Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 974: Observer company

The awakening of the Huaxia Kazakh Psionicist is currently the world's 'first case', and it is happening in full view.

Although people have been arguing about this incident, it is not unacceptable that the whole world is changing.

After the man was secretly taken away by the Huaxia official, he appeared on an isolated island in the sea within a few hours. Here the heavy soldiers guarded the mosquitoes and went in and out silently.

When he came here, the guy who couldn't master his abilities was researched, blood drawn, tissues taken from him, saliva and sap, and so on.

Who made you the first case? Don't study who you study.

Not afraid to resist, unable to resist, a group of heavily armed soldiers around the muzzle facing the guy twenty-four hours later, he knelt down and called dad.

After being researched, he experienced another mental fatigue bombardment, which was mainly to extract all his information, to reveal it thoroughly, and to be instilled with endless patriotism. After that, only a team of experts will give him targeted Develop a method for training and mastering abilities, and finally assess the control of various ideas and abilities. Follow-up observations will be made. In short, the status is estimated to be there. Don't think about freedom.

Talent, the country needs you ...

Everything has its beginnings. After the first power man on the earth appeared, the awakening of various power people has sprung up like mushrooms over time.

The power is different from the strength of long-term practice, and it is also different from the mutation of genetic science. It is not that various technological weapons require long-term training and mastery. The awakening of power is itself a part of a person. Mastery, the secretiveness and destructiveness of abilities are quite amazing, so the situation becomes more and more chaotic after abilities appear one after another worldwide.

Those who have the ability to penetrate walls are free to enter and leave the bank vault, which is more convenient than entering their own home. Those who have stealth ability are engaged in killer careers, such as ghost harvesting life, and people with mimicry ability. It seems that sleeping other people's wives sits in other people's places to make some places suffocating, and the guy with more reading ability is dedicated to tapping other people's privacy and putting them online for fun.

This is a troubled world and a prosperous one. The emergence of all kinds of magical things has made the whole world move in an unknown direction.

The original order of the world is at stake in this chaotic situation. It seems that there is a danger of collapse at any time. Officials of various countries are in dire straits.

Plants are easy to deal with, no matter how long you chop them, they will be mutated and animals will be able to deal with them. No matter how strong they are, they ca n’t be beaten by guns and army siege. After all, magical objects are dead objects, so it ’s okay to hold them in your hands.

The key is people. Human thought is very complicated. Once you have strong force, you don't want to be restrained. Your inner desires will be released and you will do all kinds of things that disturb the order. One or two is fine. The large number not only makes it difficult to regulate but also causes chain reactions.

Every country is now facing the problem of world change. Where does such a complicated situation go?

Faced with the same problem, everyone has a common language. Under the leadership of several major power leaders, a secret meeting of hundreds of high-level officials held a secret meeting to discuss how to respond to the current situation.

After some comments and comments from you and me, countries reached consensus and signed agreements.

One: At present, no country can infringe on the territory of another country without the consent of other countries. If it violates, it will be subject to joint sanctions by all parties.

Two: The magical items, mutated plants and items appearing in the territories of various countries are owned by their own countries, and they have the right to handle it by themselves. Other countries cannot interfere with the snatch.

3: Mutant animals appear in various countries and regions. They must organize their own armed forces to eliminate them. They must ensure the stability and harmony of the society. If they cannot handle it, they can request support from other countries. The requested country must help unconditionally if it has the ability.

Fourth, and the most important point, for the emergence of psionicists and illegal elements with capabilities beyond the ordinary people in the world, the countries jointly set up a regulatory department to deal with it. This department has set up a research room to study how to deal with these powerful and Dangerous criminals!

In a word, the current severe and complicated world structure unifies the attitudes of countries around the world to cope with the current severe challenges.

Of course, that ’s what it says. It ’s just a paper agreement. On the surface, everyone obeys it. As for what secret means will be secretly known, the ghost knows that I do n’t admit that you bit me.

In fact, this is just a matter of farting and taking off pants. Everyone knows the reason. It is estimated that this is to seek the slightest comfort in the soul.

The meeting was over, and countries did what they said in the agreement, but the fact is that after a period of time, the situation has not only failed to improve but has become more severe.

