Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 917: Not talking will die

All the way to the picturesque scenery, travel to the deep mountains and clouds, mist and haze, the sun halo it into pink, unknown wildflowers bloom along the road, there is a stream flowing across the stream, old stone-covered bridge across the stream Over the years, the slate was mottled.

Spirit birds are frolicking in the forest. They are not afraid of being born. They stop and look around, walking around, and there is a kingfisher tweeting, their voice is crisp.

The warm wind blows the face, making people want to get drunk. It is extra quiet and peaceful, so it is a paradise.

When I came to the foot of the mountain, there was a gurgling stream, colorful fish swimming in the water, and a small pavilion was good for the water. It made people want to stop and experience the beauty of this landscape.

"Person, please go ahead alone, others can come with me."

When the pavilion was still a hundred meters away from the water, the girl who led the way stopped to look at Bai Yang and squatted slightly.

Looking at the leading girl, Aspen frowned. "They can't walk with me?"

"My son forgive me, the followers brought by others can't move forward, please rest assured, I will settle them, and nothing will happen to me in Tianyinzong," the lead girl said softly.

Her voice was soft, but she had an unquestionable taste.

"Master, come over, we wait for you," said the kitten looking at Bai Yang.

Shaking his head, Bai Yang looked at the leading library and said, "Girl, it's not that I don't believe you can't settle them well. It's because one of my friends is a little bit unique. If you leave me, I'm afraid of making Tian Yinzong. Unfavorable things, that's not what I want to see "

Bai Yang refers to Lan Xin, who is too far away from himself to show off his demonic side at any time. Bai Yang is really uneasy.

Upon hearing Bai Yang's words, the girl frowned slightly, and immediately said with certainty, "Bai Gongzi will just hand them over to me, I will take care of them!"

Opening her mouth, Bai Yang nodded and looked at her thoughtfully: "Yeah, I won't let me down if you want to come to Tian Yinzong!"

It's uneasy to give Lan Xin to the other side Poplar. However, the other side said so much. Poplar wants to see what they will do. Since he promised to take good care of them, if it finally turns into a picture of hands to suppress Lan Xin , That's hitting Tian Yinzong's own face, Tian Yinzong would not do that.

"White boy rest assured," the girl nodded and smiled.

The poplar's eyes motioned to the kittens to be calm and calm, and then they moved forward along the stone road.

When the poplar leaves, the girl leads the cat to the kittens and says, "You follow me ..."

Tian Yinzong occupies an extremely large area, which is more than a hundred times larger than the blood lotus religion that Bai Yang has ever seen. Before going all the way, there are countless pavilions and pavilions. Extra quiet.

This place seems to be empty, but Bai Yang can feel that if anyone dares to do something unfriendly in this place, I am afraid that Thunder Tianwei will fall!

Obviously this quiet place has special significance in Tianyinzong.

There are dozens of meters away from the kiosk, and Aspen paused to look forward.

In the gazebo, a young man in blue leaned leisurely on a wooden railing, his eyes fluttered to the front, and he held a white jade jug and drank in a bite, and he was envious.

The other party didn't seem to feel the poplar's arrival, and still drank on his own, as if he was not interested in everything.

In front of the poplar, not only the blue youth in the kiosk, but in addition to the poplar, there are four blue youths in the kiosk.

On the surface of the clear lake just a short distance from the pavilion, a young man in white clothes stood with a smile on his face with his eyes closed, and his toes stepped on the water. The water surface was slightly twisted and slightly sunken to support the body of the white man.

Further down, under a small rock cliff, a young man in black embraces his hands silently, and looks at a stone in front of him, as if that stone can see a flower.

Finally, it was another young man in white by the grove. He was holding a piece of unknown leaf and playing with a cynical expression on his face.

The four youths have different attitudes and are quizzical.

Seeing these four youths, Aspen's eyes flickered, but they couldn't see them!

I do n’t know what the famous hall is, and Poplar did n’t say anything to break this weird atmosphere. He looked up and stood up, his body fluttered to a slightly curved bamboo, lay down leisurely, and took out a book in his hands. The book turned slowly.

With poplar, five people are within 300 meters around the kiosk, one is drinking, one is deep in the water, one is looking at stones, one is playing with leaves, and poplar is reading ...

Weirdness is revealed everywhere.

It stands to reason that this should be the so-called third level of Tian Yinzong, but no one came out to entertain and there was no prompt for the specific test of the third level. It was weird.

