Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 958: Shards

A 20,000-kilometer-long vortex covers the sky and devours endless evil spirits. A terrible and fierce breath is brewing inside, and the breath is getting stronger and stronger. It seems that at any time, it will go out to suppress everything in the world!

The poplar who devoted himself to devouring evil spirits didn't pay attention to the external changes. He didn't know how much evil spirit the Tiandi corpse turned into.

With a body length of 33,000 kilometers, Dragon Ball must have a diameter of at least 3,000 kilometers in order to look pleasing to the eye, right? Where is 10,000 meters?

In the distance, Li Tao, who was retreating back and forth, was so shocked that he couldn't regain it, staring blankly at the vortex head on the dome that day.

That vortex was made by Poplar before. That's what he saw with his own eyes, but how is this possible?

That breath, he can feel that, compared with the ordinary Emperor Mirror, the power is almost the same, and it is still improving, there seems to be no limit, but the point is that Bai Yang only has Tianshi Mirror, OK?

When was the Tianshi Mirror stronger than the ordinary Emperor Mirror?

Although the world has never lacked a peerless genius to kill enemies, it is unacceptable when such a person really appears in front of him ...

And the problem is that the poplar's breath is no longer simply a high-level killing enemy. After all, people's so-called high-level killing are mostly based on their own secret treasures or special circumstances. As for poplar, this can be directly and stronger. Existence is hard!

"He seems to be from a small country called the Chen Dynasty. When did this country get out of monsters? The previous Lan Xin was powerful enough. He mastered the imperial soldiers and almost cut off an old true **** of mirrors with a sword. This time It ’s good, there is a more fierce one. Do I have to go to the Chen Dynasty to take a chance ... ”

Li Tao thought wildly, and then he looked at the surrounding sky and sky, and the sky and the sky were bright. Then there was another trace of evil in addition to the evil that was swallowed up directly from the ground?

Seeing this, Li Tao shook his body. He felt that if it continued like this, Poplar could really completely solve the problem of the evil gas disaster!

Thinking of the status of a monk of the Poplar Shinto, Li Tao is full of complexities. If he completely solves the evil disaster and rescues the endless life, after all, God has given great merit and even granted fruit!

God, another existence that has eclipsed countless geniuses in the world is about to appear. By then, the poplar will be as bright as the sky. I am afraid that 99% of his peers will lose their glory in front of him ...

Thinking of this, Li Tao's hate is not a taste, I am also very good, but now it is impossible to compare!

In the distance, the four towns that had been established around the restricted area at this time countless people looked up at the sky crows and silent. They no longer paid attention to the state of the evil dragon, and looked at the horror vortex.

The ever-rising horror of the inside made them tremble, what kind of monster would be born inside?

The whole world seemed very quiet, only that huge vortex kept devouring the infinite evil spirit.

Time passed by, and countless people watched, time passed day after day.

Until the eighth day when the vortex appeared, the infinite evil spirit was still rising, it seemed to rise forever without an end, but at noon that day, a crackling sound above the heavenly sky woke everyone up.

The white chains rising from the sky in the four towns seemed to have reached the end after locking the evil dragon for about half a time, and it broke and broke in the roar of the evil dragon!

The four chains broke and shattered, shining brightly.


The free evil dragon roared in the sky, and the substantial sound waves swept the square like water waves. Even the void was squeezed into a solid like glass by sound waves, and the interior was covered with cracks.

Breaking the shackles, the evil dragon couldn't wait to show its own existence, raised a claw of the demon flame, and pressed it towards a town below.

That city is exactly the town of Nanzhen that Poplar has visited. Originally, the city was big enough, but at this time there was not one claw of the evil dragon. It only needed one claw. There are hundreds of millions of souls in this city. Will be crushed into powder!

Hundreds of thousands of miles of evil dragons are too huge. They are composed of countless dragon veins. They absorb endless evil spirits. The horror is extremely extreme.

The breath of desperation is trembling and desperate. People who have personally experienced the forced breath of the Emperor Mirror Powerful True God Mirror feel that those existences may be easily torn in front of this evil dragon!

Although it can not be compared with the level of Heaven Emperor, I am afraid that it is not far off!

And now, this terrible evil dragon is beginning to show his side of destruction.

All the creatures in the town of Nanzhen are desperate, and there is no hope of life at all under the claws of evil dragons.

Li Tao was so far away that he was frightened and afraid to touch the evil dragon's brow. He could only watch as Nanzhencheng was about to be photographed as dust.

In that chaotic vortex, Lan Xin, who was standing behind Bai Yang, held the Emperor soldier and glanced over there. He was determined to rescue the people in the city. She could only give up with a sigh.

