Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 914: 1 equal treatment!

Now that you want to copy, it is very particular about what to copy.

Although the poems and essays do not stipulate what to write, it is unreasonable for you to copy a spring dawn in winter right?

"There are countless Chinese poems on the earth, but when it comes to specific place names, the characters ca n’t be copied. Although it is not impossible, it is great to change the place name characters. a lot of……"

Thinking about it, Aspen began to look at the surrounding environment, and wanted to copy a scene.

To be honest, Bai Yang ’s poems are purely laymen. Even if it ’s copying at the moment, it ’s a bit blind to copy a scene. Anyway, he ca n’t do it. .

Tian Yinzong, countless young talents gathered, for the so-called beautiful women, winter ...

For a long time, Aspen patted his head and went to your uncle, where there are so many poems for the occasion, labor and capital casually made a love song.

So much more to choose!

If you want to do it, make a poem that has been passed down through the ages.

The ink pen and paper pad are ready. The poplar writes, and the dragon and snake begin to write on rice paper.

His actions attracted the attention of the Quartet, and countless people wanted to see what shocking articles Bai Yang had written before.

When Bai Yang wrote down the poems and nouns, countless people watched, what kind of ghost?

Water Tune Song?

What is this routine? Never heard of it.

Bai Yang also doesn't care whether the world has the word brand name or not. When copying poems, water-tuned song heads, chanting the moon, and eponymous words that have passed through the ages, ask you whether you are afraid.

The bad times of day writing about yueyue? If it doesn't exist, I will write it ... Copy it, love it!

When will the moon be? Ask the wine about the sky, I don't know the heavenly palace ...

As Bai Yang's poems were written in Tianyuan words, a group of young talents waiting and watching around looked very exciting and tangled.

You said that Bai Yang didn't write well, but every sentence was so magnificent that it made people feel horrible.

You have to say that he wrote it well, but at this time of day, isn't it a bit wrong for you to write Wing Yue?

No matter what Poplar wrote, what people thought, anyway, as he wrote each sentence, the vision began to appear, and once it appeared, it shocked a group of people.

First of all, when Bai Yang wrote the first sentence, the rice paper was full of light, and the ink scented out thousands of miles, making people smell drunk. When the second sentence was written, the page of paper seemed to become a Jiuquan. The scent of wine is in bloom, and countless people are really drunk.

"This ... this ... this ..."

Countless people looked at Bai Yang in shock and couldn't speak, and then they had such a vision when they wrote the pen. Are the poems written still ok?

As Bai Yang copied it, he glanced around and thought about a group of soil buns. He spread this poem to ‘the heavens and the world’. How many seniors have reached the pinnacle of life with this word?

Although he thought so, Bai Yang was still shocked. It was one thing for others to “write”, and it was another thing to write it himself, especially when the vision began to appear, and he was all worried.

Especially I do n’t know the heavenly palace, what year is this evening, I want to go back by wind, and I am afraid that when Qionglou Yuyu wrote this, the heavens dome twisted and surging, and boundless vitality came together, and the sky was full of gods. Palace-like palaces appear, as if the kingdom of gods is coming!

Will it play big?

She wanted to stop, but at this time, Bai Yang could not help but write it.

When Bai Yang wrote this word, the kitten on the side looked weird. She had been to the earth, and even had a special understanding of the earth ’s culture. Of course, I had read this poem. A little wrong?

No matter how entangled in the heart, the kitten did not speak at this time, his master wrote it, that was what he wrote ...

After finishing the writing of a water-tuned song, when the last pop of the poplar fell, the text on the paper jumped out of the paper one by one, and each word was like a bright moon hanging on the sky and imprinting the void. Incense floats 100,000 miles!

This doesn't count, something more amazing has appeared.

Originally blue and white, when each word of this word was imprinted on the void, the whole world suddenly darkened, and it came to night from day to night.

In the dark night, the sky and the bright moon rise, and the unique March of this world appears around the wonders. When it stands in the sky, it shines in the world, and the moonlight shines in the world!

The moon in this world is not as simple as the stars. It is the world of the peerless magical soldiers left by the legendary Taoist existence. The magical soldiers have not been around for many years and have been revolving around this world. Now that he actually appears in the middle of the sky, how can he not cause an uproar?

At this point, people at Tian Yinzong were stunned, and the whole world was shocked!

Countless strong men looked up at high altitudes, dynasties and dynasties. One by one, the strong men looked at the sky to guess what happened.

Dao Shenbing was born, wouldn't it be that there were extra-terrestrial demons?

Even the Taoist Masters are summoned!

Poplar shrunk her neck. This is so much fun. The ghost knows that a poem will make such a big movement. Hurry up and let it go. I ’m really dreadfully cold.