No one speaks, the stream is still flowing, the flowers are still blooming, the clouds are still floating, the warm wind is still blowing ...

In this weird atmosphere, time passed by little by little, and unknowingly came to the evening, the sunset was sloping west, and the light through the mist made the whole world wear a pink gauze.

"Is this the place? What is the third test?"

"What do you mean by shaking your head and not talking? It's talking, girl, I tell you, it's very uncomfortable for you not to talk."

"What does it mean to let me go? Did you know in the past?"

"Okay, okay, just leave it alone. Listening to your previous tone, there seem to be several incredible characters in front of me. I need to see them ..."

The tranquil atmosphere was broken, and there was a burst of crackling not far away.

A young man in a green robe whispered from the place where he entered the mountain. The green robe was almost green. He came to the kiosk not far, feeling the atmosphere was not right, and suddenly shut up and waited.

However, no one ignored him, not even looked at him, the other person was simply the presence of air.

"Why don't you talk? This makes me embarrassed and uncomfortable, to say you won't all be dumb, right? I tell you, what's the difference between being alive and not speaking and being dead? So who said something to me, Like who are you from? "

The green robe youth scratched his head and opened his mouth was a lot of crackling.

However, nobody still ignored him, and the atmosphere was quiet ...

The corner of the poplar's eyes lying leisurely on the bamboo, Yu Guang glanced at the man, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. This dress seemed to be the most popular style on earth recently.

"Hey, what the **** are you doing?" The other side couldn't help shouting.

Some people couldn't help it, the young man in black staring at the stone turned and glared at the young man in green robe and said, "What are you beeping, and you can't shut up if no one cares about you?"

"That's right. Someone just feels good talking. Before, I was uncomfortable. When it comes to brothers in black, how long have you been here? What did you say? What is the third test? Now, would you like to introduce yourself? Or should I come first, my name is ... "

My god, this green robe guy couldn't stop when he spoke. Rao was all speechless by poplars. This is too much to say. None of Tang Seng can say anything.

"I told you to shut up, don't you understand?" The young man in black burst into a forehead on the forehead, making him lose his temper.

The green robe youth was unconscious, and said with a stunned expression: "Why? Is there anything wrong with everyone's communication? Why do you not speak? What is good for communication between people ..."

Uh ...

Before he could finish, a green leaf dripped across the sky and flew to his head like lightning.

The young man in green robe grabbed the leaves and looked at the distance with a cynical young man in white. "What are you doing?"

The other's eyes narrowed and he shook his head and ignored them.

A small leaf looks like a flick of a finger, but it contains inexplicable means. Rao is a poplar that can't be ignored, but the young man in the green robe grabbed it like an ordinary leaf, and he really saw it all. Aspen's heart is not simple yet.

"It's inexplicable" the young man in green robe muttered, looking at the young man in blue drinking, his eyes lit up and said, "You are His Royal Highness Nine? It turns out that you are here too, it's a great honor to see you ~ www.readwn.com ~ I have long wanted to ask you for some cultivation experience, but you have been wandering in search of the whereabouts. See you today, be sure to communicate well ... "

The blue-eyed youth leaning leisurely in the gazebo was speechless, and the corner of his mouth twitched and looked at the young man in the green robe. "It is rumored that there is another strange man in the world. One person who has died, Wang Qiang, is it you who want to come? I think I know it. "

"His Royal Highness Nine knew me? It was a great honour, but what you said were misinformation. The guy wasn't furious at first, he just happened to have an old injury, how could he frame my head? Go up ... "The young man in green robe said, you misunderstood my expression.

When he still wanted to continue his long discussion, the young man in white standing on the surface pretending to be speechless, opened his eyes and said, "You will die if you don't talk? Can't you just stop? The third level assessment question has not yet It is announced that if the host is disturbed here, it will be worth the loss. "

"Wow ... how can you stand on the water without sinking without any external means? How can you do that? Who are you?" The young man in green robe looked frightened at the person who was fine.

Nima, you do n’t even know who I am. You wow a hammer ...

Just when he wanted to express something, including the poplar, the six people looked at the place somewhere outside the mountain.

There, the evil spirit is soaring into the sky, a pure killing intention almost freezes the human soul, and at the same time a breath of terror permeates, as if to kill all beings.

Aspen's eyes flashed and he was always paying attention to it, and his mind was never relaxed.

Because that evil sent out was from Lan Xin, leaving her behind, her hidden evil still showed.

I have warned the girl who led the way before, the other party insisted on not letting Lan Xin follow, something happened now ...

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