Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 948: Evil dragon!

A golden vortex with a diameter of 10,000 miles twisted on the sky dome, and Jin Xia diffused into the sky. A huge faucet was found in the vortex to **** the evil spirit.

The evil spirit was like a tide, as if the tornado rolled down disappeared into the mouth of Jin Long.

That Longkou is simply a bottomless pit. No matter how much evil gas below it, just open it and devour it.

This is a shocking picture.

The Wanli vortex seems to be hanging high in the scorching sun, and the nine thousand miles faucet devours evil spirits. Countless people in the world saw and trembled, and even thoughts seemed to be stunned and inflexible, looking blankly at their heads.

The people in the four towns saw it, and they were shocked with smiles on their faces. They felt that in the end, they were still playing chess with high wickedness. They were not swallowed up by the spirit of Zhenshi Dragon. I am afraid that all wicked gas will be swallowed up soon Return to a clear and bright world.

Farther away, beyond the restricted area, in the borderless territory, the endless creatures looked up at the sky, stunned.

Many people who originally saw the huge sword rising and rushed to this side, after seeing such a picture, stopped subconsciously. What happened over there? Seems dangerous?

Would you like to continue?

In the center of the restricted area, the west of the giant sword, Aspen still sits in the boundless evil spirit, although the surrounding evil spirits soar into the sky like the tide and sink into the dragon's mouth, but he has eight virtues and the golden lotus body is not affected.

"The good show has only just begun, and the layout of several strong players is about to become heated!"

After a glance at the sky, Aspen calmed down and recalled the calmness of many classic articles once seen.

The eyes seem closed, part of the focus is on external changes, and the other is understanding the classic articles that once thought they were familiar.

"Looking at countless sages, Buddhism talks about cause and effect, and everything has a cause and effect. It seems that everything can be traced to its roots. Under this thinking, most of the Buddhism's actions are purposeful. Taoism pursues balance. Their thoughts make them pay attention to perfection in everything they do. Zhongzheng peaceful is good, but it seems to lack a sharp and enterprising heart. Confucianism talks about moderation, it seems to be the same as Taoism talks about balance, but there is a big difference. Fear of being strong, dormant when facing strong enemies, being strong when facing weak ones ... "

With the understanding of the respective classic articles, Bai Yang gradually seemed to see the essence of these factions. These are just his own understanding, and whether or not he has nothing to do with other people's views and cognition.

In the end, Poplar was a little embarrassed. Those are just the philosophies and rules of conduct that have been summarized by thousands of years. What about their own?

Is it to learn the causal cycle of the Buddhism or to pursue balance like Taoism? Or is it like Confucianism, avoiding evil, stealing, cheating?

Various ideas and theories collided in the poplar's mind, and the congenital Taiji gossip picture flashed in his eyes. He shook his head and felt that those ideas and theories did not seem to be what he wanted.

So what do I want?

Bai Yang asked himself this way. It seemed that the question was very simple, but after thinking about it, he couldn't get the answer.

He secretly sighed. He didn't know if his will was not strong enough or he hadn't cultivated enough to see through the essence of this layer, but he could feel that once he saw it through himself, perhaps his cultivation would go to a higher level.

"Is it cognitively impaired? After the breakthrough, the benefits to me are endless, and there is no loss if I cannot break through. After all, it is not as serious as the original Anjiu.

Without being able to break through the cognitive barrier, Poplar didn't bother. In order to prevent himself from going into magic, he simply didn't think about the useless ones, and paid full attention to the current situation.

Looking up at the huge dragon head in the middle of the sky, Bai Yang's expression was slightly stunned.

It's time to come!

As soon as possible, Aspen is ready for the next change.

At this moment, the golden dragon head on the sky, without knowing how much evil energy has been absorbed, the golden majestic dragon head that had been majestic and domineering seemed to be a little evil!

The most intuitive manifestation is that the eyes of the dragon head changed from the original gold to black at this time, so black that it was soaked, like two black holes inlaid on the dragon head, and even evil flames were rising!

And, at this time, the faucet **** the evil gas more quickly, no, it's not that the faucet **** the evil gas faster, but the endless evil gas underneath automatically flows towards the faucet!

"The huge golden dragon is simply a collection of dragon veins of endless mountains and rivers. The dragon itself is proud and unrestrained. They are gathered together to form this dragon, which must be resentful. At this time, Absorbing evil spirits, I am afraid that I have seen the hope of getting rid of control. The Emperor of the Guangguang Dynasty, I am afraid that you have to be a cocoon to lift yourself up and smash your feet ... "

Seeing the picture in the sky, Bai Yang probably understood what was going on.

In fact, the starting point of the Emperor Daguang was correct. He wanted to suppress the evil spirit to control the overall situation, but he underestimated the amount of evil gas. If there is less evil gas, Jinlong can completely swallow it up, but there is too much evil gas, endless, how? Finished swallowing? So far, Jinlong has been assimilated by evil spirits!

