Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 903: Howling Wolf King!

The blood-sea extinction of Fengtiansuodi was broken, and the last means of the wolf dynasty were gone. The whole world gradually calmed down, and everyone's eyes turned to the wolf king.

The dead fox is sad, the wolf dynasty has come to an end, and the once glorious wolf dynasty will be buried in history. No matter who is facing this situation, it will have infinite emotions.


Seeing the defeated soldiers around, the Wolf King smiled calmly, not knowing whether he was sighing or mourning.

The endless generals of the Coyote Dynasty looked at him, and the generals of the nations looked at him, all watching the end of the lord of the dynasty.

"Your Majesty, take care of the dragon body, as long as your Majesty is still there, the wolf dynasty will not be over, and there will be a time when Dongshan will rise again," said the injured old **** kneeling near the wolf king, almost praying.

"Her Majesty, let's go, even if the General is dead, these people will not be hurt to his Majesty," said the General of the National Assembly of China, kneeling down and looking at him dead.

"Your Majesty, if there is an afterlife, the minister will share your concerns for you!" The prime minister in a purple official uniform also showed his attitude.

The death of a person is also good, and the loyalty of the kingdom must have loyal officials. At this moment, when the wolf dynasty comes to an end, several major strongmen have not abandoned the wolf king, but are preparing to coexist with the country and die. Even if you use your own life, you must protect the Wolf King from leaving.

"Follow his Majesty with the last oath, never die!"

"Communicate with the country, live and die together!"

Around the national capital, countless defeated soldiers of the wolf dynasty roared to the sky. At the last moment, everyone burst into the last courage in their hearts. Even if the enemy is powerful, even if there is no trace of opportunity, it is a big death!

The three surrounding nations looked at such a picture with emotion, and there were so many loyal soldiers when the wolf dynasty died. Wouldn't it be so if their country came to this step?

Such thoughts were just thrown away by them as soon as they came to mind. No, your country will never come to this point!

Visually looking around, the Wolf King stretched out his hand and emptily said, "You Aiqing is flat, the country is the country, the dynasty is over, how can you live? In the future, maybe this country is gone. At this moment, you have to go. Well, I do n’t blame you if you surrender to other countries. You have worked hard for you all your life, and you have bowed to your heart. You are in your eyes, and it ’s more important than you to live. He really does n’t blame you!

"The general will be the wolf dynasty. After death, the soul will also guard the flag that the wolf dynasty will not fall!" The General of the National Township Shen Shen said without change.

"Slave is always the shadow of Her Majesty. Even though Jiuyou Hell, he still follows His Majesty," the old **** bowed.

"Follow His Majesty, the post-mortem minister hopes to be able to advise his Majesty," the Prime Minister also expressed loyalty.

"Follow Her Majesty!"

The endless generals also shouted, no one flinched, no one surrendered.

At this moment, a tragic atmosphere is spreading, no matter who it is, there is something in the heart, whether it is sad or sorrowful, and there is nothing in it. In short, this kind of picture always makes people endless emotions.

"Brother Lupu, get on your way, your people, I will treat them kindly!" Jiang Haoran said to the wolf king.

"Please go to the wolf king, your people, and my people in the future, treat them equally!" Chen Yongxin also said at this time.

"Wolf King please, after this world there is one less opponent," King Da Yue said indifferently.

Even though the wolf dynasty is tragic throughout the country at this time, it is impossible to change the heart of all the leaders to destroy the wolf dynasty. This step has been reached. There is absolutely no possibility of shrinking. As for the sympathy, let go of the wolf dynasty existing.

"Hehe ... hehehe ... hehehe ..."

The wolf king smiled inexplicably, and smiled bitterly and sadly, such as the lone wolf howling moon, like the ending of the tiger king, the kind of unwillingness and resentment makes people sad.

No matter what he did, no matter what kind of person he was, he was an emperor on earth, but at this moment, he came to the end of his life.

The crowd looked at it quietly, and no one felt that at this moment the Wolf King had a chance to come back.

Enough smile, King Wolf saw the Quartet indifferently, "How about you guys, let me go down one step? I will go down one day and be your opponent?"

His words came out, so people frowned and had a bad feeling in his heart.

Without waiting for people to speak, the Wolf King stood in the void, and arched his hand to the north, chanting: "Senior, please trouble you, after this time, you and me Wolf King, but cause and effect!"

"Wolf King, what do you mean!" Jiang Haoran looked at Shen Shen with a look of vigilance.

That uneasy premonition grew stronger.

King Dayue's eyes flashed, and a horror flashed in his eyes, "Wang Wolf King, wouldn't you be ... how is this possible?"

"Not good!" Chen Yong confidently changed his face for the first time, seeming to foretell something.

Looking at the Quartet, the wolf king stood straight and chuckled: "Don't break, don't stand, break and stand. Only after the Jedi is born can he thrive and re-create the world. In the end, the victory is still alas!"


Jiang Haoran also realized something, his face was cold, and his eyes staring at the wolf king were extremely frightened.

