Sergio, driven by the seniority ceremony, also lived busy days.

The date of Prince Louis' ritual was set for the auspicious day immediately after the spring of the year.

However, Sergio and the others did everything in their power, starting early in the year with the events and venues at the front square of the Royal Palace.

I also wanted Her Highness to attend a meeting to set up the stage.

You're working fast.

The light girlfriend responded quickly, but she was still laughed at.

"When snow piles up in the square, it's difficult to set up the stage."

This ceremony is almost the first large-scale event to take place here at the Erieral Palace, and Sergio's close associates have to be careful.

The schedule on the day of the ceremony was busy and really didn't allow prediction.

--- In the morning, only a limited number of guests will be invited to perform the baptism of Prince Louis in the royal chapel, which is located behind the royal palace.

Most of the time, as is the case with baptism rituals, it will be a strict and secret religious ritual.

But after noon, Prince Louis will come to the splendid and grand recasting ceremony in this front square.

"At the height of this stage, I wonder if Louis looks far away."

Shall I make it a little higher?

"Yes, or can Louis just set up another platform?"

On the stage temporarily assembled in the square, Her Royal Highness could not spare any time to ascertain the details.

We will fill in details such as setting the stage for the ceremony, confirming the seating of nobles and foreign envoys, and determining the flow line for entry and exit.

"What colours can Her Highness wear?"

"I think I can wear a black or white dress.I'm letting Louis make the same scarlet costume as His Majesty. "

There can no longer be any doubt that the substantive star of this ceremony is Prince Louis' biological mother.However, he seemed to think only in the direction of setting up a prince and a majesty.

"White is also the color of priests and flags, so black may be better.The cloth on the stage will not be covered with precious scarlet colors or Her Highness's costume. "

"I'll work with the costumers as soon as possible."

When the person comes out, you can talk as soon as you can.

During the detailed meeting, she was quite nervous about the appearance of the ceremony.

Aristocrats and foreign envoy seats are given priority in the distance from the stage to the words spoken by the Kings and Bishops.

However, there were adjustments in the direction of allowing the general public to enter from Vauela and surrounding areas to surround the front square.

In other words, the day of the inauguration will be the first time that Prince Louis will be seen in the eyes of the people.

"The attention of ordinary people is also increasing.After all, it is the first sight of His Majesty the King of the Future, who will determine the future of the country. "

Sometimes the young prince had few opportunities for public events to show his appearance, and his expectations were rising above expectations.

At dawn this winter, there will soon be an influx of people into the King's City to see the prince at a glance from the nearby cities.

She had a subtle look at it.

"I wonder if the information is traveling correctly.Suddenly a three-year-old comes out on foot with that touch, and doesn't it applaud? "

Shall I distribute pictures in advance?

A spring-born prince should be as old as four by the time of the ceremony, but that doesn't mean his child will grow dramatically in a few months.

"That sounds like a good idea.It's going to be a good practice to keep Louis sitting while the painter paints. "

Sergio was, in fact, a little worried about Her Highness until she came face-to-face.

... there will still be some aftershocks around Her Highness in the incident with the Siena Monastery the other day.

Her Highness is killing one of the guard knights in that incident.

As usual, she praised the loyalty of the knight who had died in the line of duty, and offered generous compensation to the knight's survivors, but as far as the solemn post-processing procedures were concerned, she could not find out to her heart.

The Guard Knight has a fairly close side.

I'm not someone who doesn't think anything about losing such a subordinate.

Her Highness seemed to care about the incident, and during the meeting she cared about Sergio and talked to me.

"... how's Paola? I'm glad she's recovering."

"Thank you for your concern.It was good to have you back in the palace. "

The effects of the incident also remained around Sergio.

The maid with whom Her Highness was taking him that day was his wife, Paola.

Paola herself was somehow intact, but she spent some time frustrated as she witnessed the assassination of the Guard Knight near her.

"Paola seems to regret having lost consciousness on the spot.Tell him not to worry.If I had been with brave maids that day, the maid would have been killed first. "

Paola was saved because she fainted instantly.

If you were shouting at your husband to let him know about the anomaly, he would have been killed.

"... but as my wife herself says, I'm sure she played a pathetic frustration as a woman."

"It's okay because you saved me because of the meltdown.It's not my job to train a girl to feel better when she sees blood. "

But she sees Paola's failure as lucky.

Her Highness was originally a big man, but after she said so brightly, she lowered her voice so that it could only be heard by nearby people.

"... with minimal sacrifice."

From those words, Sergio realized that she understood the truth about a matter with the Siena Monastery.

In other words, this time it was a ploy devised by the Shinkoku Church and His Majesty.

"I'm really glad Paola is safe. For you."

--Use the queen as a scapegoat.

Due to the nature of the heresy inquiry, it is difficult to predict a situation that would endanger the queen's life on the spot, but this is not the case even for the subordinates with their sides.

Sergio, of course, knew the possibility beforehand, as a close associate of His Majesty.

As far as I knew, I had no choice but to say... even if that ploy had led to the murder of Her Royal Highness' wife, Paola, I would have been convinced that that was her job.

In fact, the Guard Knight is dead, and Her Highness would not have blamed Her Majesty for that, even if her maid had been killed on the spot.

The lives of individuals who serve are not necessarily heavy before the political landscape becomes entangled.In this case, the behavior of Her Royal Highness was exemplary in that sense, a situation that should be considered separately and rationally.

"Your Majesty may not have told you anything about Paola."

She's right.

--The necessary sacrifice.

I swear to God that Sergio's loyalty will not be shaken by that.

"... yeah"

However, Her Highness waited for Sergio's weak reply and smiled bitterly.

"But I'm sure he can't say it.It's not that I don't care, but if I care about you like that, who cares how many people have to do the same? "

Your Majesty would have responded faithfully and sincerely if Paola had died in this incident.

But Sergio knows that he can't say "I'm glad my wife is safe."

"I could say as much to you as I do to you."

Her Royal Highness shook her shoulders.

Cerhio thought it was true and smiled a little with her.

"Haha... can I say that?"

I know, but the feeling that even if it was just a word, it would be forgiven by the other princess - his wife - somehow reassured Sergio in a place that could not be translated well.

"I'm sneaking around. Because this is a bad word."

That's how she pretends to be blatant, and in fact she's careful.

Her appearance was already completely flat.

No, not to mention this time of year, she might have thought about people's minds.

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