Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 907: Meeting is something different

"Master, this is Qingyang Prefecture?" The kitten looked at the Xiongcheng below with astonishment above the sky.

Not long ago, they were separated from Lu Yang, and the kittens were brought here by Poplar without seeing the whole way. The speed of the Shinto Master was refreshed.

"Well, before we went north, they left Zhao Shi here. I don't know if they are still there. Come and see. If they are, go back to the valley together."

Aspen nodded and took the kittens where they fell and went straight to the tower.

In the process of falling, Bai Yang Nianli glanced, and the two hundred kilometers diameter range could not cover the entire Qingyang City, but within the range, Bai Yang did not find Zhao Shi them.

As a property of the jade family in Qingyang Prefecture, the jade tower was later given to the poplar by the jade house. Obviously, the steward of the pavilion was very impressed with the poplar. As soon as they appeared, the poplar came to welcome them.

It is estimated that the battle situation in the front line to destroy the wolf dynasty has not yet passed here. The supervisor of Diaolou looked at Bai Yang only to see the respect of his boss, but not the fear of the peerless powerhouse.

Bai Yang didn't show off anything, let the kittens check the account book handed over by the restaurant manager, but Bai Yang asked: "What about Zhao Shi?"

"Master, Master Zhao Shi, they have already returned to the valley, and also took away a person named An Jiu, leaving a special message, if the master comes, inform the master immediately" the respect of the shopkeeper.

"Well," Bai Yang nodded. Now that Zhao Shi and they have gone back, they won't be entangled. Looking at the old shopkeeper with a restless expression in front of him, Bai Yang asks: "Are there any troubles?"

"Master, the Diaolou is operating well, there is no trouble in taking care of it on the official side," the old treasurer replied.

"There is nothing troublesome in the tower, it should be in other aspects, depending on what you want to say and stop, call me just here and talk about it, if there is not a problem, by the way," Bai Yang laughed.

After all, the other party is taking care of the Diaolou. After a little trouble, the poplar still does not shoot.

"This ... then I'll tell you straight, Master, it ’s not the Diaolou who is in trouble, but the Jade family. It is said that the owner of the Jade family, Yu Cangsong, has fallen into the ruins of the Emperor Shenwu Dynasty. Cang Song's shelter has been suppressed by many forces in a short period of time, and now it is falling apart ... Master, anyway, the Yu family was once my home. Now that I am at this end, I can't bear it. If possible, I ask Master to take care of one or two ... "

Under Bai Yang's questioning, the old master sullenly told the truth.

"I know, you are kind and righteous, continue to take care of the dwellings, and the others do not need to worry about it," Bai Yang calmly said.

"Then I'll go down first," the old treasurer bowed and sighed, all he could do ...

The old shopkeeper was the shopkeeper of the Diaolou. The Yujia had given the Diaolou to Poplar. He should not have thought about the Yujia again, but after all the years with the Yujia, he could not bear it now This is why he carefully asked Bai Yang to take care of him. Although he knows that there is not much hope, he can do everything to listen to his destiny, and he can only do so much.

It is precisely because of this that Bai Yang said that he is a kind and righteous person. Such a person can never be worse than there. It is very safe to hand over the tower to him to take care of Bai Yang.

In fact, people are mutual, you are good to him, he is good to you, those who act as the subordinates but calculate the master are relatively few.

It is true that Yu Cangsong fell in the relics of the Shenwu dynasty, and it has been for some time, but Bai Yang did not expect to have such a large impact on the Jade family. Once the Jade family existed as the emperor in Qingyang Prefecture. Now that it is actually falling apart, one can imagine how hard the opponent was suppressed.

From this point, we can see that the importance of a strong man to an influence in this world is simply related to the lives of countless people.

Like Sifang Jianzong, like the current Jade family ...

After the kitten looked at the accounts of the tower, Bai Yang stood up and said, "Let's go and see at the Jade House. If you can help me, please help me, after all I have known each other."

"Well, master, do you want to eat something before you go?" The kitten said docilely, she doesn't care about the jade's not the jade's, she cares about the poplar's clothes, food and accommodation.

"No, if it ’s a little trouble, you can make it to me if you go back to the valley cat. If it's troublesome ..." Bai Yang laughed, and took the kittens out of the tower.

The Yu family, once the largest family in Qingyang Prefecture, is almost personally known and easy to find. A huge manor, if you ask a few people, you can clearly point out the right place.

When Bai Yang brought the kittens to the Yujia Mansion, they found that the situation was much worse than expected.

The Jade family is no longer a Jade family. This is not true. It should be said that the former residence of the Jade family no longer belongs to the Jade family. The gate was replaced with a 'Zhao House' to put a sign, which was obviously occupied by the dove.

Through the high-walled courtyard, there are signs of reconstruction in many places in this huge manor. Don't guess that there must have been a major change here not long ago.

