Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 986: It's better not to go too far

Turning slightly, Bai Yang looked at Chu Hao and asked, "Judging Tian Yinzong?"

It seems that it has long been known that Bai Yang will turn around, and Chu Hao laughed: "Yes, the prince of the Tianyin ancestors made a conspiracy intention. Although the violent rebels have been subjugated, there are still some arrests and they will face the world. Face to face and beheaded, the majesty of the royal family cannot be violated, and death must be touched. Nine ethnic groups must be connected to see it! "

Taking a deep look at Chu Hao, Bai Yang nodded and said, "I know, tomorrow is it? I'll go then, and leave first."

After speaking, Aspen and the cat disappeared after taking it to the sky.

Until the poplars disappeared completely, the relaxed expression on Chu Hao's face disappeared instantly, and I did not know when he was wet with cold sweat behind his back.

Facing Bai Yang, although the other party was in the same realm as himself, the heavy pressure almost made him breathless, and there was even a sense of powerlessness facing his father and emperor.

"I don't know if the emperor is doing this right or wrong ..." Chu Hao sighed, somehow annoyed.

After leaving 'Tian Yinzong', Bai Yang's face was calm, but it was terrifyingly calm. Shente just happened to judge Tian Yinzong's iniquity tomorrow. This is clearly for himself!

Several people came to a small town to find an inn, and Poplar frowned and thought about the countermeasures.

"Don't go, this is clearly a conspiracy against you," Qing He worried angrily.

Bai Yang sat down and frowned and said, "I know, if I was someone else, I wouldn't have to bother, but there must be Bai Yun in the person who will be judged tomorrow. For the time being, the senior's grievances will not be said. She is counted as me in this world. There are so many friends, I can't just watch her die! "

The kitten Lan Xin looked at each other and thought about it. The kitten said, "Master, have you thought about it, not to mention what you will encounter, even if you take the risk to rescue Bai Yun, will she appreciate it? After all Zhang Dongge died indirectly in our hands. The collapse of Tian Yinzong was also caused indirectly by us. If Chu Tianya wants to target the young master, these cannot be told without telling her. In this way, the young master went to rescue an instability. The factor can even be said to be the enemy, not worth it "

"If Bai Yun can be rescued, how will she react then, and whether to go or not is another attitude problem," Bai Yun shook her head.

After hearing this from Poplar, the kittens knew that Poplar was going with a heart, and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Seeing the silence of everyone, Bai Yang sighed and smiled, "You don't have to worry. There may be trouble here, but there will be no danger. Save Bai Yun, it's not that I am a bad person. She relied on her help to find a cure. Xin ’s attitude ca n’t just sit back and watch. There is revenge and revenge.

On the side, Lan Xin said with a smile: "I'm going too. Although I was in a state of confusion at the time, I can still remember it. She really wanted to help me. She was looking for a cure for me. That's why, even if the sword and fire are also Go for a break! "

"Since you are sure to go, you have to consider what will happen to Chu Tianya," Qinghe worried.

One person is short, and Bai Yang decides to listen to their opinions of the kittens, watching them and asking, "What do you think Chu Tianya would do?"

The kitten said: "Chu Tianya knows that the young master has endless potential, and he will definitely find ways to keep the young master. Bai Yun is just an inducement to attract the young master."

"Yes, even Chu Tianya will use Bai Yun as a condition. In Xianggong's hometown dialect, it is moral abduction for you to use for him. If the master does not care about Bai Yun's life and death, Chu Tianya's abacus can only be defeated, but the master does not want to. Seeing Bai Yunyan's death die, this gave Chu Tianya a lot of operating space, "Qing He analyzed from the side.

"That is to say, Chu Tianya used Bai Yun to force Bai Brother to pass by. If talk about collapse, Bai Yun will definitely die. At that time, Brother Bai will not be able to sit around and take action. In this way, Chu Tianya knows that Brother Bai cannot be used by him. Since he offends, he will go all out to get rid of Bai Xiong in order to prevent future troubles. Daguanghuang is home to Chu Tianya, and the situation is unfavorable. "Lan Xin frowned.

I want to know with my buttocks that the Emperor Guangguang can be called a sword and a sea of ​​fire, not to mention how powerful the array will be there, and how many masters, just at that position, Chu Tianya is in the strongest state, and the emperor's mirror is almost invincible. How to calm down? response?

After listening to their analysis, Poplar is also dignified, Chu Tianya is equivalent to giving Poplar a dead move!

The way to break the game is very simple. Regardless of Bai Yun's safety, Bai Yang didn't move to Chu Tianya, but can Bai Yang not go?

When he tapped his finger on the desktop gently, Bai Yang calmed down and said, "I'll see the tricks at that time. I've come all the way, directly and indirectly because I have less power to collapse? If Chu Tianya does too much, I don't Mind that this Daguang dynasty is history! "

When I heard Bai Yang ’s words that were originally light and light, the kittens and others were shocked. This is ready to play big, and they are against a huge dynasty. This courage, at least in the realm of Bai Yang, can be as few as the whole world. people?