Rather than underestimate the amount of evil, he is underestimating the horror of the power of the Heavenly Emperor, but it is at the peak of this world, even if it is dead, how can its influence be speculated by people below that level. ?

The dragon's head swallowed the evil gas faster, and even showed a geometric multiple growth. The evil gas on the earth automatically poured into the mouth of the dragon. As a result, the speed of assimilation of the golden dragon by the evil gas accelerated, and the assimilation speed continued to increase with time fast!

At first, the eyes of Jinlong became black. Gradually, the dragon's horns, dragon whiskers, and dragon scales began to turn black. After a few minutes, the dragon's head across the sky turned black!

At this moment, there is still a bit of majesty and sacredness in the dragon head, and it has become evil and gloomy at all, from a golden divine dragon to a black evil dragon!

This change is still intensifying, with the absorption of endless evil spirits, the dragon body originally lying on the ground is beginning to become dark!

At this time, everyone felt wrong.

In the four towns, people wanted to escape from this change, but they found that they could not leave. The dragon body that originally protected the city became a barrier to restrain them. If they touched it, they would be infected by the evil spirit and lose their self-consciousness ... ...

Almost everyone was upset and could not accept this change, but there was no way but to stay away from the dragon body curled up and shiver in the city.

After another half an hour, the entire hundreds of thousands of miles of Jinlong completely turned into a black evil dragon, it was so wicked, and the flames of black spirit rose.


The evil dragon growled and opened its mouth, and no longer sucked the evil gas, the sound waves turned into substantial ripples and swept across nine days and ten places, the earth collapsed and collapsed, and the sky turned upside down.


Heaven and earth trembled, and in the four towns, the evil dragon's body shook, and the dark claws of the dragon were stretched out again.

At this time, the dragon claws did not protect the city against the evil spirits, and the dark dragon claws that covered the sky and shot directly at the city below.

Time seems to freeze at this moment. Countless people look up at the sky. Who can resist the horrible dragon claw?

Despair mentality flooded everyone's mind at this moment.

To die, these three words echoed like Huang Zhongda Lu in people's hearts.


At this moment, the monuments that were blooming in the four cities were full of white light. The white light soared into the sky. It seems that the four suns fell into the city. The light is not dazzling, but it is very gentle. Can't see anything else.

When the monument is in white light, those words inscribed on the monument actually detached from the monument, and each word was in white light like Haoyue lifted off.

As the text lifted off, heaven and earth seemed to murmur. When hearing this voice, people seemed to be in the kingdom of gods, forgetting fear, forgetting fear, and forgetting the threat of death.


Hundreds of thousands of miles of horrible evil dragon roared and roared after the glow of the monument, and seemed to hate white light, not in the bombardment of the city below, the huge body twisted, the world shook, it rose into the air and roamed in the infinite sky.

It is dark and horrifying in itself, walking through the sky, endless evil spirits surround itself, exposing the fierce power of the world.

The evil dragon vacated, it was originally suppressing evil spirits, but at this time he emptied, the evil spirits lost their restraint, and those evil spirits that emerged from the ground endlessly began to spread in the distance!

It is conceivable that the world will soon become a horrible hell!

The fierce and mighty evil dragon roams the sky and has a body length of hundreds of thousands of miles ~ www.readwn.com ~ roaring more than once, a roar of dragons roar, the world trembles.

It seemed to rejoice that he was freed from the shackles and roared to show his existence. After such a moment, he did not leave, but instead looked at the heavenly giant sword standing in the distance with endless evil eyes!


Roaring again, it rolled up and rushed directly to the great sword.

At this time, the poplars and other people in the four sides of the giant sword were shocked, and the evil dragon came. How can they resist?

By the way, the Emperor of the Daguang Dynasty ordered them to guard the Quartet. Did he have expected such a picture? But how can they withstand their strength?

However, this problem did not keep them as long as possible.

I saw the brightly shining text rising from the monuments in the four cities. At this time, the sound of a metal crash was made.

The texts are connected together, one by one, actually turned into four white chains across the sky, like a sky mark across the void, fasten the hundreds of thousands of miles of evil dragons!

Roar roar ...

The evil dragon was restrained and roared, his body twisted and struggled, and the world shivered.

But no matter how it struggled, it was still unable to break the shackles of the chain. The four chains seemed to have taken root on it and could not break free!

Shaking his mind, Aspen took a deep breath.

Such a picture, he can only marvel too wonderful.

The layout of the Emperor of the Daguang Dynasty and the establishment of a city layout array wanted to suppress evil spirits. If it succeeded, it would increase the boundless national movement, but he underestimated the amount of evil spirits, and not only failed to create a terrorist evil dragon.

However, the layout of Zhang Dongge is deeper. It seems to have anticipated this point. After laying out the hands, the means left will be directly used to suppress the evil dragons through the chain of the sky!

"Can evil dragons be suppressed? Can Zhang Dongge really play chess? So what about the backhand of Tianyin Sect ...?"

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