The next moment, from a distant horizon in the north, a silver Changhong came across the sky, and there were tens of thousands of miles of void. It was a vast silver river, majestic and majestic, like a sky rail, oppressing the Quartet, feeling that The sentiment of beings is to worship, and dare not look directly.

Looking in horror at the silvery expanse across the sky, even the heads of the country who had the king of fruit were unable to lift their heads.

"Silvermoon Wolf King!"

Jiang Haoran didn't dare to look directly in that direction, his head trembling and uttered the words.

When these four words come out, it seems that the supreme heavenly path is pressing on everyone's hearts, making people all shake their hearts and raise endless fear and powerlessness.

Silvermoon Wolf Emperor, Land Emperor Realm Powerful, Wolf Clan Emperor, Welcoming Wolves, Overwhelming!

The vast silver Changhong came across the sky, as if ignoring the distance between time and space, and appeared on the nine days above the crowd. The breath of unparalleled breath emanated, making people want to worship on their knees.

When Changhong disappeared, everyone in the sky saw a bright moon hanging above the sky for nine days, and Yinguangchanchan shone.

Xiaoyue Wolf Emperor is here, a terrible emperor.

No one can see his body, he is like a round of Hao Yue hanging high to suppress the eternal sky.

Around that round of Hao Yue, nine horrible giant wolves stood in the void, each of them exuding horror, the smallest was 10,000 meters, and the largest was a hundred miles, like a magic mountain.

Nine giant wolves, each one has Wang Jingxiu!

The wolf emperor travels, and the guards of the wolf clan in the realm of the nine heads guard them, and they are powerful.

"Wolf King, have you decided? After I shot for you this time, the cause and effect between you and me and the wolf dynasty will be ignored, and I will not owe you anything."

When Haoyue was empty, a majestic voice passed down from it, like Huang Zhongda Lu rang through the world, but the faint tone made the soul tremble.

"Please ask the wolf emperor to help me kill the enemy. We will not owe each other in the future!" The wolf king looked down and did not dare to look directly at the void.

"Well, are these people? Chen Yongxin's baby doll from the Chen Dynasty, Mu Lingling's little baby girl from the Dayue Dynasty, Jiang Haoran's boy from the Jiang Dynasty, and the people around them?" Hao Yuezhong heard the voice of Xiaoyue Wolf King again. ask.

"Yes" The Wolf King bowed his head.

"I see!" Hao Yuezhong Xiaoyue Wolf Emperor said, and then the voice said again: "Don't blame me, I owe a kind favor to the Wolf King ancestor, and now it is still a favor, you can die in the hands of the emperor, should feel honored!"

In the face of a supreme emperor strongman, at this time a strong man in a personal royal realm has no heart to resist, that is a deep sense of powerlessness, just like an ant who never wants to try to overturn a big head Like.

The breath of death was spreading and everyone was desperate.

"And slow!"

In this atmosphere, Jiang Haoran did not know how much pressure he had withstood to speak these two words.

"Boy Jiang Haoran, what else do you want to say? The Emperor gave you a chance to speak" The voice of Xiaoyue Wolf Emperor came from Haoyue.

After swallowing the saliva, Jiang Haoran said: "Her Majesty the Wolf, this is a battle between the kingdom and the kingdom. If you actually step in, aren't you afraid of contaminating the cause and effect? ​​Also, you killed my dynasty kingdom leader as an alien ~~ ~ Aren't you afraid of causing dissatisfaction with other strong people of my tribe? Are you not afraid of provoking a war between the wolf and the tribe? "

"Did you finish it?" Xiaoyue Wolf said in a soft voice.

Jiang Haoran stopped talking, not because he didn't dare, but because he couldn't speak. He could feel that the other person he said didn't care.

Jiang Haoran didn't speak, but the voice of Xiaoyue Wolf Emperor once again said: "I said, this time I shot for the Wolf King, just for the reward, no one can say anything, killing you will provoke the human race and The war between the wolves? Jokes, do you have this qualification? What's more, even if it provokes a war? Are the emperors afraid? "

Xiaoyue Wolf Emperor, as the emperor of the wolf clan, is the emperor of the earth, and he has no fear of any challenge. In its words, even if it really provokes the war between the people and the wolf, it is not afraid of it!

Change, this is the change, no one expected that such a change will occur in the end, the wolf king actually invited the Emperor Realm strong Xiaoyue Wolf King to help out.

Howling Wolf King, the Emperor Realm, lives in the bitter cold north of this land, where is the real forbidden area for human beings, where is the world of wolves, the kingdom of wolves, and the endless wolves live there, human beings do not Dare to set foot.

In the face of Xiaoyue Wolf King, no one dared to refute, could not refute, and had no ability to refute.

The breath of death permeated everyone.

How to do? Resist? Joke, how can you resist? That is a powerful man in the realm of emperor. What should you use to resist? The opponent can slap himself with a wave of his hand, king? The human king is no different from the stronger ant in front of each other!

"Sir Wolf King, what do you want to say to me?"

Just when countless people despaired that the big picture was set, someone stood up and spoke.

Talking is poplar.

I don't know why, seeing the poplar stand up again, the wolf king's eyelids jumped fiercely ...

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