Nine days above March shook gently, and there was an uproar in the world. What happened?

Immediately after, the people in the world saw that the magic soldier left by the Lord descended three beams of light through the void, and people in the distance did not know, but those who witnessed the poplar writing this word around Tianyinzong saw it really. .

The three beams of light fell on the poplar and disappeared.

Subsequently, the water-tuned song head written by Bai Yang, the imprinted void text fell back on the paper sheet, and the paper sheet bearing the word bloomed in white light, and then disappeared into the moon on the sky.

The wonders of March slowly disappeared, and the heavens and the earth were restored to clearness again. Everything before that seemed like an illusion.

In shock, Aspen calmly pulled the equally dull kitten and whispered, "Go!"

The kittens were stunned and reacted to keep up with the steps of Poplar. Although they didn't understand what happened, they knew that something would happen if they didn't leave.

Turning around, the poplar walked inexplicably, and then moved forward again.

Just at that moment, he felt that at least three eyes fell on him across the void, but the other side did not show any sign and then looked back.

"The three eyes are at least the Emperor Realm Powerful. One of them is from Tian Yinzong, and the other two are from the direction of the Kingdom of Daguang Dynasty. I am afraid that the vision attracted the attention of the power. It ’s because it ’s about the Daoist soldiers not dare to act rashly ... ”

My heart resembles a mirror, and Bai Yang knows that things are getting bigger. At this moment, he estimates that in some people's hearts, he is still tagged with the end point.

This is the case. I knew I would write one, two, three or four ...

Seeing Bai Yang's departure, Tian Yinzong's manager opened his mouth and finally whispered, "This boy has passed ..."

Can you not pass the level, even the master soldiers of the Tao are summoned out, you will not let the level try!

When he left, Bai Yang felt a change in himself. The three beams of light disappeared on himself. He has n’t changed much. He has n’t improved, and he has n’t inherited anything, but something new has appeared in his sea of ​​knowledge. .

At first his only knowledge of the sea was the Fa phase, the eight-pin merit golden lotus, and the unknown piece of bronze above nine days.

However, at this time, above the golden phase and the merit golden lotus, there appeared three orbiting circles, which is just the epitome of the marvelous wonders of the world in March!

When consciousness touched the epitome, Poplar got a message, not a word or sound, but Poplar understood it.

That is the Taoist **** soldier outside the Tianyuan world, because he liked the water song song head he wrote, and took away the gifts given to him by the poems.

When necessary, he can use the projection of Taoist soldiers in the sea to communicate with the true Taoist soldiers on the sky to launch an attack!

How horrible the specific means can be played. Bai Yang doesn't know, but I want to know how terrible the power of the Taoist magic soldier is!

Great luck!

There is another hole card, and the Taoist magic soldiers help out. It is the magic soldier left by the existence beyond the level of Heaven Emperor. If you launch an attack, you will be asked if you are afraid!

However, the shock was shocked, but Bai Yang's heart was even more confused ~ www.readwn.com ~ Taoist **** soldiers are terrible enough? It can be called the extreme of this world. From ancient times to now, there are only two people with a name and a surname, which have been transformed into the world's moon and scorching sun.

However, at this time, the Taoist Shenbing projection in Baiyang Shihai did not occupy the highest place of Baiyang Shihai, and the highest place was still occupied by the small bronze fragments!

What exactly is that fragment? Just the fragments are even better than the projection of the Taoist magic soldier?

People around looked at Bai Yang leaving Tianyinzong's ‘Shu’ assessment site, and wanted to say what he did n’t know how to speak. Even the previous six princes gave up after weighing.

Can summon the existence of the Taoist **** soldier, can not afford to mess with ...

It's a mixed bag. The previous one came out. The good thing is that no one is bothering you for the time being. The bad thing is that I don't know what kind of changes will happen in the future.

Regarding him, take a step by step and look at it, let's talk about the last item of the first pass.

In the eyes of everyone, Bai Yang brought the kittens to the Qin Qi Qin calligraphy and painting, and people automatically made way for him, and even some people who were originally assessed stopped their assessment to pay attention to Bai Yang.

Watched by so many people ... not awkward at all!

"I don't know what the assessment rules are here?" Bai Yang asked Tian Yinzong's person in charge as if he were all right.

The other person opened his mouth and stammered, "The high-level has just passed down the word, the son doesn't have to be assessed, he can go straight up the mountain!"

"No, you can't be special, you have to treat everyone equally, otherwise why do you let so many people around you?" Bai Yang said, righteously.


Brother, are you doing something? Twice, when we come to Tianyinzong again, we will become the target of public criticism all over the world.

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