Looking at the kittens with a horrified look, Bai Yang laughed: "Don't think too much, take a good night's rest, don't leave me too far tomorrow, I will send you back to the earth at any time to avoid the dangerous center"

"I want to stay!" Lan Xin slashed the railroad, taking her king Wang Xiuxiu as a soldier, and even the Emperor Jingqiang might not be without a fight!

"Good," Poplar nodded.

The kitten Qinghe looked at each other, nodded and knew that it would be better to listen to the poplar tomorrow, if left, it would become a burden.

The women went to their respective rooms to rest, and Bai Yang continued to think about the various situations tomorrow, and finally a sneer appeared on the face. Chu Tianya, you better not go too far!

Aside from the troubles in his mind, what room does Bai Yang consider next? To the kitten or to Qinghe?

In the end, Aspen didn't go anywhere and sat alone for one night. The kittens also knew that there was something important the next day and didn't bother Aspen.

The day after dawn, the group woke up and gathered together to set out for the Daguang Emperor Capital. No one knew when the trial would begin, and there was always nothing wrong in advance.

When leaving the checkout and heading to the Grand Emperor's Capital, the atmosphere was a little silent, and then Poplar looked at the **** baby in the kitten's arms and looked strangely, "What is the situation?"

At this moment, Yaya's little hand in the kitten's arms was holding an enlightenment book of Huaxia Kindergarten on the other side of the earth and looked reluctantly.

The kitten looked down at Yaya and explained: "In the young master's hometown, we found that Yaya's children are studying, so I think Yaya can't fall behind, so I bought her school supplies. Now Yaya will write a hundred simple Chinese characters. "

After listening to the kitten ’s explanation, Bai Yang deeply thought: “Yes, I will remember to let Yaya do her homework every day”

Yaya looked up at Bai Yang: "?????"

Suddenly I feel that my life is dark. I'm still a child who needs to feed. Do you have the heart to destroy me like this?

On the edge of the red ball, Meng Meng's big eyes looked at Yaya grinning and seemed to be gloating.

However, Poplar looked at the red ball and thought: "The red ball is also spiritual. In the future, I will study with Yaya so as to avoid communication difficulties."

Red Ball froze on the spot: "..."

Still this kind of operation? No delusion ...

When the distance is too long, there is a time to walk. After an hour, the poplars have seen the capital of the Daguang Dynasty.

Although I had been here last time, I was still shocked to see it again, especially that the golden light of the National Games was just a golden sea of ​​clouds, and the golden dragon of China's transport was dormant.

Standing in the distance and looking at the huge capital, Bai Yang felt a little depressed, as if a storm was waiting for himself.

"Let's go, no matter what Chu Tianya wants to do, I'll continue!"

Talking, Aspen and his entourage once again set foot on this male city.

The last time I came here was just a quick glance. This time, Bai Yang didn't have the mood to look at it with confidence. If, only if, once he and Chu Tianya had just got up, this male city didn't know what it would be destroyed into ~~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ The trial of Tian Yinzong's remaining evil has spread throughout the Daguang dynasty, and the location is not difficult to find. In the morning, countless people gathered in one direction.

It was a huge square that could not see at a glance, and it would not be crowded to accommodate hundreds of millions of people. Although the trial had not yet begun, the surrounding area was heavily guarded.

A wine was found near this square, and Bai Yang and others sat at the window and waited for the trial to begin.

As time passed, people gradually increased, and there seemed to be an air of destruction in the air, and the people who came together were subconsciously quiet.

While waiting, Lan Xin secretly suggested to Bai Yang Chuanyin: "Brother Bai, might as well say that it hasn't started yet, how about we go to the prison to rob Bai Yun?"

"If it's that simple," Bai Yang shook his head. It wouldn't be realistic at all. Chu Tianya thoughtfully attracted himself, wouldn't it be so easy for him to rob someone?

Lan Xin also felt unreliable, not to mention this stubble, looking towards the square, the imperial soldiers were in hand, and he was ready to fight at any time.

The waiting time seemed extraordinarily long. When the scorching sun was approaching the middle of the day, the drama began.

A large number of troops and officials flocked to the center of the square, where a high platform quickly rose.

However, at this time, a middle-aged man wearing a black robe and no need to come to Bai Yang and knocked on the door outside their private room.

The secret road in his heart began, and Poplar let him in.

The middle-aged man with no need for white stepped on the door of the private room and bowed his head with a sharp voice: "Mr. Bai, Your Majesty, please"

Chu Tianya knows his whereabouts and sends someone to ask Poplar to find it strange. If he does n’t even know this, how can Chu Tianya master this huge country?

Standing up, Bai Yang smiled and nodded at the other side, "Let's lead the way ..."

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