The poplar sitting with eyes closed seemed to feel something, his brows frowned, and he closed his eyes and spit out two words gently.

"Sin Beast!"

These two words were spoken very lightly from his mouth, but they could come out from the chaos vortex, but instantly filled the boundless world, like the words of heaven and earth shook the world.


Hundreds of thousands of miles of evil dragon roared, and his head looked towards the vortex, still he did not give up to break the city below to show his own existence.

In the chaotic vortex, a poplar popped a finger, and a little golden light flew out of the fingertips. That golden light flew out of the chaos vortex area, blooming an infinite amount of golden light, turning it into a huge golden lotus platform. Blossoming lotus shadow.

The eight grades of merit Jinlian, although Poplar is still the realm of Heavenly Master, but he has been able to fully motivate his power!

The golden lotus turned like a scorching sun, the merit of the merits of the golden light was not dazzling at all, and it passed in the air under the destructive claw of the evil dragon with the sacred and vast breath.

The evil dragon is too huge, although now the eight-pin merit golden lotus fully blooms in its strongest form, its size is barely the same as that of the evil dragon's claw.


A loud humming sound shook the world, and the merit Jinlian took the claw of the evil dragon, trembling violently, and even there were numerous cracks on it, as if it would collapse in the next moment.

The evil dragon is too powerful. Although the meritorious Jinlian still has no defense against the horrible power, although Jinlian is about to break, it is blocking the evil dragon's blow.

In addition, merit and golden light are also evil nemesis. The bloom of golden lotus on the lotus rises and melts the claw of the evil dragon.


The evil dragon growled again, extremely angry, and stretched out another paw to shoot golden lotus, trying to smash it.

The next moment, the eight-pin merit Jinlian shrank rapidly, turning into a small spot and flying back into the chaotic vortex.

The evil dragon roared, of course, quit, and went forward to chase him in the air. In the process, he took a breath and tried to devour evil spirits to repair the dragon claws that Jin Lian had almost `` burnt ''.

However, there was a gap between them, and all the evil spirits between heaven and earth went into the vortex of chaos. It also sucked wool.

In this way, the evil dragon is even more angry. The demon flame rushes directly toward the chaotic vortex, tearing it back to regain its evil spirit.

With evil spirits, it is comparable to immortality, and if the world is full of evil spirits, it is the strongest master among them!


In the vortex of chaos, Lan Xin looked at the rushing evil dragon with a tense call. The evil dragon was too scary, and they couldn't handle it at all.

Poplar still closed her eyes, but her brows frowned tightly, and he also felt that the evil dragon was not at all capable of confronting him, even though he was not afraid of the ordinary Emperor Mirror Power at this time.

If he is attacked by a evil dragon, he even feels that the chaotic vortex of the evolution of the innate Taiji gossip chart will be shredded!

Do you want to stop now? Once stopped, I am afraid that I can no longer have a second chance to fully breed Dragon Ball, and the evil spirit has not been wiped out.

However, if you do n’t stop, you ca n’t withstand the attack of the evil dragon. Although you have obtained great benefits, the biggest benefit has not been obtained yet ~ www.readwn.com ~ In the end, you can only lose it.

It's a matter of life and death and endless benefits. This is an extremely difficult choice.

There were millions of thoughts flashing in his mind for a moment, and Bai Yang couldn't make a decision, but the evil dragon with the fiery flames was very close to him.

"Stay in Qingshan without worrying about burning wood. Now I'm not an opponent of evil dragons. I can only come here, hey ..."

Facing the approaching evil dragon, Bai Yang sighed helplessly. No matter how great the benefit is, it is not as important as his own life. As long as he is alive, there is still hope.

I just hope that after giving up, there will be a stronger existence to destroy the evil spirit and even that evil dragon.


The evil dragon roared, and the horrible claw came toward this torn world. It was a real tear. The dragon claws of the rising dragon flames passed, and the void was torn into a black crack. The space All torn up by it!

As soon as he thought, Aspen would give up.

However, at this time, that had always occupied the highest place in his mind, and the fragment obtained from the blood lotus religion static dust storage ring had the first change.

It is still an unknown piece, small, bronze, and covered with countless complex and mysterious textures.

At this moment it trembled slightly in the poplar's mind. Outside, the space and time seemed to freeze, and everything became still.

At the next moment, the body of the evil dragon that was so incredibly fierce and burst into pieces, the broken body of the evil dragon turned into a surging and vast energy flowing towards the chaos vortex!

From the outside, the evil dragon rushed towards the poplar, and when it was about to tear up the vortex, it collapsed and was swallowed up, as if the poplar in the vortex killed the evil dragon and devoured it!

The shard was entangled in the poplar's knowledge of the sea, and after a gentle trembling, there was no movement, as if it had never moved ...

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