"The Zhao Family replaced the Yu Family? Which Zhao Family? I have never heard of it ..."

Bai Yang murmured in his heart that this place no longer belongs to the Jade family, and the people of the Jade family don't know where to go.

There is a group of martial arts strongmen at the gate of Zhao House. The last time they are martial arts. They saw Bai Yang and his party stopped here and did not come to drive them out. Obviously, in their knowledge, no one in the whole Qingyang Prefecture should dare to come to the Zhao family. Trouble is.

Looking at the gate of Zhao Mansion, Bai Yang thought about the center, subconsciously looked at a place on the far corner of the street, and then took the kitten and they passed by.

The next moment, the poplar was staring at each other, and the atmosphere was a bit subtle.

A ragged beggar curled up on the street corner, his face was covered with stains, and he couldn't see the original look of the beggar, and anyone who looked at it would be extremely disgusted.

But such a beggar that everyone hates, but his eyes are extremely beautiful. Of course, if you look at it, you can't find it.

At this moment, the beggar looked at the poplar with beautiful eyes, flickered in a panic, and lowered his head and said hoarsely: "This boy, give me two bucks. I haven't eaten for two days."

"Yu Feifeng? ... Why are you so?" Bai Yang said, looking down and not afraid to look at himself.

The beggar shuddered and still bowed his head, "I'm afraid you acknowledged the wrong man. I'm not Yu Feifeng. I'm just a beggar that everyone hates. Since this man refuses to give alms, I'll go begging elsewhere Right ... "

With that said, the beggar got up in a panic and was ready to run.

At that time, Yu Feifeng, the man who played women's clothes everywhere, turned into a form of admiration. Aspen could only sigh the fate of the fate, and was too lazy to talk nonsense. He thought of controlling Yu Feifeng with a kitten, and they returned with the kitten. Diaolou.

Calling the old treasurer, Bai Yang commanded: "Arrange a few girls to wash her and change clothes"

"Good master, I'll do it now." The old treasurer recognized Yu Feifeng, looked at Bai Yang with a grateful expression, and immediately arranged to go.

"Bai Shao, since you don't want to see me, why bother with me? Isn't it good for me to live on my own?" Yu Feifeng's dirty face was full of pain, and he looked at Bai Yang with tears in his eyes and turned around. Go down with the girl who came.

"Master, Miss Yu is so pitiful, but one yard at a time, she was so targeted at you, I still don't like her," said the kitten leaning next to Bai Yang.

Squeezing the kitten's cheek, Bai Yang smiled: "My cat is almost a master of the Grand Master's realm, and he still cares about those little things?"

"Anyway, I just don't like it," the kitten said embarrassed.

So ah, when someone has a deep-rooted view in their hearts, it will not change according to the change of time and state of affairs.

Soon after, Yu Feifeng came here again after washing, put on a long white dress, and once again recovered to look like that beautiful woman.

I don't know what mentality he is in. Yu Feifeng actually cut off the hair that grew to Qi ear again into a bald head!

She is astonishingly beautiful with a bald head. You are so old ... still hold on ...

"Tell me about it ~ www.readwn.com ~ Why are you still a beggar? Why is it that you are a beggar? By the way, what about the rest of your jade family?" Bai Yang looked at the renewed Yu Feifeng.

"Is Bai Sha sorry for me?" Yu Feifeng said with a ridicule.

"Meet one another, you know I'm not that kind of person. If there are any difficulties, I can help as much as I can" Bai Yang didn't care about Yu Feifeng's run but said sincerely.

Seeing Bai Yang didn't look like a joke, he opened his mouth, Yu Feifeng's eye circles suddenly became red again, and his head was helpless. "A few days ago, the news that my grandfather fell on the ruins of the Shenwu dynasty came, countless to me. The people in the Jade family rushed to attack them in the first place. My Jade family was caught by surprise, because my grandfather fell away and left for tea and cold, and the original relationship turned a blind eye. The staff of my Jade family were deprived of their official positions by various crimes. Then came a series of planting and scamming. My jade industry was completely taken away. In the end, those people even attacked my jade with a killer. After some killings, my jade members were almost killed and wounded. In the end, my brother was desperate. I broke out and let me hide. He drove away the chase. Now life and death are unknown ... "

Although Yu Feifeng's words were brief, they made it clear what happened to the Yu family during this time. After listening to Bai Yang's sigh of endlessness, a big Jade family almost collapsed because it lost the shelter of Yu Cangsong. .

"Do you need any help? Now I still have some energy and means, it should not be difficult to help you get revenge" Bai Yang looked at her and said.

Looking up, Yu Feifeng looked at Bai Yang with both eyes. "I do n’t have to worry about it, but I do n’t have to worry about it. My jade family ’s hatred, I will report it in person in the future. I will never give up, and only then can I deal with my tragic family! "

Another person who is blinded by hatred and becomes extreme, how can this world grow up with such a fool?

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