard, the poplar that leads everything behind this can only say that you want to be beautiful!

In the last half of the meeting, the price of Yuanlingsha was hyped up. The price fluctuated twice. Aspen used the money in his hands to buy low and sell high twice. The wealth in his hands instantly turned over ten times!

Moreover, in these two price fluctuations, countless small and medium-sized shops following the trend of the wolf dynasty declared bankruptcy!

Sitting in the middle of the army, Bai Yang contacted Lan Shuang and ordered: "Perform the next step!"

Lan Shuang replied in the video of "Follow the Order", his face shocked.

Bai Yang used the little Yuanlingsha to make the wolf dynasty heartbreaking. He made countless money and bankrupted many small and medium-sized businesses. While in the bureau, he could clearly feel that this had been buried in the wolf dynasty. Huge hidden danger!

When the order was conveyed to Lan Shuang, Bai Yang sneered in the direction of the wolf dynasty.

The price of Yuanlingsha was speculated. Many big forces of the wolf participated in sweeping the goods on the market regardless of the cost. God knows how much it cost.

"Do you think you can make a lot of money with Yuanlingsha in your hands? Think too much, hit your hands, I will not play, your funds are locked in Yuanlingsha, see how you play with me next ! "

Yes, Bai Yang is no longer playing, it should be said that he no longer plays Yuan Lingsha, but instead plays other things.

The purpose of hype for Yuan Lingsha has been achieved. The profit margin has increased the wealth in his hands by more than ten times. It has also collapsed countless small and medium-sized merchants of the wolf dynasty, and used the subsequent huge market supply to fund the powerful forces. Trapped.

When countless forces struggling to make a fortune with Yuan Lingsha in their hands, it was inexplicable, almost the same as Yuan Lingsha. Overnight, a panacea suddenly became scarce!

The elixir that has suddenly become scarce is Zhuangqi Dan, one of the most common elixir that can be used by people below the military level.

However, although this elixir is common, it has the greatest demand for this world!

A force, a family, and even a country, the strong will always occupy only a few, and the number of martial arts and warriors is almost the rest of the level, so the number of repairers adds up to hundreds of times or even more!

With so many low-level monks, if they want to grow up and inject fresh blood into the family for strength, they can't do without the help of elixir!

However, when there is no elixir available in the market, their practice speed will slow down. Is this so?

Buying money is inevitable, but what if you can't buy it? In order to train the younger generation of the family, they can only practice raising their prices ~ www.readwn.com ~ but they still can't buy it!

Therefore, like Yuanlingsha not long ago, the price of elixir such as Zhuangqi Dan has skyrocketed!

Paeonil and Yuanlingsha are different minerals. Mining is just that. Refining is needed, refining takes time, and this vacancy in the market cannot be met at all. In just a few days, the price of Zhuangqidan has soared dozens of times all the way and there is still insufficient supply.

The people of the wolf dynasty couldn't understand. Some time ago it was Yuan Lingsha, and now it is the strong spirit. What will happen next?

This is just the idea of ​​ordinary people, but the big forces can't sit still.

This is someone who dominates it all!

But what can I do if I see this? All the funds in their hands were tied to Yuanlingsha, and Zhuangqidan couldn't get in. Even if it is now crazy to throw Yuanlingsha back into the basket, it is too late. Not to mention that the large-scale selling will definitely cause the price to fall and lose money Even if it is withdrawn funds, God knows what Zhuangqi Dan will be fired into!

How to do? Just sit back and watch? Of course not!

So all the major forces took action one by one, while gritting their teeth to find ways to withdraw funds to participate in the hype of Zhuangqidan, while investigating who is behind it all.

"Dozens of times the price, you have to participate in vomiting blood, so don't blame me for slaughtering you!" The poplar leading this all snorted.

So he ordered the sale of strong spirits. The amount should not be too large, and the market cannot be overwhelmed at once.

As a result, massive rivers of wealth, such as Pentium, generally poured into the pockets of poplar.

Bai Yang is not afraid of selling Zhuangqidan and ca n’t continue playing. After playing Zhuangqidan, he can play other things, and after Yuanlingsha and Zhuangqidan, how much fortune of the wolf dynasty has entered his pocket ? In other words, the other party is poor and the economy is depressed. What else does the other party play with themselves?

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