In the autumn, the main stream of the Prospero church could not just stare at the rapid expropriation of the monastery.

It was clear to everyone that the relationship with the church was going to deteriorate, but the next hand that the church struck shocked them.

- It took the form of a circular of proof of nullity of marriage addressed to Marguerite, the "Queen" of Australia and King Harold.

The grounds for invalidity shall be due to consanguinity.

Pope Prospero finally explicitly took a piece from Australia called the princess Marguerite of the pious Prosperous Nation.

"... shouldn't you be the one with the tag?"

He should have been able to prove the annulment of his marriage to Marguerite's homeland, Rotland, at any time.

However, it seemed that Harold had never let go of Marguerite because he had always combined diplomacy with other countries, so he had finally simmered his business.

Even the conservative forces left in Australian territory were puzzled about what Pope Prospero did this time.

In other words, in this case, even the motherland of Rotranto has made the choice of cutting off the princess Marguerite of his country.

Conservative aristocracy who are now living in a small country.

They were abandoned and distanced by their own country.

"... did Rotrant let the Pope turn his hand and cut you?"

"No, somehow close to the dictatorship of the Pontifical Council."

Even after the spindle of the faction collapsed and their concentration was greatly reduced, they were in a situation where the absolute number itself was kept and smoked slowly.

"But I don't suppose Rotrant would be strong enough to protect Marguerite in this matter.In spite of Marguerite's isolation and confinement, this country will not finally provide any financial assistance. "

They were close to the opportunistic faction among the conservative factions that did not follow Marguerite's previous coup d 'état.

The cowardly and lofty self-preserving nobles remained after the loss of the radical faction.

― ― Or cunning and knowing the usefulness of reading and waiting, it can also be said to be an extended life specialization faction.

"Or perhaps the intentions of another Prosperous country are at stake."

"Another country?"

"... after you abandon Marguerite, you may be planning to send another young princess from Prosperous country to Japan.Even though Queen Kasha stands now as queen, some northern countries that do not know about Australian affairs see her as a loving concubine who can easily be pushed away, such as an indigenous concubine. "

Although Australian power is in the oblique sun in comparison to its peak season, it is still a great power from the continental countries.

Naturally, there are many people who find taste in diplomatic marriages between royalties and the establishment of blood connections.

However, the plans of those continental countries were nothing but annoying to the conservative aristocracy in the country.

"--oh, my God, you did so much extra."

They feared that the Prospero Church and Rotrant would give His Majesty a solemn opportunity by showing flashy moves here.

"Don't be silly.... it doesn't make any more sense now."

Your Majesty will not accept your friendship with the young princesses of the continental countries.

"Your Majesty no longer relies on Prince Louis, the only son you have ever had."

"Now that your eyes are completely facing south, I don't think you want a son with a new queen to welcome you from every continental country."

"Before Prince Louis was born, or just after he was born.The national policy has been completely decided in the last couple of years. "

Yes, they are totally determined to be quiet about the status quo, which is a bad idea of the papal administration's policy.

Because Your Majesty's policy toward the traditional conservative class was mostly moderate and calm.In the current Australian context, the tightening on conservatives was not as strong in itself.

Indeed, with the rise of southern Taisho and the emerging aristocracy in the north, their seats have been gradually reduced, but the way in which their vested interests were divided was not so radical a reform as they felt they could not bear.

Conservatives were initially indifferent to Treasury Board and Treasury Advisory Board trends.

Even though the queen was somehow inclined to pay the gold account and employed officials of the family in the department, she still greatly underestimated its usefulness with some contempt in her heart.

Regarding the conversion issue, which was a matter of concern, if you open the lid, the new Austrian National Church doctrine was no different from the traditional proselytism.

Well, the monasteries that conveniently encountered the rise of the territory may not have accumulated, but the conservative aristocracy simply switched to the new national church, and it seemed good to survive this predicament through the state of sight.

They weren't so confident originally.

"Anyway, now we have to put up with it and lie down."

"Your Majesty should not be alarmed by the revelation of hostility."

What they found next was rather a policy after Prince Louis' climb became the established route.

Fortunately, Prince Louis, a line of request from His Majesty and the southern faction, has been dull and dull for the time being as heirs.

In Prince Louis' place, there will always be a breakdown somewhere in the system.

(― Will it be necessary to control the south by, for example, targeting the princess of the conservative powers to forgive Prince Louis?)

(--To do that, the black-haired queen is in the way)

(--or let them be alarmed that they are taking such a gentle tuning route, and it is time to decide to assassinate the prince at once)

They held their voices down and talked to each other.In the country under the circumstances, we should not have spoken so much, nor should we have spoken in an attitude.

"How will His Majesty respond to this?"

"Well, you won't do anything about it.Wouldn't the Empress Wang turn her hand to her neighbor and let her disappear before the affair is publicly lifted? "

The Queen Dowager will do well to get around.

But the conservative aristocracy who thought so much became skeptical of diplomatic tactics that were already dependent on the elderly Queen Dowager.

The time will come when the Empress will no longer be able to rely on her diplomatic strength, but where will this country be placed in the spindle of diplomacy at that time?

The biggest problem is that the current King Harold himself has not established significant interaction with the continental countries.

However, it is not a matter of his personal qualities, but it is a problem originally caused by the fact that he is not the real child of the Empress, so I wonder what we can do about it where we also knew.

"- Well then, hey, don't let the Northern Territory loosen up."

His Majesty's eyes clearly point south.In the meantime, it is not the Northern countries that are silently staring at Australian backs.

"Around the flying territory in the north..."

"It's not a rare thing to say."

Even now, it was a well-known fact that there was a stink near the mountain's deep northern border.

Borders bordering other countries are often prone to clashes and skirmishes, and the potential dangers of war always follow.

Austaria, of course, is not exemplified by many countries, and continues to harbour seeds both north and south.

"Your Majesty, you've got enemies everywhere."

However, no matter how sloping the country is, it is the "conservatives" who are going to hang on to power and suck on sweet honey until the last day of decay.

For them, the responsibility for steering national policy was, after all, other personnel.

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