The other is okay. The most important thing is the ability. The nations around the world suppress it. If there is oppression, there is resistance. Those abilities are suppressed and they unite to work together. What's more, it is difficult for a single person to deal with. Let alone a group? As a result, countries lifted stones and hit their own feet.

The departments that specialize in suppressing psionicists in various countries were turned down by the psionicists, and the fighters responsible for apprehending the psionicists were assassinated one after another, and even psionic groups jumped out and blatantly clamored the world. We play Our own, you have to see the pleasing to the eye, if you are not convinced, try to see who has the bigger fist.

There is no way to do this, it is impossible to fire a map cannon to deal with an ability? Are civilians still alive?

Even when the official officials of various countries are in a desperate situation, there is no way to get rid of them. Someone has successively found the leaders of various countries through various channels. They claim that they are from a company called the Observer and are looking for cooperation.

Cooperation? What cooperation? And where did your observer company come from?

Huaxia, the director of the ninth division Qiu Guorong personally received a person from the observer company.

Since this time, Qiu Guorong, as the ninth division chief, has to deal with too many magical events. His energy and hair are much grayer. Looking at the smiling young man across the office, he is tired and doesn't want to talk, which means I have limited time and you have something to say. Slippery.

Faced with some impatient Qiu Guorong, the staff of the observer company still smiled, took out a mobile phone-like device from the briefcase on the table and said, "The situation in our company will not be explained in detail. , This time to come to disturb, because our company has produced a product, this product should be able to solve your current problems, so come to seek cooperation matters "

"That's the thing? What's the function? How to solve our problem?" Qiu Guorong fiddled with the phone-like device.

The gadget in your hand is not a mobile phone. At least, the mobile phone does not have any functions. Qiu Guorong does not understand.

The staff member smiled: "Now all kinds of people with special skills in the world are committing crimes, which makes officials in various countries tired and unable to deal with effective solutions. Over 99% of criminals are still at large. , And this product is the nemesis of those criminals! "

There was some interest, Qiu Guorong sat straight and said: "Specifically"

"Our company found through market research that in fact, it is not those criminals with powerful military forces that suffer from strong military values. After all, the strongest military value can never reach the siege of the army, mainly those with powers. Their means are strange and difficult to arrest and deal with. The advent of the product indicates the end of the era in which they do what they want. The director please see that this product is not a mobile phone. It only has one function. It has a special wave radar scan for a range of one kilometer. Within this range, any abilities They will have nothing to do, and will be captured by the radar and fed back to the screen. In this way, you only need to send a special person to capture or kill. The director, you should know the meaning of this product better than me. We still have ten kilometers to choose from for this product. I want to seek cooperation with you. What's the matter with the Director? "

After listening to the introduction ~ www.readwn.com ~ Qiu Guorong was shocked, he stood up and said: "Really?"

"Our products have strict quality control and have undergone tens of thousands of professional tests to ensure that each product is as functional as the introduction, so the director does not have to doubt it. If the director is skeptical, he can take it Experiment with true and false, "the observer company's staff still said with a smile.

"Wait a minute, yes, give me the instructions ..."

Qiu Guorong couldn't wait to get up and say.

To Qiu Guorong, the staff of the observer company witnessed the other party left quietly.

There is an ability in the ninth place, and the test results come out quickly. Under the scan of this product, whether the ability is hidden in the ground or in the building, even if it is deformed, it will be clear as long as it is within the scanning range. Mark the distance and location, nothing to hide!

The fact that iron is the same makes Qiu Guorong have to believe the authenticity of this product. With this product, it can be said that the psionicist can no longer escape freely, scan to your location, directly sniper or bombard it. I'm in the mood!

The test time should not be too long. Qiu Guorong showed this product to dozens of experts and found that it was impossible to crack the copy in a short time. He could only temporarily abandon the product and return to the office. He looked at the company employee and asked: How do we work together? "

"The director wants to understand the function of this product. I do n’t want to say more than that. My company's cooperation means that we can provide you with this product without any money. You only need to provide us with what you want. "Observation company staff said.

"Specifically?" Qiu Guorong frowned.

"For example, the body tissues of powerful mutant animals, such as various mutated plant samples, such as some magical artifacts, etc ..." The staff of the observer company said the way of cooperation.

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